SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame

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SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame Page 7

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  Cam walked over to where Rafe, Ryan, and Murph were talking. He and Miranda were the actual witnesses, so they’d been questioned the longest. Although he had a feeling they’d be going through the whole thing again with whoever was assigned the case.

  “Any ideas what the fuck is going on?” he asked as he reached his teammates.

  “Not a damn thing. We were hoping you had a clue.”

  “I think it has to do with the neighborhood or the restaurant. Maybe a grudge or something. We should talk to Phil, see if anyone’s been giving him any trouble.”

  “That’s an idea, but not right now. If the police think we’re interfering in their investigation it will be a major clusterfuck. I can hear the captain now.”

  Murph laughed. “No shit. So now what? We all just go home and carry on?”

  “I’m up for that. But I don’t think the girls finished eating.”

  “Maybe not, but I doubt any of them would want to eat anything now.”

  “We can go back to my place,” Rafe said.

  “We have to pick up Halo and Miranda needs to get her bags, so we have to stop over but doubt we’ll stay. I’ll see if Chrissy can drive us over and then drop us at my place.”

  “I’m sure she will.” Rafe nodded

  “If she can’t I’ll take you,” Ryan said.

  “Thanks, appreciate it. I guess we need to get our women.”

  “Your women, I don’t have a woman in there and neither does Murph,” Ryan said with a grin.

  “That’s your fault,” Rafe replied.


  “You’re sitting on your ass instead of asking Chrissy out. We can see how you look at her. You’re not fooling anyone.”

  “You’re so full of shit. You better go get your woman before you can’t walk. I don’t think Meghan would appreciate it much.”

  “What won’t I appreciate?”

  “Go ahead and explain it, Ryan.” They laughed as the color drained from Ryan’s face. He was definitely the most sensitive of the team. It made up for Murph’s usual assholeness.

  “It’s nothing. We’re just joking around.”

  Meghan raised an eyebrow, but she left it alone. “So, we’ve been deemed free to go. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to leave this shit storm and go home. I could use a nap.”

  “A nap, huh?” Chrissy said with a giggle. “I just bet you can.”

  “Is nap code for a bit of bam-bam in the ham,” Murph asked. Cam snorted when Rafe punched him. The rest of them tried to ignore him.

  “Hey, Chrissy, can you give us a ride to Meghan’s? We need to get Halo and I need to get my bags then drop us all off at Cam’s? I know it’s a lot of extra driving…” Cam wondered how much of their conversation the women had overheard, or if Miranda just had the same idea. Either way, he was ready to see the last of his team for a few hours.

  “No problem, Miranda. Let’s hit the road.

  Chapter 8

  By the time Chrissy dropped them off in front of Cam’s apartment building, Miranda was ready for a nap. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions since he’d walked through the door of Meghan and Rafe’s condo. The nightmare the night before hadn’t helped either.

  When she’d dreamed about their first time it had been all candlelight, soft music, wine and making love all night long. The reality was she was exhausted and could barely stand up, there was no way she’d survive a night of lovemaking. Not exactly the best girlfriend material. They’d decided to wait until she was healed so she wouldn’t have to worry about being careful or reinjuring herself. Now that they were together and she was healthy, she was dead on her feet.

  “You okay, Sunshine?” Cam asked as they took the elevator up to the third floor. She wanted to kiss him for not taking the stairs. “This isn’t quite what I planned for our first day.”

  “Me either. But at least it hasn’t been boring.”

  “Very true.” Halo woofed to add his two cents.

  “You’re a good boy,” Miranda said as she patted his head. He’d been the first one to get to her in the cave and stayed by her side until help came. She’d always think of him as her doggy knight in shining armor.

  “Here we are. Just down the hall and to the left. Number 3D.” Cam carried both of their bags. All she did was follow along behind him. Halo stayed between them like he wasn’t sure who needed him most. “Before you go in, it’s not like Meghan and Rafe’s place. It’s a lot smaller.”

  “Size doesn’t matter.”

  “Oh baby, you’re going to change your tune later.” Miranda realized what she’d said and turned scarlet. She walked right into that one.

  “I don’t care if your apartment is huge or not. Does it have a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then that’s all that matters. Seriously, just because you know where I grew up doesn’t mean a thing.”

  “Okay.” It was cute that he was worried, but material things never mattered to her. Besides, when she was young they didn’t have all that stuff. Her father needed them to blend in with everyone else.

  After he unlocked the door, Halo was the first one into the apartment. Cam didn’t even have to tell him to check it out, it was what he did. After Halo came back with the all clear, Cam led Miranda inside. He was right it was small, but he’d done a great job decorating. The furniture was definitely geared toward a bachelor, leather, glass, and wood, but it was clean, and that was the important part.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “I like it. It is definitely you.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah. Did you decorate it?”

  “No, my sister did. She’s an interior designer. When I passed BUD/S it was her present to me.”

  “She did great.”

  “The kitchen is over there but we’ll have to do some shopping. There’s not much in the fridge. The bedrooms are down here.” He led the way down a short hallway with three doors. “There are two, but the second one is full of junk. I can sleep on the couch if you’ll be more comfortable. There’s just the one bathroom and it’s through that door.”

  “I think we’ll manage. You forget I lived with a missionary group in Afghanistan for almost four months. Outdoor bathrooms, tents, dirt. Your apartment is like the Ritz. Thank you for inviting me to stay.”

  “Sunshine, I’ve dreamed of having you here with me for months.” She melted a little inside at his words and all the awkwardness and exhaustion melted too. Standing on her tip-toes, she pulled his face down and kissed him. His lips were so warm and soft, probably the only soft part on her warrior.

  “You are magical, Cam Patterson. You’ve turned this woman into a melted puddle of goo.”

  “Oh no. Goo? Not sure that’s a good thing.”

  “Oh baby, it’s the best thing.”

  Before she had a chance to change her mind, he slipped one arm under her knees and the other around her back and lifted her into his arms. “You mean the world to me, Sunshine. I’ve dreamed of this moment in my long lonely nights in the desert. If you don’t want this tell me now.”

  He held his breath while he waited for her answer. Either way, he wouldn’t put her down until he reached his bed. The question would be whether he climbed into it with her or left her to get some rest and took a cold shower.

  “I want this…”

  The words were soft, husky, and barely audible, but she’d said them. It was all he could do not to ‘yee-haw’ as he pushed through the slightly open bedroom door. This was one room he’d decorated on his own from the king-sized bed to the black lacquer furniture and white carpet.

  Although he was tempted to toss her on the bed, he resisted, and placed her gently on the edge, and knelt down in front of her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Undressing you. You’re the present I’ve been waiting for and I’m going to take my time unwrapping you.”

  “But…wouldn’t you rather we just go
t under the covers and…”

  “No, baby. I’ve been imagining this moment for so long.” When he saw the indecision on her face he tried to figure out what he’d done wrong. Just a minute ago she seemed to want this as much as him. “What’s wrong? Would you rather wait until tomorrow?”

  “It’s not that. I’m just worried about what you’ll think of my body when you see it. The scars.”

  Cam got up and sat down next to her on the bed. Then he took her hand and weaved her fingers between his. “Miranda, maybe I haven’t said this enough or at all, but you are amazing from your head to your toes. There is nothing about you that will bother me, except if you walk away.”


  “Your scars are like medals of honor for surviving, how could I think that is ugly, or whatever else you might think.”

  “I don’t know. I just, maybe I’m being silly. I know I’m not a perfect woman, but the scars are still so new, and I think they’re ugly…”

  “Well, I disagree with you. And I always will if you say things like that about yourself.”

  Halo picked that time to jump onto the bed. Cam hadn’t thought about that part since he’d never brought a woman back to his place before. Talk about awkward. No way was he having Halo watch his every move as they had sex. That would be a big hell no.

  Halo scooted next to Miranda and as she rubbed his head he got the same look on his face that Cam did when she kissed him. Good grief, they both were hooked on her.

  “I think we’ll wait until tomorrow. Today’s been fucked up and scary for you. How about we watch a movie and just relax. I’ll run out and get some stuff from the store and you can take a shower and change. I’ll leave Halo to protect you.”

  “You don’t mind waiting?”

  “Sunshine, I’ll wait forever if I have to.” Then he lifted the hand that was intertwined with his and kissed each of her fingers and then the back of her hand. “You will always be worth waiting for.”

  Tears welled up in Miranda’s eyes which was not the effect he’d been going for and he wasn’t sure what to do. Pulling her closer he wrapped his arms around her and just held her while she cried. Fuck, he was a shit head. He thought he was doing a good thing.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “No, oh no. It’s not that. You are like some hero out of a book. You’re sweet, kind, protective, understanding. I wonder how you could be real. You’re right today sucked, and I’m freaked out. But none of it is because of you.”

  “Trust me, you will find out I’m not so wonderful when you spend more time with me. Ask any of the guys if you don’t believe me.”

  This time she did what he’d hoped, she grinned and then started giggling. It was the shock wearing off, but he didn’t care. He’d give his right testicle to keep her happy.

  “Thank you, Cam.”


  “Being you and caring about me.” She had no idea just how much he cared, but she’d find out. And hopefully, it wouldn’t send her running for home.

  “My pleasure.” Dropping a kiss on her forehead, he stood up and lifted her off the bed. “Do you want anything special while I’m out? Anything you like to eat for breakfast, snacks, middle of the night binges?”

  “People do that?”

  “Oh yeah. Murph had one girl he was with a couple of times and she didn’t eat all day or when he took her to dinner. In the middle of the night, he woke up and she wasn’t in bed.”

  “Where was she?”

  “In the kitchen, standing there eating everything in sight. He was freaked out.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Went back to bed. Figured it wasn’t his place to say anything, but when she left the next day he slipped her the card for the therapist they recommend for us.”

  “Wow. I hope she’s okay.”

  “Don’t know, none of us ever saw her again. So, do you have a wish list from the grocery store, my Princess?”

  “Coffee, maybe some bread and fixings for omelets for breakfast. I don’t eat a lot of snacks, so get whatever you like. Although popcorn works for the movie.”


  “Nope, I’m a coffee, water, or wine type of woman.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back soon. Don’t open the door for anyone. Halo will be on protection detail, right boy?”

  After another quick kiss, he forced himself to leave. It would be too easy to stay and keep kissing her, but he’d promised a quiet evening and that’s what she’d get. Technically it wasn’t even late, but after the day she’d had he wouldn’t be surprised if she was asleep when he returned.

  Cam had just climbed into his truck and closed the door when his cell rang. Figuring it was Miranda with something she’d thought of, he answered without looking at the caller ID.

  “Hey, Sunshine did you forget something?”

  “No, turd blossom, but thanks for asking.”

  “Fuck you, Murph. Didn’t we see enough of each other earlier?”

  “Yeah, but I’m just checking on you. That shooting doesn’t feel right, and we wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve got Halo and I am a SEAL. I think I could handle most things that came my way.”

  “Knock that chip off your shoulder, kid. It’s serious. Jake has us all on alert. He’s got one of those feelings.”


  “So keep an eye out and if anything is weird, call one or all of us. And make sure you have your phone near in case we call.”

  “Copy that. I’m headed to the store and I left Miranda in the apartment, but Halo is with her. Maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  “She’ll be fine especially with Halo there. We don’t think it involves her, that it’s us they’re after.”

  Fuck. So much for some peaceful time off. It never fucking failed. “Gotcha. Thanks for letting me know.”

  Jake’s ‘feelings’ were never good and usually on point. It was like some freaky antenna that he had. Hopefully, this would be the first time he was wrong. Even so, he stayed extra vigilant as he drove to the store and while he grabbed the items on his list. He wasn’t sure if someone was watching him or if it was his imagination, but the little hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he headed back to the truck. Loading everything into the passenger side gave him a chance to look around. Nothing seemed off, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone had their eyes on him.

  Cam made it back home in less than an hour. When he opened the door, he was relieved and a little surprised to see Miranda sitting on the couch watching TV with Halo by her side.

  They both looked toward the door when he came in. “Do you need any help?”

  “Nope, I’ve got it. Any trouble?”

  “Only if you consider Halo trying to hang out in the bathroom with me while I showered. I told him that he wasn’t allowed, and he wasn’t happy.”

  Laughing, Cam put away the groceries. “Good dog. I told him to stay by your side, so he was following orders. Orders are important.”

  “I know, but did you expect him to be in the bathroom with me?”

  “I wanted him to be there if you needed him, but no. I didn’t expect him to hang out in the bathroom, but I’m not surprised.”

  “Next time you’d better be more specific then.”

  “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I won’t be leaving you alone again while you’re here. Can you blame me for wanting to spend as much time as possible with you?” Hopefully, he’d be forgiven for his sort of white lie. He did want to spend as much time as possible, but he wouldn’t take the chance of leaving her alone again either.

  “I like that idea. I know the week is going to fly by.” She was right about that. The good times always passed too quickly.

  Filling a bowl with popcorn, he grabbed a beer for him and a bottle of water for her and joined her on the couch. Halo didn’t want to move so Miranda ended up
in the middle between her two overly protective men. But from the smile on her face, he didn’t think she minded at all.

  After much discussion, they settled on the first Captain America movie since it had action and a great love story, even if it didn’t have a happy ending. As Cam expected, about halfway through the movie, Miranda was asleep on his shoulder. It reminded him of when he was growing up, how his mom would fall asleep on his dad. The warmth of the memory lifted some of the worry that had worn on him since Murph’s call.

  Chapter 9

  It was dark when Miranda woke up screaming. But this time she wasn’t alone, Cam held her in his arms and rocked her.

  “Easy, Sunshine. It’s just a dream. You’re safe. I have you.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice sounded hoarse and tearful. Two nights in a row hadn’t happened in ages. The shooting earlier on top of all the other stresses didn’t help.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about. I guess I don’t have to ask if you’re still having the nightmares.”

  “Not as often, but I had one last night at Meghan’s.”

  “I know, she told me earlier. She’s worried about you. So am I.”

  “They were getting better…”

  “Why don’t you want to see someone?”

  “I don’t know. I told myself I didn’t want to dredge up all the memories. Talking about them makes it all fresh. But it seems like a stupid excuse. I think I’m just scared.”

  “I think it’s something else. Something you’re trying not to remember. You braved so much while they had you captive and survived.”

  Was he right? Was there something else she’d blocked from her time in captivity that she was afraid to remember? That made more sense than any other explanation, but it also scared the crap out of her. Everything she remembered was horrible, did she want to remember something that was even worse.

  “Maybe that’s it. But if that’s the reason, I’m not sure I want to remember.”


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