Blue Coyote Motel

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Blue Coyote Motel Page 4

by Dianne Harman

  As she was looking at the menu, the waiter came and asked if they would like to order from the wine list. Jeffrey asked if he might order for her, that there was one special wine he particularly liked. After the waiter brought them their wine, she sipped it and asked Jeffrey to tell her about it.

  "Well, I particularly like this malbec, maybe because it brings back such good memories for me. After I graduated from college, before I began my post-graduate work, my parents gave me a graduation present, a trip to Argentina. For some reason I had always been fascinated with the country and it was an incredible experience. Malbec wine comes mainly from Argentina and every time I drink it, I feel happy, like I did in Argentina.

  Maria rarely drank wine other than the sip of wine that she would get at Communion Mass. All of the men she had known in the past preferred beer, but she loved the malbec Jeffrey had suggested. The deep red wine was fabulous and she found that, with Jeffrey’s help, she could even detect the hint of plums and berries.

  When she ordered, neither the waiter nor Jeffrey suspected that she had never eaten any of the things she ordered. In fact, she didn't even know what they were. Because she was too embarrassed to ask, she just took a chance and ordered. She decided on bucatini with a pork and fennel ragu and a caprese salad. Jeffrey opted for the shellfish risotto with a fresh pea soup. The aromas coming out of the kitchen held the promise that they would soon be enjoying a spectacularly good meal.

  "Tell me a little about yourself," Jeffrey began. "Why did a beautiful woman like you decide to come to work for Moore Scientific Laboratories? I'm sure you had a number of other choices."

  She gave him an abbreviated version of her interest in what Moore Labs was doing and asked him to tell her more about his research. Clearly, this was his love. Once he started, it was like floodgates had been opened.

  Speaking slowly, he began, "I always wanted to be a scientist. Even when I was a little kid, I'd be experimenting with things. The science kits my parents gave me just got bigger and more expensive the older I got. My mother was always worried about aging, so she took all kinds of health food supplements, some okay and some pretty weird. I grew up thinking everyone ate tofu. The other kids in class had peanut butter and jelly on white bread and chips for lunch. I finally convinced Mom to give me peanut butter and jelly, but it was organic, on whole grain bread. I used to console myself by thinking at least the other kids didn't know it was organic and that it wasn't some really weird thing like we often had at home.

  "My mom spent hours at the library, trying to discover the secret to the fountain of youth. When she learned about the Internet, it opened up even more possibilities. I guess it was pretty natural that I'd go into this field."

  "I'm fascinated by aging as well. I've always wondered if something could be discovered so that people wouldn't have to look older. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could look like we do now for the rest of our lives? I guess everyone hopes that some drug or product like that will be discovered," Maria said.

  "Can you keep a secret?" Jeffrey asked.

  "Of course. I really don't know anyone well at Moore Labs and yes, I'm a very good keeper of secrets. With all my brothers and sisters, I had to learn to keep secrets," Maria laughed.

  "Well," Jeffrey went on, "I think I'm on the brink of finding the fountain of youth. The research I've done on rats has been incredible. I think that with just a little more tweaking, I can keep us looking exactly like we do now." Jeffrey was oblivious to the shiver that ran through Maria at the mention of rats. Rats brought back the terror of the evening in the alley when she was twelve years old.

  He was just starting to go into greater detail when the waiter brought their soup and salad. They resorted to small talk, things like where they had come from, their families, his education, and her lack of education.

  As they began to eat their main course, Jeffrey's cell phone rang. "Yes, of course. I'll be right there," he said. He stood up, took several bills out of his wallet, and apologized to Maria. He continued talking as he escorted her out the door. "I have to go back to the lab. My assistant has been overseeing some things that require my immediate attention. Again, I'm sorry. I really enjoyed being with you. Could we try again?" Jeffrey asked.

  "Yes, I'd like that very much," she said.

  Maria found she had liked being with Jeffrey far more than she had thought she would. He was probably the most interesting man she had ever met, even if he was different. He was completely dedicated to science and to his work. He told her there were a number of things he wanted to work on; experiments that he hoped would lead to important discoveries for all of mankind. He clearly had some grandiose plans for the future and for the good of the human race.

  While talking about his future plans, Maria had asked him “What do you have in mind? It seems hard to believe that one person could help the entire word. I mean, I know it’s possible, but it seems pretty unlikely.”

  “Well, I’ll keep that for another time, but I do think it can be done. I just need to work out some of the details.” Jeffrey replied.

  She had never met anyone like Jeffrey. The other men she had known were only interested in beer and sex. Jeffrey had shown her that he could be very normal and she thought what a burden it must be, to be so close to discovering something that everyone would want. How could she not feel flattered that he wanted to see her again? She was smart, but she had never met anyone with a mind as quick as his and it was hard to keep up with his train of thought. This is a challenge, she thought, a very interesting challenge and unlike any I've ever experienced.

  "Well then," Jeffrey said, "could we try for dinner again tomorrow night? Hopefully, I can take care of what I need to do at the lab tonight and tomorrow I'll be available for the entire night. If not, I'll let you know."

  "Yes. I'm already looking forward to it," Maria said, smiling, and at the same time mentally wondering what other "rich lady outfit" was in her closet that would compare to what she had worn tonight. She could tell by the way he had looked at her that he had definitely approved of the lavender sweater and skirt.

  Maria and Jeffrey spent a lot of time together during the next few weeks. They shared their pasts as well as their hopes for the future. Once, when Jeffrey looked at her and told her how beautiful she was, she shared her fear of losing her looks, a fear she lived with daily. In turn, Jeffrey told her about his childhood and how a lot of people thought he was crazy because he was different. He told her that he was manic-depressive, diagnosed by a psychiatrist while he was in middle school, and that his life had changed for the better when he began taking medication for it.

  Jeffrey was thirty-seven years old, but his commitment to science had kept his social life to a minimum. He was enthralled by this young, strikingly beautiful woman, who seemed really interested in his scientific endeavors. He couldn't help but notice that every man who saw Maria paused and stared, unable to believe that anyone could be that beautiful. A beautiful woman was not a bad thing to have as a companion.


  Gradually, the friendship turned into something much deeper. They progressed from casual goodnight kisses to passionate lovemaking at Jeffrey's apartment.

  Jeffrey was tired from working so hard and his brain felt fried. He thought a short weekend vacation might do him good and give him a much-needed break. He asked Maria to go to Santa Barbara with him for a long weekend, which she readily agreed to, having never been out of Orange County. Jeffrey decided he would splurge and they would stay at the Bacara Resort in Goleta, just north of Santa Barbara.

  They each took a day of vacation and left Orange County about 10:00 on a Friday morning, hoping to avoid the moving parking lot, which often made up the 405 Freeway. Fortunately, traffic was light and they easily made it to the Santa Barbara area by noon. Just south of Santa Barbara, in the Montecito area, they turned off Highway 101, leisurely admiring the lush reds and purples of the hillsides covered with bougainvillea vines, the stately mansions, and the beautifu
l oceanfront homes. When they got to Santa Barbara, they spent several hours exploring downtown, the pier, and State Street. They found a wonderful wine and cheese shop where they bought several different kinds of cheese and some wine to enjoy later in the evening.

  The drive to the resort, which was located high on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, was breathtaking. The old world Spanish style architecture of the world-class resort was charming with no detail in luxurious comfort overlooked. As promised, their room faced the ocean and had a small balcony where they enjoyed their wine and cheese before dinner. .

  Jeffrey had heard good things about the Miro Restaurant in the hotel so they decided to try it, which proved to be a very good decision. Within minutes of being seated, the waiter brought their menus, water was poured, and warm bread with a red sea salt butter was offered. The wine steward asked what wine they would like to order with dinner and suggested the Cakebread Sauvignon Blanc with their salad and the Switchback Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon with their entree.

  The Dungeness crab in Jeffrey’s salad had been perfectly steamed and chilled and was one of Jeffrey's favorites. Maria had never had calamari so she decided to expand her taste buds and try it. It, too, was an excellent addition to her salad and she was glad that she'd been experimental when making her selection. The wine steward poured their beautiful red cabernet as the waiter brought their strip steak and loin of lamb. Although they were stuffed from the wine and cheese they'd had in their room and from the large dinner, the waiter insisted they try the restaurant's signature dish, an orange blossom beignet, a fancy New Orleans word for a fritter. They opted to split one order and although they could only manage a couple of bites, the waiter had been right, it was fantastic.

  It was a beautiful night as they leisurely left the restaurant to have an after dinner drink on the patio by the fire pit. The roar of the ocean, the warmth of the wine they had ordered, along with the lingering taste of the well prepared food were the finishing touches to a wonderful day. Jeffrey was relaxed for the first time in months. Although he had used being tired as an excuse for the trip, and there was some truth to that, his real purpose had been to propose to Maria in a romantic spot. His instincts had been right; he couldn't have picked a better time and place.

  He reached into his pocket and took out a small jewelry box. Maria was looking at the ocean and never noticed his movement. When she returned her gaze to Jeffrey, he said, "Maria, we've spent a lot of time together in the past few months. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. Will you marry me?"

  Her affirmative answer was a foregone conclusion. The thought briefly crossed her mind that her mother would be really, really happy and Maria couldn't wait to tell her she had found a rich man and she was getting out of the barrio. Now she’d never hear that mantra again. She'd never have to see the rats in the alley and the faces of the young gang members who had raped her. Finally, she was getting out. "Jeffrey, let's go to the room. I have to call my mother and tell her. She will be so excited."

  As predicted, Elena was ecstatic. Maria hung up the phone and got undressed, walking in the nude to the open balcony doors, knowing that no one on the water could see her. Jeffrey turned the lights off and wrapped his arms around her as they both looked out at the ocean. He gently fondled her high, full breasts, caressing her nipples until they became hard and erect. He let one hand gradually slide down her smooth skin, stroking her luxurious pubic hair. Thank God she didn't have the money for a Brazilian wax, he thought, I could do this the rest of my life and I just may. As he turned her around to face him, he noticed she had tears rolling down her face.

  "My God, Maria, what's wrong? Have I done something? This should be the happiest moment of our lives. Please, tell me what it is! Why are you crying? What have I done?" exclaimed Jeffrey.

  "Jeffrey, I'm crying because I love you so much and I don't want to become ugly. I know you love me now, but what's going to happen when I start to age? Will you still love me then or are you going to leave me for some younger, more beautiful woman? I'm so scared of becoming old. Please, just hold me."

  "Maria, I will love you forever. You and my work are all I care about. I promise you that I will never leave you. Come, we need some sleep. It's been a long day and we're both tired." He led her to the bed where they did sleep, but not until much later.

  A week after they returned from Santa Barbara, Jeffrey took Maria to a fashionable French restaurant. Jeffrey had dined there recently with one of the executives from the company and wanted to share it with her. "Maria, there's something I need to talk to you about."

  Maria immediately felt her stomach tighten. Usually those words meant that bad news was going to follow. She waited for the words, "I really like you, but this isn't going to work out."

  "Yes, Jeffrey, what is it?" Maria stammered.

  Jeffrey began, "I know what I'm going to suggest is unethical, but I believe I have discovered something that will keep people from outwardly aging. The research I've done with the rats in my lab has been extremely positive. All of their outward signs of aging have stopped. Rats normally have a life expectancy of three to five years, at the most. I have one who is nine and jumps around like a youngster. All of their coats are glossy, their eyes are clear, and none of them appears to have aged even one day.

  "I know how worried you are about losing your youth and beauty, but I love you for who you are, not your beautiful face or your beautiful body. Yet I understand how important those things are to you. I have been injecting the rats monthly with a hormone I've discovered. I think it will work on humans, and more importantly, I think it will work on you.

  "In the United States, the government has made it very difficult for any new drug or hormone to be approved before it can be sold to the public. They want years of data from clinical testing before it can go on the market. It's very unethical to try anything like my newly discovered hormone on a human until it has gone through all of the government approvals. It's also completely against Moore Labs' policies. Hell, I think I even signed something or other when I was hired about that, but I've decided I don't want to wait. I believe I can keep you looking just the way you are now. I do know that it's not a dangerous hormone. There has not been one single adverse effect on the rats. I would never expose you to anything that might harm you. I love you too much for that and I'm willing to do this because I do love you so much.

  "There is just one thing I need to ask of you. No one must ever know. If Moore Labs ever found out what I was doing, that I was injecting you with the anti-aging hormone, I would be fired immediately. Worse than that, I would probably go to jail. If you want me to use the injection on you, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone. What do you think?" Jeffrey asked, looking at her expectantly.

  Maria was stunned. She knew that Jeffrey was risking his professional career to help her overcome her fear of aging that she'd had since she was in her early teens. What if someone found out? Would he grow to hate her? Would he later regret making this decision? And yet, for all the questions racing through her mind, the thought of never again having to fear losing her beauty was very compelling and powerful. If she could keep her beauty, she'd never have to go back to the barrio and the terrors that lived there.

  Maria began to voice her fears to Jeffrey. "Jeffrey, I love you so much for even suggesting this. You know how terrified I am of losing my looks, but I don't ever want to be the cause of something that could potentially ruin your future. I'm almost sorry that you brought it up. If something were to happen and Moore Labs found out, you probably would be fired and possibly go to jail and it would all be because of me. I would never ask that of you. It's too much. I really don't think we should do it."

  "Maria, if I didn't want to do this, I never would have suggested it. I don't see a downside. Neither one of us can ever discuss it with anyone. As long as we don't talk, how will anyone find out? This will work, I promise you."

/>   When people want to believe something, they tend to downplay the negative risks that might be involved. Casting all of her concerns aside, Maria agreed to have Jeffrey administer the monthly injection that she so desperately hoped would keep her looking young and beautiful. It was a decision they both would deeply regret.

  Jeffrey told her it would probably be several years before she would even notice anything. About the time others in her age group began to get fine lines around their eyes, thickening of the facial skin, a slight sag in the jawline, and a grey hair or two, Maria would stay exactly as she was at this moment, a stunningly beautiful woman in her prime.

  The injections began that night. There was no pain or side effects. Maria looked forward to always being beautiful and Jeffrey looked forward to winning the Nobel Prize.

  Their marriage took place at St. Vincent's Church in Santa Ana, the church Maria had attended from the time she was baptized. She took her First Communion there and the family attendance was a Sunday ritual. Her mother was at Mass almost every morning at 6:00 a.m. A strong belief in a rapturous afterlife eased the pain of Elena's present life. From the time Maria had been born, her mother insisted that the Catholic Church be just as important to Maria as it had been to Elena.

  Jeffrey believed in science, not in a rapturous afterlife, but he agreed to be married in the church that meant so much to Maria and her family. His family was Episcopal and he had been baptized at an early age, therefore, they would be able to get married in the Catholic Church. Even though his was not a church-going family, Jeffrey knew his parents would understand what it meant to Maria for them to be married in her church. He even agreed to the premarital counseling that the church required.

  It was a lovely wedding. Maria looked like a carnal angel when she came floating down the aisle on Fabian's arm. She wore a strapless cream-colored wedding dress with her lustrous jet-black hair pulled up into a bun covered by a short lace veil. Her light tan complexion was in sharp contrast to her dark eyes and hair. Two of her sisters stood with her, dressed in peach-colored, strapless satin dresses. The Rodriguez women were very attractive, but Maria was the beauty of the family. No one in the church could take their eyes off of her. There was an aura of smoldering sexuality and innocent beauty about her that was mesmerizing.


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