Dark Days of Georgian Britain

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  Waller, John, The Real Oliver Twist (Icon Books, 2006).

  White, Reginald, Waterloo to Peterloo (Penguin, 1968).

  The end of the war did not improve life for John Bull, despite expectations. Cartoon by Cruikshank, 1814.

  Hannah More (1745–1833) suggested humility and patient resignation to the will of God when prosperity did not return. Many others agreed.

  Traditional handloom weaving. (Wellcome Library, London).

  Factory weaving: the new supervision and discipline. Engraving, about 1840.

  George IV withdraws from society with gout. The pictures on the wall are him in his youth. (Wellcome Library, London)

  Carlton House, Pall Mall, home of the Prince Regent. Demolished while still unfinished, 1827. (Brayley, 1820)

  Gambling – the vice of the rich. Satirical print about 1800.

  Gin and disorder, the vice of the poor. (Wellcome Library, London)

  Unnamed hulk, 1810. Notice the washing.

  Arrival at Botany Bay, late eighteenth century.

  The danger of hiring a young servant: ‘Get out of my house, you hussey, I hired you to do your own business, not mine.’ Cartoon, about 1793.

  A completely inaccurate grave robbery scene. (Wellcome library London)

  A plan of Newgate, circa 1800. (Charles Dance)

  Public view of an execution before the Debtor’s Door of Newgate, 1809.

  A protest about excessive punishment for counterfeiting, by William Hone. Signed by Jack Ketch, the public hangman.

  A young William Cobbett – an opponent of paper money, and many other things. Engraved by Francisco Bartolozzi.




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