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Ilno Page 4

by Toby Aden

  But he rarely ever showed off that particular skill, preferring to be underestimated by his opponents to better protect himself. Ciran dropped his gaze, staring at his mate’s lean and fit physique. His mate was impressive to look at, and he felt his blood boiling with attraction toward the man. His gaze dropped lower still to look at the rapidly filling cock outlined in the towel which shielded his view of the impressive member.

  Ciran could feel his own cock rising to the occasion, yet he could not bring himself to look away. The truth was that he hadn’t been looking for his fated mate during his first mating call once he hit hundred. At the time, once he’d realized he wasn’t saddled with a mate yet, he’d been relieved about it since it meant being able to pursue his dreams of wanderlust.

  “I’m up here, mate,” Ilno said, blushing profusely at the intense look on the other man’s face. Clearing his throat, he asked again, “What do you want?”

  Ciran slowly tore his gaze away from Ilno’s impressive member to stare into his mate’s face. He took a step forward, and as though Ilno read the intent on his face, the man took a corresponding step backward, his hands outstretched to ward off Ciran.

  “Stop. I’ll be having my call in a week. You can’t mate me,” Ilno said, trying to fend off the man because he knew nothing would stop a man with such determination on his face except those words.

  Ciran stopped short, panting as though he’d run a marathon. He stared at Ilno for such a long time that the man began fidgeting where he stood. Finally relenting, Ciran turned until he was facing away from Ilno.

  “Get dressed,” he commanded.

  Although a bit peeved by the tone of Ciran’s voice, Ilno didn’t argue and went to the bed to pull on undergarment then the robe. He began buttoning the robe then working the sash with slightly shaky fingers.

  Ilno had no idea when Ciran had turned back around, but he saw the man’s feet close to his only moment before he felt the man pull his hands away from the sash of the robe. He looked up in surprise, staring at his mate, but the man wasn’t even looking at him. He was focused on snaking the sash around his waist to his back then tying it off artfully perfect in front of his stomach.

  When he was done, Ciran didn’t immediately step away. He left his hand on Ilno’s stomach then stared down into his mate’s face once more, and with a groan, unable to help himself, he took Ilno’s mouth in his in a brutal kiss. When Ilno would have wiggled away, Ciran held the man to his by the waist, unrelenting in his kiss as he sucked the other man’s lips into his. Ciran moved his hands until they were around Ilno’s back and drew the man further into his body, then moved the other hand up to rest against Ilno’s nape, positioning Ilno’s head for his devouring.

  Ilno had been expecting an inexperienced mate, especially after his and Radisq’s numerous jokes on the subject, but to have a more skilled lover than himself as a mate, he never saw that coming. Indeed, Ciran devoured him and coaxed him out until he lost his senses and succumbed to the mastery of the kiss.

  Ciran alternated between sucking on his upper lip then his lower lip, playing on his senses so that he became a pliant puddle at the other man’s feet. With one look at Ciran, no one would expect the man to be well versed in the act of lovemaking. He looked like a complete and total innocent, another way in which the man’s look was deceiving. Ilno was beginning to realize that all was not what it seemed when it came to his mate.

  Soon, Ciran was plunging his tongue into Ilno’s mouth, drawing his tongue out to play. Ilno moaned shamelessly, pushing into the kiss and giving as much as he was receiving. He held on to his mate for dear life, relishing in the pleasure the kiss gave him. That it was from his fated mate made all the difference and made it all the better.

  It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. As a Fae who had not yet found his fated mate previously, Ilno had indulged his sexual needs, first trying it out to see what it was all about then doing it for the pleasure and relief from stress that it brought him. Yet, he’d been careful not to indulge at all when it came the period for the mating call to hit. During that period, till the call suppressed and finally dissolved away, Ilno made sure to keep away from all sexual activities.

  It had been painful and sometimes made him melancholy, but he’d had to endure it so as not to bond to another who was not his fated mate. In fact, most Fae who were not lucky enough to find their fated mate early did this, and he was not an exception. But being in his mate’s arms like this was better than every other experience he’d had.

  Just as soon and unexpectedly as the kiss started, Ilno tore his mouth away from Ciran’s and pushed the other man away. The overwhelming pleasure the simple act had brought him coupled with thoughts that he only felt this way because it was his mate made him come down from the high faster than anything else. He saw the confusion in Ciran’s eyes and the question there, but he answered none of it, instead taking several steps away from his mate.

  They both stood panting, staring at each other with Ciran still in the clutches of lust. When the man took a step forward, Ilno took two backward, waving his hand in front of him once more.

  “Stop! Stop!” Ilno croaked out. Clearing his throat, he said more forcefully, “Don’t take another step forward Ciran.”

  Ciran stopped then stared at Ilno in confusion. He held Ilno’s gaze, saying nothing, but whatever he saw there brought him back to the reality. Heaving a sigh, he brushed a hand through his long white hair then turned, glancing around the room, an excuse to give them time to regain their equilibrium.

  Chapter Six

  “Why are you here?” Ilno asked again, doggedly persisting in Ciran stating his purpose and getting out of his room.

  Ciran turned to face Ilno once more, silently regarding him. “To apologize.” Ilno’s only response was a raised brow, and Ciran continued. “Defending myself from a supposed attack was no excuse to blithely disregard the fact that you’re my mate. I did not mean what I said earlier and I would like you to know that. I was not expecting to find you so soon, and that shocked me.”


  “I know my harsh words must have hurt, and so I would like to beg your forgiveness and it would please me if you allow me the chance to court you,” Ciran said, taking a step forward with one hand outstretched, waiting for Ilno’s response.

  Ilno glanced at the hand stretched out to him then Ciran. He felt his heart soften at the pleading look in his mate’s gaze. He took the time to appreciate his mate’s tall yet lean frame. Ciran was taller than him by a few inches, yet he managed to pull off an innocence one would feel compelled to take at face value. He came off as someone who could barely take care of himself, yet until he attacked, that illusion persisted.

  Ilno could appreciate the fact that his mate had been protecting himself and applauded the man for it, but to carelessly dismiss him and reject him that had hurt more. He was torn between accepting Ciran’s hand and maintaining his aloofness to keep the man away and his heart intact. Yet, he knew how being rejected had felt, and he didn’t want to do that to his mate.

  Staring at the hand still held toward him, Ilno hesitated, unsure how he should proceed, but when he saw the slight frown mar Ciran’s face and the man begin to lower his hand, Ilno instinctively reached for it, taking it in both of his hands and dropping it then firmly gripping it once more as he stuttered unintelligently.

  By the fate but he was a bubbling mess and indecisive, yet he was one who didn’t want to reject the mate who was supposed to be his soul mate.

  “Yes. Okay. All right,” Ilno said, staring at the man before him.

  The ear-splitting smile Ciran bestowed him with was enough to send his heart thumping once more.

  “Good. I’m glad,” Ciran said, squeezing Ilno’s hand in his. He glanced over at his shoulder to the door then back to Ilno. “I know I should let you get some rest, but I don’t wish to leave now. May I keep you company for a while?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Just company,
Ilno. Nothing more. At least not yet.”

  Shaking his head, Ilno gracefully conceded. “Fine. You can stay. But only until I fall asleep. The toil of the day is already taking its effect.”

  Ciran moved toward the bed, diving and settling into it. He regarded Ilno who stood uncertainly at the foot of the bed. Patting the space beside him, he said, “Come on, get in.”

  Shaking his head with a small smile playing on his lips, Ilno did as instructed. His mate was a bossy little shit, but he didn’t mind, much. He lay down beside the man who had taken it upon himself to commandeer his bed, squirming until he was comfortable.

  “I talked to my brothers and they told me who you were.” Ciran turned to face him, grinning then shrugged sheepishly. “Well, more like they chewed me out for my earlier behavior. I do assure you I’m not always such a bore.”

  Ilno laughed, nodding. “Well, I didn’t help matters much by laughing when you demanded to know why I’d sneaked up on you.”

  “No. You didn’t,” Ciran agreed. “You said your call’s in a week?”

  Ilno started at the sudden question then nodded. “Yes, it is. Why do you ask?”

  Ciran just shrugged and said, “Mine’s two months hence. It’s my two hundredth birthing year. And you?”

  “My three hundredth year. I’ve always wanted a quiet night in for that day. I tire of all these elaborated galas. A good thing I journeyed away before my parents made definite plans.”

  Ciran chuckled. “An only child?”

  “Yesss,” Ilno hissed then smiled indulgently at his mate. “Tell me about you. How is it that until today I never saw you? I only knew about you because your brothers all insisted there was a fourth brother,” Ilno asked, curious.

  “That much is not a surprise. Soon after my coming-out party, well, honestly, I wasn’t quite ready for a mate then. I’d always wanted to wander, a free spirit if you will. I wanted to explore, and once I did, I loved it and kept going back. I rarely ever come home, as I’m sure my brothers told you.” Ciran fingered the hem of Ilno’s sleeves, playing with it as he continued. “You should be able to understand me. After all, my brothers told me you’re the same.”

  Ilno chuckled. “They did, huh? Well, I can’t say I’m as extreme as you. I do love my home, and returning frequently is not such a chore.”

  “I never said it was a chore for me either,” Ciran said with a pout.

  “No? What is the longest time frame you’ve remained home?” Ilno challenged with raised brows.

  “Now. I’ve been home going on three weeks. I just haven’t been able to make myself leave,” Ciran said with a frown.

  “And why is that, do you think?”

  Ciran cocked his head to the side, contemplating the question. “I have no idea. I just haven’t felt the urge to leave yet. It’s a good thing too or I wouldn’t have met you,” Ciran said, dropping a kiss to the top of Ilno’s head and pulling back.

  Ilno sighed, pleased by his mate’s words. He moved closer to the man, closing the gap between the two of them until they were touching. “I’m glad I met you, too, Ciran. Despite our rocky meeting.”

  “Don’t remind me. Not my best moment, but hopefully, you won’t hold that against me,” Ciran murmured, his voice low.

  “Already forgotten it,” Ilno promised.

  They talked late into the night, amusing themselves with tales of their travels until Ilno finally fell asleep, curled around Ciran. Feeling too lazy to leave his mate or get up and walk the journey back to his own room, Ciran casually settled comfortably on the bed, pulling Ilno closer and falling asleep himself.

  * * * *

  Ilno sat at the great eating hall with Ciran next to him and Ciran’s parents and brothers around the table.

  “Once again, I must thank you for your hospitality,” Ilno said, nodding to the royal family before letting his attention wander to the servants as they placed the second course meal for the day on the table. He nodded his thanks when the servant putting his food down straightened up and moved away.

  Hodrax, the current king and father of the Earth princes, waved his hand, waving off the sentiment. “Do not mention it. I’m aware of the close friendship between you and my sons. It is never a bother to have you with us.”

  “What my husband said,” Cicitiana, the queen, said with an indulgent smile.

  The couple was well advanced in age but still every inch the beautiful and powerful family in the Earth Kingdom. With the queen’s blonde looks offsetting the king’s dark looks, they were a formidable match.

  Under the table, Ciran reached out and gently squeezed Ilno’s leg, and Ilno glanced at his mate with a small smile on the corner of his lips. The morning that they had both woken up in bed together had been unlike any either had ever had before. Ilno had been expecting some measure of awkwardness, but Ciran had only leaned in to give him a morning kiss before leaving the bed and exiting the room.

  With a prompt from Hodrax, they all dug into their food, shoving huge pieces into their mouths and maintaining a light banter throughout the meal.

  “When will you be leaving to fetch your intended groom, Galen?” Hodrax asked, leaning back into his chair and eyeing his eldest son.

  All eyes turned to Galen and the man sat, looking into his food, his hand tightening briefly on the spoon he held before he relaxed it so quickly the motion would have been a figment of one’s imagination if one did not know what to look for. Galen casually lifted the spoonful of food to his mouth, raising his eyes to meet his father’s across the table as he chewed slowly then swallowed without once breaking eye contact.

  He picked up his goblet of wine and washed the food he’d not tasted down his throat before responding. “When I’m good and ready, Father. Reminding me of it every day will not make me go any faster than when I’m ready to do so.”

  “Hodrax,” Cicitiana said, silently scolding her husband and letting him know to drop the subject.

  Sure enough, the other brothers were all looking elsewhere, unable to say anything lest they also be thrown into an arranged marriage like Galen had been promised away. Ciran was the only one to notice just how bitter Galen was on the subject. Not everyone waited for their fated mate and had to enter into arrange marriages, but he hated that his brother was going to have to suffer that kind of fate.

  Of them all, Galen was the one most deserving of his fated mate. The man was too responsible and completely stifled by it. He took his responsibilities to the crown and his brothers seriously, and he rarely ever let go. He was good to his people and his family, but he was also a hard man, hardened by the weight of the rigid training he’d endured.

  He needed love in his life. Someone to soften him up, but an arranged marriage to benefit and strengthen their borders preceded over his happiness. They all knew the sacrifices Galen was making, but Ciran didn’t approve of it and knew his opinion on the matter would do little to change it.

  It wasn’t uncommon to enter into arranged marriages, but Galen deserved more than that. Ciran felt as though his parents were cheating his brother out of a possible life of happiness even if it took a while to find that happiness.

  “Galen. You know what this marriage would mean for us. We cannot afford to delay matter much longer,” Hodrax said, pressing forward on his point.

  “Father…” Ciran began but stopped when Galen raised a hand to silence him.

  “My mind is made up, Father. I will go when I’m ready and not a moment sooner,” Galen said, his voice hard and his face expressionless as he stared off with Hodrax.

  Hodrax relented first, glancing down to stare at his queen’s hold on his arm before staring back at his firstborn son. “I will not press the issue for now. However, you must decide quickly for I must abdicate the throne soon.”

  Silence filled the room as everyone was taking by surprise, and a gasp broke the silence. All eyes turned to Kalen, who stared at their father in shock. “Abdicate?”

  Hodrax squeezed his wife’s hand and nodde
d, suddenly looking old and worn for the first time as he dropped his mask for his sons to really see him truly. “I have spoken with your mother and it is time. The kingdom needs new blood and a strong leader.”

  “But Father, you are a strong leader. No reason for you not to continue for a good while still,” Xiran said.

  “Yes. Your father could continue for a good while longer, but we do not prefer to do so for much longer. It is time, my sons,” Cicitiana said, backing up her husband.

  Hodrax sighed, examining all his sons, one after the other. “I am tired, son. I have ruled a long time now and given my all to the kingdom. It is past time for me to enjoy much simpler things with your mother.” He smiled at his queen then turned to face Galen. “We will begin preparations when you leave to fetch your groom, Galen.”

  “But Father…” Galen began but stopped at the look in his father’s eyes.

  “I am proud of you, son. I am also sure you’ll do much greater things than I. It is your turn to take over. Do not disappoint me.”

  Sighing, Galen nodded. “Upon my honor.”

  Satisfied by his son’s words, Hodrax nodded then smiled, motioning for the servants to top their goblets with more wine. “Let us move on to lighter subjects.” He turned to regard his youngest son, raising his glass and smiling heartily. “I understand congratulations are in order, son.”

  Ciran shook the mulish thoughts from his mind, his face heating up in a blush once he caught up to his father’s words before nodding. “Indeed. I have found my fated mate, Prince Ilno of the Water Kingdom.”

  “Hear, hear. Welcome to the family,” Hodrax said, saluting Ilno, and the rest of the family, after allowing the change of subject, raised their glasses, cheering for fated couple.

  Ciran studied his oldest brother even as he raised his own glass, unable to decipher Galen’s mood, but it seemed the man was also willing to drop the subject for now to join in his youngest brother’s celebratory news. Though not completely pleased, Ciran had no choice also than to put his worries at the back of his mind.


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