Betrayed: Powerful Stories of Kick-Ass Crime Survivors

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Betrayed: Powerful Stories of Kick-Ass Crime Survivors Page 32

by Allison Brennan

  Her last e-mail was about a year ago where she was checking in on me. She says they’re hiring and if I wanted a job, I could have one. I decide I have nothing to lose by reaching out to the only lifeline I have. I quickly reply.

  To: Leila Bergman

  From: Amber Smith

  Subject: Employment

  Hi, Leila. I hope all is well. Sorry to not have gotten back to you sooner, but I’ve been busy and just recently relocated. I’m currently looking for employment and wondered if you’re still hiring.

  Sincerely, Amber L. Smith

  I hit send before I can change my mind. I open and read some of the other e-mails from her. I wish I could have stayed in touch with her. We had such a great working relationship.

  I hear a ding indicating I have a new incoming e-mail.

  Looking at my computer I see she’s already replied. That was fast. With shaky hands and labored breathing, I open it.

  To: Amber Smith

  From: Leila Bergman

  Subject: Employment

  Amber, I almost gave up on you. It’s good to finally hear from you. Can you call me at your earliest convenience so we can talk? You can reach me at 1-800-582-7753. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely, Leila Bergman, CEO

  CEO? Holy shit. She’s been busy, and she’s climbing the corporate ladder fast. I shouldn’t be surprised. She didn’t say she’d hire me, but she also didn’t say she wouldn’t. She wants me to call her. It’ll take all the money I have to buy a cell phone. Is spending the last of my money on a chance to be hired worth it? I remember my mother always saying, “You have to spend money to make money.” I guess I have my answer. I just pray it’ll be the payoff I desperately need.

  After logging out of the computer, I walk across the street to Walmart and buy a TracFone. I search for the least expensive one with the cheapest phone card to upload to it. I just need something to get me through today.

  I quickly pay for my purchase and upload the card to my phone. I anxiously call Leila.

  “Hello, thank you for calling. How may I direct your call?”

  I’m taken aback when she doesn’t answer the phone.

  “Umm, may I speak to Leila Bergman?”

  “May I ask who’s calling?”

  Clearing my throat, I say, “It’s Amber Smith.”

  “Please hold.”

  I anticipate a long hold time followed by a voice mail recording.

  “Amber, how are you?” A voice on the other end sounds excited and happy.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I have to tell you, I was surprised to hear from you today.”

  “I just saw your e-mail. I know a lot of time has passed since you sent it, but I was wondering if the job offer still stands.”

  “Do you remember Mark?” she asks.

  “I do.” Mark was my boss during my time with the company.

  “He would have my hide if I didn’t hire you.”

  There’s that unfamiliar feeling again in my chest called hope. “He would?” I ask in disbelief. I knew I was a good worker, but with Liam tearing me down, I truly forgot my value.

  “Of course he would. Look, I have a meeting I need to attend, but I need you to go online and fill out the application.” She covers the receiver as she talks to someone else. “Sorry about that, this place is a mad house. A lot has changed, but I’ll go over that with you once I get your application. I do have one question before I hang up.”

  “What is it?” Secretly, I hope she doesn’t ask about what I’ve been doing since I left the company.

  “Are you looking to work from home, or are you looking for a corporate job?”

  I can’t tell her I don’t have the funds to relocate. “I need to work from home.”

  “Perfect. Fill out the online app and I’ll be in touch in the next few days. I hate to cut this short, but I’m seriously late for this meeting.”

  Before I can reply, she hangs up.

  After the application is filled out, I walk back to Grace’s with more hope than I’ve had in a long time. Things are finally looking up.

  When I get home, Grace still isn’t back. I want to tell her my news, but I need to wait and confirm it’s something to be excited about.

  Chapter Four: Finally Home

  When Grace comes home, she tells me she’s not feeling well and she wants to lie down. Concern fills me for the dear woman who has done so much for me. “Do you want me to make you some soup and bring it in to you?”

  “No, dear. I’m not hungry. I think I just need to rest.”

  I take her by the arm and walk her into her bedroom. Once she’s in bed, I cover her with a knitted afghan laying at the foot of her bed.

  “I’ll be back in and check on you.”

  “Thank you, Amber. I just need to rest.”

  When I know she’s asleep, I search for Tyler’s number and call him.

  “You’ve reached Tyler Simmons.”

  “Tyler, it’s Amber Smith.”

  There’s a pause. “Hi, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. Can you come over? It’s Grace.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  I meet Tyler outside. “Is she all right?”

  “I’m not sure.” I tell him that I’ve noticed a decline in Grace’s health over the past few weeks. “Do you think we should call her daughter? I think this is something she needs to know.”

  “Sadly, Grace’s daughter isn’t in a position to help her.”

  “Just because she can’t help Grace doesn’t mean she shouldn’t know about her mother’s deteriorating health.”

  He ponders my words, as if he wants to say something. “I’ll make a phone call when I get back home.”

  “Thank you. You’ve known her longer than I have. Is there anything I should do for her in the meantime?”

  “Just let her rest and I’ll be back in the morning to pick her up.”

  I want to ask him where he takes her, but I feel like if he wants me to know he would tell me.

  He says, “I’m sure she’ll feel better by morning.”

  “I hope you’re right.”


  In the morning when I get up, Grace is sitting at the table. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Good morning, Amber,” she replies. She doesn’t answer my question.

  “Can I make you some breakfast this morning?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.” She holds her hand over her belly. “I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me yesterday.”

  She doesn’t look at me and I wonder if she’s being honest.

  Tyler pulls up and I walk with Grace out to his car. “I hope you feel better.”

  As I open the door for her, she smiles and says, “I’m already feeling much better.”

  She looks better, but I’m still concerned about her.

  “Hey, Tyler,” I say before closing the car door. I watch as he rounds the corner. Where does he take her?

  I shower and walk over to the library to check my e-mail. I know Leila said she would be in touch, but she didn’t say how. I make sure my phone is charged and the volume’s up. I’m excited when I see an e-mail from her.

  In the e-mail, she explains in great detail about online training and testing that all applicants who are being considered for the job are required to complete. She sends me links and tells me I need to pass each test with at least an 80% score before being hired. I try hard to not let that intimidate me. She tells me to let her know as soon as the tests are completed.

  Taking a deep breath, I type my reply.

  To: Leila Bergman

  From: Amber Smith

  Subject: Employment training and testing.

  Leila, I’m starting the training/testing now and I’ll let you know when it’s complete. Thank you again for everything.

  I click on the link and begin. It isn’t until my neck hurts that I look at the clock. Five hours have passed since I started. I scan the library and
notice I’m the only one here other than the employees. I stretch my neck and hit submit. On the screen a comment flashes in yellow.

  “Congratulations. You have completed the testing. We’ll contact you at a later date with your scores.”

  I was hoping it would say if I passed or failed, but since it didn’t, I’m still holding out hope. I e-mail Leila to let her know I’m done and then I rush back to Grace’s to begin dinner.

  Grace is home cooking dinner when I arrive. Looking through the kitchen door, I see she’s standing at the stove wearing her apron.

  “I see you’re feeling better,” I say with a smile.

  “Much better, thank you.” She wipes her hands on her apron. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  I haven’t eaten since last night and I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.

  “As a matter of fact, I’m starving.” I close the door tightly behind me.

  “Good, we’re having pasta with homemade sauce and blackberry cobbler for dessert.”

  “It smells delicious.” She turns around and stirs the steaming pot of sauce. “I’m sorry I’m late. I was going to cook dinner tonight.”

  “No need to be sorry. You can tell me all about your day over dinner.”

  And that’s just what I do.


  Early the next morning, I get a phone call from an unknown number.

  “Hello,” I say cautiously into the phone.

  “Congratulations. I just got your clearance and you’re ready to start back to work.”

  “Leila, are you serious?” I can feel my smile spreading across my face.

  “As a heart attack.”

  “This is so exciting. Thank you so much.”

  “I just need your address so I can ship you the supplies you’ll need.”


  “Yeah, I told you some things have changed. We now give our home-based employees their own desktop computer and everything you’ll need to be successful.”

  “That’s awesome. I remember before we had to buy everything ourselves and the company would reimburse us later.”

  “Yeah, well, they finally realized that not everyone has several hundred dollars to spend on a computer before they start working.”

  This is such a relief for me.

  “I’ll send you an e-mail explaining everything and your pay rate. If you have any questions, call me or shoot me an e-mail. Honestly,” she says without pausing for a breath, “I’m quicker to respond through e-mail or text message.”


  “Hopefully this time next week you’ll be all set up for productivity.”

  “Sounds great.” I give her my address before we hang up. This time next week I should be working and finally I’ll be able to repay Grace for her kindness and hospitality. I can’t wait to tell her the news that I’m officially hired.

  When I get home, Grace is already in bed. I take her in some water, but she doesn’t drink it. I wonder why her daughter hasn’t called her. I debate calling Tyler, but he probably knows she’s not feeling well. After all, he sees her almost every day.


  Over the next few weeks, some days Grace is fine and other days she goes straight to bed and sleeps until morning. As the days pass, I become more and more concerned for her. I’ve spoken to Tyler, but he doesn’t say much. He just says to let her rest. I do.

  When she’s feeling well, she asks me about my job. I tell her and she seems happier than I am about it. I tell her about the computer that’ll be delivered, explaining that I need it for work.

  “I’ll call Tyler to come over to set it up for you.”

  I can do it myself but I don’t tell her that. It’ll be nice to actually see him again when I’m not at the lowest point in my life.

  “Grace, I want you to know how grateful I am to you. What you did for me that day on the bus… I’ll never forget it.” I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Oh, Amber. Don’t cry. We all need help from time to time.”

  “But what you did for me was so much more than that.” How can I express to her how grateful I am? “As soon as I get paid, I’ll pay you for back for everything. I promise.”

  “Oh, dear. I don’t want your money.” She cups my face in her hands. “My payment is seeing you happy. Look at how far you’ve come. That’s all I ever wanted for you.”

  I lean in and hug her. “Thank you.”

  After a few minutes, she says, “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll pass on dinner.”

  “You’re not feeling well?” I can see it in her eyes. She looks more tired than usual.

  “Would you mind helping me to bed?”

  “No, not at all.” I stand and offer her my hand.

  Once she is in bed, I cover her, close the blinds, and place a glass of water on her nightstand. “I’ll check on you in a bit.”

  “There’s no need to fuss over me. I’ll be fine.”

  “I want to do it, Grace. Sweet dreams,” I say before closing her door.

  An hour later, there’s a knock at the door and it’s UPS delivering my computer. As quietly as I can, I carry everything into my bedroom, careful not to disturb Grace while she sleeps. I debate whether to open the boxes now or wait until Grace leaves with Tyler in the morning.

  I decide to wait so I don’t wake her. I make a cup of hot tea and drink it outside on the porch.

  Tyler pulls up and asks, walking closer to the house, “Is Grace here?”

  “She’s lying down.”

  “She’s not feeling well, huh?”

  I shake my head. “I’m afraid not.”

  As he gets closer he says, “She called me and said you needed help setting up a computer?”

  I laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I just told her about it a few hours ago and then she went in to lie down.”

  “She must have called me from the bedroom phone.” He brushes his hair back from his forehead. “Do you want me to help you with it while I’m here?”

  “I was going to wait until tomorrow. I’m afraid of disturbing Grace while she sleeps.”

  “I think it’ll be okay.”

  I stand from the chair. “It’s in here.”

  He follows me into my bedroom and starts taking everything out of the box.

  “You seem different,” he says, studying my face.

  I smile a genuine smile. “Because I am different. I’m starting to find myself again and it feels wonderful.”

  He nods his approval. “I can see that.”

  “Thank you.” I look at all the opened boxes and ask, “Do you want to stay for some tea?”

  “I’d love some.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I hand him his tea and we talk while I watch him assemble the computer to top of the desk.

  “So, I take it this is for a job?”

  “It is.”

  “What do you do exactly?”

  “I’m a computer programmer,” I say proudly.

  He laughs as he looks around the room. “You didn’t need help hooking this up, did you?”

  I shake my head. “Not really, but thank you. It is appreciated.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Now that it’s done, do you want to sit outside with me?”

  “I’d like that, thank you.”

  Tyler and I sit on the porch and have our tea while enjoying an adult conversation where I don’t feel inferior to him.

  “I’m glad to see things are working out for you.”

  “Me too.”

  “What are your plans now?”

  “I plan to repay Grace for everything she’s done for me. Then I’ll get an affordable apartment or house not far from here.”

  “So, you plan on staying?” He shakes the ice in his glass before taking a drink.

  “I do. I’ve grown attached to the people around here.”

  “Good. I know that’ll make Grace happy.”

re he leaves, he checks on Grace and gives her a cold glass of water. I wait for him outside her bedroom door. “I’ll be back in the morning to check on you.”

  There’s no reply before he closes the door.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s sleeping. I would let her sleep and check on her in the morning.”

  As I walk him to the door, I say, “Okay, I will. Thanks again for everything.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll be back in the morning. Have a good night, Amber.”

  “Good night, Tyler.”

  The next morning, Grace is usually awake before me so, I’m surprised when she’s still in bed when I get up. I tap gently on her bedroom door. When there’s no answer, I knock again. Still nothing.

  “Grace, it’s Amber. Are you up?” I ask, opening the door slowly.

  I’m surprised to see her blinds still closed and she’s still in bed.

  “Grace, you should get up. Tyler will be here shortly to get you,” I say, opening her blinds to let the light shine in.

  I gasp when I see her pale face in the daylight. Tears rush to my eyes when I realize she isn’t breathing. Slowly, I walk over to her bed and feel her cool face. There’s no need to start CPR; she’s been dead for a while. I sit carefully on her bed as the tears flood my eyes and run down my cheeks. I tell her how sorry I am. I ask her softly to please wake up, even though I know she isn’t asleep. I haven’t known her long. Grace was such a sweet person. Soon, I realize how little I know about her. I know she has a daughter and a grandson, but I don’t have their address or phone number. I have no idea who to contact other than Tyler, so I pick up the phone from her nightstand and call 911 first. The dispatcher says help is on the way.

  Then I call Tyler.

  “Good morning, Amber.”

  “It’s Grace,” I cry into the phone.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  After several minutes that seem like an hour, I hear a voice call from the other room. “Amber?”

  Without standing from Grace’s bed and without looking away, I call out, “Tyler, we’re in here.”

  He walks into the room and takes in his surroundings. “She didn’t wake up this morning,” I say between sobs.


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