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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.
NOTE: Page numbers in italics indicate a graph or table.
abortion, 74, 224, 363, 387, 439, 449
Abrahms, Max, 196–7
abstract thinking, 26–7. See also Flynn effect
Abt, Thomas, 174, 175–6
left-wing tilt of, 372–4, 388, 484n61
right-wing dismissal of, 374
See also university and college education
accidental deaths, 167–8, 176–90, 177, 179–80, 182, 187–9, 192, 468–9nn50,63
acts of God, 185, 187, 189, 190
Adams, Franklin Pierce, 48
Adnane, Souad, 442
Adorno, Theodor, 39–40, 396–7
adversarial collaboration, 379
Aeschylus, 2
affective tipping point, 377
democratization and, 206
environment of, 130
happiness ranking of, 475n30
literacy rate in, 236, 239, 240, 473n27
polio in, 65
Soviet invasion of, 439
Taliban control of, 240, 473n27
terrorist vs. war deaths in, 192, 193
U.S.-led invasion of, 197, 206, 473n27
Africa (sub-Saharan)
agriculture in, 76, 77–8
calories available per person in, 70
carbon emissions of, 144
child mortality and, 56, 56
colonial governments of, 78
Communist governments in, 200, 201
conservation movement and, 123
democratization and, 203, 206
economic inequality in, 98
education in, 236–8, 237–8
emancipative values in, 227, 227
environment of, 130
famine in, 69, 72–3, 78
female genital mutilation in, 222
fertility rates and, 436
GDP of, 95
HIV/AIDS in, 55, 66, 67
homicide rates and concentrations in, 172
homophobia in, 223
Human Development Index score for, 473n45
IQ gains in, 241, 241
life expectancy in, 53–5, 54, 59
multiethnic neighbors, peacefulness of, 405
per capita income in, 86–7
and personal violence, deaths from, 167
postcolonial governments of, 78, 200, 201
religiosity and, 436
undernourishment in, 72
women’s rights and, 222
See also individual countries
African Americans
education and, 239
happiness of, 272, 273
hate crimes against, 215, 219, 220, 471n18
life expectancy of, 219
literacy rates of, 219
police killings of, 215–16, 471n6
poverty rate among, 219
and Tuskegee syphilis study, 401
See also racism
age (life cycle) effects, 225
happiness, 272–3
political orientation, 341–2, 342
religious belief, 437–8
suicide, 278, 279
voting preferences, 342
See also cohort effects; period (zeitgeist) effects
Age of Reason, 8, 411
Agricultural Revolution, 75, 83
birth of, 74, 123
density of, 234
genetically modified crops, 77–8, 331
government policies disrupting, 78
Green Revolution, 75–8
industrialization and abandonment of, 92–3
invention of, 23
land devoted to, 76
life expectancy and, 53–4
mechanization of, 74–5
organic, 74, 134
prices, 75
reforestation of land and, 130, 134
rice cultivation, 69, 93, 123, 331
selective breeding, 74, 76
synthetic fertilizers, 75, 83
transportation and, 75, 77, 78
yield increases, 74–5
See also food and food security
AIDS/HIV, 55, 66, 66, 67, 401
AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)
Akbar I (Mughal emperor), 442
Akyol, Mustafa, 442
Alaska, universal basic income and, 119
Alcott, Louisa May, 284
Alexander, Amy, 440
Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 443
Allen, Paul, 477n20
Allen, Woody, 204, 285–6
Al Qaeda, 196, 310, 441
Althusser, Louis, 447
alt-right movement, 341, 419, 448, 482n44
Amazon River and rainforest, 130, 141
American Heritage Dictionary, 260
Amin, Idi, 161, 199
anarchist movements, 198
anarchy, death toll from, 199, 206
Angell, Norman, 481n16
Angola, 160
cruelty-to-animals laws, 417
humanism and, 410
predator/prey, 19
returns vs. extinctions of, 130, 133, 463n32
anocracies, 470n15
anthropology, 10, 233, 402
anti-Semitism, 219, 220. See also Holocaust
Anton, Michael (“Publius Decius Mus”), 448, 449
anxiety, 283
adulthood and, 288–9
“collapse anxiety,” 292
depression as comorbid with, 283
and institutions, loss of faith in, 286
media practices of encouraging, 287
as motivation to solve problems, 287
postwar increase in, 284
prevalence of depression and, 282–3, 476n74
sex differences in, 285
strategems for coping with, 287
women’s gains in autonomy and, 285
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 443
Aquino, Corazon, 91
Arab countries
classical Arab civilization, 439, 442
clerical meddling in education, 234
slavery/racism and, 397
See also Muslim countries
Arab Spring (2011), 203, 228, 370
archaeology, 407
Argentina, 200, 315
Ariely, Dan, 353
Aristotle, eudaemonia, 267
Arkhipov, Vasili, 479n93
Armenia, 158
artificial intelligence (AI)
“Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI), 297, 298
and Enlightenment thinkers, 386
as existential threat, putative, 296–300, 477n20
job losses and, 118, 300
Value Alignment Problem, 299–300
arts and culture
availability of, 260–61
and consilience with science, 407–9
depicting traditionalism vs. modernity, 284
ideological innumeracy and, 48
Nietzsche as influence on, 445, 446–7
vs. science, 34, 389–90
Aryans, romantic heroism and, 33, 398, 444
Asafu-Adjaye, John, 122
authoritarian regimes, rise of, 200
carbon emissions of, 144
famine in, 69, 78
globalization and, 111, 112, 117
IQ gains in, 241
life expectancy in, 53–4, 54, 55
military governments of, 200
postcolonial governments of, 78
undernourishment in, 72
See also individual countries and subregions
Asians, hate crimes against, 219, 220
Asiri, Abdullah al-, 303
Assad, Bashar al-, 159
Astell, Mary, 252
atheism and atheists
charitable acts by, 432
dangers of self-labeling as, 435
definition of, 430
moral realism of, 429
“New Atheism,” 430
numbers of, 435, 436, 437–8, 489n68, 490n65
rising Intelligence Quotient test scores and, 438
wars by, 429–30
Athens (ancient), 212
Atkins, Peter, 17
Auden, W. H., 283, 446
education in, 237
emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227
and escape from poverty, 85
happiness ranking of, 475n30
IQ gains in, 241, 241
secularization and, 436, 437
social spending in, 108
traffic death rates in, 178
Austria, 341, 475n30, 489n68
Ausubel, Jesse, 76, 122, 127, 135, 142, 144
authoritarian governments
capitalist, China as, 90, 201, 203–4, 343
claiming the people unready for democracy, 204
democracies backsliding into, 201, 335
educated populace and resistance to, 235
execution of dissidents by, outrage at, 195
intellectual fans of, 445, 446–7, 491n118
patronal/kleptocratic, 205
and poverty, 90–91
premodern, 199, 397
See also populism
Authoritarian High Modernism, 11–12, 400
authoritarian populism. See populism
authority, deference to, 5
autocracy vs. democracy, 202–3, 202, 470n15
automation, 118–19, 300, 331
Availability heuristic, 41–2
awareness of, 369, 381, 383
critical thinking courses and, 378
doomsday prophecies and, 293, 302
media coverage and, 42–4, 201
superforecasters and awareness of, 369
terrorism and, 42, 195
Axial Age, 23, 264, 411
Azerbaijan, 158
Baby Boomers, 225
and crime boom of the 1960s, 173–4
depression and, 280–81
emancipative values and, 226
happiness underachievement of, 273, 283–9, 288
opioid overdoses and, 184–5
and populism, 341–2, 342
secularization and, 437
suicide and, 279–80
Babylon, 253–4
Bacon, Francis, 383
Bailey, Ronald, 464n45
Ball, Lucille, 186
Balmford, Andrew, 122
Banaji, Mahzarin, xix
democratization and, 442
environment of, 130
escape from poverty of, 85, 86
famine and stunting in, 71, 71, 72
fertility as decreasing in, 126
industrialization and women in the workforce, 94
War of Independence (1971), 160, 161
Bannon, Stephen, 430, 448, 449, 455n1
Banting, Frederick, 63
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