Finding Forever

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by B. A. Stretke



  Dragon’s Blood M.C.

  Book Seven

  By. B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2018 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.


  Angus sat on the back deck of the Dragon’s Blood Lodge and looked out at the tree line on the mountain to the South. It was the Clan’s favorite location for letting their dragons out for a flight. It was uninhabited except for the dragons and was covered in tall pines that hid the skies. He was considering getting his motorcycle out and taking a ride to the mountains. He hadn’t let his dragon out in days and he was beginning to feel the itch.

  "Do you have any plans for tomorrow evening around seven?" Ewan sat down next to him and also looked out at the mountain as he spoke.

  “No plans, why?” Angus sipped on his beer.

  "I need you to go to dinner with me," Ewan stated matter of fact and Angus turned to him with a quizzical look. It was well known that Ewan had found his mate so this offer seemed a bit off.

  “I thought you found your mate? Why aren’t you going to dinner with her?” Angus asked and finished his beer. Ewan popped the top on another beer and handed it to Angus.

  “Here, this is a long story.” He said. Angus took the beer and settled back in his chair while Ewan explained his problem.

  Ewan had met his mate, Sasha Navarro, about a week ago at the Horizon Book Store. She was the manager and Ewan had stopped in to pick up a copy of Popular Mechanics that had been recommended. The moment he saw her, he knew she belonged to him, but she was a human and needed to be courted, slowly. She was also a very distrustful human, so his motorcycle persona was not winning him any points.

  He stopped in at the bookstore every day working on her and drowning her in charm. So far, he’d joined her for lunch in the park and she allowed him to walk her to her car. It was extremely slow going and Ewan’s frustration was getting the best of him.

  “Sasha has agreed to go to dinner with me, but she wants to meet me at the restaurant. Also, she’s bringing her brother, Juan, with her. She was insinuating that she’s afraid to be alone with me.” Ewan shook his head. “I became a little immature and told her that I was bringing my brother too. This whole thing is ridiculous, Angus. She’s got me tied up in knots and feeding me crumbs.”

  Angus chuckled. “Sure, I’d love to go to dinner with you. This sounds like it has the potential of being a laugh riot.”

  "Thanks, Angus, and remember I told her you were my brother so just go with that. You're my cousin but closer to me than any brother anyway." Ewan patted Angus's arm.


  “Juan! Why are you still here? The bakery isn’t going to run itself you know.” Jeff shouted from the front door. He’d left early for a meeting in Denver but then turned around and came home when it was canceled. At least that was his explanation for being home so soon and catching Juan sitting at the kitchen table finishing a cup of coffee. It was five-thirty in the morning.

  He did this every few weeks as if being caught still sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee was a serious offense. Jeff had been going to Denver quite regularly as of about five months ago. Before that, it was probably once a month and was with a banker or an investor, but now he took off at random times and stayed for days sometimes. He continued to use the same tired excuse of finding financing to expand the bakery, but Juan knew it was a lie.

  They hadn’t been intimate in a very long time yet Jeff always appeared satisfied. He also didn’t even bother to hide hotel and restaurant receipts that indicated he was never alone. The first few times Juan had become insistent and angry, demanding answers but that only got him denials and aggression. Jeff could be hateful and abusive when he was angry, and Juan had been at the receiving end of that anger too many times.

  He decided in that moment with the avalanche of evidence and unhappiness that he was leaving Jeff. Two years of being the only one in the relationship that was trying to make it work was two years too long and two years he would never get back. It would take a couple of days to complete but he was done, he was moving out and getting back to his own life. Jeff could run his bakery and his household, and he could go fuck every guy in Denver if he wanted, Juan no longer cared.

  Juan did not respond to Jeff's snide and diminishing comments. He finished his coffee and headed out, but Jeff caught him by the upper arm as he passed him. "I'll be late tonight, got a meeting with some investor about the expansion on the bakery. I'll have the dogs in the backyard so come in the front." He dropped his grip on Juan and stomped off in the direction of his bedroom.

  Juan left and locked the door behind him. Jeff was going back to bed and would probably stay there until his supposed investor meeting which meant his side piece was meeting him in Laramie. Jeff would be off screwing his new boyfriend while Juan ran Jeff’s business, Frazer Bakery. Juan shook his head. This was one fucked up way to exist, he admitted to himself, but then forced a grim smile at the knowledge he wasn’t staying and soon Jeff would be out of his life.

  Juan got into his small hatchback and pulled out onto the road wondering why he had stayed so long when the happiness and satisfaction died long ago. They started dating nearly three years ago and Juan moved in two years, one month, and twelve days ago. It was so miserable that it felt like a fucking lifetime.

  Owning a bakery had been Jeff’s dream, and soon after Juan moved in Jeff bought the local bakery and renamed it after himself. It seemed a good investment and Juan was busy with his own business Horizon Books. Books were his passion and opening Horizon Books had been his delight over the years. He opened nine years ago and left it thirteen months ago to manage Jeff’s bakery.

  Juan put his sister Sasha in charge as manager of his bookstore thinking that it would be a short period and he’d return to the bookstore. Unfortunately, the couple of months that Jeff had assured him would be enough was now at thirteen and there didn’t seem to be an end in sight. He pulled up and parked at the back of Frazer Bakery and sat there staring at the back door.

  The bakers were already there and getting the offerings prepared for the day. Juan knew nothing about baking, but he understood how to run a business, so the bakery was doing well. Why Jeff wanted to expand was impossible to understand. The town wasn’t big enough to support a bakery the size of which Jeff was proposing. Maybe in a few years, but not today and not next year as Jeff was planning.

  Juan wanted out. He was finding himself doing things that were not him and he didn’t enjoy, yet he continued because Jeff became upset if he didn’t. That was no kind of life to be living. This last trip to Denver was the tipping point. Juan caught Jeff talking on the phone to someone named David. He told him to wear the tight spandex and to wait for him on the bed and that he would be there soon. They spoke of other plans, such as shopping and dinner.

  Juan had emotionally disconnected from the relationship by that time so even that phone call didn’t cause him the upset that it should have. He no longer loved Jeff, if indeed he ever did. He despised the man, his bakery, his lifestyle, his presence, and his everything. The call gave him the impetus to finally call it quits. Juan was a softy and unfortunately had been easily manipulated by an adept user a
nd taker like Jeff Frazer. Finally, it was over, and he was through with this fucking bakery and he was through with Jeff.


  “I want you to look casual but not lethal. You can’t wear your leather and don’t wear the boots with the chains.” Ewan began to discuss Angus’s choices as Angus sat on his bed and watched Ewan go through his closet and pick out his clothes for the evening.

  “You know this is fucking weird, right?” Angus drawled.

  “I need you to look, pleasant, welcoming, and intelligent not threatening and dangerous. Is that too much to ask?” Ewan pulled out a nice pair of dark jeans and a light blue cotton Henley. “There, that looks nice and you will look good next to me in my blue jeans and black button up.”

  “Get out. I can’t take any more. You’re driving me crazy.” Angus got up and started pushing Ewan towards the door. Ewan strained and pointed back over his shoulder.

  “Put those on.” He shouted.

  "I will," Angus shouted back with a wide grin before tossing him into the hall and closing his door.

  He understood Ewan’s anxiety and he felt for the guy. It must be hell trying to get close to someone who doesn’t trust you. Angus hoped that when his mate came along it would be smooth and easy because he damn sure didn’t want to go through the misery and torment that Ewan was enduring right now.

  None of the mated couples had it easy but some were less complicated than others. Angus prayed for an uncomplicated mate, or at least not the ball buster that Ewan’s mate was presenting herself to be. He dressed in the clothes picked out for him and after washing up, headed downstairs to wait for Ewan.

  Ewan was walking the floor in the living room and waiting impatiently for Angus to get his shit together. “About time, man.” He grabbed Angus by the upper arm and started directing him to the door.

  “It’s only six o’clock and the restaurant is less than seven miles away. Don’t you think we might be a bit early?” Angus dug in his heels and forced Ewan to slow down.

  “I know but I can’t stand around any longer. Let’s go and get a table and wait for them at the restaurant. You drive.” Ewan walked passed him and out the front door. Angus stood there and glanced over at Bryn who was playing chess with his mate Cameron. Bryn smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  “You better go after him or he’ll probably start walking.” Bryn laughed.

  “He’s hanging on by a thread, man, by a thread.” Angus groused and went after Ewan.


  Juan locked up the bakery at five-thirty and got into his car and just sat there for a few minutes. It was becoming the only time he truly had to himself, no dogs, no bakery, no Jeff. He promised to go to dinner with Sasha tonight, but he couldn’t go home and change. Jeff said he would leave the dogs out back, but he never did. He always let them run free in the yard. They were trained attack dogs and they didn’t like Juan.

  The yard was fenced in such a way that the backyard could be separated from the front. The gate between the yards was always left open, giving the dogs free run of the yard, the dogs were vicious and only responded to Jeff. When they were free in the yard, Juan could not approach the house without being attacked.

  He didn’t want to burden Sasha with this drama so decided to stop at a store and pick up a few things and change at her place. He should have thought of that this morning and put some clothes in his car. Didn’t matter, he thought, since he would be out of that house soon enough and Jeff, his dogs, and his bakery would be nothing more than a sad embarrassing memory.

  Sasha rented a two-bedroom house about a mile and a half from Jeff’s house. He parked his car in the driveway, so if Jeff checked, it looked as if he was there and waiting like the good little boyfriend, which was a sick thought. He didn’t want Jeff to become suspicious and start keeping track of him. He needed a couple of days to move his things and discharge his duties at the bakery and he didn’t want Jeff making trouble.

  Juan headed off to Sasha’s glancing back as the dogs came racing around the side of the house, teeth bared and ready to tear him apart. This relationship was long and arduous, and he was more than a little sick of the games.

  "Oh, Juan, why do you let him treat you like you don't matter?" He hadn't said a word, but Sasha knew what was going on. Juan answered as he always did with placating statements and unlikely explanations. He didn't tell her he was leaving Jeff because it would open up too much conversation and Sasha needed to focus on herself tonight. He would explain it all later when he was finally out of that house.

  This new guy she was seeing was a serious prospect. The way she spoke of Ewan, you would think he hung the moon. Juan would not take away from her joy by involving her in his stupid drama.

  "He's just distracted right now. He isn't always this difficult. Things will get better when his business picks up and his dreams are realized." Juan had a million of them, but they were all crap and he knew it but for now, he would use them. Sasha needed to be placated. He was leaving Jeff and that was a fact.

  “You can move in here with me anytime, you know that.” Sasha gripped his upper arms and looked up at him. “He’s not good for you, Juan.”

  Juan pulled back with a forced smile plastered on his face and made more excuses until he realized he couldn't continue. "I'm leaving him, Sasha. I need to get my things packed and affairs in order and then I am out of there. So, don't worry about me." Juan watched as her face lit up. He’d made her very happy.

  “I’ll get changed and we can go see your new guy.” Juan said and patted her shoulder as he passed her. “Sasha, I’ll be fine. Concentrate on your love life.” Juan grabbed his bag of clothes he just bought and headed for the guest room.

  “I’m so happy Juan. I’ve hated Jeff for so long for the way he treated you.” She admitted as she followed Juan down the hall to the guest room. “You can stay here with me.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.” He stopped at the door and turned to regard her fully. “Like I said, don’t worry about me concentrate on your sexy biker.” He grinned.

  “He’s bringing his brother with him. I told him I wanted you there and I think I insulted him because he got this hurt look on his face and said he was bringing his brother too.” Sasha talked through the door as Juan changed into the new clothes he’d bought, black pants and a grey knit top. He looked in the mirror and thought he looked good enough. It wasn't like he was on a date, he was the chaperone, one of the chaperones apparently. He chuckled.

  “Don’t laugh.” She yelled. “I really like this guy but he’s so, I don’t know, male, I guess. He makes me nervous and I act stupid around him sometimes.” She continued until Juan stepped out of the bedroom.

  “You look great.” She gushed. “His brother is handsome, gay, and available according to Ewan. Wouldn’t it be interesting if you two hit it off?” She teased.

  Juan raised one eyebrow and looked at her suspiciously. “So soon Sasha?” He chided her with a smile. “No matchmaking this evening.” He said in all seriousness.

  “I’m not worrying about you at this dinner, my mind will be on Ewan and no one else.” She said and grabbed her purse. “Ready?”

  Juan nodded, and they headed out the door.

  When they pulled up out front of the Embers Restaurant, Juan noticed two tall, dark, and criminally handsome men standing out front as if waiting for someone. He couldn't take his eyes off the tallest one.

  “There’s Ewan.” Sasha gushed, and Juan held his breath hoping Ewan wasn’t the one he was suddenly crushing on. A feeling of silly exhilaration enveloped him.

  It shocked him that on the heels of finally leaving Jeff, he’s suddenly extremely attracted to someone. It’s as if finally letting go of the lie he lived with Jeff has allowed him to legitimately move on. He smiled a genuine smile that reached his eyes and considered all the new possibilities.

  “He’s the shorter one, not that he’s short, but he’s shorter than his brother.” She said, and Juan let out the breath he was ho
lding and smiled even wider. “Wow.” She said. “His brother sure looks intimidating.”

  “Not intimidating at all.” Juan defended. “He’s just not as relaxed and smiley as your Ewan.”

  “Defending your man already.” Sasha giggled. Juan rolled his eyes and exited the vehicle but kept his eyes on the tall dark man by the door. He looked like a quintessential biker, but not a biker thug. This man had polish and he looked as if he’d tried to dress up for the occasion, which was a sign of good manners.

  Juan was feeling stirrings of emotions and physical reactions that he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. Even if it was just the reaction to his new-found freedom, he would enjoy these new sensations for as long as they lasted.

  Unfortunately, he hadn't actually moved out of Jeff's home yet, so he would have to take his new-found enthusiasm slowly for now. Once he was out and on his own, he hoped that he would have the opportunity to meet this man again.

  “Your man looks eager.” Juan shot back.

  “He looks amazing.” She sighed, and Juan laughed.

  "Let's not keep them waiting," Juan said as they headed towards the restaurant and the two men waiting there.


  Angus and Ewan had sat in the truck for the first half hour and then at six-forty they went to stand in front of the restaurant. Angus decided it was best to just do whatever Ewan wanted to do and not question or comment. When the small car pulled up to the curb he noticed Ewan start to take on a nervous excitement.

  “Is that them?” He asked knowing full well that it was.

  “Yeah.” He answered tense and a little breathless. Damn, Ewan had it bad.

  Angus watched as the two of them exited the vehicle after a few moments. Angus assumed they were being assessed by the siblings so tried to look welcoming and friendly as Ewan had demanded.

  It was when Juan Navarro stepped out of the car that Angus first felt the rise of his dragon noting that there was something recognizable about this man. It was as if an electrical current started to buzz along his nerve endings. He couldn’t recall ever meeting him before.


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