Mine to Keep

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Mine to Keep Page 6

by Megs Pritchard

  He swallowed, moaning at the play of muscles and the way Ale flowed as he ran. His ass was a thing of beauty, big, meaty and solid-looking. Troy so badly wanted to kiss, lick and bite it. To be honest, he wanted to do a hell of a lot more than that.

  While Troy had been staring, Ale had slowed down until he stopped. He panted heavily then glanced at Troy.

  “Troy,” he said hoarsely.

  At that second, Troy realized that Ale could feel him and knew that he was aroused. He whimpered and ran from the room, desperate to get away.

  God, how could he have been so stupid! He should have known that Ale would feel his emotions considering how close they were.

  When he didn’t appear, Troy sighed and put the coffee machine on and waited for him. What was he supposed to say? Sorry for finding you fit?

  Troy snorted, then chuckled. Yeah, that would work, wouldn’t it?

  When the machine had finished, Troy poured himself a drink and then sat outside enjoying the morning air. It was peaceful out there, the sounds of the wildlife the only things he heard, and he stretched his legs out in front of him, waiting for Ale.

  Ten minutes later, he appeared and sat next to Troy with his own drink. “Fishing?”


  Ale smiled at him. “Want to go fishing today?”

  Troy stared at him for a few seconds and then nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’ll get the gear ready.”

  It didn’t take long to gather all the items they would need, — Ale obviously spent time here fishing. The fact that Ale didn’t mention what had happened in the gym was a blessing as far as Troy was concerned.

  Troy followed him through the trees again, but this time he had more of an idea as to where they were headed. When they finally made it to the lake, they walked along the wooden pier and put their fishing rods and tackle boxes down. Ale sat on the edge with his feet dangling above the water.

  “Good day for fishing,” he said.

  “Yeah, it is. Should we get set up?”

  Ale nodded and stood and between them they had their hooks baited and their rods in the water. They sat in silence, but it was comfortable, and Troy sighed, leaning back on his elbows and closing his eyes.

  “I bought this place after I left the service. I needed time away from it all.”

  “You were with Chester, right?” Troy asked, glancing over at Ale.

  “Yeah. We met at boot camp and stayed together throughout our time in. He helped me get through a lot of shit.”

  “You’ve seen… combat?”

  Ale looked over at him and gave him a grim smile. “Yeah, we have.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask.”

  Ale sighed and shrugged. “It’s not something I like to talk about. Seeing men wounded or killed in action. People I knew, people I called my friends.”

  “Sorry,” Troy mumbled. What else could he say? He’d never experienced it, but he had heard Chester a few nights when he had nightmares and he would find him out on the deck, coffee in hand, staring out at the rolling fields, lost in thought.

  “You deserve better than me, Troy.”

  Troy watched the water ripple in the slight breeze. All he kept hearing was Ale saying he was too old, too damaged, but he never heard if Ale actually wanted him. That was about to change.

  “Can I ask a question?”

  Ale glanced at him. “Shoot.”

  “Do you like me?”

  Frowning, Ale said, “Of course I do. You’re a great kid, Troy.”

  Troy stared at Ale. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  Ale sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “Troy-”

  “Why can’t you just answer the fucking question?”

  Ale twisted around to face him and said, “What do you want me to say, Troy? That I find you attractive? That I want to bend you over and fuck you? That I want to tie you to my bed and do whatever I want to you?”

  Troy stared incredulously at Ale, his mouth falling open, and he nodded like a bobble head. “Yeah,” he muttered in a breathless voice.

  “That I’m double your age? That I’m scarred inside and out? That you’re starting your life, going college and making something of yourself?” Ale glared at him. “Stop thinking about it, Troy. It’s not going to happen.”

  Troy took a shaky breath in. No, he wasn’t going to stamp his feet and scream at Ale. “What if you are what I want? Don’t I get a say in this? This is my life too.”


  “No, don’t. Just do one thing for me. You brought me out here for a reason, didn’t you?” When Ale nodded, he continued, “Then think about us and not all the reasons you have as to why there shouldn’t be an us.”

  Ale stared at him for the longest time, until he finally nodded. “Okay, I will.”

  Troy let out a huge sigh of relief and nodded back. “Thank you.”

  Silence descended again, but it was more comfortable this time, with no heaviness around them. After a couple of hours, they’d caught several fish, or Troy had, and began to pack their equipment away. Ale handed Troy the fish and grinned at him.

  “What?” Troy held them up and looked back at Ale.

  “You caught most of them, so you can clean them.”

  Troy gasped at him. “What? No fucking way! Pops cleans them.” Even as he said it, Troy winced. Pops wasn’t there.

  Ale grinned. “Yeah, Pops isn’t here.”

  “Come on, man. There are like guts in there.” He waved the fish at Ale, who jumped out of the way laughing.

  “Exactly. I’ll put the equipment away and set the grill up and you can descale and gut them.”

  Troy pouted, giving Ale a mock glare. “Fine, but next time you can do it.”

  “Don’t catch so many then.”

  Troy grumbled under his breath and walked back along the dock with Ale. He was not looking forward to his job. Not at all.

  Chapter Ten

  Shit, he could still smell the fish on his hands. He’d washed them several times but couldn’t get rid of the smell. Or he was imagining it there now. Pulling a face, Troy told himself he was never gutting another fish again. Fucking disgusting and that was why his pops did it.

  Troy sat watching Ale cook the fish on the outside grill. He was absorbed by his hands and the way they moved. Large hands, with various scars on the back. Sign of the battles he’d been in.

  Sighing, Troy tuned back into Ale who was talking about the mission that saved Jeremy. The rushing water and Jeremy almost drowning before Donnie reached him. The problems Donnie had while Jeremy decided their future.

  Troy had met both of them and he found it difficult to believe the two men had struggles at the beginning of their relationship. Looking at them now, they were clearly in love, always close, always touching.

  Standing, Troy walked over to Ale and grabbed the items he’d brought out to make a salad.

  Ale smiled. “I was about to get onto that.”

  Shrugging, Troy replied, “You’re doing the fish. I think I can manage a salad.”

  Ale stared at him, then raised a hand and touched his cheek. “You look better. Still a little pale.”

  Troy moved away, breaking the contact even when it was the last thing he wanted to do, but he knew Ale hadn’t meant the gesture. “I’m feeling better, thanks.” Clearing his throat, Troy said, “I would never have thought Donnie and Jeremy struggled at first.”

  “Well, you know about Jeremy’s ex, Patrick?” Troy nodded. “Jeremy was scared and who can blame him. He suffered because of that bastard. Fuck, he could have died because of him.”

  “Yeah, Pops was there.”

  Ale nodded. “That’s where they met, your pops and Chester.”

  “Yeah, I remember Pops being really weird after and then he told me and I, well, I didn’t take it well.”

  “Understandable, given your past.”

  Troy shrugged. If he never talked about her again, it would be too soon, but of cours
e, Ale wanted to talk.

  “Tina was your mom-”

  “I don’t want to talk about her. I’ve talked enough.”

  “Troy, I really think-”

  “No, Ale. I’m not discussing her. I’ve talked and talked and talked. That’s it.”

  Ale sighed and turned to face him. “She was your mom-”

  “And she hunted and killed a human, making me watch before I had to kill her when she attacked me. I don’t want to go into it again, Ale. I’ve said enough. I just want to forget all about it.”


  Troy dropped the salad and gripped the edge of the table. “Ale, no.”

  Troy waited for Ale to say something more, but all he did was nod his head and turn back to the grill.

  “These are ready. Want to eat out here?”


  They sat and ate in silence, Troy caught up in memories of that night, seeing that kid knelt in the muddy ground, bleeding heavily. He could still feel the tightness in his chest, the burning in his throat from all the screaming.

  He glanced down at his hands, remembering the blood that covered them-

  “Stop.” Ale’s hand reached over and grabbed his.

  Troy looked over at Ale when he spoke.

  “Don’t,” he whispered. Ale had no right to pry into his emotions. Only the person who wanted him could do that.

  Ale sighed and removed his hand and Troy missed it immediately.

  The silence returned, but it wasn’t the same as before. It was heavier, carried more tension. Troy tried to ignore it as he watched the sun set, the colors moving through yellows and oranges and reds into dark blues and grey until only the dark remained.

  At some point, Ale cleared everything away and returned with blankets, one of which he passed to Troy. Troy smiled and covered himself with it, only then noticing the drop in temperature.

  “Here,” Ale muttered and moved closer to tuck a corner in. Troy reached out at the same time and their hands touched.

  Troy looked up at Ale and parted his lips in surprise. He could feel Ale, feel his arousal, his lust and want.

  Ale sat back, muttering, “Of course I’m attracted to you.”

  Troy shook his head, trying to understand Ale. “But?”

  “But nothing, Troy. Leave it please.”

  Troy opened and closed his mouth a number of times before asking, “Why? Why are you doing this to us?”

  Ale sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Troy, please.”

  “I try to ignore your emotions, but I can feel them. I know what you’re feeling.”

  “And that’s why I try to block them off.” Ale sat forward, staring out. “You have so much going for you. Why would you want to be stuck with an old man like me?”

  “But you’ll live as long as I will.”

  Ale glanced over and him, frowning. “What?”

  Troy shook his head, mirroring Ale’s frown. “Didn’t Chester tell you?”

  “No. They’ve both been quiet about it.”

  Troy snorted. “Yeah, quiet. They are anything but quiet. I walked in on Pops giving Chester a blow job. On the kitchen table.”

  Ale burst out laughing. “No, you didn’t.”

  “Oh yeah. Fucking embarrassing and if I’d come home a few minutes earlier, I’d have interrupted something else entirely.” Troy shook his head. Remembering the conversation, Troy said, “So, yeah, you’ll live as long as I will and from what they’ve found out, that could be decades longer than normal.”

  “I never knew. That’s… wow.”

  “Jeremy and Sacha have been researching this shit. There’s more, but I think you know about that. Strength, stamina. There’s also the issue with vampires and reproduction.” Troy shrugged, stood up, and stretched, making sure his t-shirt rode up, exposing his abs. He smirked when he heard Ale’s indrawn breath. Lowering his arms, he faced Ale, and said, “Just think about it. We have years to be together. Years to explore… stuff.”

  Troy walked away, but before he stepped into the house, he glanced back at Ale and smiled when he saw him watching. He quickly jogged up the stairs, and when he made it to his bedroom, he slumped back against the closed door.

  He glanced down at his hard dick and grinned. “Maybe,” he muttered. He’d given Ale plenty to think about and for the first time in months, Troy was starting to feel more positive about them.


  Ale groaned quietly when Troy stepped into the house. It was getting harder and harder to fight the pull, especially when the reasons he was doing it were disappearing. Increased strength and speed he knew about, but living longer? That meant he and Troy would have years to be together, not years when Troy would be nursing him in his old age and left alone when he died.

  A whole new world was possible now, one where he and Troy were together. A future they could build together as mates. He could continue to work at Rescue Inc. for far longer than he thought possible. Troy could earn his degree and get a job doing something he loved. They could live together, maybe have a family together. But, more importantly, Ale could finally kiss and touch him, show him all the love and pleasure he could.

  Ale felt a mental knock, then heard Troy’s voice. You could show me.

  Ale’s head dropped back and he closed his eyes. So, you’re listening to my thoughts now.

  You’re broadcasting? I think that’s the right word.

  Ale rubbed his forehead with his hand. Shit. I’m sorry. Go to sleep, Troy. We can talk more tomorrow.

  Night, Ale. I… wish you were here with me.


  I know. Night, Ale.


  Ale rubbed his chest. He could feel Troy’s sadness, his pain and despair, like they were his own emotions and knew he was the cause. He’d known all along, known the pain he was causing both of them, but had ruthlessly pushed them to one side, believing he was doing the right thing for both, no matter what it cost him personally.

  Yet, now the possibility of a long future for them loomed in front of him and Ale still held back. His fingers drummed the arm of his chair. He wanted Troy. Wanted to do so much with him and to him. That creamy skin called to him, those amazing blue eyes could hold him prisoner in their gaze and Ale wanted to see them clouded over as lust and ecstasy pulled him under.

  His fingers itched to touch him, to clench his hair, and Ale groaned, palming his dick. He rubbed it through his pants, biting his lips to stop the sounds spilling out. He was close, always close when his thoughts turned to Troy. In fact, he’d given up trying to stop thinking about Troy when he was jacking off. He couldn’t come unless he thought about Troy. He moaned again, his dick throbbing in his jeans.

  He tried to close the connection between them, but this close to Troy, he was sure some of his emotions and lust was leaking through.

  And Troy confirmed it.

  Ale, please.

  I’m sorry, Troy. I didn’t mean for you to feel it.

  I know. You never want me to feel your emotions.


  Night, Ale.

  Ale winced when Troy cut him off. Why was he fighting his needs? His and Troy’s. They were both here, both wanted each other, and they were mates. There would be no others and Ale didn’t want someone else, some nameless, faceless fuck. He wanted his mate. His gorgeous, fit as fuck mate, and he was only feet away.

  Standing, Ale walked back into the cabin and locked the door behind him. He paused, staring at the stairs that led to Troy and pursed his lips, imagining him lying naked on the bed. All his creamy flesh exposed to Ale’s eyes.

  He was tired of fighting.

  Pushing away from the door, he walked up the stairs and stood outside Troy’s door and again paused. The door opened and they both stood staring at each other. Ale’s eyes drank Troy in, skimming over his face and body, wondering how he had avoided this moment for so long.

  Ale made the first move and pulled Troy towards him. “I’m tired of fighting, Troy.�

  Troy’s eyes searched his face. “Then don’t.”

  Ale dropped his forehead onto Troy’s as Troy’s fingers trailed over his cheek. “Troy,” he whispered.

  Troy blushed, and confessed, “I don’t know what to do.”

  Ale raised his head and stared heatedly at Troy. “I do.”

  Ale moved closer until there was no distance between them and watched the pupils in Troy’s eyes take over until there was virtually no blue left, seeing the red sweep in. A faint blush stained his cheeks and Ale could feel the puffs of air on his lips.

  “Ale,” Troy whispered.

  Ale groaned, closed his eyes, and kissed him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Troy’s eyes slid closed and he moaned into the kiss. Ale’s tongue traced his lips, licking across the plump flesh and Troy opened them, letting Ale’s tongue in.

  Their tongues touched and Troy whimpered. He could barely remember their one and only time, but here, in this moment, he would remember every second of it. Ale took control of the kiss, angling Troy’s head, so he could deepen it. His tongue touched everything: Troy’s tongue, the roof of his mouth, even his teeth, and Troy moaned throughout.

  As they kissed, Ale moved them closer to the bed, his hands tangling in Troy’s hair, and he moaned again at the little bite of pain, loving the sensation of Ale’s hands on his body.

  He dreamed of this moment for so long that now it was here he felt like pinching himself to make sure he was awake and it was real.

  Ale broke the kiss and stared at him, then leaned forward to kiss him gently, rubbing his lips over Troy’s. His hands trailed down over Troy’s abs and gripped the hem of his t-shirt and then slowly pulled it up. Troy lifted his arms and when Ale pulled the shirt free from his body, he bit his lip and peeked up at him through his eyelashes. Shit, now it was going to happen he suddenly felt nervous and he swallowed, watching Ale’s eyes move over his body

  Ale lifted his hands and slid them up Troy’s chest, until he reached his neck. One slid behind and pulled him closer.

  “You’re mine,” Ale murmured as his lips kissed Troy’s neck.


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