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The Demon Queen

Page 11

by Brandi Elledge

  “You!” I started poking him in his chest. “How dare you? Do you know what you’ve done? You are just like my father.”

  “I am nothing like your father. I can promise you my intentions are completely different.” I started to slap him across his face, but as easily as if I was a pesky gnat, he caught my hand. “Easy, sweet cheeks.” He turned around and winked at the boys on the other side of the bar. “Let’s take our little lover’s quarrel outside, shall we?”

  “Lovers?” I shrieked. “I would rather become lovers with number thirty-one over there, and he has no teeth and has to be pushing ninety, if he’s a day.”

  Grabbing me by my arm, he hauled me outside of the bar to where a large dumpster sat, and of course with no powers, I was left to just trail behind him, helpless. Helpless! Me, the Demon Queen.

  I jerked my arm out of his grasp. “What do you want?”

  His hands ran through his short, white-blond hair. His electric blue eyes held mine before he bit his bottom lip and released a string of curse words. “What do I want, she asks? What do you think I want, sweet cheeks?”

  I glared back, as I spat, “I don’t know, cuddle bear, why don’t you enlighten me?”

  “I. Want. My. Freaking. Key.”

  Huh? “What are you talking about?”

  “Your fairy took it.”

  “What?” At his deadly look, I burst out laughing. “Oh, this is great. When I find that bug, I’m going to kiss him.”

  “This is not funny.”

  I felt a little bit of my swag returning. “Oh, but it is. You prematurely took the key. You were so worried about taking my power you took your eyes off the one thing you crave the most. The key. And what happened? You succeeded in defeating little ol’ me, but you lost the key.” I clapped my hands together. “Oh, this is great.”

  “I brought you here, so I could have some time to think about what I wanted to do with you. Everything is a mess and—”

  I patted his chest. “Oh, save it, big guy. I don’t need to hear your excuses. The facts are you jumped the gun and now you’re screwed.”

  “Find him,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Or what,” I snarled. “You’ll take my powers?”

  A bunch of tall, strapping men in flannel and work boots headed towards the bar. They looked like they were related to the guy from the paper towel commercial. One of them hit his friend in his chest before the group stopped. They stared at me in awe.

  Austin grabbed my elbow; I assumed to steer me somewhere more private. I jerked out of his grasp and was about to tell him what I thought of his manhandling when the tallest of the brawny men said, “Hey, little lady, are you in trouble?”

  I let my bottom lip wobble a little before I dashed an imaginary tear. “Oh, it’s just been a terrible day, and this one,” I said, nodding to Austin, “isn’t helping.”

  One of the men looked at my ring finger before he sized up Austin. Then he turned to whisper to his friends. Just because Austin had stripped me of my powers didn’t mean I wasn’t still immortal with the perks most non-mortals had. I could hear exceptionally well. None of the lumberjacks were as strong as Austin, but they thought they could take him, as long as they stayed in a group. They would be wrong, but it was still cute they would try. Obviously, Austin heard them as well because he snorted. They eyed me up and down before the leader of the group came to a decision. “Wow, you have to be cold. You’re not really dressed for Alaskan weather. Would you like to go inside with us?”

  Another man piped up, “Drinks are on us.”

  Austin growled in my ear, “Don’t even think about it.”

  Ignoring him, I let my voice shake. “Well, I haven’t eaten all day. I’m not sure if I should drink on an empty stomach.”

  Now, the men gave Austin the stink eye. The tallest one said, “Oh hon. Come on in, and we will buy you a burger.”

  I wrung my hands while worrying over my bottom lip. “You know that sounds sort of nice.”

  “Carmen …” Austin warned.

  From the side of my mouth, I said, “Suck a duck.”

  The men walked towards the door and waited on me to join them.

  I turned back and whispered to Austin, “It looks like you got played, playa. I’ll be inside deciding my powerless future while you stand out here in the cold, thinking of how your life’s mission just went down the drain.”

  “Carmen, wait—”

  “Sorry, can’t hear you,” I said, as I put a little extra sway in my hips and sashayed to the five lumberjacks waiting to open the door for me.

  Three hours later, I had filled my stomach and was smiling from ear to ear from the sheer fact that I had these huge, beastly men eating out of my powerless hand. One of the men had draped his coat over me as I sat there planning, even as I acted like I was intently listening to the cutest of the bunch finishing a story. The freakishly hot Power Eliminator sat in a dark corner of the bar, glaring at me every time I laughed at something one of the men said. Since it seemed to piss him off, I was full of cheer. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of something. Tally, bless his little fairy self, flew towards the restroom sign. I casually glanced over to Austin. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of me, so the chances of him having seen Tally were slim. Austin tilted his head sideways in question, and I rolled my eyes.

  Placing the jacket on the back of my chair, I said, “Excuse me, boys. I’ve got to use the little girl's room.” They all stood. Such gentlemen. I walked past Austin’s table and gave him a saucy wink.

  After heading to the restroom, I opened up every stall until I found my bug. I was beaming as he re-tucked in his shirt and then flicked his suspenders.

  “How awesome am I?”

  “You are so awesome. I can’t believe you stole the key. Ha! Now, we can demand him to give me back my powers.”

  “Well, that was the plan.”

  My smile dropped. “What do you mean, was the plan?”

  The fairy flew over to the back of the toilet and began to pace on the lid. “Well, see, here’s what happened.” I let out a loud groan. “I knew what Austin was planning as soon as he appeared behind you, so I made a mad run for it. What we didn’t know is that the head witch had shacked up with a rogue werewolf, and him, along with some of his friends, were coming for the opening of the portal. Interesting fact: did you know the Charleston portal contains the most Degenerate werewolves?”

  I crossed my arms and tapped my flip flops on the tile floor. “You’re stalling, bug. Spit it out.”

  “Yes, well, I literally flew right into them while leaving the park. They threatened to take off my wings if I didn’t give them the key.”

  I turned my back to him and banged my forehead on the stall door. This wasn’t good.

  “But listen, after I dropped the key, I flew as fast as my wings would take me, and they didn’t try to catch me. They thought I flew away, but without them knowing, I followed them back to where they hang out.”

  I turned around slowly. “So, you know where the key is.”

  He crossed his tiny arms over his chest, nodding. “I know where the key is.”

  “But there’s one problem,” I said.

  He nodded again. “You don’t have any powers to take the key back.”

  About that time, the restroom door swung open, and somehow I knew who it was. Not just because I was the only lady in this whole establishment, but because anytime he was near, my stomach did this funny little floppy thing. It was so annoying. I opened the stall door and came face to face with Austin.

  “Are you having fun out there?” he demanded.

  I cocked an eyebrow at his tone. I sashayed towards the sink, taking my time washing my hands, as I looked in the mirror and studied the man standing behind me. His jaw was clenched, and he was fuming mad. Then I realized something.

  “You’re jealous.”

  He made himself relax, and at that moment, I knew my remark had been correct. Austin was jealous. My bro
w wrinkled in thought. His first comment should have been over the key, but instead he came in here mad over me flirting with a couple of strangers. Interesting indeed.

  He bent to look under the stalls. “No, Carmen, you can flirt with whomever you wish to.” He said this as if he didn’t care at all, but the tick in his eye was betraying an entirely different story. “What are you doing in here?”

  “Um, so you know you’re in the girl’s restroom, right?”

  “Again, what are you doing in here?”

  “Thinking of propositioning you.”

  His head jerked toward mine. “What?”

  “Easy, tiger. Not like that. I was wondering if you would like to make a deal.”

  He rested a hip against the sink basin. “I’m listening.”

  “If you get your key, then you have to give me my powers back and vow not to take them away again.”

  “No. You’re more dangerous than any Degenerates in the portals put together. A power like yours can’t go unchecked.”

  “Please, I’m harmless.”

  “Tell that to the five gentlemen at the bar that are ready to take out second mortgages just to make you their ‘little woman.’”

  “Would this be a bad time to mention that I did that without my powers?” I wouldn’t add that I could also disable any of those men without my powers, because maybe I wasn’t completely harmless. I turned to face him, as I rested against the sink. “Can I ask you a question?” At his nod, I said, “When you take powers from others, where does their energy go?”

  He remained quiet at first, but then I guessed he figured he might get more from me if he didn’t ignore my question. “I take it in. It becomes a part of me.”

  My eyes widened. “That’s why I can’t get a good read on you. You are everything. How do you handle so much power?”

  “Right now, I’m doing okay.” His eyes met mine. “Eventually, it will become too much, and I will go insane.”

  I waited for the punch line and when it didn’t come, my mouth dropped open. “But you continue to take others’ powers. Why?”

  “It’s the power I was given. I work with what I got.”

  “How noble of you.” I tried not to spit the word but I failed. “So, here you are, playing judge and jury, and eventually it’ll be the death of you. I bet all of my power is about to tip you over the edge.” When his eyes narrowed, I smirked. “How many beings’ powers reside in your body?”

  “Enough to be able to go toe to toe with the most powerful demon in the world and win.”

  When had the distance closed between us? There was but a scant inch separating us, and my head was fully tilted back, so I could stare up at him.

  “So, you will keep taking in powers until it consumes you. Tell me, do you like the surge that it gives you?”

  His eyes were riveted on my lips. “Yes.”

  “You are so worried about controlling me and not wanting my powers to go unchecked, but who will check you? You’ll end up just like my father. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “You keep comparing him to me, and I am nothing like that demon.” His eyes held so much rage. I was getting under his skin. “And your father’s death wasn’t painful enough in my opinion.”

  That was too raw. I had the same amount of anger towards my father, but I had been beaten and tormented for years by him and my uncle. “Austin, did you personally know my father?”

  “Someone I knew did.”

  As in past tense. My heart dropped. What had my father done to this man?

  “I’m sorry for whatever it is that my father has done to you or a loved one, but by taking my powers from me, it’s put you on his level, in my opinion.” His eyes jerked to mine. “I want my powers back, Austin.”

  “I can’t. I just need some time to think.”

  “Well, then, I guess this is where we part ways.”

  I started to go past him, but he reached out and snagged my arm, pulling me to a stop.

  “No, you will give me the key.”

  “And if I don’t? What will you do? Take away my powers?” I gave a fake shudder before I rolled my eyes. “Excuse me, oh great Power Manipulator, but you really aren’t up for negotiations, considering you have no leverage.”

  “I’ve found myself in a predicament.” He squeezed my arm before he let it go. “I made a vow to someone I would eliminate your powers immediately after I secured the key.”

  I poked him in his chest, almost breaking my finger. “Why, you double-crossing donkey-eater!”

  He grabbed my finger. “Oh, like you haven’t been planning to knife me in my sleep for some time.”

  “That’s only after you stole my powers from me the first time. You threw the first punch, buddy.”

  His jaw clenched in anger. My eyes were like slits as we just stared at each other.

  “Who?” I demanded. “Who made you take this vow.”

  “That I cannot say.”

  “Oh, of course you can’t.”

  I paced the yucky bathroom floors. Vows were unbreakable. In fact once you made a vow, you had a compelling urge to carry out the promise until it was completed. If he didn’t follow through, he would forfeit his immortality.

  “Did you promise to strip me of my powers indefinitely?”

  His perfectly kissable lips turned up into a smile. “As a matter of fact, I did not.”

  “Well, there you have it.” I cocked a hip out. “Do you think we can call a truce?”

  “If you vow to give me the key back, I’ll vow to give you your powers back.”

  “And perhaps vow to never take them again?”

  “You’re a demon. One that I don’t trust, and I might be the only person who can make sure you don’t kill innocent people.”

  His words didn’t ring true. He was hiding more, but why? “Do you really believe that?” When he didn’t answer, I said, “I have never killed anyone innocent in my life.” Anger coated my words. “But for now, I’ll settle on you vowing to give me back my powers. After you have your key and I have my powers, then we can discuss your hatred for demons.”


  We made our vows right then and there in a smelly Alaskan bathroom. If I was one for the sentimental stuff, I might have cried.

  “Now that that’s done, where have you hidden the key?” Austin asked.

  “Um, yeah about that,” I said, as Tally flew out from stall number three. “Why don’t you do the honors, bug?”

  “Have you heard of the rogue werewolves of Charleston?” Tally asked.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Austin exclaimed, but I, on the other hand, had questions.

  “That’s not really what they call themselves is it?” I felt laughter bubbling up. “I wonder if they have that logo embroidered on the back of their leather jackets.”

  Austin glared at me because, really, how else would he look at me? “This is not funny. I thought that you had the key hidden somewhere safe.”

  “Oh, but, cuddle bear,” I said, giving him a light punch on the arm, “just think of this as another adventure with yours truly, the magnificent queen of the twelve realms.”

  Tally scrunched up his face. “Yeah, I see what you’re trying to do there, but it’s just as lame as the Rogue Werewolves of Charleston.”

  I pretended to pout. “I missed the mark?”

  Austin ground out through clenched teeth, “Can you two be serious for one second? Give me the location of this place, so I can get the key and be done with the both of you.”

  Tally rattled off the exact address while I studied Austin’s profile. He was so handsome it almost hurt to look at him. It was a shame I was going to have to make a choice as to whether to kill him or let him live. If I chose to let him live, I was opening myself up to an attack. I had no doubt in my mind he would try steal my strength again. A damn shame. A face like that should be shared with the world, but he’d made his grave, and now he had to lie in it.

  Chapter Seventeen
br />   “Give me my powers back,” I said, as we studied the old, white house that had seen better days. It was in the middle of marshland and looked like a strong wind could knock it right off its stilts. There was only one way in. We would have to go up the dock leading to the house, and I wasn’t doing it helpless.

  “Once we have the key, I’ll give you back your powers.”

  I was so angry I could punch him in his stupidly handsome face. I hissed, “Then I won’t be much help to you.”

  He gave me a sexy grin. “Baby, I don’t need help.”

  Tally flew over to us. “Both of you could stand to be a little quieter. So I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. I overheard them talking, and the good news is there’s a group of wolves in the house, so the key is probably with them, but the bad news is at some point last night, they opened the portal and have some new friends.”

  “Did they say what kind of friends?” Austin asked.

  “Nope, sorry.”

  “Once I start to cross the dock, they will be able to hear me. Both of you stay here out of danger, and I’ll be back momentarily with the key.”

  “Ah. Cuddle bear is worried about us, bug. How stinking cute is that?”

  Austin stood up from where we had been crouching behind a dune. “It’s just simply that I don’t need your help, and you both will just get in my way.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you just teleport inside their home?”

  “Because I’m not sure who will be waiting for me when I get there. Maybe they’ll panic and come out of the house. Taking my time strolling up this dock might be the only way I can figure out who they released from the portal.”

  As soon as Austin started to cross the dock, I saw his whole body tense. His shoulder blades squeezed together, and he made fists by his sides. What the heck? Then I knew what had him so ensnared. Up from the marsh water popped a beautiful girl. Two more broke the surface beside her. Well, at least we now knew what the wolves had brought back. Sirens. Freaking hookers. And it looked like our boy accidentally made eye contact. It didn’t matter how powerful you were once a siren set her gaze on her intended target; they were down for the count. His fist clenched and unclenched as he tried to break eye contact.


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