Northern Exposure: The Divided

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Northern Exposure: The Divided Page 17

by Luken Du Pont

  Chapter 17

  The soft sound of snores filled the room. All of my bunk mates had drifted a slumber while I prepared to drift into the night. But I could not become overzealous; I suppressed the excitement even though I knew I would soon smell the crisp morning air feel the warmth of the rising sun as it set over the new untamed New York. And that’s exactly what I faced now, an untamed city, dangerous and in abundance of ferocious flesh eating creatures. My concerns for Smiths instructions were far gone; right now something stronger than obeying the old man was pulling me towards the freedom of the Sewers. If it meant disobeying him and Sharif so be it, I had to let the beast run free, I had to get rid of all this built up testosterone. The reality is in time they would get over it...Or so I hoped! I now had an unfailing hunger for freedom, which had to be fed before it consumed me and drove me to do something I would regret.

  I grabbed my Jacket, slipped on my boots, slung my pack over my shoulders and as quietly as possible, exited the bunker. While walking down the Passage way I gathered all my courage and braced myself for the outside world. Even though I now possessed the power of the beast, I was not ignorant to what really lurked up there. No matter how strong I was if I bumped into a pack of Reapers I would be done for. Sure I could easily take on two or three, but a pack would over whelm me without the support of the others and tear the beast to shreds. I would have to be Smart, I would have to try and avoid any contact with Reapers, but I knew that would be hard while covering such a vast distance of land.

  As I lifted the man hole I realised, my journey had officially begun. I was aware of how dangerous and tedious this whole process was going to be. Not only the physical aspect of the trip, but I had another journey I was facing as well, a journey of self fulfilment. I was on a quest to find out exactly what I was, I wanted to know everything about this new form I could now take, and even though Smiths explanation shed a bit of light on my new abilities, it was not enough. I had to make it to the professor he was the only person who could shed some light on the situation. I know I was taking a huge risk, the odds where definitely against me. It was unlikely he was still living in the same place, would he still be alive? Those questions could only be answered once I got to the factory so for now I pressed on in the direction I hoped was correct.

  It did not take long to forget all my worries and get lost in the destructive tranquillity that was the city. A mesh of torn down buildings and dusty streets gave way to open grasslands and a bounty of different vegetation. From wild vines creeping up the buildings and around the lamp posts, to bright violets and yellow daisies which covered and accompanied the green grass of the NYC parks I cut through. For even though the city had been obliterated, compared to the existence we had in the sewers this place was beautiful. There was complete quiet, the wind blew gently across my face, and the Morning dew blanketed everything in its path.

  As I walked in my blissful state I forgot how hungry I was until my rumbling stomach decided to let me know. I had made some good progress and was just A few meters from the SS mart and figured this was as good a spot as any to stop for a morning meal. I knew I would have to top up if I wanted to make it to the industrial area, the trek would be taxing on my body and if I turned to the beast for any reason my energy levels would have to be full. The beast took up way to much energy and at least in the bunker I had a constant supply of food, out here I would have to be much more diligent on when I eat and how much I eat. Think of me as being an average sized Toyota corolla efficient and easy on gas, this was my human form. Now picture me as a Gas guzzling, petrol thirsty Hummer, using double the amount of gas the Toyota did to travel the same distance and yes you guessed it that would be my transformed form. The moral of my narration being, the beast needed to feed at all times if I did not want to faint from famishment.

  But no matter how hungry I was I could not simply stop and whip out my breakfast, No everything I did in this dangerous environment had to be calculated and I had to stay on high alert insuring I was ready for any danger. I began perusing the area and happened to spot what looked to be the perfect place to keep me out the cold while I enjoyed my breakfast. I figured the large steel garbage container, which was sitting at the foot of a ten story building would be a good a place to eat as any. I did not want to take my chance going into any building as I remembered what Smith said about the Reapers, one thing their primitive brains did tell them was to take refuge from the elements indoors and in this cold it was likely Id stumble upon quite a few .So I opted for the unhygienic yet safer option.

  I lifted the large containers lid quickly moving my head back in anticipation of the odour which would escape. But nothing, had I been so lucky to find the bin had been emptied just before the rock fell? It looked that way, and with no hesitation I jumped in and shut the large steel lid over my head, even though the confides where tight and the container had the faintest of sour smells, I would rather be uncomfortable for a while and ensure I was safe as I ate. I took my pack from my back and took out my food which was wrapped up in an old rag. I then placed the pack behind my head and lay with my back to the cold steel. Cleverly I had kept my supper from the previous night, and had managed to sneak away an extra can of sweet corn. It was not much but for today at least I would have some sort of substance.

  I unwrapped the rag which concealed a mess of tinned spaghetti and baked beans, mixed together their combined reddish sauced dripping through the rag. It was not the finest meal, but it would sustain the hunger and replenish my depleted reserves, long enough to get to the professor. Which I still contemplated, would be alive or died. Only time would tell, I had come this far so there was no point to dwell on what ifs. After finishing my meal I decided to take a quick nap, I had not slept the entire night as I eagerly waited for morning to come before starting my trip and now could feel fatigue setting in. This was the perfect place and honestly other than the slight smell I felt very cosy in the cradle like make shift dumpster bed. But just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a commotion outside which made the hairs on my neck stand upright. I knew it could only be one thing, Reapers, but what I was about to witness I had not prepared for.

  I lifted the lid just enough to peep outside and saw that three of the creatures were just meters away from the dumpster aggressively piling into a dead carcass. It was an odd site to see how they interacted with one another and no matter how many times you witnessed it, each time would still leave you shockingly mesmerised. One of the reapers caught my attention; she seemed to possess an aura of authority around her, way more confident, more together than her primitive counterparts. She wore a raggedy long floral dress which was mattered and torn at the seams, with the left sleeve completely torn away leaving the dress hanging on for dear life. Her hair was shabby and dust caked, also possessing that repulsive Reaper pale skin. Her mouth and hands were stained red with blood and she stood tall watching over the other Reapers clearly acting as matriarch. She growled at one reaper in particular and almost immediately it backed down, there was definitely some respect, some hierarchy; somehow it knew not to agitate her. So it dropped to its hands and knees and displayed passive actions, just like a dog being scolded by its master. The other reaper was not interested in the commotion of its companions; he was too preoccupied in feeding. This was the first time I actually saw a reaper feed, and it was more disgusting than I imagined. The site churned my stomach yet I could not avert my eyes, like a car crash the more you try and look away, the more you find yourself staring. But something just a few meters to the left caught my eye. I shook my head thinking I was imagining, but the image would not disappear. That only meant one thing, he had followed me and now was about to become Reaper lunch! Sharif hid behind a parked Chevy, signalling me. He was telling me to stay where I was; I was not sure what he planned but did what he said. I shook in anticipation, waiting for his next move. I prayed nothing would happen to him, angrily I thought to myself if anything did it would be my fault. After stripping the carcass of th
e poor animal which was beyond recognition, the Reapers huddled up under a shaded bus stop even closer to Sharif.

  There was only one thing I could do, I had to draw them away from him, I had to use what I had been given and fight the god forsaken creatures with this new power I wheeled. Distracting them long enough would hopefully give him a chance to get away. I guess this was it; all those days practising and now it was time to put my abilities to the test. So I slipped off my jacket and shirt, threw them into the dumpster then I began the ritual, and slowly I started transforming as quiet as a church mouse I held the pain in and kept focused on my breathing...five...four...grrr...rrr... and soon all I could do was grunt, which was a sign of completion. I had managed to turn without giving away my position.

  Something was not right though, something felt different inside. I felt as if I had lost control, as if I was a bystander watching from the outside as the beast propelled forward in a blind rage. I started running straight at the Reapers as if some animal instinct had taken over my body, and fear was quickly replaced by anger. I was at full speed and hit the matriarch like a truck. I landed on top of her, she scratched and growled as she tried clawing at my face, clasping both arms in my large hands, I looked her in the eye and began pulling, slowly I felt the tissue tearing and heard bones snapping, her arms were separated from its torso, they dangled in my hands as I stood, dripping with blood. The reaper squealed in pain before it bled out and died at my feet. What was this savage nature I had experienced? Never before in any of my transformations had I felt so violent, so primal! I was confused with this new power and strength, but at the same time deep inside I enjoyed the rush. I had reversed rolls from predator. I lifted my head and rolled back my eyes, the sensation was like a drug, was this what I had become? A mindless animal bent off killing for amusement. I was not better or perhaps even worse than the Reapers, at least they killed to eat, what excuse had I for the enjoyment I felt while bringing death to something else.

  Behind me the other Reapers stood ready to pounce. It was like two pit-bull trying take on a lion, two freaks of nature, and two violent creatures bent on nothing but the utter mutilation of one another. We stared each other down before engaging. The swift reaper dogged as I swatted at it with my claws, it danced around my strikes clearly way more agile than me. Before I could think it was on my back. It bit down on my neck and if it wasn’t for the thickness I’m sure it would have ripped a chunk clear off, again it bit. This time I did not hesitate I grabbed its legs, which were wrapped around my back. Tightening my grip; I squeezed then threw myself to the floor. We landed hard to the ground all my weight fell on top of it, I turned around stood up and began pounding at its face, my claws dug chunks of meat out the reapers face as I slashed and punched it. It squealed in pain and tried crawling through my legs; I grabbed it by the throat and put it back in the same position.

  Was this what I had become?


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