Project Icarus - Disavowed Series 01 (2021)

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Project Icarus - Disavowed Series 01 (2021) Page 27

by Shah, R D

  An unpleasant feeling swirled in Munroe’s stomach as Bauer now took great pleasure in disclosing his reasoning.

  “War and conquest are driven by ideology. One group’s wish to force its will and ideology upon another’s. Whether it was the Mongols or the Romans, naked aggression has been the single most effective tool to achieve ideological domination of the human species. But that age-old truth crumbled with the advent of the atomic bomb. That single instant when critical mass was reached on the atomic level. From that moment on a world war could not ever happen again, not without destroying everyone and everything in the process. Conventional domination of the world ceased to be possible, and a new path needed to be forged. A path not cut on the battlefield but within the minds of those that believe themselves to be free. Take a look around you, Ethan. The notion of free speech and the rights of the individual is being slowly replaced with that of the group identity. The focus is now on the differences between us, and not those things we share in common. The technology of communication and social media is seeing to that, and the culmination of Project Icarus seeks to nurture those beliefs. Whether the public know it or not, the greatest political minds of our times have placed us on a course for something they believe to be for the good of humanity, a single world government where war is no more and the peoples of the world are united as one. Under this climate people are willing to give up more and more rights for the greater good, and when all is said and done, our leaders, the fruits of Project Icarus, will be at the top of it. And the best bit of all is they won’t realise what’s happening until it’s already happened. It’s just as the Führer imagined, a world order of national socialism working its way down from the top, all the way through society to the most basic but crucial levels. And with the common break-up of the of the nuclear family, something we can’t take credit for unfortunately but which we will exploit, it allows children to be exposed to the state at an ever earlier age. A state that we will control. Winning hearts and minds has always been the key to long-lasting subjugation, and you know how its’s done? We realised it with the inception of the Hitler Youth back in the Thirties, when an entire generation was indoctrinated into national socialism.”

  Bauer leant close to Munroe, and then he spoke in almost a whisper, as if telling a secret. “Morality. Teach a few generations that what they have been taught is morally right, and they will justify their actions for the rest of their lives. Human beings struggle to flat-out lie to themselves, it’s not part of their condition. But to justify one’s beliefs is far more acceptable in one’s mind, no matter how illogical the reasoning might be. The Hitler Youth were taught that survival of the fittest was not only morally right but the natural order of things, and they went to their deaths still defending such ideas. And so it is happening with the younger generations of today. All they need is a little guidance from world leadership and like that,” Bauer snapped his fingers, “the education systems of yesterday become the re-education camps of tomorrow.”

  Bauer now glared menacingly, and Munroe could see in his eyes the gaze of a true believer.

  “So why tell me all this, Hans. Why Icarus’s fascination with me and my family? He appeared to have focused on me long before I crossed paths with DS5.”

  As Icarus attempted to speak his muffled words were ignored by Bauer, who stood up straight and slipped his arm under Munroe’s, and under the watchful eyes of the two guards he guided him over to the doorway, stopping beside a single photo frame offset from all the others, containing a group of much younger children, maybe three or four years old. They were all sitting next to individual nurses all dressed in the same white aprons and caps. “As I mentioned, we’ve had our setbacks. Not all our experiments turned out as they should have.”

  Bauer pointed to a child just off centre. “That is David, or Icarus, as he rechristened himself. It was taken back at Dr Ferreira’s school in Brazil where these children were brought up. Where they lived and were educated for the first twelve years of their lives. It is the class of 1990, and the last of Herr Mengele’s batch. All the children were gifted with the best genes we could provide, bestowing on them all the reflexes, stamina, strength and mental acuity genetics could afford them. They were bred from some of our best German stock, from a multitude of donors, and they were trained as assassins from a young age. I believe you met Tobias Kessler during your travels. He was one of the most competent tutors we’ve ever had, and the lessons and training he oversaw allowed these boys and girls to develop into highly proficient killers, as you’ve seen for yourself in David. But unfortunately, there was a problem with this batch. It wasn’t on the genetics side of things but rather with Dr Ferreira’s contribution. His process of fracturing the mind was a master stroke. Creating individuals whose programmed assassination training could be turned on and off at will through certain stimuli. We had great successes, but it was at a price. The older the subjects got the harder it became to separate the personalities. As such they became liabilities, and were all terminated with the exception of Icarus, who appeared to be the only one under our supervision that remained unaffected.”

  Bauer now looked over at Icarus, who only stared blankly. To Munroe the man looked broken, all the anger in his eyes evaporated.

  “That was until six months ago, when he went on his unsanctioned murder spree, including two DS5 operatives embedded within MI6,” Bauer finished, his face full of disdain for the gagged man before him.

  The way Bauer called them ‘batches’ did not sit well with Munroe, but the Nazi was right about one thing. Icarus had descended into uncontrollable psychosis.

  “Understandably he never forgave us for terminating his ‘classmates’, or brothers and sisters, as he saw them.”

  Bauer now pointed to the photo. “Tell me, Ethan. Does anything in this photo stand out to you?”

  Munroe began to examine each of the children individually and he was quick to notice the odd one out. “That one’s got black hair, and all the others have blonde.”

  “Well noticed,” Bauer replied in an overly sarcastically tone. “In those days the idea of the perfect Aryan specimen had not yet taken a back seat to the more important need for anonymity, as was later created in subjects of Project Icarus. The child was not like the others. He showed similar abilities, so far as anyone could tell, but due to his undesirable features and young age the fracturing process was never performed on him. It would have been a waste of time, and soon after he was designated for termination. Unfortunately the nurse you see next to him had grown rather attached. Such a weak characteristic for anyone within the folds of Daedalus. She absconded with the child, but my predecessors caught up with her soon afterwards. She died never revealing the location of the child.”

  Bauer now tapped the golden embossed 1990 label at the bottom of the photo. “When this photo was taken these children were all four years old which means they were born in 1986… Tell me, Ethan. What year were you born?”

  Munroe’s breathing began to tighten and a nervous tingling rippled across his skin. “1986,” he said, in nothing more than a shocked whisper. If what Bauer was alluding to was true, Icarus’s fascination made complete sense. Munroe felt sick to his core.

  Bauer smiled as one of the guards moved closer with his M4 raised, in anticipation of a reaction from their captive. “You weren’t born, Ethan. You were manufactured. And you’ve exceeded all our expectations.”

  Chapter 30

  “Bullshit. I know when I’m being played, Hans.” His reply was aggressive, but the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach told him there was truth to all this. “You expect me to believe that it’s pure coincidence that the one that got away from you just happened to turn up on your doorstep after all these years?”

  “It’s not a coincidence at all. If it wasn’t for Icarus you never would have been drawn to us. I will admit your induction into DS5 was a surprise, but after that it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed.”

  “And how d
o you even know I’m with DS5?”

  The question produced an odd, quizzical look from Bauer. “I already told you, we infiltrated DS5 some years ago. I think you’re allowing your emotions to overwhelm you. You’re not thinking straight.”

  Emotions no, anger yes.

  “Who?” Munroe demanded, wishing to focus his attention back on the mole rather than the painful truth being revealed to him.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “No! That’s why I’m asking you,” Munroe replied sarcastically, and Bauer leant forward and whispered a name in his ear before standing back up straight and taking a moment to enjoy the shocked expression.

  “And in a way, you’re the other one.”

  Munroe’s face was now seething. Not because he was being toyed with, but because it could be true.

  Was he really the result of a Nazi experiment to create a super soldier?

  The ridiculous label caused him to relax slightly. This was all too crazy, and he reined in his anger as Bauer changed the subject.

  “There is another truth that I feel you should know, and this one’s going to sting.” Bauer lifted his hands in the air with his palms open faced. “You wanted to know about the deaths of your family, and on this matter, I can provide some clarity. I heard the little conversation you had with Icarus back at Dr Bute’s. We had the room bugged. Of course I know you saw my written debrief, but allow me to give you all the details you so want. From the beginning.”

  With his teeth gritted and struggling to contain his anger Munroe descended into silence, allowing Bauer to take the trip down memory lane. A trip the Nazi appeared excited for.

  “You were stolen from us some time ago, that is true, but we rediscovered you a number of years ago purely by accident. When you entered the Special Air Service a blood sample was taken from you, as is standard practice. What you may not know is that these samples are checked by the military for genetic abnormalities, anything that could negatively affect a soldier’s health. Your data was, as with others, placed on a governmental database. It is this database that we gained access to through our military contacts, and you can imagine our surprise when one of our scientists noticed our own handiwork.”

  Munroe looked wholly unconvinced. “Why would you do that?”

  “Simple. Genetics is our speciality, and we’re always looking for unique blends that may aid us in our work. We also have access to the databases of many health organisations and departments around the world. The NHS and WHO are but two. It’s the only way to get genetic information from a broad range of the global populace. Many companies trade in personal information in the modern age, and we’re no different. My superiors’ initial idea was to just leave you alone. You had no idea who you were, and we were happy to leave it that way… that is, until you decided to marry and have a child.”

  Bauer shook his head in disappointment. “A Jewish wife! You can’t really have expected us to stand by as your genome was polluted by a Zionist.”

  That Munroe’s wife had been Jewish had never even entered his mind. Christ, he’d even considered converting at one point, and along with the anger he felt a cold sadness wash over him as Bauer callously made his point.

  “The intention had been for you all to be killed in that bomb blast. My debrief stating your family as collateral was correct. You were the main target, but fate allowed you to dodge that bullet. Still, at least the abomination that was your child did not survive. That would have been unacceptable. As for you, Ethan, you are a survivor through and through. Just as we bred you to be. But you do seem to have an angel watching over you… an angel that has brought you to us.”

  Without warning Munroe dove forward and headbutted Bauer right at the base of his nose, hearing the bone crack, and as Bauer fell back against the wall one of the guards gripped him in a headlock from behind and restrained him tightly.

  “You’re dead, Bauer. And I’m taking Daedalus down with you.” He fought wildly against the guard’s grip as Bauer stood back up, his nose wrinkling at the pain. “Of course you will, Ethan, that’s the spirit.” He laughed sarcastically. “You’re a killer at heart. Everything we made you to be.”

  The grip around Munroe’s neck tightened and as he struggled Bauer pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket and used it to absorb the trickle of blood oozing from his nose. “Of course, you should know we’re not alike, you and I. You were bred, whereas I am of pure stock.” Bauer expelled a deep laugh. “Do you know who I am, Ethan? I am the direct descendent of Reinhard Heydrich, of pure Germanic blood. The person Hitler described as ‘the man with an iron heart,’ and whose righteous actions led to the concentration camps until he was gunned down by Serbian cowards. I have taken on his mantle, I have become death incarnate to all who would oppose a thousand-year Reich.”

  Munroe watched as Bauer changed from a mild-mannered man to a raving psychopath within the blink of an eye. He spat his words and his hair fell down across his face from the neatly slicked-back hairstyle he’d had moments earlier, his eyes widening feverishly. “Under Reich Führer Bormann we will cleanse the world of the rats who have infested its sacred soil for far too long and, when the time comes, we will march across their broken, shattered corpses and piss on their graves as the world bows down to our will. You thought we caused the world pain last time around? You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  Bauer slammed his fist into Munroe’s gut before taking a step backwards, slicking back his hair again and composing himself, although his eyes still bulged with rage. “You will die a painful death, Ethan Munroe. You have my word on that. Perhaps you’ll be eaten alive by rats, and as they sink their teeth into your soft, tender eyeballs you will think of me, slowly torturing to death anyone and everyone you ever cared about.”

  Bauer reached under his tweed jacket and pulled out a silver-coloured dagger with an ebony wood grip and now held the tip to Munroe’s throat. “This was my father’s SS dagger, and do you know what the inscription reads?”

  There was no way Munroe could tell with the blade so close to his throat and he shook his head slowly.

  “It reads ‘Meine Ehre Heisst Treue’. It means ‘My Honour is my Loyalty,’ and I will enjoy probing the softer parts of your body with it, Ethan. My loyalty to the Fourth Reich is beyond reproach, and I will do what I must to ensure its survival. Remember Herr Kessler? A great man, a man of the Reich. I slit his throat with a garotte wire for making one simple mistake, and he was a friend. That’s loyalty to my cause. Just imagine what I will do to you before this night is over.”

  The mention of Kessler had Munroe staring at him wide-eyed and Bauer now grinned. “Does that surprise you, Ethan? That I would kill one of my own?”

  “It’s not a surprise, no. I was just thinking about how that old man manged to tag me with a tracker. There’s just no way to escape you bastards, is there?”

  “There’s nowhere anyone can hide, Ethan. Daedalus is everywhere. We can track anyone.”

  “Well, that’s good to know,” Munroe replied, now swivelling his wrist against the zip tie binding it and motioning to the small cut in his forearm and the little bump protruding from it. The final parting gift from McCitrick’s care package, which Sloan had administered to him back on the C-130. “Because so can we.”

  From somewhere above the sound of an enormous explosion rocked the walls, and as Bauer reeled in surprise Munroe thrust his head back, catching the guard restraining him square on the nose, and the man lost his grip. Munroe slapped the dagger from Bauer’s hands, sending it across the room before landing a kick to the Nazi’s chest, throwing him backwards.

  Behind Munroe, Icarus had also seized the moment and jammed his knee into his guard’s groin. As the man bent forward in pain, Icarus brought up his knee and slammed it into his face, laying him out cold.

  A second explosion now erupted from somewhere up on the ground floor, and as Munroe struggled with his guard Bauer did something unexpected. He didn’t fight or hold his ground but
instead ran for the doorway and disappeared through it. With no time to lose, Munroe slid his bound arms around the guard’s neck and tensed before swivelling his shoulders powerfully. Hearing the neck snap, he dropped the body to the floor and made a dive for the SS dagger nearby. The sharp blade cut through the plastic with ease and as he turned to the open doorway he found Icarus standing in front of it with his bound hands held out before him.

  If Bauer got to the elevator before he did then he’d be stuck down here until DS5 reached him, and so making a split decision he stepped over to Icarus and placed the knife against his plastic bindings. “Can I trust you?”

  There was uncertainty in the Icarus’s eyes, and it didn’t look like even he knew the answer. “I think so,” came his reply, and Munroe hesitated before cutting through the bindings.

  “Good enough.” He grabbed one of the M4s and tossed the dagger to the killer. “No guns. Now follow me.”

  Munroe was already out of the door and running down the hospital corridor before Icarus replied, but he did glance back to see him sticking to the request, holding only the dagger as they both charged back towards the elevator.

  As they approached the grated metal stairs another series of explosions went off overhead but they were smaller this time, possibly grenades. DS5 were making one hell of an entrance, and Munroe was thankful. As he reached the first step of the stairwell, though, he was pushed aside by Icarus, who leapt past him and up towards the elevator as the sound of doors sliding open could be heard.

  The barge caused Munroe to stumble, his knee slamming against the steps, and he paused for a moment in pain before striding up the stairs just in time to see Icarus disappear into the waiting elevator. There were the sounds of a struggle and as Munroe finally reached the opening with his M4 pointing inside he saw Bauer in the process of slamming Icarus’s head against the wall, now raising the SS dagger to the killer’s throat.


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