Daddy Dearest

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Daddy Dearest Page 2

by Heather Hydrick

  Chapter 7: The College World Series 2011

  Dad, Anthony and I had watched the college world series all season. Then it came time for our once in a lifetime chance. It was time to get on a plane, and go to Omaha to see the Gamecocks play the final championship game for The College World Series title two years in a row. We got our overnight bags packed, told mama bye, and headed to the airport. Me, Being Daddy’s little girl, sat in the front seat. When we got to the airport, went through baggage and the checkpoint, and finally got on the plane, daddy knows that I am scared of heights so I sat in the middle, daddy sat on my right next to the window and held my hand because it was my first time flying and I was terrified. Anthony sat on my left and joked about me being scared of heights. I have learned to ignore his smart remarks over the past fifteen and a half years. I love my brother but he can be a huge pain when he wants to be. It was a seven hour flight from South Carolina to Omaha. The plane made a stop along the way in Tennessee.

  When we finally arrived, we went and checked into our hotel. We had a nice room with two beds. That night, we pushed the two beds together so we could all sleep together. We always do that when we are in a strange place. We went to bed about eleven o’ clock that night. The next morning, we woke up about ten. We got dressed, ate some breakfast, and watched movies until it was time to leave for the baseball game. We watched Gone in sixty seconds. That is one of our favorite movies. We left a little early to make sure we knew the way to the stadium and back. When we got there, there was only about thirty minutes before the game started. The stadium was packed. The game started at eight o’ clock that night.

  The game was so different seeing it in person, rather than seeing it on the television. It was amazing. The real excitement came in the last thirty minutes of the game. And then came the last 10 minutes. Then, we were only one strikeout away from winning the game. The pitcher threw the ball. “Strike! You’re out!” the umpire yelled. The crowd, including me and Anthony and daddy went completely crazy! The Gamecocks had won The College World Series two years in a row! That was a game that we would remember forever. We had our camera, so we got great pictures of the game. Daddy said that we would hang the pictures in a mural in the living room along with the autographed picture that we had gotten earlier.

  Chapter 8: Home At Last

  After the seven hour plane ride, we were home at last, and this time, daddy was home for good. That summer, we had barbeques with friends, lake trips, and trips to “The Big Mo” drive in theatre. On July second, we went out on our boat and rode all the way across the lake to see a fireworks show. We parked our boat close enough to the island where the fireworks show took place that it looked like the fireworks were bursting right over us. I love to shoot fireworks every forth of July with my daddy, mommy, and Anthony, even though one time Anthony tried to blow a barrel up with firecrackers.

  Mama and Daddy took me and Anthony to Charleston. I love the ocean. It is so peaceful watching the waves come up on the shore. When you’re in Charleston, it feels like you don’t have a care in the world. We spent 2 nights in Charleston. One of my favorite things about the beach is when daddy lifts me up on his shoulders, and goes out in the ocean. I feel so tall because my daddy is six feet and seven inches tall. His height added to my height of five feet and five inches, I am literally up nine feet and twelve inches off the ground. I’m also scared of heights, but I know that daddy wouldn’t let me fall, that he would be there to catch me if I ever fell.

  After we got home from Charleston, we had a thing that we like to call family week. The whole week, no friends, just the four of us, non stop fun. The first day of family week, we went out for lunch, and we went to the zoo. My favorite animals are the penguins, and zebras. I love the unique look and detail of the zebra’s skin. I love the penguins just because they are so precious. The rest of the week consisted of movies, games, me and Dad kicking Mom’s and Anthony’s butts in a water balloon fight, and enjoying our time together. The final thing that we did during family week, was play a family baseball game. Of course dad and I won. The score was three to five. Dad and I have always been the underdogs when it came to sports against Mom and Anthony. We came home that night and had a big family meal. We had fried chicken, mashed potatos, green beans, candied sweet potatos, and of course, sweet tea. After all, we do live in South Carolina. That night when I was getting ready for bed, daddy came in my room to tell me goodnight. “Natali, I’m so happy to be home with you and your mom and brother. We are all one big happy family again. I’m sorry that I had to miss some baseball games and things that you and your brother did.” “Daddy, you were serving our country. You were saving me and mom and Anthony. I would never be upset for that. I’m just glad that you are okay.” “I am so much better now that I am home with you three. I don’t know how I lived without you three so long. Even though I was away for a long time, just remember that I love you. I love you now, I loved you when I was away, and I will always love you and your mom and Anthony forever.” Daddy said in a sweet voice. “I know, and we will always love you. We loved you when you were away, we love you know that you are home, and we will always love you.” Daddy hugged me tight and said “Goodnight my little trooper.” I responded simply with “Goodnight, my Daddy Dearest.”




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