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Fight Page 6

by Doug Burbey

  "Well, sir," Declan began slowly knowing that his plan was likely to get him kicked off the team. "I'm not sure if the tactic is new or inventive. It's actually pretty old."

  A collective groan was audible in the room as the entire group prepared for another ass chewing from the general for not following his instructions.

  General Craig frowned but didn't explode. "Just get on with it."

  Declan pointed at the city model. "My thought is that the Russians were trying to refight the Battles of Tannenberg and Masurian Lakes just like they did in World War One when they should have been thinking about how the Germans fought those same battles."

  The general leaned forward towards the map. "Interesting. Go on Kenner."

  "Well sir, basically the demons appear from a portal and move in a horde. This got me thinking about WWI massed formation battles."

  "OK, I'm tracking that Major. But why would the Russians need to think like the Germans here?"

  "Well, sir, the Germans had the Russians encircled. The Russians had over five hundred pieces of artillery, hundreds of thousands of troops in prepared defensive positions and still fell to the Germans. The Germans used speed and concentrations of all their firepower into specific points instead of attacking at the whole of the defenses."

  "OK, now you're losing me, Kenner. The Russians were defending Moscow not attacking it."

  "No sir, that's where they went wrong. There should have been no defense of Moscow. The tactic they needed was pure aggressive offense with everything they had concentrated in one formation. No reserve. No maneuver. Straight attack into a prepared defender with everything you have all at once."

  "That's bullshit, Kenner! The demons were on the attack. Not the Russians. That's just a fact. You're twisting the facts around." Captain Howard Ginsberg interrupted and Declan could see, by the nods of his peer's heads, that he was losing the group.

  "Hold on, Howard. What's the one thing common in every raid of demon horde appearance?" Declan snapped back.

  "Uhhh, they appear through a portal of various sizes and immediately head towards the nearest population density and attack," Howard answered, a frown on his face.

  "So, if a portal appears in a city then, Ginsberg?"

  "You defend the city."

  "No. The city is lost already. Everyone in it must be considered dead the second a portal appears. Thinking any other way just kills the next city too. The horde is tied to the portal, so you must send everything you have to crush it back to the only choke point that is fixed and get the horde to the point you can pinpoint all your firepower into that single location. After that, you have to keep hammering that portal focal point until there are no more demons coming out."

  "But you have to defend your cities. That's the damn demon's apparent objective, Kenner! Are you saying we let the demons just win? Are you fucking retarded?"

  "At ease!" General Craig shouted, silencing the group instantly. "Kenner, you know the historical reference you are using resulted in hundreds of thousands dead or captured right? Your thoughts on World War One as a tactical reference have merit when thinking about the hordes but what would be the point in just letting a horde destroy a city while we orient and concentrate all our resources?"

  "Sir, I think I missed clarifying my point. We don't let the hordes destroy the cities. Essentially, we do it. Or at least we just can't care about what happens to the city. The only thing we can do is smash straight into the hordes. If the portal is in a city, then the city is just something that is in the way."

  "What the fuck, Kenner?!" Captain Ginsberg's face flushed with rage and started to push himself towards the small group towards Declan as the general slowly raised his hand as if to ask a question and the group settled down.

  "Sir? Do you have a question?" Declan asked, with a confused look on his face. Generals didn't raise their hand to ask a question of a major. They were allowed to interrupt whomever the hell they felt like.

  "Major Kenner. I must admit I'm slightly confused. Cities are full of people. That's kinda what makes them cities. But I'm interested in you expanding on this. So, two questions. First is this. You are aware your tactical suggestion would possibly result in our own forces killing just as many humans as the demons? Secondly, you are aware our purpose in being here is to save the lives of humans, right?"

  This is where I get kicked out.

  "Sir, to the first question. Yes. I expect we will be killing thousands, if not tens of thousands of our own civilians and our troops will suffer near total losses to accomplish their mission." His heart seized even as he said the words, not letting any emotions leak out.

  The general paused for a moment. "I'll ask you again, Major. Is it not the mission of every military member of every nation on the planet to protect the lives of their people?"

  "No, sir. Not anymore. To win this war the military can only have one mission. That mission is to kill as many demons as fast as we can until they run out of hordes to throw at us. The only goal, of every soldier, needs to be to just kill demons until they are killed themselves. No matter the consequences to what, or who is in the way. After that… well, then it's the mission of humanity to survive in what is left of the world."

  Chapter 10

  Breakfast – 0630 November 30th, 2014, Fort Bliss Texas

  "I heard General Craig called you retarded."

  "What?" Declan looked up from his breakfast as Shane sat his tray down on the table across from him in the dining facility.

  "Yeah, word on the street in your innovative tactics brief was so fucked up that the general called you retarded."

  "Naw, that was Ginsberg." Declan pushed the last of his creamed beef on toast around his plate. "The general didn't say anything. He just dismissed the group and walked out. We have to be back at 0800 today for his new assignments brief."

  Shane began to circle his finger over his cup, with a wolf-like grin on his face, as Declan saw the coffee in the cup begin to swirl and steam. "Ginsberg is a douche. Forget him. So? What was your innovative tactics proposal that has earned you the label of, and I quote, 'Declan is a fucking psychopath that needs to be committed to a mental hospital for electroshock therapy.'?"

  "Wonderful. That's just what I needed to hear today. Who shared what was being said in class?" Declan grumbled as he stabbed at his food.

  "Oh, I don't kiss and tell. But remember I still love you anyway. Even if you are now a social leper and apparently a psycho ta boot. But hey, things are moving along fast that's for sure. The next group of demon fighting warriors in training are supposed to arrive this weekend."

  "That's good, I guess. Although I'm not sure where we're going to next? You heard anything on that yet Shane?"

  "Nope. Unless something big happens, my guess is that we'll be here awhile. But that a plus for you."

  "How's that?"

  "Janice was asking me about you. She claims that the magic is making her super umm…. promiscuous feeling. Then she said you knew how to push her buttons properly. I'm paraphrasing a tad. But you get the point."

  "Yeah, no way Shane." Declan fought down a shudder at the idea.

  "Why not? She's cute, available and has the mental malfunction of finding you sexually attractive."

  "She's not who she used to be."

  "Come off it, Declan. You still harping on that 'magic changes you' shit?" Shane rolled his eyes and picked up his coffee.

  Declan stood up and lifted his tray off the table turning to leave. "It does. It's changed you as well, brother."

  "That's bullshit." It was the last thing Shane said as Declan turned his back and walked out of the dining hall.

  The walk to the CALL location didn't give him enough time to quit fuming over Shane's obtuseness.

  Stupid idiot. He can't see what he is becoming? How the hell do I save him from magic? Declan found a place in the room, everyone quiet and serious. And it felt like it matched his mood.

  "As you were. Sit down." General Craig stated as he e
ntered the room allowing the group, which had been standing at attention when he came in, to grab their seats.

  It looks like he didn't get any sleep at all last night.

  Declan opened his notebook ready to copy down any new assignment details.

  "I delivered our innovative tactics ideas to the Secretary of Defense and his DARPA think tank team last night. They concurred with our approach to winning the war. This morning I briefed the military tactics modification to the President."

  Shit, I hope it wasn't Howard's.

  Howard's plan involved turning over the war effort to the air force who would use the army units as bait to draw the hordes into some preplanned aerial bombardment ambush areas away from their portals.

  Why the hell would anyone assume the demons would ignore all the other humans to chase just the humans in an army uniform? And he called me retarded.

  General Craig continued. "The new tactic was approved by the DoD and Executive Branch. As well as the formation of a new unit that will be responsible for acting as a second command authority for all units engaging the demons. Each unit member will be tasked to ensure the new tactics are appropriately applied."

  I knew it. Fuck. We're gonna be bait. But why would we need a second command authority for that?

  "This new unit is designated the Special Skills Attack Unit. This group will act as the tactical command authority over whatever unit you are assigned to. You'll be paired with battlemages and will develop the tactics for incorporating magical assets into the fight, on the fly, in combat. You will then report back the results of the new tactics to the SSAU for dissemination to all commands. As an SSAU element, you will augment the local command forces during engagements and planning."

  Sergeant First Class Stephanie Baxter raised her hand stopping the General. "Sir, are you saying that I will be commanding a battalion or a brigade? That is, no offense sir, but that's officer shit."

  "Good question, sergeant. But no, all units will have their own organic commanders who have full authority over their troops to execute the appropriate tactics. But you will have veto and override authority over their command if they're not doing what needs to be done. The SSAU is there to make sure things get done."

  "So what tactic did the president choose that would require unit outsiders there ensuring the enforcement of sir?" Declan asked, not sure he really wanted to know.

  General Craig turned his head and looked directly at Declan. "You all heard it explained yesterday. The only goal, of every soldier, needs to be to kill demons until they are killed themselves. No matter the consequences to what, or who is in the way."

  The entire room felt like a tomb as Declan responded to the General. "The troops won't want to do it willingly, and neither will their commanders. Did the President really understand that part, sir?"

  "Yes. The President understood it. He wants us to make sure the SSAU is there to ensure that reluctant commanders, reluctant soldiers, kill demons, no matter the consequences. Congratulations Lieutenant Colonel Kenner. You just got a promotion." The entire class sat silently in a state of shock at the unexpected announcement by the General.

  "What?! I'm not due for a promotion for at least three more years." Declan blurted out and stared at the horror-struck faces of the rest of the group staring back at him.

  General Craig walked slowly over to Declan's desk and reached into his pocket. He pulled out two new Lieutenant Colonel rank insignias and placed them on the desk in front of him. "The Garrison command will set up a formal promotion ceremony when they get a chance colonel, but your promotion is effective immediately. You're now responsible for this small group with three tasks. One, create a document to concisely explain how our new military doctrine is executed. No more than two fucking pages. Have it done in the next eight hours and the President will sign it into an Executive order directing the Department of Defense to implement it, along with stated consequences for non-compliance. Once he signs it, he plans on sending copies of it to the rest of the world leaders, so they understand our intent on how we plan to fight the demons. Two, pick a member of this group to stay here and continue as the next group leader to train up the next group to start filling in the SSAU rosters. Get that done by noon tomorrow. Three, be ready to leave in 72 hours. You'll be the first SSAU commander."

  Still in shock, Declan stared at the rank on the desk and asked a question he hoped he wouldn't regret. "Sir, you mentioned we would be paired with mages. Any chance I could pick mine?"

  "I think as the first SSAU commander in the United States Army that's a reasonable request. I'm assuming you want to have your buddy Gris attached to your area of responsibility? I'll make that happens today before I leave."

  Declan nodded. "Yes, thank you. And… 'leave' sir? Where are they sending you to?"

  General Craig sat back on the edge of the desk at the front of the class. "The President approved my request for retirement. I presented it to him immediately following his decision on the war tactic. Tomorrow morning, I will be a civilian. I'm thinking of finding a nice little lake house deep in the mountains somewhere and finally spending some time getting to know my wife again."

  Master Sergeant Burnside was the first to ask the question that was on Declan's mind. "Sir, why now? Why retire, when you are clearly the soldier to lead the SSAU?"

  General Craig closed his eyes, sighed, and then looked up at the group. "Because ladies and gentlemen I would rather be shot in the head before having to tell my soldiers to do what each of you will have to make sure that they do from now on. I'm not strong enough for what needs to be done to make this work. I can only pray that at least some of you are. Lieutenant Colonel Kenner, you are now in charge. Good luck and may God have mercy on all of your souls."

  Nobody said a word as the general abruptly turned and left the room. Declan noted that it was more than fifteen minutes before anyone in the room moved, or even spoke.

  Chapter 11

  Laws of War, No More – December 1, 2014

  On Lieutenant Colonel Declan Kenner's first day of command, he watched in horror after a portal appeared outside of Minneapolis. This signaled the first large-scale horde incursion into the United States. He was unable to do a damn thing besides watch remotely from the Fort Bliss Texas Operations Center as the evacuation procedures for the city over thirteen hundred miles away kicked in. The populous knew as well as he did, that if they stayed in the city they would die. The military began their counterattack on the horde. The United States Air Force responded first, launching a massive aerial attack on the demonic blood harvesters that appeared out of the portal behind the demon horde. The military tacticians and scientists watching the attack through camera and satellite images noted that the demon portals and flying objects, or electronics of any kind, didn't mix.

  Frustrated at his inability to help in any way, Declan waited with the rest of the world as the Air Force scrambled hundreds of aircraft from bases in the Midwest. He followed the progress of the Canadian forces that came to the aid of the Americans by sending their own troops and planes into combat on American soil. As the planes approached within three miles of the portal, avionics went dead, all electronics failed, and the planes fell from the sky. Missiles fired at the portal experienced the same fate. Declan was impressed how one insane helicopter pilot figured out that if they stayed within twenty feet from the ground all equipment worked, letting them use machine guns and rockets on the demons. But he assumed that only a few pilots could pull that off while not ending up killing more of their own people than demons. He filed that tactic away in his mind for possible later use.

  The entire operations center sat helplessly as the horde rolled through Minneapolis. Declan saw how the civilian population could not evacuate as fast as the horde moved. This reaffirmed his theory on how the city will be lost no matter what. Yet, the civilians fought back against the onslaught even as the military pushed at the horde trying to attack it straight on. He saw the city burn, through high altitude unmanned
aerial vehicle live video feeds, as the demons overran and eviscerated its weak defenders then descended on the panic civilians still trying to flee the city as the military poured in to take on the demons. Declan had his team taking notes on how the newly prescribed, but controversial, American military tactics proved a bit more effective, but the military had only just started training their own force of novice mages. The SSAU had embraced the new-found human ability to leverage magic, while moving heaven and earth to gather every bit of lore ever written on the subject then put it to use. But the human battlemages were still too few and not ready. Declan had to change that, fast.

  Declan could only spectate while the human army ran straight into a blender of claws, spikes and demonic steel. The soldiers were being turned into a pulp of bone and flesh faster than they could bring in reinforcements and more heavy weapons. The ground of the city had become covered in a mist of blood and Declan could see from his bird's eye view how it strangely swirled and flowed between the buildings like rivers of crimson life ripped from the bodies of the doomed defenders. Minneapolis was lost, and it had become clear that anyone near the city was dead or were presumed to be dead within the hour. The horde could not be stopped.

  The entire operations center was stunned when a decision was then made by the President on national television to use a nuclear weapon on an American city for the first time in history. America would now kill its own civilians and soldiers in the hope of destroying the invaders. The problem became how to deliver it, as it was determined that even ICBMs would simply become an unguided kinetic weapon near a portal that would be traveling fast enough to do the level of damage needed. Declan read the order as it crossed the battle command systems. The army was tasked to drive a tactical low yield nuke, loaded onto a ground vehicle, directly to the portal. Luckily Declan's unit was a thousand miles away from the doomed city and in no position to volunteer anyone for the suicide mission.


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