In the Baron's Debt: Historical Regency Romance

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In the Baron's Debt: Historical Regency Romance Page 16

by Roselyn Francis

  Even when he knew that she was being deceptive, he could not deny how beautiful her eyes were as he gazed at them. Jeremy narrowed his eyes at her. She knew fully well that she was beautiful and could get men chasing after her, seeking her hand. And that was why she had made him her prey. He had fallen into a trap that many had escaped, he was certain of that.

  "You both have this planned out. To trap me and trick me into marrying you," Jeremy said. "You do this because you wish to be wed to a rich nobleman, yes?”

  Miss Helena shook her head. "What do you speak of?”

  "You may be young, but certainly you are not naive. You do understand what I speak of."

  "Wha --"

  Allan walked forward, pulling Miss Helena back before he spoke. "You need not argue with this man, Helena. I have said what I needed to."

  Jeremy nodded. "You indeed have.”

  "I do not care what you think, Lord Rothesay. Your reputation precedes you and I shall not let my sister be another one of those ladies, so if you care very much about your reputation, I believe you now the right thing to do."

  Unable to hold his rage, Jeremy snapped. "You listen to me. Nothing of sort will happen. Do not think that you can walk in here and lay threats to me, believing that I shall be easily shaken."

  Allan groaned. He pushed his sister out of his way and lunged for him. Allan gripped Jeremy's neck and held him against the wall. Jeremy was not willing to have a fight with the man. He certainly did not want to ruin the ball that his old friend, Lord Hargreaves, had put together.

  "You do not want to do this," Jeremy warned.

  Allan stared at him with hard eyes. Jeremy stared at him in return. He would not be intimidated by his gaze. For a brief moment, Jeremy's gaze wandered, seeking Miss Helena. She stood by, her eyes wide with panic.

  "Allan, let go of him."

  "Stay away from this, Helena! Do you think that father would be proud of the disgusting thing that you have done?”

  "But no one need know about this. Lord Rothesay would never say anything."

  Allan let go of Jeremy and turned to Helena. "And you believe every word that he utters? Have you not heard of his past conquests?”

  Jeremy watched as the Lady swallowed while staring between him and her brother.

  "I do not wish to be wed to Lord Rothesay."

  Allan groaned. He turned back to Jeremy and glared at him. "A week is all you have, Lord Rothesay. Watch and see what happens when you decide to do things your own way."

  Miss Helena wanted to speak but her brother gripped her and led her out of the library. Jeremy stared after them, his mind racing. His heart pounding. All he wondered was what sort of trouble he had gotten himself in to. He had been a fool. How could he let himself be deceived by them? He had been careless and now he was going to pay the consequence. From the look of things, the two of them would go any mile to bring is reputation down if he was unable to act on what had been requested of him.

  Groaning, he pounded the top of the table and stayed there for a while. No longer feeling in the mood for festivities, he decided that it was best he left, rather than show his friend, who had invited him, that his mood had dampened. Jeremy shut the library door behind him quietly when he exited and headed out through the garden.

  When the carriage halted in his estate, he alighted and rushed inside. He needed to think of something he'd do about those two siblings who, he was certain, were simply after his money.

  Mr Randolf, his butler must have noticed that he was in a terrible mood, because the moment he walked in, he said. "Is everything alright, Your Grace?"

  Jeremy sighed and walked past him. He should have controlled himself from her beauty, he thought. But he had been drawn to not just her beauty but her exuberance as well. Her confidence, the way she spoke and challenged him. He liked a challenge. He walked into his study and shut the door behind him. He took out a drink from beneath the mahogany table and poured himself. He took a sip of the drink and pulled his hand through his hair.

  It had been so long since anyone rattled him the way those two siblings did today. He had been a fool, letting himself be used. Well, there was no way he was falling for such a trap. He was smarter than that. If Allan thought that he could trap Jeremy by such a threat, then he was not at all smart. Because it would also affect his sister. Having these thoughts made him relax. He took a seat and sucked in a breath. No one would coerce him into a marriage. He was not ready to take that step, and he was not certain that he would ever be ready. Those siblings could threaten him all they wanted, but he knew that he would never wed Miss Helena. Never.

  Chapter Three

  During the ride home, Helena tried to speak to her brother in order for him to see reason. But Allan turned a deaf ear to her. All her pleas were in vain. While she was heartbroken by the outrageous decision that had been made, Allan on the other hand was furious. When they alighted from the cart and began heading inside, Helena called out to him.

  "Allan, you cannot do this!”

  At her scream, he turned abruptly. She flinched at such quickness.

  Allan narrowed his eyes at her. "You should have thought about the consequence of your action before you carried them out, Helena! Were you not thinking before all of this happened? Were you not thinking about your family? Father? Your reputation? Your future?"

  "I was…"

  "I strongly disagree that you were. You thought about nothing and no one but yourself. Listen to me," he took a step forward, "if you do not wed the Duke as quickly as possible, and the ton eventually find out about all that had transpired, you must understand that you will be ruined forever."

  Helena's eyes watered. Fear gripped her, her heart pounded and all she could hear was her brother's words, as they echoed in her ears. Allan eased his stance the moment a drop of tear fell from her eyes. He sighed and shook his head. "This is how it should be, Helena. I promised the Countess and father that I would protect you. And that is all that I am doing. You must understand that if there was any other way, we would have followed. But there is none."

  Helena held her breath. Once Allan was done talking, he turned to leave. But as he was about to, he stopped. "Oh, and Helena, Father must hear no word of this. "

  "Allan..." Helena called.

  He did not look back as he spoke again. "I really do not want you to experience any scandals. You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. I want what is best for you, and you should too. But today, you have disappointed me."

  Allan walked away after that. Helena watched after him. More tears fell from her eyes. She wondered what she could do to make things right again. There had to be something she could do other than marrying Lord Rothesay. There had to be a solution.

  "Miss Helena?" Mr Griffin called, bowing.

  Helena shook her head and walked into the house. Her thoughts still clouded by the events of that night.

  "Where is Father?" she asked as she saw Allan heading for the study.

  "His bedchambers, miss."

  Helena began to make her way upstairs. "Has he eaten? Has he taken his medicine?"

  "Yes, miss. Edna made sure of that."

  Edna was the maid in charge of her father's medication. Allan had hired her a few months back, saying that he needed someone that would give utmost care to the Earl. Mr Griffin stood at the bottom of the stairs as Helena continued her way up. Perhaps seeing her father would lift her fallen spirit. She walked towards his bedchamber with a heavy heart.

  Before Helena walked in, she tried to force a smile unto her face. Just as Allan had said, the Earl did not need to know about any of this. He was ill as it was. And knowing about something so devastating might worsen his health. With a feigned smile, Helena knocked on the bedchamber door.

  "Yes?" came her father's gruff response.

  "Father, it is I," she called. Helena's heart was breaking as she stood outside. Her thoughts were now replaced with worry for her father's rapidly reclining health. He had been better
a few weeks ago. The physician who had come to take a look at him had promised that he would be well by the end of that week. But with each passing week, the Earl struggled to even get out of bed. Helena always hoped for a miracle. Which was why she had asked Mr Griffin earlier if her father had come down.

  "Come in, dear.”

  Helena pushed open the door. She lifted her eyes gently to the bed her father lay in. He was dressed in white and covered up to the waist by the duvet. His once dark hair was now a mass of white, his face was full of wrinkles, and his smile seemed so frail. He was trying hard to look happy for her sake.

  "Oh, Father." Helena walked through the threshold and rushed to his side. She sat by him and took his hand in hers.

  "Helena. How are you? How was the ball?"

  Helena patted his hand. "Splendid, Father. The ball was splendid."

  The Earl hummed. "And your brother?”

  "In the study. Tending to some business, I presume."

  The Earl breathed out heavily. "He works very hard to keep everything together while I'm ill."

  Helena nodded. Allan did indeed work very hard to keep everything in order. He tended to the businesses, he often called the physician to come and check up on the Earl and above all, he kept the manor together. He commanded the same respect the Earl did. One thing Helena was not quite comfortable with was that she and Allan never truly got along. She had tried to since his arrival, but it only seemed as though he was bent on keeping to himself. Helena had eventually stopped trying since then.

  But despite this, Helena trusted Allan. Because her mother had trusted him. On her dying bed, the Countess had asked that Allan took care of Helena until she was to be wed. Helena sighed. But not this way. If only she had controlled herself and had not been rebellious, then none of this would have happened.

  "What bothers you?” questioned the Earl.

  Helena lifted her gaze. She forced a smile again. "Nothing, Father."

  Her father frowned. "I can see that you are unhappy. Has something happened?"

  Helena swallowed. There was no way she was going to let her father worry. She shook her head immediately. "What greater incident could worry me than you, Father?”

  "Oh, dear." He frowned deeply. "I shall be well soon. This is only for a while. I feel my strength coming back to me."

  Helena smiled. This smile was genuine. Because even during the darkest hour, her father knew how to bring hope. He had said those same words for the past few weeks and yet he got worst. However, Helena did not dwell on that. She knew that he had said those words to lift her spirits. And it had worked.

  "I hope Allan also enjoyed himself at the ball. I fear that he may be immersing himself too much in the affairs of the manor and that may prevent him from picking a bride."

  "You want him to be wed so soon?”

  "Tis not so soon. He is of age. Only I fear that he may not find a noble Lady who wishes to be wed to him."

  Helena knew why. This was because he was an illegitimate child. And he could not inherit the Earl's title. His mother had been a maid.

  "But... Once, your dear friend may have been swooned by him," said the Earl.

  Helena's brows ridged. "My dear friend? Who?"

  "Georgina. I saw the way she looked at him."

  Helena chuckled. "We were children, Father. Those feelings may have passed."

  The Earl gave her a look. "She is wed now, so indeed, those feelings have passed.”

  Helena burst into laughter. The Earl smiled as well. And soon he was laughing. His laughter soon turned into a cough. Helena frowned. "I must leave you to rest. I shall go retire to my bedchamber now."

  The Earl nodded once. His eyes were closing ever so slightly. "Go on. I do need a rest."

  Helena curtsied before heading out. Once she shut the door behind her, she stood by the door and breathed out heavily. Her mind may have temporarily been taken away from her current predicament, but it did not mean that she had evaded it. She knew exactly who could help her out. Thank goodness her father had mentioned Georgina's name. Helena decided that by morning, she would ride on to the outskirts of the village to see her dear friend. Georgina would have a solution.

  The next day, Allan said nothing about the marriage. But Helena knew that he would keep to his word. If there was no solution found before the week ran out, then Allan would keep to his promise and Helena would eventually have to wed the Duke. Thankfully, Allan had matters of importance to tend to. This was why he left the manor immediately after breakfast. As always, breakfast was quiet. They both never talked about anything.

  Once Allan rode away in the coach, Helena asked her lady's maid, Theresa, to prepare her for a visit to Wallace Manor.

  "Miss, are you certain Master Allan shall be pleased with this?” Theresa asked while helping her get dressed.

  Everyone in the manor had come to respect and fear Allan. He began to command so much respect in a short period of time, while holding the manor together. Helena respected and admired her brother as well, however, at a time like this, his reaction to her decision was the least of her worries.

  "We leave immediately, so we can return just as soon," came Helena's response.

  Theresa said nothing more.

  After she was dressed, Helena headed downstairs with Theresa, and together they climbed into a carriage and headed for Wallace Manor -- where her friend Georgina resided.

  Lady Georgina Wallace lived in the Wallace Manor with her husband, Lord Luther Wallace, Viscount of Morley. Georgina was three years older than Helena and had been wed for a year. Despite their age difference, the ladies had bonded quite well since childhood, as their mothers had been the very best of friends. This was why Helena had absolute faith that Georgina would help with her predicament. But she needed to be quick. She was certain that once Allan discovered her gone, he would not like it.

  As the Wallace Manor came into view, Helena felt ease flow through her. They closed in on the gates of Wallace Manor. The moment the guards caught sight of them, they let the carriage through. As her maid walked around to the servant’s entrance, Helena was accompanied by the footman to the manor. The double French doors of the house opened. Isaac, the head butler of the manor stepped out. On seeing her, Helena saw his eyes widen slightly. Then he smiled and bowed. "Miss Bellingham."

  "Hello, Isaac.”

  Helena was in no mood for small talk. She usually engaged in little anytime she came by, but not today. "Is the Countess home? I wish to see her."

  Isaac shut the door after Theresa walked through. "She is, indeed, my Lady. While you wait in the drawing room, I shall proceed to inform her of your arrival."

  "Inform her of the urgency of my visit, Isaac, I beg of you."

  Isaac nodded vigorously. "As you wish."

  Helena nodded. She walked into the drawing room and sat on the rosewood chair. Theresa waited outside. But even as she was seated, Helena was restless. She could not wait to see Georgina. The door creaked open soon enough. Georgina walked in wearing a pink muslin dress, and her brown hair was left to frame her face. She looked beautiful. Helena rose and rushed over to embrace her.

  "Helena!” Georgina laughed. She said her name with so much excitement. "It is so good to see you!”

  Helena withdrew. "As it is for me. But come, my friend. I am here for a reason."

  "So Isaac tells me. What could be so urgent?"

  The ladies proceeded to take a seat. Helena refused to let herself relax. She sat opposite Georgina and took her hands in hers. "I have gotten into a lot of trouble."

  "Pray tell, how?”

  Helena's cheeks reddened. "The ball that I attended yesterday."

  "Islay… Islay Manor?”

  "Yes." Helena said. "It was quite eventful."

  Georgina narrowed her eyes. "What happened?”

  Helena let go of Georgina's hands and shrugged. "I met Lord Rothesay. We became... quite acquainted."


  Helena proceeded to tell Georgi
na all that had occurred at the ball. She made sure to leave no stone unturned. Helena trusted Georgina so much. And she knew that if she wanted a solution to her problem, then she would have to be completely honest with Georgina.

  "You did what?” Georgina gasped. "How could you?"

  Helena's cheeks flushed. "I only wished to experience something different."

  "Helena, can you listen to yourself? Even you know how ridiculous that sounds."

  Helena bowed her head. She had not been thinking about anything else when she had decided to go to that library.


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