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Finding Forever

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  “I get it but know this, I am not a rebound, and I have never needed anyone in the entirety of my life until I laid eyes on you. I always say what I mean. If I had doubts, even the slightest, I wouldn’t be making these declarations to you.” Angus made himself crystal clear as he rubbed circles on Juan’s back and continued to hold him close.

  “Are you saying that you’re sure enough for the both of us?” Juan laughed softly against Angus’s chest where he was resting his head. This was so bizarre and so fantastic, and he never wanted Angus to leave.

  “I’d marry you right now if I thought there was a chance of you saying yes. So yes, I am sure enough for the both of us.” Angus’s certainty was infectious and soon Juan was finding himself with a new-found confidence as well.

  When Juan started to pull away Angus loosened his grip but did not completely let go. "Tomorrow then." Juan announced. Angus smiled.

  “Tomorrow.” Angus reiterated as he continued to touch and seduce his sexy mate.

  “I do find you damn attractive. Coffee at ten and dinner at six, it’s a date.” Juan agreed, and Angus kissed him quick on the lips and finally released him and turned to walk away.

  “Bye sweetheart.” Angus tossed the endearment over his shoulder.


  Juan watched Angus walk down the sidewalk to where his truck was parked. He caught himself staring and licking his lips and remembering the sweet taste and the erotic pressure. He was fully under this man's spell and was enjoying every minute.

  Was he moving too fast? Juan wasn't sure of the answer, but he did know that he didn't want to lose Angus, his strength, his attentiveness, and his sheer presence were near intoxicating and Juan wanted more.


  Angus wished he could have asked for more but pushing Juan too hard was not the way to handle him. It was going to take time. He wished that he could just scoop up his mate and fly away with him. His dragon was putting interesting thoughts into his head and some were worth considering.

  He wanted to taste and touch every inch of Juan’s hard, lean body and enjoy the pleasure of going deep and claiming what was his. The fact that he got hard every time they were close was becoming more and more difficult to conceal and impossible to endure. He wanted his mate safe in his arms and warm in his bed.

  They had a coffee date tomorrow at ten and at that time Angus intended to push for Juan to come to the Lodge. It was a long shot, but he would point out that it was better than living in a room over your business. Maybe he would concede.

  Ewan was going to plant the idea in Sasha’s head tonight of spending the weekend at the Gatehouse. Ewan was more than anxious to get Sasha alone and on his home ground. Their relationship was moving ahead strong, but Ewan had not yet introduced her to the reality that was Clan Keith. The plan was to claim her at the Gatehouse and also show her his dragon. Angus wished him all the best.

  It might prove to be a touchy maneuver with Sasha claimed and bonded and knowing the dragon secret and Juan not, but they would work it out. Right now, Angus’s biggest concern was Jeff and whether he would accept that Juan had left him and move on or if he planned to make trouble for him in some way. He really wanted that guy out of the equation.


  Juan moved the rest of his things from his car into Sasha’s home and agreed to stay until he found more permanent accommodations. She didn’t want him sitting alone in that dreary room over the bookstore. She was probably right since the room didn’t have a proper bathroom only a half bath and the main room couldn’t handle much more than a twin bed. He would have been depressed if he had to stay there too long.

  “I just don’t want to get in the way of you and Ewan.” He explained.

  “Ewan and I can take care of ourselves and you being here is not a problem.” She asserted with her hand on her hip.

  Juan lay on his bed that night in Sasha’s guest room and wondered what it would have been like to have accepted Angus’s offer of a room. The thought brought a wicked smile to his lips. Angus Keith was the most interesting and frankly drop-dead gorgeous man he'd ever had the pure pleasure to meet.

  Juan was certain that Jeff was seeing someone in Denver and that he would move on and forget about Juan soon enough. Jeff never did have a very long attention span. He banished the man and his loathsome behavior from his thoughts and settled in for the night.

  Juan fell asleep thinking about Angus and their coffee date scheduled for tomorrow morning. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked forward to something with so much anticipation.


  The call came at two-thirty-five, just as Angus was settling in for a few hours of rest. He’d checked on Juan at around midnight and then hung out with the twins, Forbes and Flynn, for a while. His mind was so full of his mate that he had trouble sleeping.

  He grabbed his phone and answered immediately when it rang, his heart telling him of the urgency. “Hello.”

  “Angus, this is Juan.” His voice was panicking, and Angus’s heart began to tighten. “Sasha’s house is on fire. We’re standing on the road with the firemen.” That was all he had to say, and Angus was on his feet and out the door. He called out to Ewan who was on the phone with Sasha and they met at Angus’s truck.

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes, sweetheart, stay close to your sister and the firemen.” Angus was afraid that perhaps someone had set the fire and they might try to harm them now that they were vulnerable and out in the open. He did not say this to Juan. His mate sounded distraught and he didn’t want to add to his upset.

  "Okay, thank you, Angus." Juan was scared but also relieved and it touched Angus's heart to know that his mate had reached out to him during this crisis. Juan found comfort with his dragon mate, a true indicator of their bond.

  They decided on the ride over that Juan and Sasha would move to the Lodge and neither Angus or Ewan would take no for an answer. "They're stubborn, both of them," Ewan warned.

  “We will convince them.” Angus asserted. He needed his mate by his side, the fire was suspicious enough in Angus’s mind to warrant them coming into care. The best protection was at the Lodge and Angus was not going to accept anything else.

  They saw the smoke first billowing into the dark sky. As they got closer the flames could be seen at the base of the house and licking up the right side and the front. The lawn looked to be completely incinerated. At first glance, it looked as if the lawn was set ablaze and then the house caught. Firemen where extinguishing the blaze but there would be extensive damage.

  They quickly parked and ran down the street towards their respective mates. Juan and Sasha were standing together next to the large fire engine. They looked tired and scared. Ewan grabbed Sasha and pulled her into his arms as she began to cry. Angus looked at his mate who was trying desperately to hold it together and it broke his heart.

  Angus wordlessly opened his arms and Juan walked into them and wrapped his arms around Angus’s waist and rested his head against Angus’s chest. It was not long before he felt Juan tremble with the effort it took not to cry. He held him wrapped up tight in his arms and let his dragon sooth his mate’s frayed nerves.

  "The police said it could have started from a cigarette carelessly tossed from a passing vehicle because it appears to have started in the bushes by the front door," Juan mumbled against Angus's chest.

  It was possible but unlikely in Angus’s opinion. It was giving his mate comfort to think it was random, so Angus was not going to contradict. He felt Juan begin to shiver so slipped off his leather jacket off and draped it over Juan’s shoulders and then pulled him back into his arms.

  "It looks like most of the damage is on the outside," Angus commented.

  “We won’t be allowed in until they complete their investigation according to the police, but yeah, I think apart from water and smoke damage we may be able to salvage a lot.” Juan was focusing on the practical and it helped to calm him.

  "I want you to come and st
ay with me at the Lodge," Angus said it in such a way that it was a request and a demand at the same time. He felt Juan stiffen and pull back slightly. But before he could comment Ewan broke in.

  “I’m taking Sasha to the Gatehouse, so she can relax and recover.”

  “I can’t leave Juan.” She stated emotionally while shaking her head and it was enough to get Juan on their side.

  “Go with Ewan, stop worrying about me. I’m going to stay with Angus at the Lodge. I’m going to be very unhappy if you start mothering me, now go.” He was forceful but also perceptive. The bond between Sasha and Ewan was clear enough even a blind man could see it.

  “Angus and I will take care of anything that arises concerning this accident and if you’re needed I will call.” Angus was impressed with his mate’s strength of will as he held his ground and took care of his sister.

  Angus could sense that Juan was barely holding on, yet he put forth a face of calm confidence to his sister. He wanted her happy and safe and not worrying about him. As much as Juan was pushing the ‘accident’ scenario it was clear to Angus that he was concerned that it was not. He was concerned enough that he wanted his sister away and somewhere safe. Reading his mate was becoming easier as their own bond grew.

  They stayed until the police and fire department cleared them to leave and the four of them headed back to the Lodge in Angus’s truck. Both Sasha’s and Juan’s cars were severely damaged by the flames so could not be driven.

  Ewan and Sasha sat in the back with Ewan holding and comforted his mate. Throughout the ride, Sasha cried about her car, her things, her beautiful plants that she'd planted in the spring and anything else she could think of. She was simply emotionally overwrought and unable to control her rampant and random concerns. Ewan held her and consoled her throughout.

  Soon after they arrived at the Lodge, Ewan had his mate cleaned, dressed and they were on their way to the Gatehouse on the mountain.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to stay with you?” She asked Juan as Ewan was urging her out the door.

  Juan laughed and shook his head. “I don’t need you to stay with me. I have Angus.” Angus visibly puffed up at Juan’s statement. He was beginning to look to Angus for his needs, just as it should be. Angus slipped his arm around Juan’s waist as they stood on the porch and waved as Ewan and Sasha drove away.

  “So how are you really feeling?” Angus asked as Juan continued to stand silently staring at the front yard. He knew what his mate was feeling but he needed Juan to tell him, to trust him and to let him help.

  “I think the coincidence of me moving into Sasha’s rental with her and then the place suddenly accidentally burning is highly suspect.” His voice was calm and measured but Angus could feel the anxiety coursing through him.

  He turned and looked up at Angus. “I think Jeff had something to do with it either directly or indirectly. I’m glad that Sasha is with Ewan and he’s taking her somewhere safe. I don’t want her to get caught up in whatever is going on here.”

  "He will protect her with his life," Angus interjected and then added. "And I will protect you with all that I am." He noticed Juan begin to shake his head. "Don't shake your head, I have the skills and resources the likes of which would boggle your mind." Angus grinned. "I am well able to keep you safe you can depend on me."

  Juan was humbled by the declaration and did not doubt that Angus was well able to protect him. His only concern was putting Angus in such a position. “I’m sorry that I’ve put this upon you, but I am grateful for your help.” It was the best he could do.

  He didn’t want to walk away, he needed Angus, but he also understood that his problems were his own and Angus had no obligation to insert himself in the middle of this mess. He was being selfish, and he knew it.

  Angus pulled him close before commenting. Juan took comfort in nearness. His eyes as always seemed to burn hot and mysterious. There was so much more to this man than met the eye, of that Juan, was certain. His gaze devoured and endeared and Juan melted into it.

  "I'm helping you because I want too. As I told you before, I recognized you the moment we met. It was at that moment that I knew you and I were meant for one another. You could call it Fate that you and I came together at this time. I'm here for you and I will always be here for you. This isn't temporary or short-term or until something better comes along, this is forever as far as I'm concerned, and I hope someday that you will feel the same." The candor and sincerity of his words struck Juan in a place with deep emotional need. He couldn’t help it when the helpless and forsaken tears began to well up in his eyes.

  Angus wrapped him tighter in his arms and in one swift move swung Juan up into his arms and walked back inside the Lodge. Angus held him tight as he closed the door and proceeded out onto the back deck.

  Juan let emotions that had been bottled up these last few days go, and the tears would not stop. He buried his face in Angus’s shirt and just cried. He wasn’t a crier but the last few days had been emotionally draining. If it weren’t for Angus’s appearance in his life at this time Juan wasn’t sure how he would be handling it all right now.

  Angus sat down on a cushioned chaise lounge and leaned back with Juan secure in his arms and seated on his lap. No words were spoken as Juan purged the sadness and panic and fear from his heart. It felt good to let go.

  Angus’s heart broke as he felt his mate sobbing in his arms. The threats, the fear, the hiding, and minimizing in an attempt to spare others finally came to a head. Juan was letting it all go, and he was allowing Angus to be a witness to it. This was the truth of mates and bonds and Angus was honored and amazed that Fate had given him someone so absolutely picture perfect as Juan Navarro.

  He held and comforted his mate throughout the remainder of the night. Sometime around four, he felt Juan begin to nod off and fall asleep. He had exhausted himself and needed the rest. Angus reveled in the fact that his mate was in his arms and drawing strength and security from him. His dragon was elated and was pushing him to claim their mate and get their lives on track.

  The thought of claiming the wonderful man in his arms was a heady and exciting prospect. He ran his palms over Juan’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head. This man was his and when the time was right, he would claim him.

  The sun began to rise on the horizon and the birds began to wake up around six. The scent and sounds of the morning were clean and pure. Angus took a deep breath filling his lungs with the freshness and he felt his mate doing the same. Juan had barely stirred since falling asleep in Angus’s embrace.

  “Good morning, love," Angus spoke softly, his breath warm against Juan's cheek.

  “Good morning.” Juan looked up at Angus and he couldn’t remember ever seeing a more attractive man in his life. The rising sun shone on his face and made those mysterious eyes seem to glow. The eyes were trained on him in a predatory manner and it made shivers of excitement race up his spine.

  He went to move and realized he was still lying on top of Angus. He’d been lying on the man all night. “I should move, you’re probably far from comfortable.”

  "You should stay right where you are. I love how you feel in my arms." Angus tightened his grip pressing Juan securely to him. Juan adjusted himself so as not to be riding Angus's thick muscled thigh with his own ever thickening cock. The feeling of being held so tight and the smells all masculine and leather were playing havoc with his control.

  He tried to be nonchalant about it but when Angus chuckled he knew he had failed. Juan went to move to the side and off Angus’s leg and Angus stopped him with a firm hand on his ass. “Stay.” He repeated and began to move his leg in such a way that had Juan catching his breath and closing his eyes. “Let me take care of that for you.”

  Between the pressure of the hand on his ass and the push of the thigh against his painful erection, Juan was stimulated to the edge. He raised his head with his eyes still closed and spoke light barely discernable words. “I think we should be doing this
in your room and not on the deck in full view of anyone who might walk out here.”

  Angus was on his feet in an instant with Juan still held securely in his arms. Juan was shocked at the speed in which Angus moved from the lounge and raced through the house and up the stairs. Juan thought he heard people comment but just hid his face in Angus’s shirt and held on. He was too distracted to pay them any mind.

  A door opened and then closed and suddenly Juan found himself lying in the middle of a large and cozy bed. He opened his eyes as Angus leaned over him and carefully removed the leather jacket from around his shoulders and then removed Juan’s shoes and kicked off his own boots before joining Juan on the bed.

  Juan felt the warmth and anticipation race across his nerves awakening pleasure so long ignored. He reached up and held Angus’s shoulders and stared up into his eyes and surrendered all. Angus took his mouth in a kiss so deep that it branded and consumed him. Any reserve Juan may have felt was destroyed, incinerated by the sensual and stimulating touch of Angus’s lips.

  It had been so long since Juan had felt anything even close to this. Never had a kiss, or a touch ever had the power and importance of Angus’s. The connection was electric and sent waves of need and excitement rippling through him. Juan groaned and arched to press himself against Angus craving the contact.

  Angus rolled him so that Juan was pinned beneath him while he continued to plunder Juan’s enthusiastic mouth. Angus had hoped for this but never imagined that his sweet mate would want it as much as he did but there was no denying Juan’s desire. He was taking and giving in equal portions.

  Angus could feel Juan’s elegant hands tracing the muscles on his arms and trailing down his back touching everything he could reach and savoring the experience. It was sensual and erotic, and Angus ached to have those hands touching him everywhere. He broke off the kiss just long enough to slip his t-shirt over his head and toss it on the floor giving Juan the naked expanse of his chest and back to explore.

  Juan almost swallowed his tongue when Angus slipped off his shirt and exposed all that deliciously hard maleness. His chest was perfectly sculpted and would be the subject of Juan’s wet dreams for a long time. So tanned and smooth, yet hard as steel. It was an invigorating combination.


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