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Arranged Marriage Mafia: A Dark Italian Novel (Mafia Romance Book 1)

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by Madison Klien

  Then he dropped a bomb on her; he asked her if she was ready to kill for her freedom. Carmela was dumbfounded and shocked at the same time. Her mouth was opened wide for a minute.

  She held onto her thought and hoped he was pulling and expensive joke but it would seem he was serious. She did not know what to say or do as she was left in a state of her own unable to speak. Salvatore stood up from his chair and strode from his usual corner in the room to towards Carmela.

  The office looked similar to Carmela's room but the only difference was the absence of a bed. However, the office had its unique features. It had sturdy bookshelves that lined the walls as the expensive wood desk is placed in the middle of them, closer to the window. Carmela’s office had window which she could use to view the outside world. It had a beautiful rug that covers the hardwood floors and protects the floor from the heavy filing cabinet. There is a cash machine on a long wood table which she makes use of when she started handling cash and going to the bank. She had a paper shredder which she requested for to work it. The office was style in the 80’s settings. It smelled of paper and oil perfume. He walked towards her desk with his eyes fixed on her. Then he gives her a sweet and confident smile as though she had accepted to do what he wanted. Perhaps, he believed she would do anything and he felt more confident about this.

  More deliberately this time, he asks, “Would you kill for me? Would you kill for me to earn your freedom?” Carmela couldn't help but wonder why Salvatore could not kill the person through the use of hired guns. Why would he want a fragile woman to carry out this job? She had no answers as she could not think of any.

  “If you do this for me, I will ensure your freedom and safety. You won't have to look over your shoulder anymore or worry that the mafia would want their pound of flesh. I will ensure you have no ties with the mafia. You will have your full freedom.”

  This seemed impossible and suddenly she began to see through his objective. The only way this could be done is if Don Vito was no longer in the picture. She thought deeply until she was interrupted by Salvatore.

  Then he said to her, “If you can kill my family, I will make your desires come true. I'll have all the power to make it happen and level you up if you choose to do this for me.” This was their safe place and she knew whatever they talked about was confidential.

  Carmela never saw herself as a killer but desperate time’s calls for desperate measures. Her hand was squeezing unto a paper that made ruffled sounds. Soon she realises what she was doing and stops. Her thought was she could be doing something she never thought she would ever do. Taking a life would be very difficult but freedom was the price to be earned. All she had to do was kill his family, but who exactly? She had no idea, Salvatore did not give her enough information going forward. She was yet to verbally agree to this but from her body language Salvatore could tell that she was down for this. She could sense the desperation in her ever since she told him of her deepest desires for freedom. He needed to use her desperation for both of them to benefit from this endeavour. Salvatore walked away while leaving her at the bridge of choices and decisions. The following day while she was taken a walk in the house, Carmela would run into a face. A member of the Agresti family. She ran into Matteo who does not approve of her. He considers her weak and not worthy to be part of their family. Everyone knew he disliked Carmela but she could not understand why he did. Matteo always suspected Carmela? He believed she was up to something and Carmela often feared that he could ruin her plan to escape. Everyone in the mafia had no issues with him except for Matteo. He often insisted openly that she cannot be trusted especially with their books. He saw through Carmela that she could be a threat. He had no idea of her end game but he always had one eye on her. Carmela felt uncomfortable at the house whenever he was around. She had to deal with and keep up appearance every day while watching over her shoulder from slipping because of Salvatore’s younger brother.

  Mateo Agresti is more feared than his brother. He was ruthless in the field and he got things done for the mafia through intimidation, killing, blackmailing and bribes. He had several high stakes official in his pocket that gave the mafia an edge. Often times the men in the mafia preferred Matteo’s leadership to Salvatore. They believed Matteo was the true hire to the empire although he was year younger. There were other factions that wanted Salvatore. These brothers act like mortal enemies which made them grow stringer independently trying to outdo each other in everything and in every other manner.

  Matteo keeping tabs on Carmela was trouble and now that he had returned from his long trip for the mafia, he was going to be around for a very long time.

  He said to Carmela when he ran into her in the hallway, “I have got my eyes on you. I will find out what you are up to soon enough and my father will know I was right about you all along. You may have fooled my mother, my stupid and naïve brother including my father and everyone else around but you haven’t fooled me. I see through you and I am never wrong. Watch out for me. I am coming to you.”

  As he was about to tell the situation of her father and what happened to him, a voice came from behind of Carmela. It was Salvatore. He said to her, “I hope he is not bothering you in any way.”

  Before she replied Matteo jumped in and said, “I was just congratulating your wife to be,” with a fake smile and grin. “Welcome to the Agresti family. I should be on my way brother. See you around, Carmela.” Then he left.

  Carmela was speechless but Salvatore was there to comfort her and told her not to be worried or get bothered by whatever his brother says. “He is a pain and he causes trouble everywhere. Come with me,” he says to Carmela and they both continued together to have dinner that night.


  Salvatore and Carmela's relationship continued to grow like a tree. They were solid and deep for one another like taproots. Carmela never thought she would be fond of him. But here she was with the son of the man that made her a prisoner. She was fond of the first son of the Agresti family. The same family that is responsible for the fate of her father. She had been at the house for months yet no one ever mentioned or said anything about her father and she dared not ask about him. Salvatore often gave her gifts. He gave her different kinds such as clothes, flowers and more.

  Salvatore's brother who was mostly in the field did not like seeing them together. Matteo and Salvatore did not get along very well. Since they were kids, they had always been rivals. Their sibling rivalry grew till they were old. Although the difference between them in age is one year gap, oftentimes they were mostly seen as twins to outsiders. Salvatore hated this while growing up. Matteo was more involved in the mafia work and he was also a hitman for the mafia. He had a height advantage when fighting because he is 6 ft tall. Like his mother, he had olive skin and his countenance was as though that of a man that was frustrated. They both had a grudge that no one could identify the real cause of it. They were both set on a path that could bring an end to either one of them when given the chance.

  Matteo never liked Carmela. He doesn't think she is worthy to be part of the mafia. He believes she is weak and he made this known to Salvatore who got angry at him for saying such words about her. Salvatore knows his brother very well and he knows how to get him without being noticed.

  Salvatore and Carmela's relationship continued to grow. Carmela never thought she would be fond of him. But here she was with the son of the man that made her a prisoner. Salvatore often gave her gifts. He gave her different kinds such as clothes, flowers and more.

  He had a simple and well thought out plan and he was going to use Carmela to make this happen. No one would suspect foul play. He bought Carmela a gift which was wrapped in a huge red box with white ribbons. She opens it up revealing a beautiful pair of gloves. “Wow! These are lovely. Thank you, Salvatore,” and she openly embraces him.

  “I want you to wear these gloves every time you go out. There are enough gloves in the box that you could change into match your clothing.”

sp; “Thank you once again,” Carmela thanked him gladly.

  Don Vito heard about the gift of the beautiful gloves Salvatore gave his soon to be blushing bride and thought they were merely a gift from the heart. But he never questioned the intention.

  Carmela was eluded of the intentions Salvatore had about the gloves. Salvatore's plans were already in motion. Matteo was keeping tabs on Carmela which gave Salvatore the chance to move discretely with his plans. He knew where Matteo kept his weapons. He knew their location and how to access them. Salvatore stole his brothers favourite gun and held unto it until he had alone time with Carmela at night.

  Carmela expected him that night as she always does. He came in and sat on his favourite chair in the room while he fluffed some smoke and let out some smoke ring in the process. She had a feeling about Salvatore tonight but what was it? Salvatore went straight to her and present the weapon.

  “A gun!” Carmela exclaimed but silently.

  “Do you want your freedom or not?” Salvatore responded. “There is a price for everything and this is your key to it. But first, you need to wear your gloves before you ever touch this weapon.”

  Carmela now got a clear perspective to why he got her the gift. She collected the gun and hid it somewhere safe.

  No one was searching for her or monitoring her except for Matteo who got his eyes on her. Carmela had been going to the banks by herself and running personal errands. She had gained the trust of the mafia but she needed a clean escape from them. She could go out by herself anywhere she wanted. It would seem she had freedom but what she had was an illusion of freedom.

  Salvatore says to her again, “Remember to wear your glove at all times when you are handling this weapon.” She nods her head in acknowledgement. She knew not who owned the weapon and she never bothered to ask about it.

  Then she asked him, “What am I to do with this weapon? Protect myself or …”

  “Or you are going to use this to earn your freedom Salvatore,” he completed her sentence. “You are going to kill Maria.”

  “What! No! It can’t be her. Why her?”

  “That’s not important,” Salvatore says. “The important thing is that you will do it.” He broke down the plans for her and how to go about it. Carmela could not believe what she was about to do. “What you have to do is follow Maria and shoot her. Get away from the scene and return the weapon to me. Can you do that?” Carmela nodded again in agreement. “You can do this,” he continued to encourage her. “Do not think about it too much? Don’t panic, okay. You can handle a gun, right?”

  “Yes, I can,” Carmela responded.

  Her father used to take her to the shooting range when she was younger. She knew how to handle a gun and she has a very good aim when it comes to shooting. The mafia and no one else knew about this and so she would never be a suspect to any murder involving a shooting if an investigation were to be carried out. Carmela needed some time to process this. This would be her first killing. She had never killed anyone and moreso she was asked to kill Maria.

  Carmela could only think of why Salvatore wanted Maria dead. She thought he wanted Don Vito dead, but Maria? It broke her heart. She knew what she had to do, when and where it would take place. Maria was the only person that first cared for her and was her only friend. She was there when she was down. She had a gun in her hand and was set to kill her.

  The day came after a week of planning and the schedule was in order. Maria went to the salon while Carmela went to the bank. They both left separately at different time intervals. Carmela had to be quick with are back runs so that she could drive over to where Maria was doing her hair.

  She had the gun and was hyperventilating. She later controlled her breathing by taking in deep breaths to stabilise.

  Carmela began to cry in her heart. Maria was everything to her. She helped her in transitioning into this new life and she showed her unmatched kindness.

  Carmela and Salvatore were also scheduled for lunch at a restaurant in the city close by. Salvatore was already at the restaurant waiting for Carmela. Carmela was outside of the Salon anticipating Maria to come out. A few moments later, Maria comes out looking happy. The timing was perfect as it was not so long she had left the bank and some few minutes that Maria was done at the salon.

  The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Carmela looks over the frame of her designer sunglasses and watches Maria walk towards her car, currently parked in a parking lot, towards Carmela. Carmela’s breathing staggers as her heart races, her hands sweaty in the gloves. She can hear Maria’s heels click, the sound getting louder as she approaches the car. When Carmela feels she’s close enough, she climbs out of the car; the gun tucked away in her trench coat pocket. Maria sees her future daughter-in-law and smiles, ready to say hello. Her face was as bright as the sun with her cheerful heart being excited to see Carmela. But before Maria could get any closer, as though it was second nature. Carmela pulls the gun out and presses on the trigger with a drop of tears rolling down her cheek with what she had done. The gun kicks back and Carmela watches Maria fall to the ground as the bullet hit her. Her sunglasses had fallen off her head. The sound of the gunshot echoed. Carmela rushes back to her car and does her best to calmly drive away as though nothing had just happened. She used her rare mirror and saw Maria's lifeless body. There was no going back. She had done the unthinkable. She focused on the road as she went to meet up with Salvatore.

  The body was left out in the open to be easily discovered. Carmela arrived at the restaurant to meet up with Salvatore discretely without drawing any suspicion. “Is it done?” he asked her. She nodded to affirm that it was done. Carmela was shaken-up by this but Salvatore was with her to calm her nerves. She slipped the weapon to him in a cloth wrapped like a gift. They both had lunch together as though nothing had happened before returning to the house. When they arrived there was no news or report about Maria. Salvatore went ahead to return the weapon where he found it. It was nightfall and Maria had not returned to the house. This got everyone but Carmela and Salvatore worried as they both knew what had happened. Don Vito thought a rival gang had gotten to her and perhaps they will demand a ransom. A team of search party was put together to find his wife but they all returned with no positive information.

  Later the next day, the news of her death was everywhere and Don Vito was very angry. He vowed to kill anyone who was responsible for her death even if it was family. He never goes against his word. He adored Maria more than anyone else. He was thirsty for blood and revenge. That next evening, after the news struck the core of the mafia and Don Vito's heart, mistrust and allegations spread through the ranks like wildfire. But thanks to inside contacts within the local police, Don Vito was able to get some information on the killing. Carmela sat in her room, unable to sleep. She was scared that it could come back to bite her.

  “What have I done?” she said speaking to herself.

  Suddenly, she hears a knock on her door that scared her. Salvatore let himself into the room and walks into her bedroom with blood on his shirt. Carmela jumps from the bed and rushes over to him, immediately looking to see if he's hurt. But rather he grabbed her and kissed her instead. Carmela did not understand what was going on. “What happened?” she asked him.

  “Matteo is dead!” Carmela was shocked at the news.

  “How did they get to him?” she asked.

  “No one got to him. My father killed him. The murder weapon belongs to Matteo. I stole it to set him up. The bullet found was registered to the murder weapon belonging to my brother. My father found out as I expected he would and so he killed him.” Salvatore smiled as he told her. Carmela did not know how to feel. She was indifferent.

  “I keep to my words. I am a man of my words,” Salvatore said to her. “From tomorrow, you will be free.”

  Carmela could not understand how this could be possible. She had questions but Salvatore told her to save it for later. He let himself out of the room and closed the door behind him. Everything wa
s happening too fast. Freedom was just a day away and she looked forward to seeing the light of a new day.

  ACT 3


  With two members of the Agresti family dead, it was truly a dark time in the household. The mafia were shaken up by the tragic event as if things couldn’t get any uglier. They had no one to suspect especially since the death of Matteo. Don Vito killing his son sent a deep message to the entire mafia that no one is above his punishment. Fear loomed over the mafia along with darkness and mourning. Everyone loved Maria, she was a gentle and sweet soul that looked out on the best of others.

  Killing Maria broke something in Carmela. She felt damage as though she lost a part of her humanity. But she had agreed to help Salvatore kill his family. Salvatore was the only one who knew about Carmela’s skills with the gun. She looked frail as though she was not capable of hurting a fly. It was the impression that people often had when they meet with her. She knew people saw her as weak but her father brought her up to be a strong and independent woman.

  Being isolated and the false prison created a strong resolve in her that she longed seek for revenge. When the opportunity showed up her subconscious kicked into auto drive and she began to take in every opportunity she had to get back at the mafia. Maria was a huge collateral damage for her goal. Killing Maria created a ripple effect that opened up an opportunity to get closer to Don Vito who was not in a pleasant mood and wanted to be left alone. The mafia took everything from her and she was determined to get back at them somehow for everything they took from her. Her father was her only family yet they could not give her the privilege to bid him a proper welfare even at death. They never gave her the information she needed. When she asked about her father, she was told it was disrespectful. That statement was distasteful to her and she hated it. She hated being told what to do and what to say. It took so long but she was happy to see how it played out.


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