Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2)

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Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2) Page 2

by J. Clarice

  “I’ll do it.”

  Jayden’s voice broke the silence that followed Scarlett’s words. She knew her friend would agree to go, but she hadn’t expected her to respond so quickly.

  “I want to see the asshole that started all this shit in the first-place die.”

  At her words, Trevor and Jasper’s eyes filled with determination.

  “We’re in too,” Trevor joined. “We’re not letting you go on this fight alone.”

  Despite the extreme events that have occurred, these moments reminded Scarlett of why she was there fighting for Ever Realm. Not solely for the fact that her parents spent most of their life taking care of it, but because there were people she loved still living there. To make it a better place for them because they, most of all, deserved it.

  Three down, three to go.

  Trevor and the twins left to gather themselves while Scarlett headed to the rooms on the first floor. The halls were empty since everyone was either in their room or huddled in the lounge. The number of Dreamers left shook everyone.

  She reached a white door and lightly knocked. No response. Scarlett opened the door to find Chad on the bed. He laid on his back with closed eyes, the rising of his chest letting her know he’s well.

  “I know you’re awake.”

  “What more fucked up news have you come to deliver today, my Queen?” He popped an eye at Scarlett, who couldn’t hide the small smile that crept over her face.

  “Very funny,” Scarlett weakly threw back. “But you aren’t exactly wrong.”

  Chad sat up, moving to the edge of the bed while gesturing for her to sit in the chair across from him. Scarlett shook her head, not feeling the need.

  “I’m leaving, Chad.”

  “To where?” He blinked, processing her words.

  “In two days to the Havened Realm.”

  “Why?” Chad scrunched his brows, and Scarlett knew the outburst that was soon to follow.

  “We may have gotten news of Edgar Azur still being alive. He’s why the Dreamers' Curse is still in effect. This mission is for the sole purpose of killing him to rid ourselves of it.”

  “Well, shit.” He ran a hand through his blond hair before licking his lips. “Let me guess, you came here to ask me to go with you?”

  Scarlett forced down the need to clear her throat. “No, it isn’t. I came to ask you to do the most important job I could trust to someone. I need you to watch over Ever Realm as temporary ruler.”

  Chad froze and lifted his gaze to Scarlett. “You can’t possibly expect me to let you go on this without me.”

  Scarlett shifted on her feet and mentally cursed herself for the habit. “I wasn’t giving you an option Chad. I have the team chosen, and I can’t leave Grandma Ruth to watch over it by herself. I’d need you and her, both, to hold things together until I return.”

  “If,” Chad bitterly spoke.


  “It’s not ‘until you return,’ Scarlett. It’s a goddamn ‘if,” he spat the words, and Scarlett battled the urge to flinch while clenching her fists.

  “I’m well aware of the risks, but who else is going to have the greatest chance of defeating Edgar? You? Trevor? My grandmother? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everybody knows the end is coming sooner or later. I’m trying to delay that process and get rid of what’s slowly weakening our Realm.” Her nails dug into her palms. “Clearly, you’re opposed to this idea, as I thought you would be. However, the offer won’t stand for much longer as the decision has already been made. Either you accept, or I find someone else.”

  Scarlett turned to leave the room with a pounding heart. A part of her hoped he would’ve accepted, but she knew that chance was a slim one. She forced herself to walk when a sigh sounded from behind.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Scarlett froze as relief flooded her veins. Glancing over her shoulder, she found Chad with his shoulders sagged.

  “Thank you,” she whispered before walking out of his room.


  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Grandma Ruth’s shout pierced Scarlett's ears as she rubbed her face.

  “Grandma, nothing’s going to change my mind. You and everyone else know that I have to be the one to go.”

  “I don’t give two shits, Scarlett! You are not going.” Grandma Ruth stopped her pacing.

  “I’m sorry, gran, but this one isn’t up to you.” Scarlett’s lips lifted into a dejected smile while Grandma Ruth stared back with glistening eyes.

  “I’ve already lost my son, your mother, your sister, and my husband… I can’t lose you too, Scarlett,” Grandma Ruth choked on her last words. She pressed the back of her hand to her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks, making Scarlett’s heart squeeze.

  She didn’t realize that she was all her gran had left.

  Grandma Ruth passed in her sleep at the news of her mother’s demise, leaving her grandfather alone. Somehow, she felt her time coming and left a note for him to know she was choosing to continue in Ever Realm.

  Scarlett heavily sighed and closed her eyes. “Gran, I’ll be back before you know it. Chad will be staying behind with you so that you won’t be entirely alone.”

  The situation was least than pleasant, but neither of them had a choice. Scarlett had a realm to fix and a duty to uphold. For her to not do anything would be sentencing them all to certain death.

  “I’m leaving in two days with the twins, Trevor, and the Havened. I just came by to let you know.”

  All that could be heard was Grandma Ruth’s heavy breathing. Scarlett stood for a few more seconds, letting the pain her grandmother felt settle in her bones. Her soul weighed down by the heaviness of her new life, Scarlett made her way to exit her grandmother’s room.

  She paused before she reached the door and moved her head to the side. “I don’t want to do this just as much as you don’t want me to.”

  With her whisper, Scarlett left the room with her head high. The Realms knew she needed to prepare.


  The blackness filled Scarlett’s sight as she took in the chilling air. Unlike the first time she’d entered Ever Realm, the freshness of its atmosphere was replaced with a cold that pierced her bones. The darkness she’d first been terrified of only brought her a strange mixture of dread and comfort.

  ‘Funny how things have changed.’ She bit on the inside of her cheek and closed her eyes as memories of her mother and father replayed. All the times they tucked her into bed, made breakfast together, and danced, every time they were filled with joy. A kindle of warmth flickered in her heart before it was smothered by the anger from their withheld lies and anguish from their deaths.

  How lucky was she to have lost them all before her eyes?

  The luckiest person in the fucking Realm.

  The twisting of a doorknob snapped Scarlett out of her thoughts, and she didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Their footsteps continued until they were beside her.

  “You know you don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m aware of that, Samsus, but what kind of person would I be to leave everyone to fend for themselves?” Scarlett gestured towards the darkening edge. “Even the ones that betrayed us and left at the first chance they got. They think they can survive independently, but really, they don’t stand a chance against what’s coming. Nobody does.”

  A pressure built in the back of Scarlett’s eyes, but she fought with all her might to stop it.

  “You’re right, which is why you’re the strongest and best Queen this Realm has ever had.” Samsus crossed his hands behind his back. “That may be hard to believe due to the state we’re in, but the sacrifices you’ve had to make in your three days of becoming Queen have already outshone most of the past rulers.”

  At his words, Scarlett’s shoulders dropped. While they meant good, they gave the opposite effect.

  “I asked to meet with you to give you something,” said Samsus.

  Scarlett faced him as
she watched him undo his Dreamer’s wristband.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” She furrowed her brows as she reached out to stop him. “Are you mad? You’re not supposed –”

  “Scarlett, I’m aware of what I shouldn’t do, but this is for a reason bigger than I.” With the bracelet off his wrist, a darkened ring was visible from where it’d seared to his flesh. “As you know, a Dreamer’s wristband is their source of power. We all get our power from one source alone, and that is the human mind. It’d been found that when a Dreammare is in possession of a wristband and puts it on, an immensely bright light emits from wherever they may be. In any of the Realms, everyone will be able to see that single ray of light shooting straight into who knows where.”

  Samsus placed the wristband into Scarlett’s palm.

  “As to the downside, the Dreammare was only able to wear it for ten seconds before exploding. Seeing as you’re a powerful Dreammare, I still wouldn’t take any chances,” Samsus meekly chuckled before sighing. “I’m giving this to you, for if the worst comes to worst, you have a way to signal from wherever you may be. We’d be able to know you’re alive and come to get you.”

  Drops escaped from Scarlett’s eyes as she bit the inside of her cheek. Samsus gesture of kindness dug into the depths of her darkened heart and pulled at the strings she’d tried so desperately to hide. His age and wisdom shone in his eyes, and she saw something else she’d never seen from him before – the familiarity of fatherly love.

  Taking a shaky breath, Scarlett tightly gripped Samsus wristband.

  “Thank you,” she shakily whispered.

  Samsus tipped his head and gave her a small tilt of his lips. “You are not alone, Scarlett.”

  She watched him turn on his feet and walk back to the entrance until he was out of sight.

  Scarlett rolled her quivering lips and fought to compose herself. She was scared – scared of what she had to do and of how deeply Samsus actions affected her.

  ‘They meant more than he’d ever know.’

  The past two days merged into one and before she knew it, the time to leave came.

  Scarlett exited the headquarters to be greeted by a waiting Queen Esma and her entourage. Everyone had their weapons and wristbands on display, and all wore their helmets except for the Queen. She let her clouded eyes fall over the small crowd before zeroing in on Scarlett.

  Despite appearing blind, Scarlett knew the second that the Queen became aware of her new appearance. Long hair wouldn’t do well in a fight, so her untamed black curls were chopped into a rough bob that framed her sharp face. The weakening of Ever Realm had everyone thinning with prominent features. Her dark as night armor was bare of any material weapons as the most dangerous one she possessed was left uncovered. The once glowing brown skin of her hands was pale and stood out against the blackness of her armor. Flowing from her back was a shadowy cloak that started from her shoulders and disappeared into the darkness of Ever Realm. The grey mark on the collar of her armor was clear of any imperfection.

  Unwavering, Scarlett returned the Queen’s blank stare as she elegantly made her way down the stairs. Flanking was her chosen team, who she knew appeared as deadly as they came. Their armors were decked with extra metal and their choice of weapon remained displayed. From swords to crossbows to arrows, this wasn’t a mission for the untrained.

  “You’ve arrived,” Queen Esma spoke, and her surprise didn’t pass Scarlett.

  “When it comes to my people, I will do what it takes.”

  Scarlett reached the bottom step, not far from Queen Esma, and glanced behind. Her people were eyeing every inch of the newcomers. Jude and the other girl returned the observation while two guards flanked the females, making a pointed arrow with the Queen at the head.

  “The journey will be quick. Upon reaching my Realm, you will have to abide by my rules as I have by yours,” Queen Esma paused for Scarlett’s confirmation, who nodded for her to continue. “Once inside, you will meet with others from my council. They will be the ones to inform you of the details of this mission. Any questions?”

  “How do we know they can be trusted?” asked Scarlett.

  “I would place my life on their word. They’d have no reason to betray me, you, or the Realms.”

  Before anything else could be said, the doors to the headquarters slammed open. Grandma Ruth gracefully stepped her way down the steps, followed by Chad. Worry and dread radiated her body through heavy eyes, and she stopped before Scarlett. The quiver of her lips and the twitch of a brow didn’t go unnoticed.

  “Give us a moment,” Scarlett said as she maintained eye contact with her grandmother.

  Queen Esma stood a second longer before tipping her head and moving further from the headquarters.

  “I know there’s no stopping you from going no matter how much I try. Promise me that you’ll stay safe and come back to me.”

  Grandma Ruth’s words sliced Scarlett’s heart and her nose flared as she tried to contain the emotions that stirred.

  “You know I can’t make such a promise,” Scarlett’s voice cracked, and she clenched her jaw to stop from saying furthermore.

  “I do.” With her head high, Grandma Ruth let the dam flow, and she took in her granddaughter’s face for what may be the last time. No one was fooled – they all knew the mission was suicide. “Take care of yourself, my girl.”

  Grandma Ruth rushed forward and gave Scarlett a soul-crushing hug. “Your parents would be proud. I love you.”

  Scarlett struggled to choke back the urge to let everything go and simply squeezed her grandmother back. Who knew when she’d see her again?

  Behind Grandma Ruth, Chad stood with a clenched jaw and fisted hands. They locked eyes, and Scarlett could see the anger and pain that radiated like the rays of the sun.

  “I love you most.”

  Scarlett released her grandmother and made her way to Chad. “I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to be, but –”

  “I’m not mad at you; I’m mad at the whole fucking situation,” he sighed and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, just be careful, okay. Don’t forget any of your training and –”

  “I love you, Chad. Thank you for everything.”

  Her words left him speechless and frozen in her arms. “I love you too,” he whispered back.

  Letting go, Scarlett moved away from her loved ones and went back to her group. Her heart cracked as Chad’s words tightened her throat. She didn’t want to leave.

  Pushing her feelings aside, she lowered her head and turned to leave with the waiting Havened Ones. Scarlett didn’t look back. She couldn’t risk running into their arms.

  The Realm’s needed her as it was now or never.


  Not another Dreamer was in sight as they walked through darkened space. The stars were dim, and few transformed into homes as they walked past. Those mainly belonged to the ones that didn’t want to let g of their life before – unlike Scarlett who only wanted to forget it all.

  They flew through the stars before coming to a rest and walking. To get to the Havened Realm, they had to travel through half of Ever Realm since it lay opposite to the Dark Realm. Very few went to the Havened Realm unless they had business or a serious reason to do so.

  Jasper fell into step beside Jude, who acknowledged his presence with a glance of her eye.

  “So, what’s it like in the Havened Realm?”

  Scarlett fought the urge to roll her eyes while Jayden showed her thoughts with a roll of her own. The guy couldn’t refrain from talking no matter how dire the situation.

  Queen Esma was farther ahead with the young female – who was yet to be named – by her side. One guard walked next to them while the other hovered Jude and eyed Jasper.

  “It’s not much different from yours. You will see when we get there.”

  “Not any details? So, we’re just supposed to walk in there blind with not a clue as to what to expect?” Jasper tutted and shook his head.<
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  “Since you, a child, cannot seem to keep quiet, I will entertain you with one detail.” Jude’s backhanded comment did not fly over anyone’s head. “There are stars, which you will see when we arrive.”

  “That’s the detail?” Jasper scoffed. “I even let your insult slide, and all I get is that there are stars? Well, guess what, there are stars everywhere! No new shit there.”

  Jayden smirked, and Trevor and Scarlett suppressed the tilt of their lips. Jude laser beamed Jasper before turning her head and hurrying to catch up to the rest of her team.

  Jasper whistled under his breath. “Man, if looks could kill.”

  “Stop being a dick and leave her alone, Jasp.”

  He turned his head to Jayden. “What me? Come on; I wasn’t that bad.”

  The air around Scarlett shifted, and she darted her eyes around the darkness. Trevor abruptly stopped and got into his stance as he whipped out his curved blades.

  “Stances now!” Trevor shouted, and everyone went on full alert. Jayden readied her bow while Jasper pulled his sword. Scarlett ignited her hands as they formed a circle with their backs to each other. Up ahead, the Havened Ones created the same formation.

  Scarlett caught the Queen’s eye before shifting to the female beside her. Queen Esma stood in a protective stance slightly in front of her with her palms ignited with white light. The female’s eyes shone with a fear that unnerved Scarlett. She recognized that look – she’d worn it herself plenty of times before.

  White flashed from the corner of Scarlett’s eye, and she snapped her head to find darts of lightning heading their way. She spread her fingers and, like a whip, threw shots back while using her other hand to swipe the air. As her darts flew from her fingertips, a black wall erected before them that all the enemy fire disappeared into.

  “They’re Dreamers and Dreammares! Everybody hold your ground,” Scarlett yelled as she glanced around. “Let them come to us.”


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