as emancipative values, 224
genital mutilation, 222
progress in, 214, 220, 222
utilitarianism and, 417–18
as decreasing, 220–22, 221, 471n24
media coverage of, 215, 216
wood, carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of, 143, 465n66
Wootton, David, 9, 395–6
hours required, 249–50, 249
paid vacation time, 251
retirement, 250–51, 250
safety and accidental deaths, 185–7, 187
utilitarianism and workers’ rights, 417
World Bank
on climate change, 137
on economic inequality, 461n4
“extreme poverty” as defined by, 87, 460n28
and fear of population explosion, 74
on GDP, 461n4
Knowledge Index, 228, 472n45
world/global statistics
calories available per person, 70, 70
carbon emissions per dollar of GDP, 143, 143
child labor force, 231–2, 231
deaths from accidents vs. violence, 192
deaths from homicide, 43, 169–71, 171, 192, 467nn12–13
deaths from terrorism, 192, 193–5, 194
deaths from war, 192
education, 236–8, 237–8
GDP, 85
homosexuality, decriminalization of, 223
human rights, 207–8, 208
IQ gains, 241
life expectancy, 53–4, 54
literacy, 236, 236
middle class, increases in, 86, 459–60n18
per capita incomes, 85–7, 86
progress, general factor (Human Development Index), 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42
racial equality, affirmation of, 222
religious equality, affirmation of, 222
women’s rights, 222
World Happiness Report 2016, 268, 269, 271
World Health Organization, 65, 66, 171–3
World Public Opinion poll, 222
World Values Survey, 124, 224, 226–7, 268, 269, 270, 440
World War I
chemical weapons and, 459n18, 479n95
The Great Illusion (Angell), 481n16
Gustav Gun (“supergun”), 316
mistakes and rumors as cause of, 484n77
religiosity of nation-states in, 430
romantic militarism and, 165–6, 445
World War II
civilian bombing as strategy of, 305
deaths during, 159–60
decline of great-power war after, 157–8, 451
famine and, 78
fascism and, 445
genocide and, 161
nuclear weapons development in, 314
refugees and displaced persons in, 160
religiosity of nation-states in, 429–30
rise of democratic governments after, 200
and romantic militarism, 166, 451
See also Long Peace; Nazi Germany
Wright, Quincy, 418
XKCD webcomic, 127, 128, 430
Y2K Panic, 293–4
Yazidi people, 162
Yeats, William Butler, 446, 447
yellow fever, 62
Yemen, 73, 160, 222
Yong, Keehup, 490n87
Yousafzai, Malala, 232, 240, 443
youth. See teenagers
Yugoslavia, former republics of, 227, 227
Zelizer, Viviana, 230
Zencey, Eric, 293
Zimbabwe, 91
Zola, Émile, 165
Zoroastrianism, 23
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