Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2) Page 14

by D. M. Burns

Rebel’s voice breaks through my good versus evil ping pong struggles. Clicking the file shut, I lean back in my chair and reel in my anger. Rebel glides his red-eyed ass over to one of the open chairs in front of my desk then drops down.

  “What’s up Reb?” I clear my throat trying to sound calm when I’m anything but that. I want to slam my fucking computer into the damn wall and watch it bust into a thousand pieces littering the floor with my own layer of madness.

  “Checking in. Spent the last four hours updating the computer software here.” I nod my head.

  “That’s what you get paid for but I appreciate it all the same,” I say.

  “So, what’s going on with you?” He tilts his head to the side. Those hazed and hammered eyes studying me with concern.

  “It’s chilling how much you look like Rage. Drop some Visine in those bloodshot fuck sockets and some blue contacts then grow the hair out a little, you guys are twins. Oh, don’t forget to add some aggression and a fuck load of anger.” I nod my head and smile. “Yeah, I’m starting to think mom had a love affair with Rage’s dad. Boom. Mystery solved.” He flips me off.

  “Ha. Ha. Asshole. What was all that shit a few weeks back at Swanks with you and Asia about? Not that it’s a fucking mystery.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  “What shit?” I cross my ankle over my knee and study my expensive kicks. I’m not offering any information over to this meddling pink-eyed prick.

  “The shit that got me throat punched; you dick.” I chuckle at that. My brown-eyed girl landed a jab that left Reb’s big ass coughing and wheezing. Badass little ninja. “C’mon man. I’m your brother.”

  “Let me ask you something Rebel.” He nods for me to continue. “Did you ever see Jake and Asia together in high school? You know after we broke up?” His brows crease together as he contemplates the question. Probably spinning the wheel on his hazed maze of a brain painted in green.

  “Nah. After you two split that girl fell off the grid. She withdrew from everything and everyone then she moved. You never said what happened. Why? What’s up?”

  “Trying to figure out what would compel that sick fucker to deed commercial property off of Sunset Avenue over to her.” Although I think I know. If so, bad shit is about to take place in Jake’s world.

  “Wow. Do you mean the new lot that just went up? He handed that over free and clear?” I nod my head. “Fuck. That cost a mint. The construction just finished. When did he do that?”

  “Yeah. A fuck load of mints. The deed’s dated a few weeks back.” I say

  “Holy shit…” He rubs the back of his neck. “Well, if I had to guess, probably the same reason you bought the first strip mall she looked at out from under her. She’s fine as fuck and he wants to bed her down.” He laughs out loud. This prick right here though…

  “Watch your fucking mouth Reb,” I growl. He holds his hands up and smiles wide. God damnit. He baited me and I bit.

  “Right.” He chuckles. I scrub my palm over my five o’clock shadow mulling over how I want to handle this shit, delicately but with accuracy. “Brother, I know you. You’ve been fucking with that girl hard since she rolled into town, Renegade style. Stop with the Rage rerun of evil deeds. You’re smarter than that. Pony the fuck up if you want the fashion goddess. But first things first though, I’d find out what Sellers play is and handle that shit. That guy is fucking off in the head.”

  “Yeah. I’ve got this Reb.” I give him a chin lift. He stands and pulls the joint out from behind his ear then saunters to the door.

  “All you’ve got to do is make a call. You know your brothers will have your back, yeah?” He asks.

  “See… That’s the difference between you and Rage right there. Heart.” I point my finger at him. “Get the fuck outta here, you mushy motherfucker,” I smirk at him as he continues out the door holding the middle finger up over his shoulder. And that silent “fuck you” hand gesture right there is confirmation of the Rage in him. Shit. I shake my head.

  That may be my younger brother but Rebel’s wise beyond his years and his heart is golden. He’s a Ride High and Die kinda guy to the very fucking end with a joint hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Jesus.

  “Well, I’ll be god damn. They’re fucking hammered.” Rage says as he chuckles.

  He has both hands on his hips staring down at his wife’s passed out form. Reese’s hair is fanned out everywhere and drool is leaking out of the corner of her mouth. My eyes land on Asia curled up into a protectant fetal position still clutching onto an empty wine bottle.

  When I left Renegade Investigations, I had shit to take care of at Club Chaos and while there I ran into Rage. We rode out to his house to check in on Reese because she wasn’t answering his calls. Now, we’re eyeballing the scene laid out in front of us in disbelief. The girls are both knocked out in their poolside loungers. With Ghost, the family lab curled up between the female twosome version of Cheech and Chong like this is everyday behavior.

  The pool house smells like a marijuana stink bomb exploded fuming up the damn place. There are multiple empty wine bottles laying around. A half-smoked joint sitting in a makeshift ashtray and what appears to be a half-eaten pickle is stuck in between Reese’s boobs. Notably, Asia looks fucking sexy in her white two-piece suit. I’d love to use my teeth and remove it from her body, slowly. Damn. Focus.

  “What the actual fuck? They need rehab bad man.” I whisper.

  Rage shakes his head and stalks over to the panel control box activating the sliding sunroof open so the place can air out. He removes his shoes, shirt, and belt while grumbling under his breath.

  “What are you doing brother?” I ask.

  “Teaching my half-baked wife, a lesson. Plus, I plan on kicking Rebel’s ass if he doesn’t stop giving her that silly smoke.”

  “Correction. Rebel doesn’t give her shit. Reese takes what she wants. Sometimes it’s weed and other times it’s his mouth.” I snicker. It’s true.

  Rage whips his head up and pins me with a look that’d have anyone else cowering. Long story short, Reese lip-locked with Rebel back in the day. Almost got him killed too, but Rage deserved it. At any rate, Reese and Rebel are close. What that girl wants, she gets. Rebel would take a beating from Rage any day just to make Reese smile, period.

  Reese lets out a snore that has Rage covering his mouth to hide his laughter. Anything that makes Reese happy this asshole is onboard with, pissy pretending poser. This motherfucker loves the fact that he’s about to embrace his evil side, villain plot twist.

  “Get your business boy suit the fuck off and have a little fun with your woman too.” I quirk my eyebrows at him.

  “Fucking has nothing to do with commitment.” My voice is hushed but heard all the same by him.

  “Don’t run that game on me, you manbun bitch. I invented the fuckery you’re merely toying with, remember? Stop acting like a pussy and man up. You want her. Fucking take her.” He whips his arm out at Asia’s sleeping form. “Won’t get any easier than right now motherfucker. She’s passed the fuck out. When awake that one right there,” He points at Asia. “plots out painful shit with accuracy. Take advantage of the opportunity while it presents itself.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  All truths that can’t be denied. So, you know what I do? I fucking shed the business boy suit. All the way down to my black boxers. When I’m positioned at her side of the lounger I look back to Rage with a smirk. Priceless shit is about to take place.

  “Is that a fucking pickle stuck in Reese’s tits? I’ve been trying to figure it out for the last five minutes.” I point out my question to him.

  Rage leans over his wife and plucks the saved for later pickle out and stuffs it in his mouth. “Yelp. She likes crunchy peanut butter and pickles when she’s stoned.” He laughs under his breath. “Pickles taste better out of her tits though.” He licks his fingers while displaying a wicked smile. Like I said, he loves every minute of this shit.

  “You grab your half and I’ll grab mine
on three. They need a dip in the blue beyond.” My body is shaking with muffled laughter as we get our stance situated above their bodies just right. Rage nods with a comical smile on his face too. “One… Two… Three…”

  We both snatch our girls up and make a mad dash for the pool. Splashing into the water with lightning-quick reflexes. My arms firmly clamped around my brown-eyed girl the entire time. Yeah, I fear for my balls but when an opportunity comes a-knocking, you answer the damn door. We bound up out of the cooling chlorine waves and Asia is grasping at my shoulders for dear life. Wakey-wakey you little wacky weed warrior woman you.

  “Holy shit,” Asia whispers out in shock while pinching the sensitive skin under my arm. “Renegade… Payback will find you eventually.” Why does that sound so fucking sexy? I hope it finds me with her lips wrapped around my dick.

  Those brown globes are darting from side to side trying to assess the situation and gather her bearings about herself. I twist my neck whipping my long hair out of my face smiling like the asshole I am.

  “Rage that was a really shitty thing to do honey.” Reese whines. “No sex. You’re cut off.” She snaps.

  “Baby girl that’s bullshit and you know it.” Rage says.

  “Figured you guys could use a swim,” I say while smirking and wading our bodies through the water.

  Her brown sugar eyes are wide and alert now. A little red but definitely aware of the poolside bath break taking place. She wraps her legs around me and my dick silently holds up the white flag.

  “Yeah. I got that Ren. Next time, ask me first, yeah?” She says.

  “Waking you up just seemed rude.” I laugh out loud. “Looks like you and Reese’s Pieces had a good time, huh?” I ask.

  “It was relaxing. Or it was.” She quirks her brow.

  “See you fuckers later.” Rage flips us off from over his back as he carries his wife out of the pool heading straight for the damn door. That asshole is about to get it in.

  “Bye Asia… Call me tomorrow. Love you.” Reece yells.

  “Okay. Love you.” Asia shouts right before the door shuts leaving us all alone.

  Pressing my dick into the thin material keeping me from entering her pussy is a dire compulsion. When those luscious lips part, and she heaves a heavy sigh then bites down on the plump flesh, I literally feel my balls swell in my boxers. Steadily moving our way over to the stairs, I cup her ass in my hands. I walk us out of the pool toward the separate mini kitchen in the back.

  “Hold on to me babe.” She tightens her legs around my waist and her arms clutch my shoulders. Not that she’s going anywhere with my arms locked around her.

  “What do you want from the kitchen?” She asks.

  “Like you don’t already know but I’ll play along. A fucking snack from between your legs.” Her giggles have my lips tipping up.

  I kick the door open then push it closed with the heel of my foot while pulling the string of her bathing suit top. I grunt in frustration at the material that separates her flesh from mine. I grab the front of her triangles squares and rip them away from her skin bringing those tits into view. Stumbling backward as I dip down and latch my mouth onto my favorite twins. My back hits the counter bringing us to a stop.

  Asia squirms out of my hold and her tit pops out of my wanting mouth. She’s interrupting my beloved pastime activities. Asia goes down on her knees in front of me and god damnit. That’s a sexy fucking sight to see. Those hooded brown sugar eyes stare back at me. Her hands roam over my pecs skimming down over the grooves of my wet abs before she slides my drenched boxers out of the way. When my dick springs free, I could swear the slap against my lower stomach is his way of a high five.

  “You want my warm lips sealed around your cock Renegade.” Her voice purrs.

  Yes, yes, the fuck I do. I nod along. She closes her hand around my dick, pumping in long strokes while massaging my balls in the other. My eyes want to roll into the back of my head and would, but there’s no fucking way I’m taking my eyes off this, her.

  “Fuck yeah. I dream about it, baby. I love those lips.” I rasp out.

  I can’t help it. Besides her eyes, those lips are my most favorite attribute. They're exactly what every red-blooded man wants and dreams of sucking his dick. She leans in and I fist her wet locks in anticipation. Her tongue darts out licking the head like it’s a scoop of her favorite ice cream. My head falls back against the cabinets and I groan out across the room.

  “Fuck me. Your mouth is a special Hall Mark dick greeting. So, fucking good.” I grit out.

  She’s moving her mouth in rhythm with her hand applying just the right amount of suction. I grind my teeth painfully together and grip both sides of her head. Letting my fingers thread into her damp hair while thrusting out my excitement at having my dick brushing her tonsils once again.

  I could easily cum like this but the caveman in me seeks out the feel of her hot pussy. Mental warfare is a motherfucker as it switches back and forth. Her massage therapy action on my nut sack calls for an immediate decision. Much more of her mouth abilities and snack time will be over. Fuck, I want her pussy more.

  Popping my dick out of her mouth, I jerk her off the floor. With impatient fingers pulling at the strings of her bikini bottoms, soon enough I’m watching them fall to the floor. Fuck them things for getting in my way. Twisting her around into the counter stomach first, I cover her little body with mine. Fisting a hand full of her thick brown mane, I jerk her head back. She needs to know.

  “I’m going to fuck the hate out of me using your pussy to do so,” I growl. Her breath catches and she threads her fingers through my hair turning her head slightly to see my face. “You deserve it. It’s long overdue.” I thrust into her pussy with heated aggression filling her to the hilt in one go. Busting through to the deepest side of her wall. Circling my hips around the space like I place a god damn mortgage on the property of her pussy. Dick deed in hand.

  “OH. MY. GOD.” She screams out in equal amounts of pleasure and pain. There’s nothing sweet about this. This is raw animalist fucking Renegade Hate War style. Gear up motherfuckers.

  “You feel that Asia?” I jerk her hair to get her attention.

  “Yes. Oh, God.” She whines seductively.

  “That’s what you left behind. THIS.” I grind then pull back just to impale her all over again. This is for all those years. This is for the confusion. This is for fucking leaving me. This is my anger. These are my emotions for her. “Fuck you.”

  “Jesus.” She cries out.

  “He won’t help Asia. This is between just us.” I snarl.

  With my hand firmly tugging her hair and the other latching onto her hip, I kick her knees apart and begrudgingly fuck her as she chants my name. My hands automatically grip her shoulders and I grind into her. She’s going to feel the grooves of my dick for weeks. When her pussy starts to tighten up, I pull her off the counter and flip her around. It won’t be that easy baby.

  Those brown sugar eyes turn into slits for a fraction of a moment when she thinks I’m going to deny her. That’s when I smirk and grab her from behind the thighs sweeping that little ass off the floor. Walking her into the wall behind us, I smash her into that sheetrock as I slam into her again, balls deep.

  “Oh, fuck. Renegade.” She moans. Staying deeply rooted in her, I grind up into her tight little pussy hitting her G-spot. Those hands are clutching both sides of my hair.

  “I want to take from you like you took from me, Asia.” I pull back and slam into her again. “Not having this pussy was brutal, much like this fucking.” Taking her mouth in a cruel way seems only fitting to the fucking that’s about to commence. I pound into her so hard the wall vibrates. I’ll need to check the sheetrock for cracks when finished. This anger. This is raw. This is the new me.

  “I’m cuming, fuck… Renegade.” Her cunt clamps down on me and I see fucking stars. Slamming home for the last time, I grit my fucking teeth together and cum with a fierceness that has me worried fo
r my twin globes below. That’ll surely affect the semen count for all future fucking’s.

  “God damn it…” My entire body is shaking, and Asia sluggishly wraps her limbs around me. Like she’s holding me through the epic orgasm I’m experiencing with her. She really has no choice. Her ass is clearly molded to the wall. “Holy fuck babe.” I pant out.

  “Yeah. Wow.” She whispers against my neck then kisses me softly over the pulse tethering erratically. “I hope we didn’t mess the wall up. Rage will be pissed.” She giggles.

  Stepping back on shaky legs, Asia slides down my body and plucks her suit off the floor. She busies herself with getting dressed while managing to toss me my boxers too.

  “Rage doesn’t get pissed off like he used to anymore. The simple shit slides by now. He’s gotten a lot better since he married Reese.”

  “They're both really happy. She’s completely changed in a Chaos comical way too, but I’m loving it.” She says.

  That could’ve been us with a mini mixture of us waddling around today had you not been a fucking evil plotting bitch. That realization fucks with my chest. It’s a loss of warmth, a vast void. Fuck. The Hate War switch just got kicked to the on position, activated and on standby.

  “I didn’t expect to see you today.” Her smile is genuine, and I shrug my shoulders.

  “Are you complaining, brown eyes?” I step over to her and draw her back into me locking my arms around her. “Because you damn sure weren’t a few minutes ago.” She’s staring up at my lips because those eyes aren’t focused on mine.

  She blinks and studies me for a moment. Leaving her in the middle of the night was a dickhead move but I had to go. Much like everything this woman represents, watching her sleep was starting to fuck with me last night. Her fingers brush through my wet locks and she shakes her head no.

  “What do you want from me, Ren?” She breathlessly voices her question.

  “The truth without forcing my hand, Asia.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I wait for any indicators. Take in the way she looks to the side, eyes shifting down and to the left. All signs of a god damn underhanded liar. She tries to squirm out of my arms. I tighten my hold bringing her body flush with mine, a breath away. Shaking my head slowly from side to side, I grip the back of her neck.


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