Tug of War (Legacy Book 5)

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Tug of War (Legacy Book 5) Page 18

by Rain Carrington

  For a split second, Diego thought about the upholstery, but that didn’t last. He was shooting his load without touching his dick, a feat he’d never done before in his life, and Gary was right on his heels, coming inside him.

  They both collapsed to the floor as Diego tried to catch his breath, Gary huffing like he’d just blown up a hot air balloon all by himself.

  “Fuck! Gary, what the hell got into you?”

  “I got into you, if I remember correctly.”

  Diego laughed and lay over on his shoulder. “Fucking amazing. I’m not going to walk right for a week.”

  “You think we’re done? Baby, I’m just getting started. Now we can go to the bedroom.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was three days before he could catch up to Tommy, and that didn’t sit well with him. Gary asked Javi and Daniel about it, but Javi simply shrugged and Daniel lied, telling him that Tommy was busy doing things for the family.

  He decided to find out one his own. He woke up at five in the morning, not his favorite time of the day, and waited in the alley behind some trees as Tommy drove up and waited for Daniel.

  That was their new thing, he’d pull up, and Daniel would run out to the car, and they’d be gone before Gary so much as thought about getting out of bed. Then, late into the night, Daniel would come home, and his own mind was crazy, thinking things he shouldn’t until he finally confronted Javi about it, asking if he, like Gary, thought something was going on between them.

  “I can say with no reservation whatsoever that nothing is going on between them.”

  “Then what the fuck is going on? Half the time I call it goes to voicemail and when I do get him, he barely says a word to me. Says he’s too tired to talk, that he’ll see me soon.”

  Javi slapped him on the arm and promised, “And you will, my friend. You will. Be openminded when you do.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means I’m sworn to secrecy, by my man, and I’m not going against Daniel. He’d fucking kill me, maybe literally, so have some patience for once in your life.”

  Well, his patience was gone. He came out of the bushes that morning and got into the car while Tommy was waiting for Daniel, surprising him.

  “Hey! What are you doing up so early?”

  “Waiting for you! What the fuck is going on, Tommy, and don’t give me the shit you have been giving me, you’re busy with Daniel on some fucking project. Talk to me! Did I do something, did Diego and I do something to piss you off?”

  Tommy’s head dropped and he admitted, “I saw you, the other day, at Diego’s house. I saw the two of you going at it.”

  It hit him in the chest like a fist. “Oh.”

  “I’m not mad, but I need to do something that makes me less, weird about it. I can’t tell you what right now. Trust me?”

  Trust? Was it possible, being that the first thing that came to his mind was that Tommy was getting over seeing him and Diego together by fucking someone else?

  “Of course, I trust you, but that doesn’t take care of all of it. Why didn’t you just come in?”

  Tommy shook his head then jerked it toward the passenger door. “Daniel’s coming. We’ll talk soon, okay?”

  He was more pissed off than he ever remembered being, and when he got out of the car, and Daniel greeted him, he had to remember that the guy was his best friend’s partner or he may have beaten him to death on the spot.

  He drove like a bat out of hell to Diego’s house, and saw he wasn’t the only one up with the roosters. Diego opened his backdoor and kissed him, bringing him into those understanding and welcoming arms. “Did you talk to him?”

  “It did no good. The only thing I found out is that he saw us the other day, when I came over here and fucked you.”

  Diego pulled back, groaning. “Shit.” He pulled Gary to the table and had him sit, then he brought over his carafe and poured them each a cup of coffee. “I should have known.”

  “You know it’s bullshit, right? Does he really expect all of our sex to be together, the three of us? What kind of shit is that? We’ve got to be able to be together, just us. We are the new ones to this relationship.”

  “I know. Believe me, I need the time with you. And I love it, the two of us alone, just like I love the time with Tommy alone. Does that bother you, thinking of Tommy and I having our own time?”

  “No. It did when I wasn’t with you, but now, no! I want you two to be happy. Fuck, man, if he expects that, that we can’t touch each other without him involved, we are going to have to rethink this whole thing.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Gary. See, thinking back on our time in Mexico, once I could get past the luscious memories of us making love for days upon days—”

  “How could you get past that?” He teased, laughing.

  “It wasn’t easy. It was truly the best time in my entire life.”

  Gary could sincerely say, “Mine too. Like I was finally home.”

  Diego took his hand across the table and confided, “Well, when I thought about it, how Tommy and I had to be devious to lasso our beautiful third, I thought, hey? Why not do the same thing to lasso Tommy?”

  Gary stared at him, not comprehending for a moment, then it dawned on him. “You followed him?”

  “Close.” From the pocket of his robe, he took his phone and after swiping at the screen a few times, he handed it over to Gary.

  Gary saw the blipping green circle in the center of lines that represented the streets of Trinidad. “I’ll be fucked! You stuck a GPS on his car?”

  “Yes, I sneaked over last night, late, after he’d returned home and set it up. Now, we just wait until they finally stop and we go see what the fuck they’ve been up to.”

  “Javi says he is sure they’re not fucking, but they got history. They’re best friends now, and best friends sometimes fuck. You’ll have to keep me from killing that fucking kid. Both of them!”

  “I doubt that is what’s going on, but you may have to stop me from killing them if I’m wrong.”

  After Diego got regrettably dressed, they took the truck Javi had lent Gary and followed the signal, which had stopped on the outskirts of town. Sneaking up wouldn’t be easy, as it was the beginning of the prairie and all there was to hide them were small hills and very few trees.

  Heading down some barely maintained roads, Gary’s eyes were peeled for any signs of Tommy’s car. “Where the fuck is this?”

  “It’s a subdivision of the city. Five to fifteen acre plots to build homes. I thought about building mine when I first came but decided against it. It would have taken too much time.”

  Diego pointed to the signs at the fork they came to and told him, “Here, it’s on Hillcrest, I’m sure of it.”

  “Fucking Tommy. I’m going to beat his ass.”

  “For what? Being freaked out, Gary? He had the both of us, loved us both first. Is it terrible he felt a little territorial? I would. You would. We’re just beginning to navigate this uncommon—”

  “If you don’t shut up with that logic shit while I’m in the middle of this fury, I’m going to break your neck.”

  Diego tittered a laugh and pointed ahead of them. “There, that has to be the last house on this road. I don’t see the car, though.”

  “Hiding it in the back? Tell me that’s not fucking suspicious now, Diego! Tell me!”

  “Okay, it’s suspicious.”

  They parked a quarter mile from the house and Gary was seething. “We go in there and confront him and whoever the fuck it is.”

  “We can’t go in there gangbusters and hurt people. Can’t we try to have some finesse?”

  “I don’t do finesse, college boy.”

  “We’re back to our pet names, again? Great. If he has dumped us, that goes to show how we’d get along without him.”

  The thought pierced his heart and he could barely breathe. “What if he has? Could you and I…would you still want me?”

ary, I’ll always want you, but my fear is without Tommy to cool your fire and warm my ice, we’d come together and all that we’d make is a lot of steam. Steam evaporates pretty fast. It would likely kill me. I’ve invested my heart into the two of you. That doesn’t come easily for either of us.”

  “I get what you’re saying. We don’t work without him.”

  “We don’t. Like I don’t think I’d work with him without you any longer. I didn’t before, if I’m being truthful. You were there with us before you ever met me.”

  “Then we take the little mother fucker back, kicking and screaming. I’m not about to lose either of you.”

  He jumped out of the truck as Diego called for him to stop and he ran to the house, every footfall on the packed dirt road revving him up to commit murder. His heart was aching and not from the exertion of the run, but from the racing thoughts that just when he found the men he truly loved and trusted, he was losing them.

  Jumping onto the porch, skipping over the steps, he got to the door and didn’t bother to knock. As he heard Diego running after him, yelling to stop, he lifted his leg and kicked in the door, finding a shocked Daniel and Tommy coming into the empty main room of the home from the little hallway in the back.

  “It wasn’t locked, you fucking brute,” Tommy called, a smile tugging his lips.

  “Gary!” Diego was right behind him and they both just stopped and stared at Daniel and Tommy, both laughing.

  “What the fuck is so funny?”

  Daniel held the GPS in his hand, tossing it to Diego. “Jesus, you know I have that app that detects this shit.”

  Diego groaned and then demanded, “What’s happening here? We’re pretty sick with worry.”

  Tommy held his hands out and up, spinning around once. “How do you like it? I am buying it for us. I was going to surprise you.”

  As Daniel stood with his arms crossed over his chest, he said, “But you two ruined that for him. Dicks.”

  Gary was flabbergasted and embarrassed. “Bought this? Tom, what the hell? Why didn’t you tell us?”

  He came to them and grabbed their hands, leading them out of the house and into the back, and together, they sat on some cheap lawn chairs in the yard. “Sorry, but I wanted it to be a surprise. Daniel showed me this a few days ago, and I loved it, but I wasn’t sure about it until I saw the two of you fucking. That little bit of jealousy made me see that we needed a home together. I mean, I thought it was hot, you two going at it, and I didn’t mind, not really, but it seemed…wrong. Gary heading over there to see Diego, me at my place, unaware of it.”

  “Babe, we’re going to want separate time.”

  Tommy nodded to Diego and reasoned, “I do with each of you too, but I realized it wasn’t that it was happening, but where. Like I said, I didn’t want a house that either of you owned. I need that security, so Daniel bought this place and I’m paying him back with half of my pay each week.”

  “Bullshit,” Gary said, “I’ll pay him back right now, and you keep your pay, Tom.”

  “Didn’t you hear him, you muscled asshole?” Daniel snapped. “He wants the place to be his, then, when he’s secure that you two won’t act like dominant apes and try to run his life, he’ll put your names on the deed.”

  Ignoring all of them for the moment, Tommy pointed, “We’ve been working on showing you. After the owners found out we were paying in cash and not going through a bank, they were happy to let us come and start readying the place to move into once it’s closed. I’ve got the garage set up, and Daniel and I have been working on the guest house for you, Gary, so you can have your guns, your private space if you need it, like a really macho man cave. I want Diego to take over the renovations, as the house needs his touch. Then he can choose anywhere he wants for his private space. We’re going to need it, as much as we love being together, we’ll need our space, and Daniel’s given that to us.”

  “No, shithead, you have,” Daniel snarked at him.

  Tommy tossed Daniel his keys and asked, “You think you can get home without your bodyguard?”

  “I doubt anyone is waiting to kill me between here and there. Have fun christening the place, you three.”

  Diego pulled Tommy onto his lap and purred, “You’ve been a bad boy to worry us, babe. And a good boy by getting a place we can all call home. I’m not sure whether to punish you or reward you.”

  “How about both at the same time,” Gary growled, pulling Tommy’s face over to him and kissing him, then kissing Diego right after. “I say we double stuff this naughty, good boy.”

  As Tommy’s eyes grew round as saucers, Diego chuckled darkly and agreed, “I’m all for that.”

  Gary volunteered to go to town for the lube they would definitely need, and Diego took the task of readying their boy. “I’ll make sure he’s nice and stretched when you get back.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  The store was a chore from hell, and he ended up bringing in three full bags of things, causing Diego, who had been busily eating Tommy’s ass as Tommy laid out on the floor of the main room, to look up and ask, “Did we need provisions?”

  “Fuck, just thinking about you two back here, and what we were about to do had my cock hard as a rock! I got a cart to push to hide my wood, and then thought it was pretty stupid to just get lube. Next time, one of you are going!”

  They both laughed heartily at that while Gary quickly stripped out of his clothes and retrieved the lube from one of the bags. “So, he’s ready?”

  Tommy groaned as Diego went back in to tongue fuck him once more for good measure, and as he came up for air, wiping saliva from his handsome cheeks, he gave the okay. “I think he’s as ready as he’s gonna get for this.”

  “Good. I’m ready too.”

  Diego was the one to lay on the ground and Gary brought Tommy in for a long kiss as he played with Tommy’s cock. “This is gonna be rough for you.”

  “But it’s going to be amazing. Having both of the men I love, inside me at the same time? Bring it.”

  He helped Tommy situate himself over Diego’s hips, but it was all Tommy when he stuffed the first dick inside himself and started to sit. “Oh, fuck! I’ve missed this.”

  Gary was taking turns kissing them both as he watched Tommy ride Diego for a few minutes, warming up his insides for what was to come.

  He was so hot, he thought that he would set the new house into flames, but when he got behind Tommy and pushed him over, seeing the two men kissing, he calmed himself enough that he wouldn’t just spear Tommy like he so wanted to do.

  It wasn’t easy, Diego was nicely endowed and Tommy was already stretched tight, but he managed to get the head of his dick inside the ring and then they all stopped moving, letting Tommy get started, taking the big dicks.

  He started to rub Tommy’s back. “Fuck, this is crazy hot.”

  Diego, usually so sedate, was panting hard and told them both, “I don’t know if I can fucking stand this long. Feeling his ass and your cock, fuck! Fuck, man I wanna come so fucking bad!”

  Gary moved a little, watching and listening for Tommy to protest, to tell him to stop, that it was too much, but Tommy didn’t say a word, bearing down so he could take them both inside him and that gave Gary all the encouragement he needed. He slid in slowly but steadily and once he was all the way in, his brain scrambled, sending him leaning over Tommy for support. “So fucking tight, Jesus.”

  “You should feel what I’m feeling,” Tommy grunted, laughing. “I’ll be a gaping hole after this.”

  “It snaps back,” Diego teased. “Ready? I need to move.”

  “Do it.”

  Gary moved his hips back and then slammed in, and Diego started moving under them both, not that he had a lot of leverage, but his moans alone told that he was getting what he needed.

  The cock under his and the tight hole stretched around the top of his cock was the best he’d ever felt sexually. Gary couldn’t remember ever having a better session, and what was th
e best part was the love between them.

  Even doing something so erotic and crazy, they kissed as much as they could, Diego smooth talking them both with words of love and praise and Gary could only grunt in response, fucking them both like it was the last time he’d ever feel them.

  It was intense and loving all at once, like the three of them were so good at. Everything they did had passion and the deepest kind of love and as Gary came, he knew it was where he belonged, entwined with the two men he was desperately in love with.

  Also from Rain Carrington

  Honky Tonk Series:

  Honky Tonk

  Honky Tonk 2- Coastal Cowboys

  Honky Tonk 3- Wedding Bells and Bullets

  3.5 Falling for Rafe (with Patricia Logan)

  Apishipa Creek Series:


  Rebel Yells

  Penny's Lane

  Coming back soon!

  Pappy Don't Preach

  Crazy Little Man Called Love

  Big Bad Mooney

  The Music Never Dies

  Men in the Shadows Series:

  The Family

  The Biker

  Dungeon Master

  The Porn Star

  Enchantment Series:

  Road Runner


  Denver Diaries Series:

  Second Chances


  Pink Saddles

  Lies Men Tell

  Protect Me

  Light and Shadow

  Last Chances

  Legacy Series:

  Remember the Alamo

  The Principle

  33 Degrees of Separation

  Bullied No More

  Stand Alones:


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