Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement Page 13

by Grenda, Brian

Darlene looks at Jaws Junior’s shoulder and she notices that the color of his shoulder and arm are getting better.

  “I think you got it. His arm already looks better,” says Darlene to me.

  I inspect Jaws Junior’s shoulder and feel that his hand, fingers, and arm are not as cold now, and his skin color is much better.

  “I think I got it. I’m going to stitch him up now,” I say to Darlene.

  “Thank you, Ryan. Thank you for saving him,” says Darlene.

  Shaun and Brody smile.

  I stitch up the incision I made in Jaws Junior’s shoulder and position his arm against his side.

  “I don’t want him using that arm for a while. He needs to rest it and let it heal,” I say to Darlene.

  I clean up the medical table, my medical supplies, and then I wash my hands.

  “What should we do with him?” asks Brody.

  “They can stay here for the night. I don’t recommend them traveling back home now. Jaws Junior needs to rest. They can leave tomorrow,” I answer Brody.

  “Okay sir, I will have someone keep an eye on them,” answers Brody.

  “Keep an eye on us?” asks Darlene.

  “Just to make sure you are okay,” answers Shaun.

  “You mean to make sure we won’t steal anything,” replies Darlene.

  “Yeah, and that too,” replies Shaun.

  I look at Darlene and say, “We are just being careful. We have to take precautions. It’s nothing personal.”

  Darlene gives me a look of annoyance.

  I notice Darlene’s look and say, “I saved your husband. Let’s just be happy about that.”

  I exit the medical house through the front door and stand under the covered front porch.

  I look at the West Entrance.

  The West Entrance is still closed off and secure.

  “You ever going to open that entrance?” asks Phil as he walks over to me.

  “Probably not. It would just be another thing to worry about,” I answer Phil.

  “God knows we don’t need that,” replies Phil.

  I can’t tell if Phil is being genuine with that reply or being sarcastic.

  “Yeah,” I reply to Phil.

  “What’s going on in here?” asks Phil.

  “I removed a bullet from Jaws Junior’s shoulder. I saved his life,” I answer Phil.

  “Really? Damn. I bet they are glad that they met you,” replies Phil.

  “Yeah. I hope so. Darlene isn’t happy that we will be having someone watch her and her husband right now. Never mind that I just saved her husband’s life,” I say to Phil.

  Phil sees that I’m pissed off.

  “Don’t worry about it. You did a good job,” says Phil.

  “I guess it’s a matter of perspective. Do No Harm. It’s the basic principle of the Hippocratic Oath. Every medical professional takes that oath,” I reply to Phil.

  “You didn’t do any harm though. You saved his life,” replies Phil.

  I look at the overgrown front lawn of the medical house and the spot where Phil and I killed those drug addicts that took over this house.

  “I became a doctor to help people. I became a surgeon to help people, and I don’t feel like I have helped people very much lately,” I say as I stare at the overgrown front lawn.

  Phil sees that I’m staring at the front lawn.

  “What do you mean? Are you mad at the choices you had to make? With the drug addicts? With Joseph?” asks Phil.

  “Yes and no. I know that I wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t kill them, but I don’t know if I will ever be okay with it,” I answer Phil.

  Shaun comes outside and sees Phil and me talking.

  “What’s going on guys?” asks Shaun.

  “Ryan is having a breakdown,” jokes Phil.

  I smirk and shake my head side to side.

  “Again? Enough with that shit!” jokes Shaun.

  Shaun walks over to Phil and me.

  “What’s wrong Ry?” asks Shaun.

  “I’ll be okay… Just saving Jaws Junior made me think about my medical career and helping people,” I answer Shaun.

  “You still upset about what happened with Joseph and his group of idiots?” asks Shaun.

  “I think about it all the time. Like, how could I kill someone? How could I do the terrible things that I have done?” I answer Shaun.

  “Because if you didn’t... I wouldn’t be here right now... Phil wouldn’t be here right now... Your wife wouldn’t be here right now. It’s kill or be killed now,” answers Shaun.

  “Bobby G wouldn’t be here right now,” says Phil.

  “I’d be okay with that one,” I joke to Phil and Shaun.

  Shaun, Phil, and I laugh.

  “There he is. There is our best friend,” says Shaun.

  “Look, I know it’s tough. Guys on the force had breakdowns all the time from the stuff they saw and had to do on the job. It’s a part of life. You aren’t a psychopath, so killing isn’t easy for you,” says Phil.

  “I bet. I think that’s a big part of why I just didn’t want to rush in and attack The Grove,” I reply to Phil.

  Shaun and Phil look at me with a look of understanding.

  “I get it Ry. I totally get it. I don’t want to just go in with my automatic weapons and kill everyone. I think it’s a good idea that we are taking our time,” replies Phil.

  “Plus, it sounds like Deb and Kat are doing okay at The Grove,” says Shaun.

  “I’m definitely worried about Kat and Deb and do plan on saving them,” I say to Shaun and Phil.

  “Me too,” replies Phil.

  “The plan is to go tomorrow to check out the industrial complex buildings that Dutch and Cage told us about,” says Shaun.

  “Yeah, Matt is worried about this place. He keeps talking about securing the settlement, and he hopes to find some things tomorrow to help with that,” says Phil.

  “I think something is up with Matt. He has been acting a little weird lately,” I say to Shaun and Phil.

  “Weirder than usual?” jokes Shaun.

  “Yeah, weirder than usual. I think something is bothering him,” I answer Shaun.

  “How are the guns?” asks Shaun to me.

  “What guns?” asks Phil.

  “The guns Dutch modified for Ry,” answers Shaun.

  “They are pretty sweet. I wish I got to fire them, but they look and feel much improved,” I answer Shaun.

  “Do you have ammo for them?” asks Phil.

  “Yeah, but not a lot. Did you find any new ammo in the armory?” I answer Phil.

  “I wish, but unfortunately we are still high on guns but low on ammo,” answers Phil.

  “That’s why we need to check out the warehouses and buildings tomorrow. I hope Dutch and Cage’s info is good,” says Shaun.

  “Sounds good guys. I’m going to stay here tomorrow though. I want to talk with some people around here and see what is going on,” I say to Shaun.

  “Sounds good Ry. You done crying now?” jokes Shaun.

  “Man, what a guy. Such a softy,” I joke.

  “It’s tough love brother. I don’t buy into coddling people,” replies Shaun.

  “Man, you are going to be a great father one day,” jokes Phil.

  The rain just stopped, and a peek of sunshine comes out of the storm clouds.

  I walk back inside the medical house to say goodbye to Darlene and check on Jaws Junior.

  “How are things going with Nicole and the babies?” asks Shaun to Phil.

  “Good... Great actually. I love Mason and Mia. They are getting so big,” answers Phil.

  Shaun and Phil walk over to the electric truck that Shaun drove from my house.

  Shaun looks at Phil and asks, “Aren’t you constantly worrying about them though?”

  Phil smiles and answers, “Yeah, but it’s actually nice to have some people to worry about.”



  “Where is M
att?” asks Shaun to Phil as they stand inside Shaun’s garage.

  Phil replies, “He should be right over.”

  “Where is your stuff?” asks Shaun to Phil.

  “I’m not coming. Nicole wants my help with Mason and Mia today,” answers Phil.

  “Here we go. It’s starting,” jokes Shaun.

  “Jon is taking my place though. It will be you, Matt, and Jon now,” says Phil.

  “Great, I’d rather take Lisa and Lauren,” jokes Shaun.

  “Jon and Matt will be helpful. I’m sure Jon has a list for this trip,” jokes Phil.

  Shaun smirks and replies, “I’m sure he does. We all know how much Jon loves his lists.”

  “I have been thinking about the sporting goods store. You think we can get that tractor trailer of supplies over here?” asks Phil.

  Shaun places two empty plastic storage totes into the back of the old blue pickup truck.

  “Since we cleaned out the Big Club, I think we should do the same thing with the sporting goods store and any other stores around here,” says Phil.

  “When do you want to do that?” asks Shaun as he picks up two more empty plastic storage totes from inside his garage.

  “Whenever we can. I know you can drive the tractor trailer back here,” answers Phil.

  “I can drive anything,” replies Shaun.

  Jon and Matt come walking over to Shaun and Phil.

  “You guys ready?” asks Phil to Jon and Matt.

  “Yeah, I wish you were coming along though Phil,” answers Jon.

  “Domestic duties are calling, and I have to answer,” replies Phil.

  “Happy wife, happy life,” says Shaun.

  Matt gives Phil a confused look.

  “It’s an expression. I’m not rushing into marriage with your sister, Matt,” says Phil.

  “Good, I’m not sure she is ready for that,” replies Matt.

  “Enough with the bullshit ladies. We have a break in the weather right now. We should get going,” says Jon.

  “Look at big man Jon ordering us around,” jokes Shaun.

  Shaun and Matt finish loading up the old blue pickup truck.

  Phil says goodbye to Shaun, Jon, and Matt.

  Jon, Matt, and Shaun get into the old blue four door pickup truck and Shaun exits Citrus Oaks.

  “You got your list Jon?” jokes Shaun.

  “I do actually,” answers Jon.

  “I think we should go to the McDermitt Industrial Complex first. That’s where I think we will find the best stuff,” says Matt.

  “What are we looking for?” asks Shaun.

  “I’ll tell you what we need when we get there,” answers Matt.

  Storm clouds are seen in the sky, but no rain is coming down.

  Jon, who is sitting on the backseat of the pickup truck, sees the storm clouds getting closer and closer as Shaun is driving.

  “I wish I had my phone to check the weather and see what was going on in the world,” says Jon.

  “Me too. I used to get a couple hundred emails a day. Kylie hated me always being on my phone, but I miss it,” says Matt.

  Shaun sees two slow moving vehicles ahead.

  The two vehicles are a very expensive all black luxury SUV and a bright yellow luxury sports car.

  The two vehicles are slowly driving down the street.

  Shaun stops the pickup truck and watches the vehicles.

  Matt, Jon, and Shaun don’t say anything and watch the vehicles slowly drive down the street.

  “Why did you stop?” asks Jon in a quiet tone of voice.

  Shaun stares at the luxury SUV and sports car.

  The luxury SUV and sports car continue driving away from Shaun’s pickup truck and are no longer in sight.

  Suddenly heavy rain drops hit the front windshield of Shaun’s pickup truck.

  “Let’s get moving. Do you guys have a map?” asks Shaun.

  Jon answers, “I do.”

  Shaun starts driving down the street as heavy rain and strong winds hit his pickup truck.

  Shaun can barely see out his truck front windshield.

  “Where am I going?” asks Shaun.

  Jon looks at his map and asks, “What road is the industrial complex on?”

  Matt looks at the piece of paper that Dutch wrote on and says, “It looks like 72nd Ave. No, it’s hard to make out what he wrote. It’s either 72nd or 70th Ave. Actually, I think there may be two different spots. One on 72nd and another on 70th.”

  Shaun asks, “Where am I going Jon?”

  Jon looks at his map and answers, “Continue straight, and make a right at the next light.”

  Shaun keeps driving straight down the street and then makes a right-hand turn.

  The rain is still heavy, but Shaun can see out of the pickup truck front windshield slightly better now.

  “Do you have the wipers on?” asks Matt.

  Shaun clicks on the truck’s windshield wipers.

  The windshield wipers go across the pickup truck windshield and smear the rain drops.

  Shaun looks at Matt with an irritated look.

  The windshield wipers keep smearing the rain drops on the truck’s front windshield and are making it harder for Shaun to see out of the windshield actually.

  “Great. Glad I put the wipers on,” says Shaun with a sarcastic tone of voice.

  “What did we decide Matt? 72nd or 70th Ave?” asks Jon.

  “Let’s go down 72nd first and then we can try 70th,” answers Matt.

  “Okay, we are right off of 72nd Ave. The next light is 72nd Avenue, I think,” says Jon.

  “You think?” asks Shaun.

  “It’s hard to tell. I can barely see out of the windows,” answers Jon.

  Shaun comes to the non-working traffic light and makes a right-hand turn onto 72nd Avenue.

  The rain lessens, and Shaun can see through the pickup truck windshield better now.

  Shaun clicks off the truck’s windshield wiper blades.

  “Nice, there we go,” says Shaun as he sees the sign for the McDermitt Industrial Complex.

  “No faith?” asks Jon.

  “No, actually,” jokes Shaun.

  Shaun arrives at the side entrance of a warehouse at the McDermitt Industrial Complex.

  “We are here,” says Shaun.

  “Well that was interesting,” says Matt.

  Shaun, Matt, and Jon look out the pickup truck’s windows, and they see that the coast is clear of any zombies, people, and danger.

  Shaun sees a ramp at the back of the warehouse and he drives the pickup truck over to it.

  Rain is coming down still but not as hard.

  “I see locks at the bottom of the loading doors,” says Shaun.

  “Do you have your bolt cutters?” asks Matt.

  “Yup, they are in one of the totes,” answers Shaun.

  Shaun and Jon exit from the pickup truck and walk to the back tailgate of the pickup truck.

  Shaun grabs his bolt cutters from the back of the pickup truck.

  “Wait Shaun, we don’t know what’s in there. Let’s get set before you open the loading doors,” says Jon.

  “Good thinking,” replies Shaun.

  Jon grabs Silencer and his rifle from the back of the pickup truck.

  “Are you coming out of the truck sometime today Matt?” asks Jon as he opens Matt’s passenger side truck door.

  Matt looks at Jon and answers, “Yeah, I was getting my thoughts together.”

  “Make sure you get your weapons together. Thoughts won’t kill any zombies,” replies Jon.

  Matt exits from the pickup truck and grabs his shotgun and a machete from the back of the pickup truck.

  Jon runs over to Shaun.

  Shaun looks at Matt and shouts, “Come on Matt! I’m going to cut the lock! We need you to provide cover!”

  Matt runs over to Jon and Shaun.

  “You okay man? I need your mind right for this,” says Shaun to Matt.

  Matt checks his sho
tgun, pumps a shell into the shotgun chamber, and says, “I’m ready.”

  Shaun cuts the lock and pulls the lock from the bottom of the loading door.

  Shaun goes to open the loading door and Jon stops him.

  “Wait. Did you hear that?” asks Jon.

  Jon, Shaun, and Matt look at the closed loading door.

  The sound of movement is heard inside the warehouse.

  “I think something is inside,” says Jon.

  “Only one way to find out,” says Shaun as he pulls open the loading door.

  Matt points his shotgun into the dark warehouse backroom.

  Jon points his rifle into the dark warehouse backroom as well.

  Shaun clicks on an ultra-bright LED flashlight and holds it with his left hand while he points the handgun that is in his right hand into the backroom of the warehouse.

  The sound of people running inside the warehouse is heard.

  Jon clicks on his flashlight and points it into the dark warehouse backroom.

  A loud noise is heard towards the front of the warehouse.


  Shaun and Jon run into the dark warehouse and point their flashlights at the front of the warehouse.

  Matt is still standing outside and is afraid to go inside the warehouse.

  “Hello! We come in peace!” shouts Shaun towards the direction where the loud noise was heard.

  A door at the front entrance of the warehouse opens and two people run out of the door.

  “I guess they didn’t want to talk,” says Jon.

  “Nope, I guess not,” replies Shaun.

  Matt slowly walks into the dark warehouse.

  “I can barely see anything in here. We need to open the loading doors. We need more light in here,” says Shaun.

  Matt sees a generator near one of the loading doors.

  “Can you open this door? I think the generator can provide some power to the lights in here,” says Matt.

  Shaun runs over to the loading door and sees that he can open it from inside the warehouse without going outside again.

  Shaun pulls open the loading door.

  Matt pulls the cord on the generator and the generator turns on.

  The loud gas-powered generator has several wires going to it.

  Matt clicks on two switches on the generator and half of the lights in the warehouse turn on.

  “Much better. Good job Matt,” says Shaun.

  Jon and Shaun click off their flashlights and start looking around.


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