The Demon Queen

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The Demon Queen Page 7

by Brandi Elledge

  “I don’t like things that don’t add up.”

  I might have been the queen of crazy, but I had met my quota of the day. I patted his masterpiece of a chest. “Okay, big fella. You don’t want to celebrate then we won’t. But I have got to see what mama looks like.” I waved a hand in front of my body. “Stay or go, it’s up to you, and before you lecture me on vanity again, I’m the Queen of foxing Demons, if I wasn’t vain, something would be wrong.”

  Well, more wrong. I straightened his grungy T-shirt that was still slightly damp from my sweat and had dirt stains on it, trying to look as queenly as I could while I marched into my chambers. I wasn’t going to let him steal my thunder. I had my shell and just survived a place that only Death, that handsome devil, could go. I was totally slaying queenhood.

  Chapter Twelve

  I stumbled in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. I had forgotten what my actual shell looked like. To be fair, I hadn’t finished growing when it had been stripped from me. I studied myself in the mirror. My silky hair flowed past my waist in jet black waves. My eyes were the color of grey smoke, and they tilted just slightly upwards at the corners, giving me an exotic look. I pulled my full, ruby lips open with my fingers like a vet would do to a dog to see perfectly straight teeth. Small waist and enough boob to make up for that time I had to be in a man’s body for a whole six months. Even being dirty and gross from the day’s events didn’t detract from the package. I was gorgeous, but more importantly I felt the power running through my veins. I would be unstoppable. Austin came up behind me and stared at my reflection.

  I gave him a nod. “I know, right? If this was tinder and I was a guy, I would so swipe to the right.”

  I expected him to laugh, but he ran a hand over his face and shook his head before gruffly saying, “I’ve done my part. I retrieved your, um …” His blue eyes raked my body. “Your original form, and now you need to hold up your end of the bargain. We need to go after the key.”

  “Whoa, cowboy. Can’t a girl have a second to enjoy her accomplishments? Do you have any clue how long I’ve waited for this moment? Let’s put it this way. I couldn’t even remember what I looked like.”

  He took two steps closer to me, putting his face over my shoulder, and as we both looked at each other’s reflections in the mirror, I tried to figure out what had come over him. “You’ve ogled yourself for long enough. Now, we had a deal, and I would like to start right away.”

  Wow. It was almost like he was angry I’d gotten my body back. My shoulder brushed his chest, and I slowly turned around. I was small in my original form. Five feet three, so I had to tilt my head all the way back just so I could meet his eyes.

  “I never said I was backing out of our deal. I just don’t understand what the hurry is.”

  “Are you being serious?” He sounded disgusted, as he glared back down at me. “Of course, you’re being serious. You’re a demon. How else would you respond? There is a hurry to find the key, so that you know … earth freaking survives.”

  I arched a brow at his tone. Obviously, something had happened back in the maze, but I wouldn’t ask questions because I was a Demon Queen and didn’t care about someone else’s tedious emotions. “For the earth to collapse, all forty-nine portals would have to be open, letting all of the banned Degenerates come back over. The Degenerates that are currently on earth don’t have all the keys in their possession, so yes, they could open a few portals, and that would cause damage to earth, but not total destruction. Let’s not be dramatic. Also, you’re correct. I am a demon, but I’m also a queen, and I don’t like the way you talk to me. Watch your tone or else.”

  Something flashed in his eyes before he gathered me in his arms in an … embrace? It was almost if he were about to kiss me. Confused, I tried to pull back from him, but then everything blurred. My stomach rolled, as a wave of nausea hit me. I blinked at my surroundings. He was still holding onto me as I realized exactly what the most strikingly handsome man in the world was. Dang, it! I was screwed, and by the smile on his face, he knew it, too.

  He still hadn’t released me, and I was thankful for the extra body heat. I would have to say being in the middle of nowhere in Alaska was a drastic change from the climate I was used to. I was freezing.

  I glared at my captor. “Well, you have my attention. Can I have my power back now?”

  He chuckled. “I wondered if you realized.”

  “That I’m without power? I’m not an idiot, you moron. Of course, I noticed. So, you can undo witch spells, teleport, big whoopee by the way, and you can obviously eliminate powers. Anything else I need to know about?”

  He just shrugged. I fumed. How dare he transport me somewhere without my permission and strip me of my powers? That was unforgivable. My father had done that once, and I’d be danged if I let someone else take them again.

  “You do realize my father did this very thing to me. He stripped me from my powers after years of tormenting me, freezing me in time capsules, and killing anyone who ever meant anything to me. Now, you are doing the exact same thing without even thinking.”

  “You need to understand what I’m capable of.”

  One day soon, he would know what I was equally capable of. I would have to kill him for this. Right after I kept my vow. Until then, I would play nice.

  “So, can you only eliminate someone’s powers by touching them?”


  “And you have to remain in contact with them to eliminate their powers?”


  Then why the hey was he still holding onto me? “Why are we here?”

  “To get your attention. You might be the Queen of Demons, and you might be able to toss your authority onto everyone, but not me. There are several supernaturals out there that are no longer supernaturals because I have stripped them of their powers. I’ve dropped them off in places similar to these to teach them a lesson. They must figure out how to survive just like humans. Most don’t make it. So before you try to hold your title over me again, remember this. Remember what I am capable of.”

  There was a tiny bead of sweat forming at his hairline. I was surprised it didn’t freeze in this cold weather. Wait a minute. “It pains you to take my power, doesn’t it?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why would you say that?”

  “Answering a question with a question is basic deflection 101, buddy.” I knew because I mastered the class.

  He gave another shrug, letting me know I would not be getting anywhere in this conversation. The good news was at least it hurt him to rob me. I dropped my head to stare at his chest. Yep, he was a dead man walking. He just didn’t know it yet. I would bury him in the pits of the underworld. Or maybe I would mount his head in my chambers, so everyone who came in would see the handsome beast I slew. It would be a reminder that no one threatened me and got away with it.

  Austin wrapped his hand around my hair and gave a gentle tug, forcing me to yet again meet his gaze. His eyes traveled all over my face before he gave a bark of laughter. “There for a second, I thought you had feelings, and I had actually hurt them, but you’re contemplating my murder right now, aren’t you?”

  I felt a smile start to come upon my face, causing his eyes to drop momentarily to my lips. “No. I would never have such evil thoughts, but just in case you do happen to expire, what would you like written on your gravestone?”

  Whatever I expected from him, laughter was not one of them. “You’ve made a vow to help me with the key, so I should be safe until then at least.”

  In a rush, I felt my power returning to my body and soothing every part of me. Within seconds, it was like I could breathe again, but before I could say anything to him, everything blurred. When I teleported, it was easy for me and the others I brought with me. It was like we became part of the air, existing even if you didn’t see us. Austin’s teleporting skills left something to be desired. It was like riding a rollercoaster running off of its tracks. He deposited me right outside of
my chambers and took his sweet time releasing me. I could tell he enjoyed my discomfort because the more I wiggled the more he smiled. It wasn’t that I didn’t like being held by a gorgeous male, because who wouldn’t? It was more the fact that we had just laid down the battleground rules and we were opponents.

  “Gah,” I gasped. “I wonder if all the ladies find your skills as lacking as I do.”

  “I’ve never had any complaints.”

  Good to see he was still cocky as ever. We both knew only one of us would survive after finding the key, and I aimed for that someone to be me. If he took my powers from me, he might as well drive a blade through my heart. It was the same thing in my opinion. My eyes roamed over Austin, assessing him. To be so masculine, and yet to move with the precision and grace of a panther, was a gift in itself. I was certain his stunning good looks helped out on more than one occasion, especially if you paired it with that sexy smile he handed out like tokens of gratitude to unsuspecting strangers. I was not susceptible to a handsome face, though. That in itself put the ball in my court. I bet Austin believed in dignity and in a fair fight, so that was an advantage I had on him. I fought dirty.

  I wondered why he hadn’t revealed his powers before he retrieved my shell. I assumed it was so our deal would be set in concrete. Maybe he thought I would rather not retrieve my body than to have to fight to survive later on. He would have been wrong. If I had known about his abilities prior to the enchanted maze, I wouldn’t have made an attempt on his life. I was convinced he was the only one who could have given me back my shell. My eyes slowly traveled back up his body until they met his blue eyes, twinkling with suppressed laughter.

  “Well, Queen, do you find me a formidable opponent?”

  Gah, he was hot. I pursed my lips and tapped my chin like I was thinking. “I really find you lacking.”

  His eyes narrowed a fraction. I hid my smile as I slid past him and through my chamber door. I needed to change out of this grungy T-shirt, but first I had to say hey to my bug. I tried my best not to skip as I headed towards the main area that was large enough for parties. The area where I entertained none of my guests, but it was on my to-do list. Make friends and then entertain them. No, who was I kidding? That sounded like it would take way too much energy. Besides, demons didn’t have friends; they were a weakness. But enemies I could do. The first being I saw was Sarah, who was still tied up and glaring, along with the fairy who was currently reading a magazine on my velvet couch.

  With a flick of my wrist, I released Sarah from her bindings. Not noticing me, she immediately started spewing all kinds of derogatory things towards the Demon Queen. Tally put his magazine down quickly, realizing this was where the real amusement was.

  “Where is she?” Sarah screeched.

  I gave her a little finger wave. “Yoo-hoo! Mary, it’s me.”

  At first she didn’t recognize me, but when it dawned on her who I was, her fists balled to her sides as she tilted her head back, and better than any four-year-old I’d ever seen screamed, “Sarah. My name is freaking Sarah!”

  My brows knitted. “Are you sure? Because you look like a Mary.”

  “Austin! Why are you in your boxers?”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see him standing in his half-naked glory. Seriously, why? Couldn’t he have taken two seconds to throw on some sweats?

  “And why is she wearing your shirt?” Without waiting for an answer, she made a leap for me.

  Stupid girl. Lucky for her, her boyfriend was there to intercept her.

  He gave her a stern look before he glared at me. “Cut it out. You know what her name is.”

  I gave him an innocent, wide-eyed look that said, “Do I?” but he wasn’t buying it. Sarah looked like one of those women from the show Snapped. Any minute something was going to push her over the ledge into insanity. Oh, how I hoped it was me behind the pushing.

  Austin turned his back, and for the first time I noticed a tattoo on his shoulder blade. Gah, as if he needed to get any hotter. I tried to read the small writing, but he must have felt my eyes on him. He glanced over his shoulder at me. His eyes narrowed. Well, if he didn’t want me looking at him, he probably should have put some clothes on.

  I raised my hands in surrender. “Easy tiger. Just checking out the tat.”

  “What?” He sounded pissed. “Of course you were. And what do you think of it?”

  Someone was a little sensitive about their ink job. Jeez. I pretended like I didn’t hear his demanding, snappy questions. Like I needed to explain myself. Hello, freaks. Demon Queen here. When he realized I wasn’t going to provide an answer, he pulled his girlfriend into a corner to have a little pow-wow with the psycho.

  Tally flew over to me, hovering about an inch in front of my face. “Wowzer.”

  I winked. “I know, right?” I tugged on the hem of Austin’s shirt. “At first I was worried that my original shell hadn’t grown while being held captive.” It would totally suck to have the mentality of a nineteen-year-old but stuck in an eight-year-old body, but thankfully that wasn’t the case.

  “I completely understand,” Tally said before he flew a circle around the room, so he could listen to the lovebirds bicker. Gah, the fairy was such a gossip. I personally loved it. If you couldn’t sit down next to me and talk mad trash about someone, we just couldn’t be friends. “So, Sarah over there looks like she is about to lose her mind. I think she’s even more upset that you came back in this body, and her boy can’t seem to take his eyes off of you.”

  I looked over at the arguing couple. “No, I think you’re mistaken.”

  “She just asked her boyfriend if he thought you were hot, and he stumbled over his words.”

  Did she? Had he? I hadn’t heard. I shrugged, showing indifference. I mean, who cared if the sexiest man alive thought I was hot? As soon as I found the key, I was going to have to kill him. Whoops. I might have voiced that out loud.

  Tally pointed a finger at my nose. “You’re toeing the line between good and evil all ready, and you want to go and commit a murder? Don’t you think that’ll put you in the evil column? Tell me, Queen, what was the exterior color of your shell?”

  Huh? “Um, it was half black and half white.”

  He nodded. “Of course it was, because you’re equal parts good and bad. It’s like ying and yang. You have created a balance within yourself. The first demon to ever do so, might I add.”

  As interesting as that was, I didn’t want to talk about my good side, if I had one. I snatched him out of the air, careful not to damage his wings. I walked over to the fireplace, trying to give the arguing couple their space. Plus, seeing Austin trying to calm down his girlfriend left me feeling yucky. I was scared I would start gagging, and then everyone would be glaring at me again.

  Sitting in a nearby armchair, I dropped Tally on my lap. “I don’t have time for a session right now, doc. All I know is that man”—with the glistening abs—“over there plans on taking my powers from me the moment we succeed in finding the key. Just like dear ol’ dad did. I can’t let that happen. Not again. I’ve killed before.”

  “In self-defense.” Tally rubbed a hand over his face. “Has it crossed your mind that maybe his prejudice against you is because it’s hard to find a living demon that has an ounce of good in them?” He nodded at me. “Seriously, have a good think about it. Being the Queen of Demons, can you name one of your subjects that has a shred of decency?”

  No, I couldn’t, and he could tell that by my sour expression.

  “Right, so wouldn’t you say he is basing his opinion off of what has always been? Maybe instead of plotting his death, you should try and convince him there is good in you.”

  “No way. I see what you’re throwing down, but I’m not picking it up. And you better watch that ‘good’ talk. That could cause a mutiny. What are you trying to do? Get me beheaded? Besides, I currently don’t have time to convince someone not to judge me. I have elaborate parties and stuff I’m going to start throwing.
Be all social and shirt. I think it would be easier just to let him swim with the fishes. As another great queen said, ‘Off with their heads.’ I think I’ll follow suit.”

  Tally straightened his bow tie and then crossed his small muscular arms over his suit. “You will not let evil win. You will hold onto what good you have and it will prevail. Mark my words, you better not let your temper get the best of you.”

  Oh hey. He was annoying the crap out of me. He was like a walking, talking self-help book. I flicked him from my knee, where he hit a nearby couch. His face turned crimson from rage. With quick, angry jerks, he straightened his bow tie, as he dipped into his fae language that I didn’t have to understand a word of to know he was cussing me for everything I was worth.

  I shook a finger at him. “Now, now, Tally, you need to learn how to control that nasty temper of yours. Also, it’s not fair that you can cuss but I can’t, and I really miss cussing.”

  He flew over to the bar. “You could drive a good fairy to drink.”

  I snickered before I took one more look at Austin’s yummy washboard stomach before he hid it with underserving cotton. Mortal enemies or not, I wasn’t a nun. The couple was in the midst of arguing, but how Sarah didn’t pout or frown when he put on his T-shirt showed more willpower than what I would have given him.

  I went into my private chambers to take a quick shower while the lovebirds were still in a heated convo, and the fairy got lit. Fifteen glorious minutes later, I came back out with my hair wet and sweats on. My eyes darted to Austin, who had thrown on some pants as well. Good. I was hoping he would. No one enjoyed staring at a sculpted body that looked celestial. Kidding. Actually, the underworld could use him as a torturing device. Just put him sans shirt in front of naughty soccer moms, and he’d have women running amuck. Not me, though, because I was a queen. I cast one more nonchalant once-over at Austin’s chiseled body, which the fabric did nothing to hide. When Tally caught my glimpse, his eyes narrowed in speculation, so I flipped him the bird. Judgmental ash-hole. I groaned as I sat back down in the chair I had earlier vacated to see nothing had changed since I’d left. Sarah still wailed about the injustices of life. Five minutes later, I looked over to find Tally floating face down in a shot glass. Good times.


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