REIGN (Crown Book 2)

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REIGN (Crown Book 2) Page 4

by Tallulah Bell

  It took a couple of hours before I finally made it on royal land. My land. Every warrior and guard I passed on the way to the castle bowed at me before I continued making my way.

  As soon as I reached I changed into my skin before racing up the stairs before anybody could see my naked body. I dressed before throwing myself on my bed. crying myself to sleep. I feel so weak. I feel like a child who lost her favorite toy.

  Chapter 12

  I was awoken by the Queen bursting into my room. "What happened," she asked, looking at my red puffy face from crying.

  "I don't want to talk about it," I said softly rolling away from her. She didn't say anything, just walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  I woke up again and it was late at night. I heard voices downstairs. One very familiar one. Alex. Elijah's Beta. I hurriedly ran down the stairs, careful not to fall.

  "Estelle, Alpha Elijah would like you to come back with me," he said looking me up and down. Causing my wolf to growl through me. She didn't want anybody looking at me like that unless it was Elijah himself. He raised his hands up in surrender laughing it off.

  "I am not going back there so he can reject me again Alex. You tell your Alpha he is off the hook." I said before turning away from him and walking up the stairs only to stop when he said "He is a complicated man Estelle but he cares about you. You are his mate. He marked you. Are you really going to let a little fight like this seize anything that could happen for you too?" he asked. That's when I knew he didn't know the full truth of what happened.

  "Alex, your Alpha can not give me what I want. I deserve more than he can give me and that is not going to change. This isn't some little fight. He doesn't want any more children. I am pregnant with his child Alex. He doesn't want it. That's okay I can do this by myself. I will do this by myself. You may leave" I said turning away once again and leaving. My heart hurt. Nothing could stop the pain in my chest.

  I went up to my room to see a full plate of food sitting on my bed. Thank god I was starving. I scarfed down all the food very quickly before standing by the window watching Alex take off in wolf form.

  Once I knew he was gone I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen looking for more food. I am still very hungry. All that crying really made me hungry.

  "Estelle get in here, please. There is a man who says he is your mate" Queen Sydney said which echoed the house. I could've laughed. I would've known if Elijah was here unless it wasn't Elijah but my true mate?

  Nervously I walked to where I heard her voice come from. The large dining room is where they were sat discussing me I would assume.

  "Mate," he said before rushing towards me. "Don't you dare touch me," I said seething. Making him stop dead in his tracks. What could he possibly want now? "What are you doing here?" I asked before backing away from him and sitting down next to Queen Sydney.

  "Everybody has heard the news of the new Queen. The bastard child of Queen Sydney" was all he said smiling devilishly at Queen Sydney. All I wanted to do was punch him square in the face. How dare he say I was a bastard child.

  "You know nothing," I said seething. My wolf was pacing in my head ready to come out. She did not like this male one bit. She was ready to tear his throat out.

  "You had an affair with one of your main warriors before King Richard found out and killed him. You had a child with that man and kept her close. That is why she was the first female warrior. It wasn't because of her skills, was it? You just wanted to keep her close to you?" He says as if he knows the full story.

  "We will not stand to have a Queen in power who couldn't keep her legs closed, betraying our King." I go to say something but Sydney steps in.

  "You know nothing, you imbecile. If you did you'd be outraged with how your king treated me and my family. That is if you are loyal to this throne." She said, raising her eyebrow to challenge him.

  "As if we believe you. You did this to yourself and had him executed," he said looking her in the eye trying now to bow before the power coming off of her. He crossed the line.

  "I killed him. I watched as he screamed for mercy until the last scream came out of his body. What he did to my family and me was unforgivable. He told everybody that YOUR QUEEN was killed. He lied to the people of this Kingdom. While he had her tortured in the cells with others. You know nothing. You and whoever this "we" is I highly suggest you not threaten us because I will personally watch every drop of blood exit your body. Heed my warning because I will only say It once. Unless you want to end up like your precious King I suggest you get the fuck off my land and never come back. You aren't my mate and never have been. If I hear you even mutter those words again, I will allow my wolf to do whatever she wants to you. I can promise you that you would not want that. Now LEAVE" I roared out and he ran out of the castle with his tail between his legs.

  I nodded to a couple of guards standing by the door before saying "Follow him and make sure he leaves. I don't ever want him to step foot on my land again do you understand. I will have whoever's head that allows that cowardly piece of shit on my lands again." I said seething before they took off after him.

  "I'm sorry when he said he was your mate I thought it would be good for you to see him," she said looking anywhere but me. She can feel the anger permeating the air around us. Hell, the whole Kingdom probably felt it.

  "Your hands are glowing," she said, reaching out to grab them. "Wow, mine used to do this before you came of age. That is when my powers must have switched to you" she said holding onto my hands truly amazed. “They shine much brighter than mine ever did,” she said, mesmerized by the glow.

  Chapter 13

  “He has never been my mate. My mate is Elijah Cain. That coward will never be my mate.” I said storming away when I saw Adira standing in the doorway of the kitchen. How did we not know she was there? We should have sensed her standing there.

  “Go see Sydney dear,” I said before walking away from her. I need space right now. That man. Alpha Jason. He ain't nothing but a coward. Now he wants me because I am the future Queen. We aren't going to have a repeat of King Richard.

  What he said just made me think, Who is this “We” that he keeps speaking of? Is he really going to rebel against the Queen’s word and commit an act of treason in the highest honor? He does know that means death is imminent.

  Two days passed in a blink of an eye. Training all day and reading up on the kingdom more at night, doing whatever I can to keep my head from drifting to Elijah. I can’t think about him right now. I went to the library and grabbed another book. The history of the moon goddess and her gift to one wolf. A wolf of high power and the prophecy that goes with it.

  The one who was lost, the one who was found, all who lied will end up in the ground. War is coming and only one will remain. One of great power should reign again. The most powerful shall join forces and defeat the monster within. Or all shall crumble at the feet of man.

  All I thought when reading that was war is coming. I know it is. Some odd reason I can feel it in my bones. I laid on the couch in the library and rubbed my tummy. It is slowly getting bigger day by day. As a wolf, you carry a pup a lot shorter than a human does. We carry pups for only 4 months.

  I continued to read more on the one who the moon goddess blessed with. Once finishing that book I got up to put it back when I crumbled to the ground at my feet. Flashes started to appear before my very eyes.

  A little girl lifting trees as if they were nothing.

  A man in a dark cloak.

  An army of wolves. Before it flashes to the castle. I can barely see me standing there looking out the window.

  Then flashes of blood stained the ground. Only one remains. Me. I stand looking at the bloody field and all the bodies. I crumble to the ground and howl in pain as I see Elijah dead body.

  The flashes stop when someone rushes into the room and picks me up. Sparks tingle all over my body. The man I never expected to see, let alone feel again has picked me up and placed my now
limp body back on the couch.

  “What happened?” He asked but I couldn’t reply because next thing I know all I see is darkness once more.


  I sent Alex to the castle to retrieve Estelle and bring her back here. This is where she belongs. We have to talk about all of this. Of course, I am not ready to be a father. The last time I became a father I lost the mother of my child and my mate not but a year later. I can’t lose Estelle. I refuse to lose her.

  I waited for Alex to return with my mate. Lilian hasn’t spoken to me since she left. Marisol is angry that I just let her leave. I haven’t talked to anyone about what truly happened. I just told Alex we got into a little disagreement.

  I heard the door slam open and shut as I waited for Alex to reach the office. “You should have told me” he yelled at me before storming up to me and punching me square in the jaw. “She deserves better than you. You don’t want her child well maybe you should have thought about that before having sex. You don’t want to rule beside her well guess what someone does. Remember, Alpha Jason; Estelle’s true mate, well he was there in the castle. You are going to lose her” He ranted before storming right back out of the room.

  My wolf growled loudly, shaking the walls of my office. Alpha Jason that no good piece of shit of an Alpha was at the castle with my mate? She wouldn’t go running to him would she? Why was he there?

  I needed to calm down. Right now my wolf was on the ledge of destroying everything and everyone in his path to get to her. I don’t think I have ever been this angry before. I ran and ran and ran. But still, I was angry it took two days to finally get my beast to think about something else. All it took was him thinking about our pup growing in her womb.

  I raced back to the packhouse before packing two bags, one for me and one for Lilian. Alex rushed into the room behind me “Where are you going?” he asked as if he didn’t already know I was going after my mate.

  “Watch over the pack. You know the drill, report anything back to me.” I said before zipping up my bag before heading to Lilian’s room and packing her bag. It was her turn to run into the room.

  “Where are we going?” she asked looking as I shoved clothes and things I think she’ll need into her bag. “We are going and getting Estelle,” I said once I finished. “Let’s go,” I said before turning to walk away. “YESSSS!!!” she screamed before racing down the stairs. This was the first time she has talked to me in two days.

  When we made it to the first floor I turned and looked at her. “You must be on your best behavior, we are going to the castle where the Queen stays. Do you understand me?” I said looking at her to see if she understood. But as soon as I said castle she started jumping up and down.

  “Daddy!!! I can pretend to be a princess. E, always played with me. You think she’ll play with me again?” She asked super excitedly. I just nodded before saying “Come on if we are going to get there before dark, now is the time to leave” she ran to hug Marisol who had a big smile on her face.

  “Climb up, and hold on tight,” I said before switching into my wolf. She always loved riding my wolf. I held our bags in my mouth as I waited for her to climb up and grab a hold of my fur tightly. Once she did we were off to the castle...

  Chapter 14

  Finally, we made it to the castle. I let Lilian off my back so that I can change back into my skin form. I went around the tree to get dressed. When I came back around, Lilian was nowhere to be seen. Shocking!

  I followed her scent that led to the doors of the castle. I didn’t know if I should knock or not? But before I could even lift my hand up to knock the door opened to Queen Sydney, who had Lilian in her arms. “So you’re a real Queen,” she said excitedly. “Of course would you like to see my crown?” Queen Sydney asked Lilian. Who just looked at her and said “Duh” causing both of us to laugh.

  “Estelle is upstairs in the Library” was all she said before leading my daughter to where no doubt she keeps the crown. I followed Estelle’s scent that led me to two beautiful and old french doors. This must be the library.

  First I knocked on the door, however, I didn’t get a response instead I heard a loud thud. I barged into the room and there lay Estelle on the ground. I ran towards her but her eyes were pitch black, she started shaking. I grabbed onto her and that’s when her eyes turned back to normal.

  “What happened,” I asked, bending down to pick her up before placing her on the lounge couch. She didn’t say a word because she passed out before she could even utter a single word.

  “Help” I yelled. Somebody had to have heard me.

  “She should be fine, it looks like she passed out from exhaustion. She is carrying a pup so it is important for her to eat regularly and to rest” the doctor said before walking out of the room. It took her another two days before she finally started to wake up.


  Everything was pitch black. Till I saw light coming towards me. I couldn’t be dead, could I? The last thing I remember was reading a book in the Library before collapsing on the ground. The flashes. What do they mean?

  A tall woman more beautiful than anything I have ever seen stood before me in all white. Hair long and white braided to the side. Her face is beautifully symmetrical. Who is this? Could she be the one the prophecy talked about?

  “Estelle; Daughter of Queen Sydney and Cason” She spoke. Her voice made me want to bow to her however my wolf wouldn’t allow that. She wasn’t going to give anyone the power over her.

  “Who are you?” I asked, looking around as light shone brightly everywhere. I was no longer in the dark. “Am I dead?” I asked.

  “No dear you are not dead. I needed to speak with you about what you saw” was all she said before walking closer to me. She placed one hand on my forehead. “You saw your mate dead. You saw bloodshed of your entire kingdom” she said stating a fact.

  “You are carrying a beautiful and strong little girl. She will be the one you read about. Take care of what is mine.” she said before slowly backing away from me. “What do you mean she is the one I read about?” but she disappeared before she could answer.

  I read multiple prophecies. One of great warriors, ones who belong to the moon goddess. Once who fight the dark. Which could it be?

  Next thing I know, My eyes start to open. I search around but see locks of hair that I know very well laying on my lap. “Elijah,” I said, trying to wake him up. But to no use. “ELIJAH” I yelled. That finally got him up. I knew it would always work.

  “What happened?” I asked as he finished his look around the room for the threat. “I was just about to ask you that,” Elijah said, coming to sit next to me on the couch.

  “I don’t know,” I said quietly looking around me for her. The woman who came to me. “I saw you die. I held you in my hands. I was the only one left. Standing in a field of blood. Bodies everywhere." I said tears streaming down my face as I held on to him.

  Chapter 15

  "I'm not going anywhere," he said kissing my forehead. "This isn't a joke. What if what she showed me is true. That this is bound to happen. What if you were with me and it caused your death?" I asked as tears streamed down my face fast.

  "If that ever happens it was because I was trying to protect you. I will protect you with my life"

  "But you shouldn't have to give your life for me," I said, backing away from him. "We are mates Estelle. You are carrying my child. I would do anything for my family.” he said, pulling me back into him.

  “You are my family Estelle; I will follow you wherever, as long as I am with you and our children” he said before smashing his lips onto mine.

  One thing led to another and I ended up underneath him. “Elijah” I moaned out when his lips met my mark. I pulled away only to latch onto his neck where my mark is supposed to be. “Do it” he groaned out.

  “What?” I asked to make sure I heard correctly. This is a big step. When I mark him the mate bond is complete we are stuck for life.

you sure? You know that this will tie you to me till we die right. There is no turning back. Well unless you know a very powerful witch” I said going out on a tangent.

  “I want you to mark me baby. I’m yours. My wolf has been yours since the moment I laid eyes on you. Nothing will ever change that.” That's all it took before I sank my teeth into his glorious tanned skin of his neck. I pulled back when more visions came across my eyes.

  Me and Elijah sitting on the throne as 4 little ones run about. “This is what I’ve always pictured” Elijah leaned over and whispered into my ear. Me smiling ear to ear.

  Then a new vision appeared:

  My body staked in front of the castle. Jason and some others I don't know and those who were banished from my lands watched as my skin burned me alive. Elijah on his knees chained in front of me. Our children are nowhere to be seen.

  Another vision appeared:

  This follows the following vision. But This time Elijah's dead body laid in front of my body while everyone cheered.

  “Estelle” I was shaken till my eyes landed on Elijah once more. “Elijah this war isn’t over. It's just beginning “ I said before everything went dark once again.


  It happened again. She passed out in my arms. I will do anything to protect my family. Even if that means dying. Even if that means going against the moon goddess.

  She has caused this. She is supposed to be protecting Estelle. Giving her guidance. But instead it caused fear and heartache, in an already fragile woman. I understand that Estelle is a Queen now but that doesn’t mean she isn’t vulnerable. She is carrying our child. She can’t keep fainting like she has been.

  I have a strong feeling these visions she keeps seeing are a part of the prophecy. I also feel that these visions will only get stronger and more frequent. I am a King now it is my duty to step up.


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