SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame

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SEAL's Sunshine - Lynne St Jame Page 14

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “Hiding out with the remaining ISIS fighters.”

  “He’s been working all this long distance?”

  “Yup. Seems there are a few cells waiting to be activated. Hopefully, Chrissy can dig up more when she gets the DNA back from the fabric.”

  “I’m so glad I told Miranda about the tracker and that she found a way to take it with her.”

  “No shit. Her purse was still at the apartment. They shot through the lock to get in. It didn’t look like there was a struggle.”

  “She was in the shower when I took Halo out for the walk.”

  “The captain called her father. They’re keeping it out of the news for now. No one wants it to get out if we can help it.”

  “I bet he was fucking thrilled.”

  “You got that right. He was ready to go to POTUS again. Like what the hell could he do?”

  “Activate the FBI. Did he?”

  “No. The captain talked him down, but don’t be surprised if he shows up here tomorrow.”

  “That’s okay, we’ll have her back by then.” Cam was positive they would find her and bring her home alive. He had to be. No other outcome was acceptable.

  Chapter 17

  By the time they stopped, Miranda was sore, bruised, scared shitless, and determined not to allow them to hurt her like last time. After reliving every moment of her treatment at the hands of the Taliban last time, she would not give in easily. There was a reason she’d taken all those self-defense classes and now was the time to see if they worked.

  Not knowing if Cam was alive or dead didn’t help. What if they’d taken him too? Would Tex know to check where she was? The rest of the team wouldn’t look for them until tomorrow sometime. Or maybe it was today already.

  If there was one thing she was thankful for at that moment, it was that she’d told Cam she loved him. If she was going to die, it was important that he knew what was in her heart, and she knew what was in his. As she focused on the memory of his face when he said the words, the doors were thrown open and a disgusting stench filled her nostrils. Fish? Death? It was horrible and she gagged.

  “You’ll get used to it, bitch, if you last long enough.” This voice was different, not the same accent as at the apartment. This was an American. Hopefully, she’d live long enough to tell Chrissy she was right about the terrorist cell.

  Holding on tight to her anger, she was determined to get through this or die trying. Everyone had faith in Tex, so sent him messages, praying that he’d find her and send the team to the rescue.

  “Come on,” he said as he dragged her from the vehicle by her feet and dropped her on the ground. “Get up.”

  What an asshat, and what she would give to see his face when someone put a bullet in his brain. Too bad it wouldn’t be her. As she struggled to stand, he grabbed her by the upper arm and pulled her to her feet. Then he dragged her along and she struggled to stay upright. With no idea where she was, and unable to see anything, the only clue to her location was the awful smell. As he pulled her along it got stronger.

  The ground felt like small pebbles under her feet and she tried to imagine where that would be. Then he stopped. There was a squeal of a metal door, and then a blast of heat like you get when you opened a closed box that’s been out in the sun too long. He shoved her inside and slammed the door.

  “Hello?” But there was no answer. Reaching out with her tied hands she shuffled forward until she reached a wall. Or maybe it was the door. He’d locked her inside something, and she was alone. Reaching up, she pulled off the hood. It wasn’t all that different and still pitch black, but at least she could breathe easier without it.

  As she felt along the walls, she got a sinking feeling that she was in a shipping container. How would Cam find her now? Picturing a dock loaded with shipping containers, thousands of them all lined up in rows. Trying to find her would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. She banged on the wall, but all it did was hurt her hands. No answering sound came from outside. Even if someone was around, they wouldn’t hear any sounds she made inside.

  Terrified, hot and thirsty, she wondered if they planned on leaving her to die in there. Were they going to put it on a ship and send her somewhere? How would anyone find her? She doubted the tracker would work inside the metal box. But she could check. Why hadn’t she thought about that sooner?

  “Because you were paralyzed with fear and anger, stupid.” Hearing her own voice helped settle her down. She could do this, and if they came back for her, she’d try to get away. She should have tried to get away at the apartment, but the gun had freaked her out. No move she’d learned was any match for a gun.

  Why had they left her bound if she was alone? Maybe they were coming back? Or maybe they were just assholes. Her mother would never forgive her for being taken again. She didn’t envy whoever drew the short straw and got to tell her. That would not be a pleasant conversation. It almost made her giggle, almost. Then she heard a sound outside. Was someone there?

  Pounding the walls with all her strength, she hoped they’d hear her. Over and over she banged on the metal walls. Pain vibrated in her hands and the zip-tie sliced into her wrists. “Please, can you hear me? Help. I’m locked in here.”

  When the door slid open she had a moment of hope. But it dissipated as fast as it appeared. “No one can hear you. Why bother? Even if they could, they’d never figure out which container you’re in.”

  That’s what she’d been afraid of. She recognized the voice. It was the man who’d taken her from the apartment. He pointed a flashlight at her and she was blinded by the bright light after the dense darkness. It was probably better that way.

  “Bring the chair, put it there.” It figured that he wasn’t alone and being bound up she couldn’t do much of anything. So far, they hadn’t hurt her, but she didn’t know how much longer her luck would hold out.

  “Grab the girl and put her in the chair.”

  “Should we put the hood back on?” It was the American. Interesting, so the other guy was in charge. She wished she could see their faces so she could identify them if she made it out of this mess.

  “No, we need proof of life.” They were going to ransom her again? Didn’t they remember how it went the last time? Or was it just a ruse?

  The American put Miranda in the chair with a newspaper held against her chest. After a few photos with the paper and a few without, the American dumped her on the floor and took the chair.

  “Can you cut me loose? I’m in a freaking box, where am I going to go? And can I have some water?”

  “Don’t push your luck. Go ahead, cut her loose. But if you try to escape, you’ll die. I told you, I don’t care if you’re alive or dead, but I will have fun cutting you into pieces.”

  Just the thought of being carved up again made her shiver. He saw her movement and laughed. Where did they find these guys? Did they advertise for cruel sadists with knives who want jihad?

  “You’re just going to leave me here?”

  “For now.” And that was it, he backed up and the door slammed shut. Then she heard the latch click into place.

  Rubbing her ankles to bring the feeling back, at least they weren’t bleeding. But her wrists were a mess. Even without being able to see them, she could feel the stickiness of the blood and the smell of it permeated the stale air of the container.

  Reaching under her shirt and into her bra, she dug out her phone. Then pushed the button to check to see if she had a signal. It still had sixty percent battery left but no signal at all. She shouldn’t have been surprised since she was in a big metal box.

  She turned on the flashlight to check her wrists and see if there was anything in the container she could use as a weapon. But found nothing. Afraid to leave the light on for long and drain the battery, she checked her wrists again. They were chaffed and bloody. She tried to rip part of her shirt to wrap them. Holding the phone in her mouth so she could see, she tried to tear off the bottom of her shirt.

she heard the latch, just before the door was opened. She tried to hide the phone but wasn’t fast enough. The man grabbed the phone and checked to see if she’d called anyone. Then he punched her with such force, she slammed against the wall and slid onto the floor. Then he kicked her in the ribs.

  “You’re a sneaky bitch, aren’t you? Ishmael will not be happy. Here he took pity on you and sent me to bring you water. Where did you have this hiding?”

  Miranda didn’t say anything as tears slid down her cheeks. It was her one lifeline and she’d lost it.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I found this, the bitch had it when I opened the door.”

  “Where did you have it? I should have kept you naked. It would have been harder to hide anything. Strip her down.”

  “No. I don’t have anything else.”

  “I warned you. You didn’t listen.”

  The American pulled her to her feet, and she kicked him in the balls. They might kill her, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for them.

  “You fucking cunt, you’re going to pay for that.” He punched her in the head, and she crumpled like a rag doll.

  Jake’s phone rang, and he hit the answer button in the truck. It was Rafe.

  “We lost the signal about twenty minutes ago. Tex hasn’t been able to get it back.”

  “Where did it drop?”

  “At the Port.”

  “Fuck. She could be anywhere.”

  “No, she’d have to be someplace that blocked the signal, unless the phone went dead.”

  “We’re about ten minutes away. Where are you?”

  “Outside the custom’s terminal.”

  “Copy that.”

  Cam wanted to put his fist through the dashboard he was so frustrated. They’d had his Sunshine for too long and worried what they’d done to her.

  “We’ll find her. But, dammit Cam, you need to focus. Detach yourself from the personal stuff or you’re going to go off half-cocked and get yourself or one of us killed. That’s an order.”

  Jake was right. This wasn’t him. He’d busted his ass to make spec ops. This was another mission. He’d keep repeating it in his head until he believed it. When Cam had her in his arms, then it could be personal. Clearing his head with a shake, he focused on the end game. Rescuing Miranda and taking out the tangos.

  “Copy that.”

  Jake shut off his lights as he pulled in next to Rafe’s truck and turned off the ignition. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Boss. I wish we had Halo.”

  “Me too. Hell, I’m sure he’d like to get a piece of them too.”


  “Put this on.” He tossed him a black t-shirt he’d dug out of his go bag, then handed him a night vision helmet.

  “Thanks.” Cam changed shirts, being careful not to rip off the dressing on his shoulder and then put on the helmet.

  “How’s the shoulder?”

  “Perfect.” Jake grinned, flashing white teeth in the darkness.

  “Let’s go get Miranda and end these fuckers.”

  “Copy that, Boss.”

  Murph was waiting for them in the shadows at the edge of the customs terminal.


  “Eagle 2 and 3 are on recon. Tex messaged that the tracker turned on for a moment then went dark.”

  “Copy that.”

  “What are we waiting for?” Cam asked impatiently.

  “For Eagle 2 and 3 to return. Or report in.”

  He hated waiting which was one of the reasons he’d been happy to train to be the K-9 operator. He and Halo always took point. No waiting.

  “Eagle 2, this is Eagle 1, sitrep.”

  “Eagle 1, we are about one klick south of your location. We have eyes on two tangos.”

  “Copy that Eagle 2. Any sign of the HVT?”

  “Negative, Eagle 1.”

  “Copy that. We’re coming to you.” Following Jake, they stayed in the shadows as they navigated to the location of the rest of the team. About a half a klick from where they’d started they reached the fenced off customs containment area. A few moments later, the met up with Rafe and Ryan.


  “Maybe. Two guys just came back from that direction. They’re inside the office over there,” Rafe said as he pointed to the right. “I’m not sure where they came from.”

  “Okay, let's see what they do next.”

  Staying to the shadows, they didn’t have to wait long. The door opened and one of the guys came out.

  “Stay with him.”

  “Copy that.” Cam wanted to go, but he was a liability with his injury. A few seconds later another guy came out and headed in the same direction.

  “Okay, Cam you’re with me. Murph, stay here and keep watch.”

  “Copy that.”

  They silently followed the second tango. As they rounded the second container, Rafe’s voice came over the com. “Eagle 1, we’ve located HVT.”

  “Copy that, Eagle 2, status?”

  “She’s alive.”

  Relief coursed through Cam’s veins, followed by anger at the men who’d dared to take his woman. “Easy, we don’t know the whole situation yet.”

  “Copy that.” Jake was right. They reached Rafe and Ryan in time for the second man to walk into an open container.

  “She’s inside.”

  “You fucking cunt, you’re going to pay for that.”

  “Go, go, go. Remember, we need them alive,” Jake whispered. Rafe was the first one into the container and neutralized the first tango, Ryan got the second. By the time Jake and Cam got through the doorway, it was all over.

  “She’s there, kid. Easy, this fucktard hit her hard,” he said as he kicked him.

  Cam couldn’t get to her side fast enough. A bruise was already visible on her right cheek and her eye was swollen. It reminded him so much of the last time. Checking for a pulse, it was there, slow but steady. But she was unconscious.

  “Ryan, she’s not responding.”

  “Copy that.” He checked her vitals. “He hit her hard. I’m sure she has a concussion.”

  “You’re twins now,” Murph said as he appeared in the doorway.

  “What happened to stay behind and keep watch.”

  “I got tired of waiting and took out the other two in the shack. They’re tied up nice and pretty.”

  Jake shook his head, but the rest of the team laughed. It was typical Murph.

  “We need to get her checked out. How do you want to handle this, Boss?”

  “I’ll call the captain then he can call the FBI.”

  “Copy that.”

  It didn’t take long for the FBI to show up along with an ambulance to take Miranda to the hospital. Since Chrissy had already briefed her superiors per the captain’s suggestion. It went a lot more smoothly than if they’d involved the police, and they’d share pertinent intel that could help them get their hands on Azfaar.

  Cam rode in the ambulance with Miranda. The EMT used smelling salts and it woke her up. He’d never been so happy to see anyone open their eyes.

  “Hi, Sunshine.”

  “Cam. Oh my God. I thought I’d never see you again,” she said as she tried to sit up.

  “Wow. Hold on there, ma’am. You need to stay still.”

  “Where are we?”

  “In an ambulance on the way to the hospital. That dirtbag hit you fucking hard. You most likely have a concussion.” She nodded and closed her eyes. He worried she’d lost consciousness, but she opened her eyes again a moment later.

  “I thought you were dead,” she said softly as tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you alone.”

  “No, it’s not your fault.”

  “If it’s okay with you two, can I finish checking her vitals before we get to the hospital?”

  “Sorry,” Cam said and moved out of the EMTs way but stayed within view of Miranda’s eyes to keep them both calm. He owed Tex big
time and he had no idea how he’d ever repay him. Miranda would have been gone forever if not for him.

  Chapter 18

  Miranda had a concussion, four broken ribs, a swollen eye, a bruised jaw, and her wrists were torn up from being restrained in the zip-ties. As they rolled her gurney into her hospital room, Cam got his first look at her since they’d tossed him out of the ER, and it shredded his heart. Covered in bruises of assorted shades, wrists wrapped in bandages and assorted cuts and scrapes, it was like déjà vu. Would it be better if he got out of her life? It would be safer for her. But could he walk away from her and have anything left?

  “Cam? Whatever you’re thinking, cut it out.”

  “What?” She’d opened her eyes and was staring up at him from the hospital bed. “I thought you were sleeping.”

  “No, just resting my eye.”

  “How are you, Sunshine? I thought I’d lost you. I’m so sorry. I love you with all of my heart.” He ached to hold her, to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. But between the machines, the IV, and her ribs, he hesitated to touch her.

  “I thought I’d lost you too. I’m so much better now that I know you’re okay. I was so worried about you and Halo. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Where’s Halo?”

  “He’s fine, I promise. He was shot and had to go to the Vet. We can probably pick him up in a day or two. Maybe sooner.”

  “They shot him? What is wrong with these people?” She struggled to sit up and he rushed to her side.

  “Easy, remember your ribs.” From her wince, it was obvious that the pain reminded her.

  “I can’t believe they broke my ribs again. Is it mean guy 101? Go for the face and the ribs?”

  “Hmm, maybe. I’ll have to look that up in my training information.” She giggled, at least it was some combination of giggle and groan, which was the reaction he’d been hoping for, without the pain.

  “Cam, you’re bleeding. What happened? He followed her eyes to his shoulder. He must have opened the wound at some point and even though he was wearing black the blood was visible.

  “Nothing, it’s just a scratch. I’m fine.”


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