My Taboo Amish Lover

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My Taboo Amish Lover Page 7

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  My sister and I sat on the couch as our parents stood over us. Mom spoke first.

  “Hannah, your father and I have decided to allow you to participate in Rumspringa.”

  “Very well,” she replied.

  I looked between them. “What’s Rumspringa?”

  Dad replied. “It’s an Amish custom. Parents allow their teenage children a period of time when they’re allowed to break the rules of Amish society. It’s a way to give them a glimpse of the outside world so that they can make an informed decision about whether they want to officially join the church and be baptized. It’s also considered a time for finding a spouse.”

  I glanced at Hannah. “A spouse?”

  “Yes,” Mom said, “Hannah is old enough to begin courting.”

  I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “What about me?” I asked. “Do I take part in this rum…?”

  “Rumspringa,” Dad said, “and no, not officially, since you’re not Amish. But you can attend the functions.”

  “What kind of functions?”

  “There’s a Sunday evening sing this weekend,” Mom said. “I expect you two to attend.”

  I found this all strange, but agreed to go.

  On Sunday, after our chores were done, we each took baths and put on our best clothes. We were about to leave, when Mom pulled me aside.

  “Jacob, I expect you to keep an eye out for your sister, understand?”

  “I will.”

  Her eyes met mine. “I know you two are close, but she has to do this, and you have to let her.”

  I tried not to react when she used the word ‘close,’ but she must have noticed.

  She smiled softly. “Jacob, I’m not stupid. Nor am I blind. I know you two had a special relationship before I married your father. But she’s your sister now, and in a few years, she’s going to have to find a husband. Tonight is the beginning of that, do you understand?”

  I wondered if she knew how special our relationship had been. “Yes, I understand.”

  “And you keep your eye out for a pretty girl. You’ll be taking a wife soon also.”

  I smiled. “Okay, Mom.”

  I drove the buggy to the church, with Hannah beside me. I tried to talk, but she wasn’t in the mood, so we rode in silence.

  At the church, we went to the social room, where there were about twenty-five or thirty of us teenagers, and a few adults. We sat at a long table, with girls on one side and boys on the other. I tried to sit across from Hannah, but someone got there first, so I took a seat several down from her.

  We sang church hymns for a while, then it was announced we would have a choosing. The way it worked was that all the teens who were already couples would pair off, and remove themselves from the table. Then, starting with the eldest boy, he would get to choose one of the remaining girls to spend the rest of the evening with. And then the next eldest boy, and so on. I was fifth in line, but it didn’t matter, because everyone knew that Hannah was my sister, so I couldn’t pick her anyway. And I didn’t want to be with any of the other girls.

  Of course, Hannah was chosen first, by Daniel, a big and tall farm boy with long blond hair. She smiled when he picked her, and a stab of jealousy went through my heart. That was the way she used to smile at me.

  As the next boys picked, I scanned the girls for who would be my choice. None of them were close to Hannah’s beauty, but I had to pick someone. Then I noticed a short redhead smiling at me. She was kind of cute, and it seemed she was definitely interested in me, so when it came to my turn, I chose her.

  Her name was Annie, and she smiled wide when I pointed to her. We moved from the table and sat together on one of the benches along the wall. The choosing continued, down through the ages, and the last couple remaining looked like they were both twelve years old. As it progressed, I kept peeking over at Hannah, but she was talking to Daniel and smiling.

  “So you’re the English boy, right?” Annie asked me, drawing my attention back to her.

  “Yes, I’m Jacob.”

  “I know. You’re famous in town. Because of your father, and what he did.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “He’s very handsome.”

  I smiled. “My mom thinks so.”

  She giggled. “You look a lot like him.”

  “Thanks. You’re very cute too.”

  She smiled wide.

  One of the adults announced that they were leaving, but reminded us that God would still be watching. They left, and as soon as they did, a few of the girls took off their bonnets and let their hair down. The other girls saw them doing this, and soon, all but a few had their bonnets off. I looked at Hannah’s beautiful dark hair from across the room.

  “Do you like it?” Annie asked.

  I turned to look, and saw her long red hair was down past her shoulders. It was very pretty, and I told her so, drawing another big smile out of her.

  “What’s it like to live in the English world?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Kinda like this but with a lot more free time.”

  She giggled, and then surprised me by climbing up onto my lap and sitting sideways with her arm around my shoulder. Looking around the room, several other girls were sitting like this on their boy’s laps. I realized they were like regular teenagers, loosening up when the adults weren’t around. It made me feel a little more at home.

  I noted with satisfaction that Hannah still sat on the bench beside Daniel. But they were holding hands, which I didn’t like that much.

  “So, Jacob, have you ever kissed a girl?”

  I smiled. This seemed to be a popular question among Amish girls.

  “Yes,” I replied, ready to tell her my Lori story if she asked.

  “Have you ever fucked one?”

  The words didn’t register at first, and then my eyes opened wide as I stared at her in shock.


  She giggled again. “You heard me.”


  “Come on, Jacob. You’re English. I’m sure you’ve heard that word before.”

  “Well, sure, but not from an Amish girl.”

  She smiled. “Not all of us are saints.”

  I shook my head, still stunned. “I guess not.”

  She laughed. “I’m still waiting for an answer to my question.”

  “Um, no, I haven’t.”

  “Mmm, a virgin. I like it.”

  “Have you?”

  “Have I what?”

  “You know.”

  “No I don’t. Say it.” She was smiling mischievously.

  “You know, have you had sex?”

  Her eyes met mine. “Yes.”

  My eyebrows rose again. “You have?”

  “Don’t look so surprised. Some of us just want to have fun.”

  “Some of you?”

  “Yes. We have a group of five of us. We sneak out on Friday nights and meet at an abandoned barn.”

  “What do you do?”

  “Whatever we want. Things our parents and the church don’t want us to do.”

  I still couldn’t believe this was happening. This was the last thing I expected when I came here tonight.

  She leaned in close. “Do you want to take a walk outside?”

  “Um, I guess so.” I glanced over at Hannah, and was shocked to see her sitting on Daniel’s lap, kissing him. Jealousy flared inside of me.

  Annie slid off my lap and took my hand. I stood, and she led me out the back door to the churchyard. There were several picnic tables beneath the scattered trees, and some were already taken by couples. She led me to one in the back, and we sat on the same side. She picked up the conversation where we left off.

  “So, Jacob, if you’re ever in the mood for a little fun, you’re welcome to join us.”

  “You say there’s five of you?”

  “Yes, two boys and three girls. You would make it even.” She leaned close and slid her hand up my thigh, resting it on the bulge of my crotc


  She laughed. “What? Doesn’t this feel good?” She squeezed me gently, and I felt myself begin to swell.

  “Well, yeah, but everyone can see us.”

  “No one can see down here, and besides, they’re all focused on themselves.”

  I looked around, and saw she was speaking the truth. The other couples were either kissing, or looking like they wanted to kiss. Her hand continued to move on me, and I reached full hardness.

  “Mmm,” she said, gripping my shaft. “You’re nice and big.” She leaned up and kissed me, immediately probing into my mouth with her tongue. I met it with mine, and we kissed for a few minutes as she slowly stroked me through my pants. She took my hand and placed it on her breast, letting me feel her through her dress. The hard bud of her nipple pressed through the material.

  She kissed up to my ear and whispered, “Oh, my pussy is so wet. If you come to the barn this Friday, I’ll let you put your cock inside of it. I would love to be your first.”

  I moaned softly.

  Her fingers fumbled at the buttons of my pants, and worked them open. Reaching inside, she slid her hand into my underwear and gripped my cock, holding it firmly in her hand.

  “Oooh, you’re so thick, too. That’s going to feel good stretching my little pussy.”

  I reached down between her legs, and pressed my hand into the material of her dress, but it prevented me from getting where I wanted to go.

  “Here, like this,” she whispered, and took my hand and moved it behind her, then lifted up from the seat and slid it under her. When she sat back down, my hand was pressed between the cheeks of her butt, with her pussy sitting on it. I wiggled my fingers, attempting to feel something through the layers of cloth.

  “Mmm, that’s nice,” she said, wiggling her bum down on me. Then she kissed me again, still stroking me with her hand.

  What she did next took me by surprise, and I’m not sure I would have stopped her if she hadn’t. Breaking our kiss, she dropped her head into my lap, and I felt something warm and tight close over the head of my cock.

  “Uhhh,” I moaned, causing her to giggle around my dick. She sucked me harder, and then began to move her head slowly up and down.

  I had never felt anything like it. The combination of warmth and tightness was incredible, and she obviously knew what she was doing. Her hand slid down to cup my balls, fondling them gently. I sighed and closed my eyes. If she kept this up, it wouldn’t be long until I came in her mouth. I took a deep breath and relaxed, awaiting the inevitable.


  My eyes sprang open to see Hannah standing in front of me on the other side of the picnic table.


  “I want to leave now.”

  “Um…” It was obvious that in the dim light, she couldn’t see Annie lying in my lap.

  “Come on,” she said, “let’s go.”

  Annie, who had stopped bobbing her head when she heard Hannah’s voice, sat up and turned to my sister. She licked her lips and said, “He’s busy now. Give him a few minutes. I promise it won’t take long.” She smiled.

  Hannah’s eyes went wide in astonishment, and her mouth gaped open in shock. Then anger filled her face, and she wheeled on her heels and stormed back to the church.

  “Hannah!” I called.

  Annie licked my earlobe. “Don’t worry about her. Just relax and let me finish.” Her hand was stroking me again.

  I pushed her off me and stood. Her hand was still on my exposed cock, and I brushed it away, then stuffed myself back in my pants and quickly buttoned up.

  “I have to go,” I said.

  “Come on, Jacob. Stay and have some fun.”

  “It was nice meeting you, Annie.” I walked towards the church.

  “Don’t forget the barn. This Friday.”

  I ignored her and entered the social room. Hannah was nowhere to be found. I went through the front door, and saw our buggy heading away down the road in the direction of our house. Sprinting after it, I caught up and ran alongside.

  “Hannah, stop.”

  She ignored me and gave the horse a little flick with the reins, causing it to speed up.

  I kept pace and jumped up on the side. I almost missed, but managed to hold on and pull myself up onto the seat beside her.

  She glared at me. “Get off.”

  “Hannah, talk to me.”

  “No. Get off.”

  “Why are you angry?”

  She pulled the reins and stopped the buggy. “Either you’re walking home, or I am, because I don’t even want to look at you right now.”

  “Hannah, you’re being unreasonable.”

  She began to climb down from the buggy.

  “Wait,” I said, “I’ll walk.” I quickly hopped off and she sat back in her seat, flicked the reins, and headed off, leaving me there, a few miles from our farm.

  I began walking, and was halfway home when I saw our buggy coming towards us. But my hopes were dashed when I saw my dad driving it. He stopped, and I climbed inside.

  “What happened?” he asked. “Your sister came home as mad as a hornet and said you were walking home.”

  “We got in a fight,” I replied.

  “About what?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, whatever it is, you better apologize to her tomorrow.”

  “Why are you assuming it’s my fault?”

  “Was it?”

  I stared at him a moment, then sat back glumly. “Yeah.”

  When we got home, Hannah had already gone to bed. Mom pressed me for information.

  “Ask her,” I said, “she’s the one who’s mad.”

  “Jacob,” Mom said, “just tell me what happened.”

  I shook my head. “No. I’d rather not.”

  She stepped close. “Did you do anything to a boy she was with?”

  I stared at her. “Me? No! I didn’t do anything to her or her guy.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Ask her,” I said, and headed up the stairs. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

  Chapter 14

  Hannah wouldn’t talk to me for the next three days. Despite Mom and Dad’s questions, she refused to talk about it. She was nice to everyone else, but wouldn’t look at me, and acted like I didn’t exist. I pretty much did the same, and we spent the three days ignoring each other.

  Finally, Dad called us both down to the living room after lunch, where he was waiting with Mom and the twins.

  “Your mother and I have decided we’re tired of this between you two, and whatever it is, it has to end.”

  Hannah and I glared at each other.

  “So, we’re taking the girls down to town to get some ice cream, and we should be gone for a couple of hours. While we’re away, you two need to do whatever it is to put this behind you. If that’s having a fistfight out on the lawn, then do it. Whatever it takes. Because when we come back, I want it over with. Is that understood?”

  We continued to glare at each other.

  “I said, is that understood?”

  We turned to him. “Yes, sir,” we said together.

  “Good. You have two hours. Get it done. Let’s go, Sarah.” They each grabbed a twin by the hand and headed out. We stood there and listened to the buggy heading down the driveway. When it was gone, we turned back to each other.

  “Hannah, I–”

  She didn’t let me finish. “I can’t stand to look at you.” She turned and headed for the stairs.

  “Fine,” I shouted, “When Dad comes home I’ll tell him you didn’t want to talk.”

  “Fine with me,” she said, stomping up the steps, disappearing at the top.

  I felt the anger rising, and I headed for the front door. “Maybe I’ll use these two hours to take a walk over to Annie’s farm,” I shouted. “Maybe she’ll be happy to see me.”

  I pushed open the door, strode across the porch, and then stepped down
into the grass. Just as I reached it I heard the door bang open behind me. I turned back just in time to see Hannah headed my way at full speed. She leapt off the porch and landed against my chest, knocking me off my feet and back onto the grass.

  I lay there stunned with the wind knocked out of me as she sat astride me and began hitting me with her fists.

  “Don’t say that!” she cried. “I hate you!” Her fists kept raining down on my chest and shoulders, and I tried to catch them with my hands, but she was too fast.

  “Hannah!” I shouted.

  “How could you do that? How could you do that?” She was crying now as she struck me. The force of the impact had knocked her bonnet off, and her hair had come loose, spilling down around her shoulders.

  “You were kissing him!” I said.

  “I was kissing him, but I wasn’t doing that. Jacob, how could you?” She was speaking through sobs, and her nose was running.

  “You told me I was your brother, and we couldn’t do that anymore.”

  She leaned her forehead down to my chest, her shoulders shaking with sobs. Her fists still hit me lightly. “How could you do that?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She leaned up and looked at me. Her cheeks were streaked with tears and dirt. “I could do that for you. All you had to do was ask.” She reached for my pants and began undoing the buttons. “Here, let me show you. I can make you feel just as good as she did.”

  I reached down and took hold of her hands. “Hannah.”

  “Please, let me do it. I promise it will feel good.”

  I reached up and pulled her down to me, her face pressed against the side of my neck. Her body shook from her crying and I realized I was too. I slid my arms around her, holding her against me.

  “I’m so sorry, Hannah.”

  She lay there on me, quietly sobbing. I combed my fingers through her hair and caressed her back. Minutes passed without us talking. Finally, I had to speak.

  “I love you.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “And I always will love you,” I added. “But we have to decide what we’re going to be. If you decide we’re brother and sister, and nothing more, then fine, I’ll live with that. It will hurt like hell to hide my love for you, but I’ll do it because that’s what you want.”


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