Sweet Revenge

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Sweet Revenge Page 28

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Laney stood in the firelight and licked her lips when Matt tossed his boxers to the side. Her IQ lived well into the triple digits, and reality had always been her companion. There was little chance they’d make it out of the forest before the commander got to them. They were outmanned, outgunned, and out-timed.

  Life was life.

  But she had right now. There wasn’t time for being coy or for worrying about the future. She had only her emotions, her intelligence, and her instincts. Those all told her Matt was a good guy, and he was hers. Being close to death made things so clear.

  She loved him.

  They had an hour or so.

  So she stepped into him and played with those amazing abs. He dug both hands into her hair with just enough strength to be forceful and tugged back her head. A sexy growl rumbled in his chest before his mouth slid along hers.

  Smooth, firm, his lips played as if they had all the time in the world.

  She swayed toward him, her muscles going lax, her eyelids fluttering shut. Desire spiraled through her abdomen with heat and emotion. The moment held significance and somehow felt different. She opened her mouth, and his tongue swept in.

  He kissed her like he did everything else, with control and heat.

  This once, he needed to lose that control. She’d make sure of it.

  So she stepped into him, ignoring the erotic pain at her scalp, and gripped his shaft at the base. Her fingers didn’t wrap all the way around, yet she kept a good hold.

  He stilled and released her mouth to lever back and study her. Desire darkened his eyes to a smoky slate. “In a hurry?”

  “No.” Her smile even felt challenging. “I thought I’d take control.”

  His chin lowered. Tension vibrated in the air between them with a masculine edge—a moment of breathless calm when the world goes silent before fire erupts. His fingers curled through her hair. “You think you can keep control?” His voice lowered past husky to pure sin.

  Wetness coated her thighs. Her ab muscles trembled with need. She didn’t need to look down to know her nipples had hardened to rock. No matter what the future slammed into her, she’d carry the tone of that voice into forever. Male. Sex. Hers. “Yes.” She tried to tug her head free and wasn’t surprised when she barely moved. “You think I can’t?”

  Hunger flashed across his angled face. “I think you’ve bitten off more than you’ve realized.”

  “How so?” She lightly caressed his entire length.

  A dark flush wandered across his cheekbones. “Don’t push, baby.”

  “Why?” She slid her thumb over the slit in his penis. “You afraid you’ll let go? That I’ll finally know all of you?”

  “Yes.” His nostrils flared, and the muscles in his shoulders flexed like a wolf’s before striking.

  Triumph filled her, along with a reasonable caution. Screw caution. “Too fucking bad. You want me?” She tried to toss her head, but his hold kept her in place.


  “Then nut up, soldier boy.” She gripped him harder as she allowed her voice to drop. “Look at you, all pumped up, waiting for the command to go. I think I have you leashed already.”

  She expected him to lunge. To take over. Instead, a slow smile lifted his sexy lips. A smile full of confidence and warning. The confidence, she appreciated, while the warning… instinct told her to heed. Her heart lurched against her rib cage. “I, ah—”

  “No. Too late. Way too late.” He moved his hands down her face, over her shoulders, along her arms, the movement gentle, yet with a hint of power. Of his incredible strength. Nerves shot to life beneath her skin. He grasped her wrists and used an effective pressure point to make her release him. “You were saying?” Gliding forward, he towered over her while securing her wrists against her lower back.

  Her nipples scraped against his warm skin, and electric charges shot straight to her clit. She bit back a moan and fought to keep her eyes from rolling back toward her brain. “S-so you’re stronger. Big whoop.” She had to force the words out with little breath. It was all caught in her lungs.

  “Ah, baby”—he dropped to one knee and released her hands—“I don’t need to use muscle to receive your submission.” His mouth found her.

  Her entire body short-circuited. She arched against him and might have fallen if he hadn’t gripped her thighs and held her against his devastating mouth. He slipped one finger inside her… and then two. His rough tongue lapped her clit, alternating between long passes and gentle pulls.

  Glancing up, he spread her apart with his thumbs. With a lethal grin, he leaned forward to pleasure her with a vengeance. The fire warmed her from behind, while an incredible male built up the fire in her front. It was too much.

  He was too much.

  His touch, the intimacy of the cabin, the incredible need coursing through her all combined to steal her mind. To center her reality to the man on his knee, still so strong and unbeatable. He had to be invincible, didn’t he? To beat what was coming?

  He nipped her clit, and her head jerked back. “Stay with me, baby. Here in the moment.” His words echoed through her mound to land somewhere deep inside her.

  How could he read her so easily? The thought brought an odd comfort, even while her body flared with raw need.

  Thunder bellowed outside but was no match for the storm going on within her body. Even the zig of lightning failed to jerk her attention from the mini-explosions rocketing her body. The carnal pleasure kept her on the edge, and her hands tangled in his hair, trying to force more pressure.

  This time he chuckled against her. “Now who’s in control?”

  Who gave a whit about control? An orgasm lingered beyond the ridge she’d scaled, and she craved relief. “Stop playing,” she gasped.

  “Not until I’m ready.” He continued to torture her, to restrain her right on the edge, keeping her from falling. Finally, after a lifetime where she forgot how to breathe, he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She cried out his name, her back bowing, the climax ripping through her in a whirlwind of ecstasy. He kept her from falling into the fire, even while the one within her burned. The waves took her over until the room sheeted white. Finally, he gentled her. Even when she came down, her heart thudding, her lungs aching… it wasn’t enough. Nowhere near enough.

  With a growl, he stood and swung her up, stalking toward the bed. Within a second, she lay flat on her back. He covered her, his fists on either side of her head, the veins popping out on his arms. He thrust inside her with one strong stroke.

  She cried out as pleasure and pain combined into a clawing hunger. Her knees rose even as her back bowed and her thighs clasped his. “You’re t-too big,” she gasped.

  “You’ll take all of me.” Dark, lazy, his gaze pierced into her mind as surely as his body had impaled hers. “You’re mine, Laney.”

  She didn’t want him to stop. Ever. As she took in the warrior covering her, her heart clicked into place. As if it had been slightly askew her entire life, it finally found home. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. “I love you, Mattie.”

  He dropped his forehead to hers, the gesture more intimate than she would’ve imagined. Slowly, he withdrew and slid back inside.

  The sensation was as close to heaven as she could hope. She relaxed into the bed and caressed down his flanks. “You have an incredible body.”

  He lifted up and grinned, the cords of his neck standing out. “Ditto.”

  She laughed and dug her fingers into his fine butt.

  He rewarded her with a low growl.

  She flexed and wrapped her legs around his back. Rearing up, she nipped his bottom lip.

  His eyes flashed a warning, and his shoulders stiffened.

  “Control?” she asked softly, rubbing her breasts along his chest and gasping at the incredible sensation. Then, with a tightening of her legs, she flexed her fingers.

  Any control he thought he had snapped into nothingness. Grabbing her hips, half lifting her from
the bed, he plunged inside her hard. His other hand snaked up her side to clamp over her shoulder from behind, yanking her down to meet his primal thrusts.

  She closed her eyes as incredible pleasure melded with pressure inside her. Each thrust, each pound, only increased the desperate craving. He hit nerves she didn’t even know existed. She let him take her, helpless in his hold and her need. He moved her as he wanted her, his pounding fast and furious.

  Electricity uncoiled within her, sending sparks to burn her from within. Her eyelids flipped open as the orgasm took her over, rode her, forced her to explode in a climax so violent she couldn’t even whimper. She arched her back, her mouth open in a silent scream. Waves of pleasure rippled through her, touching more than flesh, more than right now.

  He took everything she was.

  Finally, the ecstasy released her. With a sigh, she softened against the worn bedspread.

  Matt stilled and ground against her, his teeth latching on to her neck as he came.

  The bite barely registered as Laney panted in air. Matt collapsed against her, his head in the crook of her neck, his heart beating so hard she felt it against her chest.

  “You’re going to survive this, Laney,” he murmured against her skin. “I promise.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. “We both are.” They had to. Now that she’d found him, she couldn’t lose him. “Right?”

  Chapter 29

  The woman needed a reassurance he couldn’t give. “Right. But if I don’t make it, I promise you’ll be all right.” If it was the last thing he did, he’d make provisions for her safety. Somehow. “So you getting on the helicopter is our primary focus. Got it?”

  She didn’t agree nearly soon enough.

  “Laney?” he asked, lifting his head. Her stubborn chin came into focus first.

  “We stick together.” She met his gaze levelly, the firelight caressing her pretty features.

  Shit. She hadn’t agreed at all. He rose up on his elbows, his body caging hers. “Now isn’t a good time to disagree with me.” He allowed steel to enter his words.

  She shrugged, her breasts sliding against his chest. “This is a perfect time. You look like a relaxed, lazy lion in the firelight.”

  His eyebrows lifted of their own accord. “Lions bite, baby.”

  “So bite me.” She grinned.

  He frowned, distracted. “I think I already did.” He peered closer at the love nip at her shoulder. While he should probably apologize for his actions, the sight of his mark on her filled him with a primal satisfaction. An inappropriate throwback of a satisfaction. “I didn’t break the skin, but, ah, my bite is there.” For a few days at least.

  “You’re smiling.” She tangled her fingers through his hair. “Neanderthal.”

  His woman had a point. “Good. We understand each other. I give an order and you follow it.” Life would be so much easier if she’d agree.


  Damn it. He needed to convince her. “I’m on board with equal rights, with trusting each other to make the right decisions.” He sounded like a jackass who’d never been in a relationship. Hell, he had never been in a real relationship.

  “Good.” She stretched against him.

  His cock perked up. “Except in battle.”

  This time her eyebrow rose. “Hmmm.”

  The fact that his temper roared so quickly after such amazing sex was proof of the danger in their current situation. He stamped down impatience. “Yes. In battle, one person has to command, or we all die. I have more battle experience, and right now, as we’re fighting for our lives, you will obey.” The o word was a mistake, and he knew it the second he said it. “Promise me.”

  She sighed. “If we’re attacked by a squad of soldiers, I promise I’ll follow orders to survive.”

  “But?” It couldn’t be this easy.

  “I’m not leaving you. Ever.” Her eyes softened to the color of a summer meadow. “I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever cared about, and I’ve never loved somebody like this. I can’t lose it, and I won’t lose you.” Determination lived in the lines of her fragile face. “This has nothing to do with equal rights or trust. This is life, and you’re mine.”

  His heart swelled to the point his ribs hurt. Needles poked behind his eyes. Couldn’t be tears, because he didn’t cry. So he lowered his head and kissed her, accepting all she was giving. “I love you, Laney.”

  “I know.” She hugged him, her arms not reaching around his back.

  The idea of losing her terrified him, even as happiness he didn’t deserve flowed through him. He ran his hand through her hair, marveling at the softness. He wanted to pet her forever. “I’ll never let you down.”

  She murmured sleepily into his skin.

  He rolled to the side and tucked her close. “Get some sleep. Nate will be here any time, and we’ll need to head into the storm again.” The fact that the storm had only increased in power was a lucky one. In his life, luck never lasted. So they’d have to run.

  “Okay.” Laney snuggled her tight butt into his groin and was asleep within a minute.

  He loved that she could fall asleep so easily… She trusted him. Matt held her closer, breathing in the vanilla scent of her hair. The need to protect her coursed through him stronger than any drug the scientists had plunged into his veins with their experiments. This need, he’d follow. Arguing with her was a waste of time, yet he couldn’t be anybody other than who he was. He’d make sure she made it to safety, even if he had to sacrifice himself to do it.

  A sound in the distance perked his ears.

  Thunder. Lightning. Rain slashing down. A footstep.

  He went cold, all senses focused a hundred yards to the east. More rain, more thunder, and more pine needles slashing into trees.

  Another footstep.

  Careful and cautious—loaded down. Probably with weapons and tactical gear. Definitely not Nate.

  Matt swung his legs from the bed, careful not to awaken Laney. Quick strides had him across the room, where he yanked on his jeans before dialing Nate with his cell. No answer. Either Nate had gone dark, or the storm was messing with his phone. While Matt had a satellite phone, Nate’s was a burner phone.

  Instantly switching into hunter mode, Matt pulled on his shirt and stuck the unloaded gun in his pants. Planning ahead, he grabbed the two steak knives out of the drawer. They were as useless as the weapon, but he donned his boots and tucked a knife into one.

  Turning, he stared at Laney.

  The soft light from the fire turned her skin to burnished gold. She breathed softly, sleeping peacefully. He could leave her, take care of the threat, and arrive back at the cabin before she awoke.

  Or he could be walking into a trap, might get killed, and she’d be sleeping in bed, completely defenseless.

  Both options sucked.

  He didn’t want to do this, but survival was all that mattered. So he retrieved her wet clothes and approached the bed. “Laney? Get up and get dressed, baby. Now.”

  She blinked and sat up in bed. “What?”

  He set down the clothes. “Get dressed.”

  Her eyes widened, and she jumped from the bed to yank on the still-dripping clothes. Her hands shook when she tied her muddy tennis shoes. “What’s going on?”

  “I heard somebody to the east.” He tossed one knife on the bed. “Take the knife, and if you need to use it, don’t hesitate.”

  “How far to the east?”

  “At least a hundred yards.” Way too close. He tried to appear reassuring.

  She frowned. “Your hearing is that enhanced?”

  “Yes. All senses are.” He needed to get her moving.

  “Okay.” She grasped the handle, her eyes way too wide in her pale face. “We’re going to fight, then?”

  He paused. “Ah, no. You’re hiding, I’m fighting.”

  She glanced in slow motion down to the knife in her hand. “Why do I have a knife?”

  “Just in case.” He moved toward her and gras
ped her shoulders. “I’d like to leave you in the warm cabin, but if something happens to me, they’ll find you. We need to put you someplace else while I go take care of whoever is headed our way.”

  “B-but I don’t want to hide out in the storm.” Her knuckles turned white on the handle.

  “I know, baby.” He dropped a soft kiss on her head. “I’ll hurry back and get you warm.”

  She shook her head and pushed him. “No, I mean I don’t want to hide while you fight. I can help. We’ve been training.”

  “No.” He allowed no softness or understanding to enter his voice. “This is what’s going to happen. We’re going into the storm, and we’re going to find you a place to hide near the lake. Nate or Shane will know how to find you if something happens to me.” Taking her arm, he propelled her outside.

  The wind slapped them hard, while rain cut through oxygen like it was pissed. He tried to shield her as much as possible as he led her down to the lake. Yeah, he thought so. He pointed down the shoreline to the west. “About ten cabins down, there’s a shed near the dock. Crouch down as much as possible under the eaves, and I’ll be back soon.” Kissing her hard on the mouth, he stepped back. “Do what I say, Laney. If you see anybody headed this way who’s not me, I want you to get in the lake and swim under the dock.”

  God, he hoped he made it back.

  She glanced at the churning lake and swallowed. “Okay.” She grabbed his shirt and yanked his head down. “Come back to me. I love you.”

  He deepened the kiss, taking over, trying to put everything he felt into it. “I love you with everything I am.”

  She wiped rain off her face as the wind battered her. “I’d try to go, but I’d just get in your way. One week of training probably won’t do much against those guys.”

  He forced a grin. “I don’t know—you’re fairly tough. Now go.”

  She nodded and turned, her feet slipping in the sand. But she lowered her head and fought the wind.

  Matt waited as long as he could to make sure she was all right, but the sense of urgency at the base of his neck finally took over. Pivoting, he ran full bore to cut off the men headed toward his woman.


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