Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2)

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Wicked Dreams (The Dream Chronicles Book 2) Page 5

by J. Clarice

  Scarlett nodded as she took in the information. “Sounds easy enough.”

  Grandpa Byrne smiled at Scarlett’s words while waving at Queen Esma. “Excellent. Esma, get these people situated. They’ve got a ways ahead of them.”

  Queen Esma bowed her head to her grandfather and led the way out of the room. Scarlett followed, and the others trailed behind.

  “Trevor, Jasper, and Jayden follow me to the training grounds. You will need to practice wielding your new weapons and get fitted. Queen Scarlett, you will be free to roam until it is time.”

  Lost in her thoughts, Scarlett absently nodded at Queen Esma before catching eyes with Trevor. He slipped her a small smile before continuing down another hall with the others leaving her alone.

  Scarlett sighed as she continued down the way they’d first come through. She reached the Havened home's foyer. The place couldn’t be called a house; a palace deemed it more fit.

  Staring out into the Havened Realm, Scarlett was able to see what Grandpa Byrne and Queen Esma were concerned about. Although immensely bright in the sky, the stars were speckled with random patches of darkness. The mountains appeared lower than they should. They were slowly sinking into the Realm’s ground.

  Scarlett exited the palace and rose into the air. Instead of heading for the town, she turned and aimed for the green giant the Havened palace sat on. It was possibly the biggest mountain in the Havened Realm, yet it blended in so well with the others upon entering.

  The palace grew further, and Scarlett kept her sights on the nearing tip. The air’s temperature dropped as she rose higher and higher. Her muscles clenched as she pushed forward when the mountain finally gave way to what lay on the other side.

  Rolling hills of green stole the air from Scarlett’s lungs as the memories forced themselves forward.


  She squeezed her eyes shut and willed them to burn and fade. They weren’t doing anyone any good by continuing to exist. A droplet escaped Scarlett’s eye as she exhaled a shaky breath.

  “Continue down that path, and you’re sure to meet your death quicker than most.”

  Scarlett’s palms widened at the sound of Grandpa Byrne’s voice.

  She forced a deep breath and didn’t bother wiping the wet trail from her cheek before turning toward the former Havened King. “Can I help you with something?”

  Grandpa Byrne didn’t blink at Scarlett’s snapped words. He knew the weight they carried much like his own would to her. “Queen Scarlett, is it not?”

  Scarlett loosened her shoulders but didn’t close her hands, leaving them at her sides. “Your point?”

  “That’s quite a big title they’ve given a girl like you,” Grandpa Byrne brought his hand up to his chin and clicked his tongue. “Doesn’t sit right when addressed, does it?”

  “Where is this going, Grandpa Byrne?” Scarlett asked as she closed her palms and returned her gaze to the slowly disappearing hills. “I’d like to have a moment alone.”

  “Scarlett, there isn’t much I could tell you that would relieve you of the weight you carry.” Grandpa Byrne made his way until he was beside Scarlett, their gaze roaming the Havened Realm. “What I can tell you is that continuing this way will bring no good and only cause you and your friends' great harm. You’re going through things that haven’t been recorded in our history of the Realms. While that could impose as terrifying and horrific, it’s also beautiful and empowering; a gift even.”

  A scoff escaped Scarlett. “A gift? Have you not seen what I’m capable of? Or the things I’m barely discovering I’m able to do? How could this possibly be a gift? I’ve lost my family because of it.”

  Scarlett’s voice cracked as the ball inside her chest rumbled and tugged.

  “You have an anger… and restlessness growing within you, Scarlett. I can feel it, and I can see it. You have lost a lot due to your gift, and that is irreversible and unforgiving. But know this, what you’ll lose if you let those emotions overpower you will be far more than you ever would have thought possible.”

  With her heart in her throat, Scarlett could only clench her jaw as her stomach churned.

  “Learn to get yourself under control and become at peace with what has happened. For if you do not, the destruction that will follow, will be the end of us all.”

  Silence ensued, and only her breathing filled the air. Scarlett glanced to the side to watch Grandpa Byrne turn and disappear down the edge.

  ‘A gift…’

  Scarlett shoved his words away. None of it could be a gift and there was no bright side to her situation. She saw nothing but death.

  The cold seeped through her armor and settled into her bones with an ache. With a tight throat, she clenched her hands into fists.

  Taking a deep breath, the scream that desperately wanted to free itself became lodged. It was shoved down and down until it reached the blackened pit in her chest.

  Maybe Grandpa Byrne was right. Perhaps he wasn’t.

  Maybe… Scarlett needed this pain to continue. The pain of having lost her family, the pain of having something inside that was slowly growing out of control, the pain of knowing that the fate of everybody’s life rested in her palms.

  For the time being, she’d do what she was taught to do best… hide it.

  She’s coming.

  The whispers made their way into her ear, and she rolled her neck. Running this place by herself hadn’t been an easy task. She needed her partner by her side. Too bad he was preoccupied with other things.

  With not an ounce of the Dark Realm in her body, it was difficult to watch over the Nightmares. If it weren’t for the council and them knowing who she was, controlling the Nightmares wouldn’t have been possible.

  Her silky red dress flowed around her legs as she made her way down from her chambers. The whispers grew by the day, and she knew He had something to do with it. How He did, was astounding to everyone in her home.

  No one has come close to being as powerful as He. His plans are, for the most part, foolproof and sure they’ve had hiccups – just a few little ones.

  Arriving at the main room, her council lined themselves in between the columns as she walked to her throne.

  “I’ve gotten word from Him.” Her council bowed their heads, refusing to look her in the eyes. “They are not far from her awaited arrival. I want you all to make sure everything goes as planned or else…”

  She paused to let her words settle before letting out a maniac laugh. “Who am I to kid? You know what would happen.”

  Turning around, she sat on the throne and leaned back as she crossed her legs. “Get out and make sure everything is in place. We’re not fucking this up.”

  Closing her eyes, the whispers returned and filled her ears, sending a thrum through her veins.

  ‘This is all for you… my love.’

  Everybody gathered on the edge of the Havened Realm. Even though Queen Esma’s people weren’t present, they could be seen from the edge of their little town speculating from their windows. Trevor, Jayden, and Jasper stood behind Scarlett as they got ready to part ways with the Queen. They did their training and got accustomed to their new weapons and armor faster than they thought it’d take. Their time to leave was now, and no more could be wasted.

  “You have a long journey ahead of you. My people and I, thank you and wish you the best,” Queen Esma said as she took Scarlett’s hand within her own.

  The action made Scarlett widen her eyes and focus on the queen. Queen Esma’s eyes were unlike any other blind being. The foggy white swirled with a shimmer that reminded Scarlett of a Dreamer’s power.

  “Before you go, take this one thing with you. What you see is not what it may seem and see through my eyes. There are always more sides than known by most.”

  Finishing her whisper, Queen Esma returned her saddened gaze and let go of Scarlett’s hand. Scarlett scrunched her brows as she went over the queen’s words. Before she could ask what she meant, Queen Esma moved ba

  “We will be here once you return.”

  “Thank you,” Scarlett bid them farewell, not knowing what else she could say. They were being sent off on a suicide mission; what does one say in their goodbye?

  Trevor, Jayden, and Jasper turned towards the invisible exit of the Havened Realm. Grandpa Byrne stared at Scarlett with sympathy lining his face. They both knew of what she chose and of what could come, and yet, it would have to remain the least of her worries. Before Scarlett turned, she caught sight of Cassandra’s gaze. The young teen’s eyes shone with unspoken words, but her lips mouthed a simple, ‘thank-you.’

  Scarlett dipped her head for Cassandra before facing her new mission and possibly imminent death.


  Jasper whistled as the group made their way through Ever Realm. The noises had already been grating everyone’s nerves, and they hoped Jasper would get the clue – he didn’t.

  “Jasper, shut the fuck up,” Jayden snapped, and sighs of relief filled the air at the ceased whistle.

  A scowl overcame Jasper’s face as he faced his twin. “Geez, must you be so bitter? Everyone was enjoying it.”

  “No, they weren’t.”

  Trevor chuckled at Jayden’s terse response and sneaked a glance towards Scarlett.

  She walked ahead of the group, lost within her thoughts. Nobody ever knew what was going through her mind anymore – just the way she wanted to keep it.

  They didn’t need to know of the toxic thoughts ripping apart her soul, thread by thread, as they continued. Scarlett glanced behind at the bickering twins and caught Trevor’s eyes. He continued his long strides until he met an equal pace with Scarlett.

  “How are you holding up?” Trevor asked.

  Scarlett raised a brow at his question before giving in to an answer. “Considering the circumstances, not too bad.”

  A snort left Trevor. “Quit bullshitting. I know this isn’t going easy on anyone, especially you.”

  Scarlett bristled at Trevor’s last words. She knew she had a lot of shit to deal with, and going through another therapy session wasn’t in the books. “I don’t want to go there, Trevor.”

  Hearing the warning in her words, he backed off but didn’t slow his walk.

  She noticed.

  They fell into silence as the twin’s behind stopped talking.

  The difference between Ever Realm and the Havened continued to astound her. If it weren’t for the few straggling stars high above, Ever Realm could’ve been mistaken for the Dark Realm. The cold was a stable factor, and their bodies were already numbed to it.

  “Guys, who do you think rules the Dark Realm now?”

  Jasper’s question puzzled everyone. Since the banishing of Raxon and Cain, the Nightmares simply retreated and went unchecked.

  “I don’t know, but I guess we’re about to find out.”

  Total blackness met them up ahead. Not a single light in sight.

  Once the darkness would’ve risen fear from Scarlett’s chest, now it brought nothing.

  “We go without light. We can’t risk alerting them of our presence,” Trevor said as he unsheathed his knives.

  Scarlett opened her palms and masked their Dreamer weapons with her power. “No light, it is.”

  “We’ll be blind,” Jayden reminded as they formed a tight circle. Scarlett led with Jayden and Jasper at her side. Trevor fell in the back, completing their diamond formation.

  Scarlett took the first step into the Dark Realm, and nothing met her eyes. She blinked when shapes outlined themselves before her. Her eyes widened as she stilled her movements.

  “Do you guys see that?” Scarlett whispered.

  “See what?” Jayden asked.

  “I can’t see shit,” Jasper added.

  “Blackness on my end,” Trevor piped in.

  Scarlett’s heartbeat was like thunder as she processed what they said.

  “I can see… everything.”

  Not too far from where they stood were bundles of hunched-over figures. They heaved as if breathing as one body. If it weren’t for the multiple limbs and curved tails, Scarlett would’ve mistaken them for the largest Nightmares she’d ever seen. She could see the muck dripping from their skin and the holes that gaped back at her.

  They huddled under shack-like buildings with the walls curved and twisted. It seemed their homes matched their appearance.

  Scarlett glanced back at her team to find their eyes wide but blind to their surroundings. Their pupils the widest she’d ever seen but not taking in a single thing.

  “Scar, what’s going on? What do you mean you can see?”

  At Jasper’s words, the groups of Nightmares shuddered at once, releasing a low growl. The twins and Trevor tensed at the sound and tightened their formation until all their backs were touching.

  “Scarlett, what do you see?”

  Trevor’s whisper barely registered within her ears before she closed her eyes and tried to spread out her power to the Nightmares. She felt them within the reach of her tendrils but pulled back before they touched any of the sleeping monsters.

  “They’re huddled together in groups and breathing as one.”

  “They’re hibernating. These must be the Lowly Nightmares – the mindless ones that simply do as they’re told.”

  That made sense, but the fact that they were hibernating during a time no Dreamers were around was what puzzled them all.

  Wouldn’t they be terrorizing the humans as they wish?

  “We need to keep quiet. Scarlett, you’ll be our eyes and guide us through the field,” Trevor planned as he blindly looked around while calming his heart.

  “Which way do I go to find the Dark Realm’s quarters?”

  “Trust me, you’ll know.”

  Jayden’s response was enough to stop Scarlett from asking any more questions. They continued forward.

  With a thousand thoughts racing through Scarlett’s mind, she struggled to push them aside.

  ‘What is happening to me?’

  ‘Why am I able to see in the Dark Realm now?’

  They approached the first line of sleeping Nightmares, and Scarlett sent her power to wrap around the four of them like a belt.

  “Keep your weapons at your sides,” Scarlett pushed out through clenched teeth.

  Jayden lowered her bow flat to her chest, Jasper held his sword by his leg, and Trevor let his arms fall to his sides. The heavy breathing of the Nightmares filled the air, canceling out any other noise. They slowly zigzagged between the hibernating creatures, relying on Scarlett’s sight.

  “Watch your footing, and don’t trip over each other,” Scarlett called as she spotted bundles of long-tailed Nightmares ahead. She skirted to the left and continued down the row in search of an opening of tailless creatures. White columns rose from behind the Nightmares, stretching as far as her eye could see. They were ribbed with dips and clean of any imperfection.

  The Dark Realm’s Quarters.

  “Guys, I see it. It's straight-”

  A tug on her power stopped her sentence, and dread rapidly filled her veins. Time slowed as Scarlett turned to find Jasper tilting forward. He threw his hands out to catch himself, and Scarlett laid sight on what he was about to fall on. Trevor blindly reached, trying to grab ahold of Jasper’s armor but was a few inches off.

  Jasper’s hands slicked off the back of a gangly Nightmare. Its skin was pale and peeled as he slid down its slippery surface. Muck coated Jasper’s face and armor as he fell to the ground.

  The Nightmare rumbled before standing up to its full height. It didn’t turn to face them. No – it was doing something else. It tilted its bald head back, and its face opened into four slices, unleashing a shriek that pierced everyone’s ears.

  Knowing their cover was blown, Scarlett undid her power from their weapons, letting the light flood the darkness.

  “Run!” Scarlett yelled as she yanked up Jasper from the ground.

  The huddled Nightmares shook and peeled t
hemselves off each other. Scarlett caught up to a sprinting Trevor and Jayden and led the way to where she’d seen the columns. They stepped on the lumpy ground, not caring for the screeches that followed each squelch of their foot.

  The columns grew larger as they neared, but the Nightmares were coming like a wave reaching its end. Feeling them on their heels, Jayden jumped into the air while loading an arrow and turned to shoot the first line of Nightmares. The arrow landed in front of the creatures, and a second later, a bright light bloomed, burning the Nightmares it touched.

  Jayden dropped back down and continued her run.

  “We’re almost there!”

  The edge of the columns was up six sets of white stairs. Fuck. They wouldn’t make it up running. Scarlett glanced behind and saw the horde of Nightmares clambering after them.

  “When I tell you guys to jump, jump as high and forward as you can go!”

  Scarlett’s order barely reached their ears, but as soon as she yelled jump, they all pushed themselves into the air and braced for a blind landing. Soaring past the columns, Scarlett landed with a roll and heard the impact of the others. She groaned as her body tumbled to a stop and throbbed.

  Gripping her head, she rose from the ground and walked toward the top of the stairs. The Nightmares rustled at the bottom edge, but not one dared touch it. Like a pile of roaches, they mindlessly climbed atop one another. The ball within Scarlett’s chest tugged in their direction, and the feeling she had only once before for a Nightmare, flourished.

  With a shudder, she banished the curl of sympathy and returned her attention to her team. “Are you guys alright?”

  Trevor stood with his knives and circled by his blue power. Jayden was surrounded by purple and Jasper, by white.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” Trevor answered. Jayden readjusted her bow before turning toward Jasper. Scarlett saw her simmer with anger and knew what was about to ensue.

  “What the fuck was that Jasp?” Jayden asked as she headed his way.

  “I-Wh-I fucking tripped!” Jasper sputtered his words as she shoved him back. “What else do you want me to say!?”


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