I Super Don't: An Enemies to Lovers Fake Fiance Romance

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I Super Don't: An Enemies to Lovers Fake Fiance Romance Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  My sister nudges me because I haven’t uttered a single word for like an entire minute.

  “You look amazing,” I say.

  Jenny smiles. “Thanks.”

  The room goes quiet again. I don’t know what else to say. I can’t think of more words.

  “Well, I’m going to get going,” Selena interjects. “You two kids better leave soon, so you’re not late for the dinner.” My sister leaves me and Jenny alone.

  We stand for a little bit longer, just looking at one another, but then I remember we really do have a commitment, and it would be best to not be late.

  “Yeah, we should go,” I say.


  I grab my keys, and Jenny follows me outside to the convertible. I just have to get through this dinner without making a complete ass of myself. And Jenny needs to keep our secret. We got this.

  I hope.


  We’ve been at this dinner for about a couple of hours, and so far, so good. Jenny seems to be getting along with my teammates. I mean that’s why I’m staring at her. I’ve got to make sure she doesn’t let anyone else know this is a façade. I’ll admit some other thoughts have gone through my head, but that’s neither here nor there.

  “Hey, Kendrick!”

  I finally tear my eyes away from Jenny. She’ll be fine for a couple of seconds. I don’t have to be watching her like a hawk. Plus, I don’t think this is the first time someone’s called my name tonight. I’ve been ignoring it for the most part, but this dinner was called for a purpose, and I really should be more attentive.

  “Yes, Coach?”

  “I was just telling Rick and Darrel here that you just had your best practice. You’re playing better than ever.”

  “Mmhm…” I try to focus, but my eyes keep wandering back to Jenny. She’s been talking to Lloyd. They’ve actually been talking for a while. I know I have no right to be jealous, it’s not like we’re in an actual relationship or something, but I can’t get rid of this feeling.

  It doesn’t help that Lloyd was the one to give me that unfortunate Irish Whiskey nickname. He’s also the team captain, so that fact that I was such a massive fuck up last year really got on his nerves. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to get back on his good side.

  “I’m really excited for the upcoming game. I have high hopes we’re gonna win,” I overhear Coach Kramer say. He must still be talking to the owners about the team’s performance.

  “That’s great Kramer, we love hearing good things.”

  I’m not sure which owner answers, but I don’t really care. I know I’m meant to be schmoozing, trying to keep them happy, but I literally cannot focus.

  All that’s going through my head is taking Jenny home and stripping her out of that dress. I want to touch her entire body. These aren’t helpful thoughts. I’m just going to end up fucking up again like I did last night.

  Lloyd and Jenny finally part, and she goes to talk to a woman who I think is Marvin’s wife. I feel like such an ass being so possessive over a woman I have zero claim to. I mean, it’s not like Lloyd knows that. But I do, and I’ve got to calm down.

  I down my liquor, forcing myself to look away from Jenny. I’m going to let her enjoy the evening. I won’t bother her.

  “Kendrick, come here. I want to talk to you.”

  Shit! Coach probably noticed how spacy I’ve been all evening. I was supposed to be showing him how serious I am about keeping my head focused on the game and everything related to it, and I did none of that.

  I walk over to him, the two of us are a little removed from the rest of the crowd.

  “I just wanted to give you an apology, son.”

  I almost drop my jaw. I was not expecting Coach to say that. If anything, I thought he was going to make me apologize to Rick and Darrel for being so disengaged.

  “What are you apologizing for?”

  “This is going to sound crazy, but, when you showed up with a random woman in the locker room, I thought your engagement was some bizarre concoction of yours to save yourself from an ass-chewing and the bad press, but I was wrong. I’m sorry I jumped to that conclusion. I hope you’re not too mad.”

  I can’t believe he knew exactly what I was doing. Or he did. Seems like something made him think he was wrong. I can’t begin to imagine what it is. Maybe I can just ask him?

  “Uh, Coach?”

  “Yeah, Kendrick.”

  “What made you change your mind?”

  “Oh, Kendrick, it’s simple. A blind man could see how smitten you are with your fiancée. You’d have to be an idiot not to notice.”

  Huh? All my weird staring paid off, I guess.

  “Oh, well, thanks.”

  “No problem.” He pats me on the back and goes back to talking with the owners. I’m not sure how to feel about what Coach just told me. I wasn’t trying to look like I was super into Jenny or anything.

  Does that mean I actually am?

  The evening finally starts to wind down. I’m more than ready to head home. Jenny walks over to me, a big smile plastered on her face.



  “We didn’t really spend that much time together,” she comments.

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  She nods, and I motion for her to follow me to the car. Had she wanted to spend the night with me? It was her first time at a dinner like this, but I was caught up with Coach Kramer and the owners. Kramer tracked me down almost as soon as we got there, and I had to leave Jenny to fend for herself. But she seemed to do a pretty good job.

  I start to drive us home, and my mind goes back to those last few words Coach Kramer said to me. He thinks I’m smitten. I did spend a lot of the night watching her. She had my almost full attention. I mean, she’s had since the start, to be honest.

  Maybe I need to do what my sister suggested and woo Jenny. The part that gets me having to be vulnerable. I understand not wanting something super casual, and, admittedly, I’m a bit over being the fling guy.

  But what does that mean? What kind of situation am I going to end up in with Jenny. The one we’re in is already wacky enough. But, also, I’m starting to feel like I can’t ignore my feelings any longer.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The dinner ended up being really fun. Jameson had to go off with his coach, so I ended up socializing with his teammates and their partners. Everyone was super nice. It made me feel bad that we were lying to all of them. I got a lot of congratulations, but I know that Jameson really needs this.

  The only thing is I’m having a hard time reading him. The evening came to a natural end, and, on the way back to his apartment, he didn’t really say much to me. I mean, I wasn’t really doing my best at initiating any conversation, but I thought we were going to talk at least a little bit about how the dinner was or how’s he’s feeling, but there was nothing. Just silence.

  It was fine, though. Maybe his coach told him something that’s rattling around in his mind. Either way, I feel like I did a good job talking to people. I felt a lot more comfortable tonight, talking with everyone. My lunch with Selena was super helpful.

  I’m back in my room now, standing in front of a full-length mirror. I really like the dress she gave me. It’s a beautiful silver, and it looks like raindrops dripping down my body. There’s no other way I can think to describe it. It’s not a deep neckline, and the straps are a little thicker, but I still feel rather sexy in it. I’ve never felt sexy in anything before.

  It makes me think about what Selena said before, about going for Jameson if I really want him. I seriously want him, and I’m sure he was watching me all night. I’d like to think it’s because he thought I looked nice.

  I take a deep breath and unzip the dress, letting it fall to the ground. I drape it on the back of my desk chair and then look at myself in the mirror once again. I’m wearing a simple black bra and pantie set. It’s at this moment that I wish I had sexy lingerie or something
. I mean will Jameson even like something like this. I’m sure the girls he’s into have all kinds of interesting underwear.

  But I shouldn’t be thinking about them. Tonight, I am going to try and seduce him, even if he might break my heart again. I need to put myself out there. Jesus Christ, I’m about to do this…

  I step out my room, trying to relax at the fact that I’m just in my panties. I tiptoe to avoid making any extra noise. I don’t see Jameson anywhere which is a little disappointing. I stand in my open doorframe, looking at his bedroom, willing him to step out. I do this for like three minutes, but nothing happens. Maybe he just went to bed. That would really suck. I’m not sure I’m going to get this level of pure adrenaline again.

  I know I can’t stand like this forever, especially if Jameson catches me watching his bedroom door just in my undies. That’s a weird one to explain. I leave my room, closing the door behind me.

  It’s time for some hot chocolate. That’ll make me feel better about this whole thing. I head to the kitchen and immediately start pulling ingredients from the cabinets. I think I’m going to add some red pepper flakes tonight, give it a little kick.

  I’m reaching up to pull a pot down when I hear a door open and close behind me. I turn around and see Jameson emerging from his room. He’s pulling his shirt down, so he hasn’t seen me yet, but, just as he reaches the edge of the kitchen, his eyes fall on my body, and he freezes.

  He kind of stands there for a few seconds, looking directly at me, but then his eyes cut away, and he clears his throat.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to bother you,” he mumbles. He starts to turn away, but that’s not what I want. If he’s out here now, I’m not about to lose my nerve.


  He stops and looks back at me. Or more like he looks around me. Does he really not want to look at me? I start to feel naked, but I’m not going to cover myself up. I said I was going to do this, so I’m going to do this.

  “Um,” I start, “I thought about what you said last night, and I think a friends-with-benefits situation might be fun.”

  He finally looks directly into my eyes, and I think there’s something there. I bite my lip, waiting to hear what his thoughts are.

  “You know,” he says slowly, “you really don’t have to do that.”

  My shoulders drop. Maybe he really doesn’t want me. I can’t believe I thought this was a good idea. Why would Jameson be tempted by someone like me? I guess it was all in my head or something. Last night was probably a fluke.

  “Yeah, okay, no problem,” I respond, shaking my head. I don’t even want to clean up all the stuff I took out. I’ll take care of it later, when I’m fully clothed. The shitty thing is I have to slip past Jameson to get back to my room.

  I start to pass him, but he grabs onto my shoulder and I suddenly freeze. My heart is pounding. Maybe he’s going to ask me to leave or move out. I knew trying to start a relationship would complicate things.

  “Do you really want this?” he whispers. His eyes are turned toward the floor, his brow furrowed.


  “Do you really want this?” he asks me again. This time he looks directly into my eyes, and I can see a fire behind them. Is he asking if I want him? To be with him?

  I’m not sure, but I nod anyway.

  All of sudden, I’m being pushed backwards until my back hits the wall. I hunch my shoulders, and then Jameson lips are on mine. I gasp surprised and exhilarated. I kiss him back. My fists ball up by my sides, my hands not quite ready to touch him. I’m sure that if I feel his skin, it would scorch me.

  He breaks our kiss, leaning his forehead on mine.

  “Fucking hell,” he mutters.

  His hand skims down my body, running over my breasts and stomach. My chest expands fully as his fingers trace the top of my underwear.

  “Are you wet?” he asks me.

  I know I am. My panties are soaked. His kiss sent shockwaves down my body. But I don’t know how to respond to such a direct question. I’m not sure my brain could form coherent sentences right now.

  Jameson’s reaches into my underwear, hooking his fingers into my pussy. A high-pitched noise escapes my throat as one of his digits swirls around inside me.

  “Looks like you are,” he breathes.

  I put my arms over his shoulders, needing something to keep me from falling over. He doesn’t stop moving his finger, lazily stroking my insides. His mouth falls to my neck, nipping at it softly.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”


  “You’re welcome,” he chuckles softly against my throat, continuing to bite and lick me. The lazy pace he has in my pussy is starting to create twists and knots in my center. My body is beginning to warm.


  “Is this what you wanted, Jenny? Do you want me to fuck you?”

  I tighten my hold on him, bringing my arms closer together to grab onto my elbows.

  “Yes,” I sigh.

  What I really want is for him to move faster. It’s all so painfully slow. I’m going to burn up before we have a chance to go anywhere. Especially if we keep moving at this pace.

  Jameson finally changes things up and adds more fingers in my pussy. He’s three fingers deep in me, pumping them in and out. He starts to go faster and faster. The pressure in my body builds up, and I throw my head back. I dig my nails into my palms, looking for a way to release. I don’t want this to end, so I’m holding back as much as I can.

  Jameson’s mouth leaves my neck, and I pick my head back up. We rest our foreheads on one another’s. I can see the strain in his face. I’m ready to have his cock inside of me. I want his cock inside of me.

  “Are you close?”

  I nod. Tingles have gone up and down my spine, settling in my stomach. I just need him to hit the right spot and I’m done.

  He must read my mind, because his thumb settles on my clit, applying a light pressure. He makes a few circles, and my body falls apart, exploding all around me. Waves of pleasure wash over my body, starting in my head and sinking to my toes. The dam breaks, and every last nerve inside of me is ignited.

  I want to be so much closer to him, our bodies fusing into one.

  I hold on to Jameson, knowing if I let go, I’ll fall into a puddle on the floor. He picks up his head and looks down at me. He takes his fingers out, causing me to grunt. He brings them to his mouth, sucking whatever juices dripped on to the them off.

  “Do you want to go to my room?”

  “Mmhm,” I nod.

  Jameson moves back a little bit, and I get a look at him. My eyes zero in on his bulge, and it looks sizable. I lick my lips, thinking about him being inside of me.

  He offers me his hand, and I take it. He walks in front of me as we go to his room. The nerves are starting to settle in. I think I’m really about to have sex with my old high school crush. I literally cannot believe this. The circumstances that brought me here are surreal, but I don’t regret being here. I want him, and I think he wants me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Jameson stops outside of his door, pushing it open before stepping aside to let me go in first. I cross the threshold and look around. Like the rest of his apartment, Jameson’s bedroom is not too decorated, but it looks nice. His bed in particular catches my eye. It’s large, at least a king.

  “You can get on it, if you want.”

  I turn to see Jameson leaning against his closed bedroom door. He’s looking at me expectantly. I turn back to the bed, and count to three before crawling on top. I turn my body around, so I’m on my back, but use my elbows to hold myself up.

  “What do we do now?”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  He hasn’t left the door, yet, which makes me feel like he might not. His question makes me feel like he might not want to do this with a virgin. Even if we don’t have sex, tonight was great, but I’d really like to have sex.

  But I’m not going to

  “Yeah, I’ve never had sex,” I mumble, feeling my cheeks flush.

  It’s a little embarrassing to say while lying on the bed of the boy I’ve been harboring feelings for the past five or six years. But he doesn’t recoil or ask me to leave. Instead, Jameson pushed himself off of his doorframe and walks to the edge of the bed.

  “But you want to have it with me, tonight?” I nod. “Okay. Take off the rest of your clothes.”

  I do what he says, going for my bra first, unclasping it in the back and having it fall off my arms. Next, my underwear comes down my legs, and I toss them aside. Jameson watches me the whole time, and, once I’m naked, he goes for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. I look at his body, the gorgeous ridges of his abs.

  He’s beautiful. I get up on my knees and moves towards him. I run my hands down his body, loving the feeling of his bronzed skin. I avoid the tops of his shorts, a little apprehensive. I want to see and touch every inch of him, but I feel so inexperienced. I mean, I am inexperienced. Jameson’s been with tons of girls. He probably has certain expectations. Even if he knows I’ve never been with anyone that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing. And he’ll easily be able to tell what a mess I am.

  But that shouldn’t matter, right? He chose to bring me into his room, and I now know he’s interested in me. I need to stop doubting myself.

  I bring my lips to his skin, kissing it softly. I inhale his earthy scent. He smells amazing. I keep raining kisses down on his chest. I get over my worries and bring my fingers into the hem of his shorts. I pull them down along with his boxers. His dick pops out and hits me in the stomach. I haven’t really seen that many dicks in my day, but I know this one is big. It’s long and thick.

  I touch the tip, and some precum leaks out. I spread it around, continuing to touch his silky cockhead. I bring my head down and take him in my mouth, wrapping my lips around his shaft.

  “Jesus!” Jameson grunts. I take as much of him into my mouth as I can before bringing my mouth back up. I taste him, swirling my tongue around the tip of his dick. More precum spills out, and I lap it up. I continue until Jameson pulls my mouth off of him. He brings me up to kiss him before pushing me down onto the bed. He joins me, hovering over my body.


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