Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement Page 4

by Grenda, Brian

  “Mom put these away for you, and I couldn’t think of a better time for you to have them,” answers TJ.

  Alice is hesitant to take the handguns.

  Alice reaches for the pair of chromed out 9mm handguns that belonged to her mother.

  Alice picks up the handguns and looks down at them.

  “When mom said that she had something very special for me, I thought it was a ring or a wedding dress,” says Alice as she stares down at the two handguns in her hands.

  “I’m sure she has those too somewhere, but those can wait,” replies TJ.

  Janet starts to get teary eyed at the sight of Alice’s handguns that her mom left her.

  “You okay J?” asks TJ to Janet.

  Janet wipes the small tear away from her right eye and answers, “Yeah, I am okay. I just miss my mom. She was a great lady.”

  “I’m sorry Janet. How did she die?” asks Alice.

  “Cancer. She died from breast cancer that spread throughout her body,” answers Janet.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” says Alice.

  “Me too, but that’s very cool that your mom left you her handguns. They are very nice. I hope you appreciate them. Your mom sounds like an awesome chick,” replies Janet.

  Alice puts the handguns back into the custom foam padding inside the black box that TJ put on the wooden living room table.

  “Our mom was awesome. She was a great woman. She will be greatly missed,” says TJ.

  TJ closes the black box case, looks at Alice, and says, “We will have to get you a holster for your guns.”

  Janet says, “I think I have a holster that should fit you back at TJ’s house.”

  “Thanks, I guess. I’m not sure about all this gun talk. I haven’t fired a gun in years,” replies Alice.

  “Let’s get going. We can talk on the way to our house and then at Ryan’s,” says TJ.

  TJ, Janet, and Alice load up TJ’s jeep with some water, canned goods, and personal items.

  “Did you pack your clothes and everything you may need from here?” asks TJ to Alice as they are standing on Rich’s front porch.

  “Yes, do you think I’m an idiot? I brought a bunch of clothes and a couple personal items with me,” answers Alice.

  “I’m just making sure is all. We aren’t coming back here for a while. Why do you have to be so defensive and nasty to me?” asks TJ.

  “Why do you have to treat me like an idiot? You know I’m smarter than you,” answers Alice.

  “I know your grades and your SAT scores were higher, but I also know that no one cares about your GPA or what school you went to. You better learn that,” says TJ to Alice.

  Odin who is standing next to Janet near TJ’s jeep barks as he stares down Rich’s street.

  Janet looks at Odin and then down the street where Odin is looking.

  “What is it O?” asks Janet to Odin.

  A loud noise in the distance is heard running down the far end of Rich’s street.

  Janet looks back at TJ and Alice, who are still arguing, and shouts, “Shut up you two! Do you hear that?”

  TJ and Alice stop talking and listen.

  There is a loud rumbling and the rumbling is getting louder and louder.

  The rumbling sound is getting closer towards Janet and Odin.

  Odin barks again.

  Janet starts to get nervous at what the sound is and takes out her handgun.

  “What is that noise?” asks TJ.

  Janet takes a couple steps towards the middle of Rich’s street while keeping her eyes focused on whatever is coming down Rich’s street.

  Odin walks towards Janet’s position.

  The loud rumble is getting even closer to Rich’s house now.

  Janet notices the objects moving down Rich’s street, and they are coming directly towards her as she is standing in the middle of the street now.

  Janet makes out what the moving objects are and shouts, “Shit!”

  Suddenly, a large herd of deer are seen running down the middle of Rich’s street.

  Janet starts to run towards Rich’s house as the herd of deer come sprinting down Rich’s street.

  “Odin! Here!” shouts TJ.

  Alice stares at the large herd of deer as they come running down Rich’s street.

  Odin runs up Rich’s front porch steps and over to Alice.

  TJ sees a deer break off from the herd and starts running right towards Janet as Janet makes her way back to Rich’s front yard.

  TJ removes his handgun from his holster and aims it at the deer that is approaching Janet’s position.

  Janet takes a step onto Rich’s front lawn and the deer lowers his large antlers as he approaches Janet.


  TJ fires a shot from his handgun and the bullet hits the neck of the deer that was closing in on Janet.

  The deer collapses onto Rich’s front lawn, and Janet does too.

  TJ runs over to Janet and helps her up.

  Janet and TJ walk back to Rich’s front porch.

  “You okay?” asks TJ to Janet.

  “I’m okay, thank you,” answers Janet.

  Alice is in shock of what just happened.

  “You are pretty bold,” says Alice to TJ.

  “Thanks sis, we all have our strengths,” replies TJ.

  The herd of deer are gone now.

  “What the hell was that all about? Deer in a residential area?” asks Alice.

  TJ looks at the dead deer he shot and answers, “I guess the boundaries for animals and people are gone now.”

  “But why would they be running like that? What was chasing them?” asks Janet.

  “Some predator I guess,” answers TJ.

  Odin runs over to the dead deer that TJ shot.

  “Odin! No!” shouts Alice.

  Odin whimpers and looks back at Alice.

  Janet looks at TJ and says, “You know we are eating that deer, right?”

  “Hell yeah. I love venison,” replies TJ.

  “Gross!” shouts Alice.

  “Let’s hurry up and get that deer loaded on top of my jeep. I think I have a tarp or something we can use to wrap the deer in,” says TJ.

  “I’m glad you put the hard top on your jeep,” says Janet.

  TJ and Janet put the dead deer that TJ shot in a large tarp and secure it to the top of TJ’s jeep.

  “Let’s get going before we see something else crazy this afternoon,” says TJ.

  TJ, Alice, Odin, and Janet get into TJ’s jeep and TJ starts his drive to Citrus Oaks.

  TJ parks his jeep in Shaun’s driveway.

  I see TJ park his jeep in Shaun’s driveway as I talk with Bobby G, Phil, Shaun, and Jon in Shaun’s garage.

  TJ, Alice, Janet, and Odin exit from TJ’s jeep.

  “Can you give us a hand with this?” shouts TJ.

  Phil, Shaun, Bobby G, and I walk over to TJ’s jeep.

  I ask, “What do ya got TJ?”

  “A deer,” answers Janet.

  “A deer? A freaking deer?” asks Shaun.

  “Yup. I shot it myself,” answers TJ.

  TJ, Shaun, and Phil get the deer off of TJ’s jeep.

  “Damn, that’s awesome,” I say as I look at the large deer that lays on Shaun’s front yard.

  “You still need to fix my front yard, but this deer is awesome. We are going to eat good tonight and tomorrow,” says Shaun to TJ.

  “This doesn’t make up for it?” asks TJ.

  “It’s a start,” jokes Shaun.

  “How did you get this deer?” asks Phil.

  Janet answers, “There was a large herd of deer coming down the street, and TJ shot it before it ran into me.”

  I ask Janet, “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, it was crazy. I’m just glad TJ got it before the deer got his big ass antlers near me,” answers Janet.

  “Where did this happen?” asks Shaun.

  “In my father’s neighborhood,” answers TJ.

  “A residentia
l neighborhood had a herd of deer running through it?” asks Bobby G.

  “Yeah, I guess the environment is all messed up for the wild life around here. The whole planet is probably fucked up by all this zombie apocalypse shit,” answers Janet.

  I respond, “Makes sense. As zombies taking over the world would change the way our ecosystem works.”

  “Maybe it’s for the better,” whispers Alice to herself.

  TJ looks back at Alice and then introduces Alice to Shaun, Phil, Bobby G, Jon, and me.

  I notice Alice is a very skinny, pale skinned young woman that has long brown hair.

  TJ and Alice definitely look like brother and sister as they have the same facial features, hair color, and characteristics.

  I look at Alice and say, “You doing okay Alice? Any health problems or injuries? I’m a doctor and I can take a look at any problems you may be having.”

  “I’m okay but thank you though. Ryan is it?” asks Alice.

  I answer Alice, “Yeah, I am Ryan.”

  Lisa opens her front door and lets Chewie outside.

  Chewie barks and Odin runs over to Chewie.

  Alice sees Odin run towards little Chewie and shouts, “Odin! No!”

  Odin doesn’t listen to Alice and runs straight for Chewie.

  Chewie and Odin smell each other and run around Shaun’s front yard.

  “It’s okay. Odin and Chewie are friends,” says Shaun to Alice.

  TJ looks at me and asks, “What’s up Ryan? What’s going on around here?”

  I answer TJ, “We got some things in motion right now. We have a preliminary plan for The Grove that will most likely turn into an attack on The Grove.”

  TJ says, “I’m in.”

  I reply to TJ, “Great, but you don’t know the plan or what we are up against.”

  “It doesn’t matter what the plan is or how dangerous it is. I am in. I am sorry about being a dick to you earlier and I want to make up for it,” responds TJ.

  I say to TJ, “I know you were worried about your sister and you were stressed out. It happens to all of us.”

  I glance at Alice, look back at TJ, and say, “I’m just glad you found your sister and she is okay.”



  “Hector should be here sometime this morning. Since we went radio silent, it’s tough to know when people are on their way or if there is anything going on at the communities,” I say as I stand inside Shaun’s house and look through Shaun’s living room windows towards our main entrance gate.

  “That’s a good idea though. You don’t want unwanted listeners knowing your plan,” says TJ to me.

  I look at everyone in Shaun’s living room and say, “I don’t want anyone going out alone especially now. If we need to make a run or leave this place, then you go with two or three people.”

  “Can we go to Bo’s ranch soon?” asks Shaun to me as Shaun, Phil, TJ, Janet, Bobby G, and I stand inside Shaun’s living room.

  I answer, “Yes, I hope to get over to Bo’s ranch soon. I want to talk with Hector first though and go over the plan before we do anything else today.”

  Phil looks at TJ and asks, “Do you know if the military are using drones around Tampa Bay?”

  “My father said something about the military using drones from an aircraft carrier in the Gulf, but nothing from MacDill I believe,” answers TJ.

  “But the military could be using them around here?” asks Jon.

  “Yeah, why do you ask?” asks TJ.

  I answer, “Because we were attacked on Clearwater Beach by a military drone and then I saw a similar military drone fly over our neighborhood.”

  “When was this?” asks TJ.

  I answer, “Two days ago.”

  “I’ll have to ask my father when I see him again, but I’m sure the military are using drones as they are great weapons,” replies TJ.

  “What’s going on at MacDill?” asks Shaun to TJ.

  “It was crazy the last time I was there. So many new people, personnel, and vehicles,” answers TJ.

  “Is that bad or good?” asks Bobby G.

  “Remains to be seen, but a lot of the soldiers I met on base were total assholes. I met a couple of nice people, but some of the soldiers had short fuses” answers TJ.

  A car comes driving down the street towards Bobby G’s and Shaun’s houses.

  I see the car park next to Bobby G’s house, and I exit Shaun’s house.

  “What’s up guys?” I shout at the car that just parked in the street next to Bobby G’s house.

  “What’s up Ry?” shouts Hector as he exits his car.

  Hector, Felix, Enrique, and Walter made the trip from the Haven to our neighborhood.

  “Ready for this?” I ask Hector.

  “We are ready for sure. We have a solid plan for today,” answers Hector.

  TJ and Phil stand next to me.

  Hector introduces everyone to his group.

  Enrique sees Alice playing with Odin and Chewie in Shaun’s front yard.

  “Who’s the hot chick?” asks Enrique as he looks at Alice.

  I turn around and see that Enrique is either talking about Odin, Chewie, Bobby G, or Alice.

  I laugh and answer, “Oh you mean TJ’s sister.”

  Enrique gets red in the face, looks at TJ, and says, “Sorry man. I didn’t know.”

  Enrique feels embarrassed.

  “It’s okay. You can look, but you can’t touch,” jokes TJ.

  “She is pretty hot though TJ,” jokes Phil.

  I smirk at Phil’s joke.

  TJ punches Phil’s right shoulder.

  I try to get everyone focused on the plan.

  “Enough with the jokes guys. Let’s go over the plan again,” I say to Hector, Phil, and TJ.

  I take TJ, Phil, Enrique, Hector, Felix, and Walter into Bobby G’s house.

  We go into Bobby G’s kitchen and talk.

  “Our plan today is to gain intel and see what is going on. Since we are radio silent, we will gain as much intel as we can and then report back here tomorrow,” says Hector.

  I ask Hector, “Where are you going to stay?”

  “We have safe houses and buildings that we cleared out around St. Pete and Tampa Bay. One of our buildings is very close to The Grove actually,” answers Enrique.

  “Are you going inside The Grove?” asks TJ to Hector.

  “We aren’t planning on it. If we find it necessary to go in, then two of us will go in together,” answers Hector.

  “See if you can find out any information about Jacob, DK, how many Conquerors are there, the weapons they have, and anything about Kat or Deb,” I say to Hector.

  “Kat and Deb are the two ladies you told me about?” asks Hector.

  I answer, “Yeah, they are our friends and they might be in danger.”

  I ask Hector, “Do you need anything for this trip?”

  “We are good, we have some supplies and we should be okay,” answers Hector.

  I ask Hector, “Do you have enough water?”

  Hector hesitates to answer.

  I say, “I’ll give you a case of water. We have plenty to spare, and it’s the least we can do for you guys.”

  “Thank you, Ryan,” answers Hector.

  TJ looks at me and asks, “What’s the goal here with The Grove?”

  I answer, “We want to get Kat and Deb out alive, but we need to keep an eye on Jacob also. I don’t want him getting away again.”

  “Should we try to kill Jacob if we see him?” asks Felix.

  I answer, “Just gain intel for now and stay safe.”

  “But I mean if you can take Jacob out without being hurt yourselves, then that will help out also,” says Phil.

  “We will see what we can do but staying alive and gaining intel are our top priorities,” replies Hector.

  “Definitely, but I’m just putting that out there that Jacob being killed is also a goal here,” says Phil.

  I hesitate to respond, an
d Phil gives me a glaring look.

  “Isn’t that right Ry?” asks Phil with an assertive tone.

  I answer Phil with an assertive tone, “Yes, but I won’t risk Hector’s life or anyone else’s to kill Jacob. We need to do this the right way.”

  “That’s why we are making a plan. To do this the right way,” replies Phil.

  TJ senses the tension between Phil and I is starting to pick up steam.

  “I understand what the plan is. We want to save Kat, Deb, and anyone else that is worth saving, but also kill Jacob and his men,” says Hector.

  TJ looks at me.

  “Yeah, that is the plan,” I say to Hector.

  TJ looks at Phil and asks, “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, that is correct,” answers Phil.

  TJ looks at me and asks, “What do you want from Janet and me?”

  I answer TJ, “Nothing just yet, but we will be moving on The Grove in a couple days. I need to get over to World of Trade to get my guns first though, before we do anything with The Grove.”

  “What do you got going on at World of Trade?” asks Enrique.

  “I’m having a couple guns modified from a friend at World of Trade,” I answer Enrique.

  “Nice, from Dutch and Cage?” asks Enrique.

  “Yeah, you know them?” I ask Enrique.

  “Yeah, I know them. I know a lot of vendors there,” answers Enrique.

  Phil asks Enrique, “Have you been inside level two?”

  “No, I haven’t had the chance, but I have heard they got some pretty sweet stuff in there though,” answers Enrique.

  “Yeah, we haven’t either. We might have a way in to level two though. If you help us with this, I will help you get into level two if my guy can get us in,” I say to Enrique.

  Hector smirks and says, “You don’t have to butter us up man. We are helping you out because we want to, and I also want to see what’s in The Grove.”

  I shake Hector’s hand and say, “Thank you, Hector. I appreciate the help. Good people are hard to find.”

  “You got it, but can we get that case of water now? I want to get going,” says Hector.

  “Yeah, no problem. We have a case in the garage here. We will bring it out to your car,” I reply to Hector.

  Hector, Felix, Walter, and Enrique all walk towards Bobby G’s front door.

  I start to walk behind Enrique and TJ puts his hand on my shoulder and asks, “Can I talk to you for a second Ryan?”


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