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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

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by Robert Segulin

  My mother without a smile got up from her chair and walked over to me and knelt down in front of me, she took both of my hands in hers and said, “Terri I love you so much and only want the best for you. I did hope that you, becoming a school teacher was what you wanted, but I think that it was more of what I did. I should have known with your brother and uncle type of lives, you would continue in their footsteps. I know that you will be a great agent but promise me that you will not take chances that you shouldn’t and always stay safe, if possible.”

  I held onto my mothers’ hands so tightly, and tears started to roll down my cheeks. I tried to talk but couldn’t at that moment. Then Jenny broke the moment of tears, with her saying, “remember one thing Josie, I am going to have your grand baby and will be out of the inner team for some time. I know that Charlie will do what he can to have Terri come into the inner sanctum, as they say. If not, I agree with Terri on her skills. She has become the best of the best. Yes, a lot has to do with her watching and listening to her brother and uncle, plus many others that she encountered over the years from Charlie’s and Uncle Rick’s units. But she sprang to the top of her field because of her being a teacher, for as short of a time that it was. She knows so much of world history and the different cultures that she may be involved in when sent for a mission. Terri is quick witted and an excellent marksman. Not that you want to know that part, but with her skills in self-defense, shooting, being a thinker before a doer, she will survive and with the help of her team, hopefully for a very long time.”

  Josie then said, “I agree with what you have said Jenny, but the last few words is what I am worried about, you said hopefully, when you talked about her being safe.”

  Then Uncle Rick came to the rescue and said, “ok, all of you gloom and doom people, I thought that this was to be a reunion of sorts with Terri finally coming home for a visit and the great news of Charlie and Jenny having a baby. So, let us have a drink and toast that, then eat. I am hungry.”

  I then said with a smile now, “uncle Rick you are always hungry. How do you stay so thin? Your wife must give you a big batch of honey do lists, right.”

  Everyone laughed, and we had a drink and something to eat. I looked around the room and saw that my uncle was in a deep conversation with my new step dad, Ron. I could only imagine what was being said. My mother and Jen smiling and hugging, I know why to. My mother will have her first grand child and now thinks that me having one soon is totally off.

  I sat back and took in all my family and thought that how long before I am here again with them and even with Charlie and uncle Ricks wife, and kids.

  With that thought I then dozed off and all the others went into the kitchen to eat and talk, so not to disturb my rest. Which I needed and that they also knew that I needed it to.

  Chapter 8

  One week after I left my mothers home I still was waiting for an assignment from the higher ups. I feel that one of those up top, my brother Charlie for one, are having me push paper instead of going out into the field. I have a feeling that my mother has more pull in my assignments than the Generals.

  The whole time that I was sitting at a desk putting papers from one pile to the other, I would see my old team members getting ready to go out on assignment or come back from one. I was afraid to ask hem how things are going well knowing that it would seem as if I was upset with my duties that I have been assigned to.

  Every so often a team mate would stop by the desk and ask how I am doing, but that only made be more furious inside at what I have been chosen to do for work lately. I would always be pleasant to who ever would stop by, but I know that they knew I was not a happy camper.

  I began to stare up at the ceiling thinking of what may be happening around the world today and I am missing it.

  As I was counting the ceiling tiles again, I heard a voice coming from the other side of the room. “Hey! Want to go on assignment tomorrow?” I almost twisted my neck when I heard those words spoken to me. I looked up and it was Charlie, smiling away.

  He gave a chuckle and said, “well I feel that you have suffered enough, and mom will be happy that I did what she wanted me to do and that is take you out of the field. She didn’t however say for how long.”

  I jumped up and almost gave him a hug, but then realized that would not be proper. I gave him a smirk and said, “so, commander, that lady sure does have some pull around here. When I am out in the field what are you going to say to her for an excuse?”

  Charlie said, “leave that up to me, but you will not be deep in the field yet. I have a few easy ones that will take a little time to accomplish, but I know that you will at least feel free from that desk. Follow me back into my office and let me tell you what I have for you.”

  Chapter 9

  Such a beautiful day to sit on a bench in a park in Washington D.C. I have been instructed to follow a Russian Diplomat around town, and to make sure that I am caught doing it. I am not to sure why this assignment is so important especially since I am to be seen by this person. Oh well something must be important for me to do this. I at least am relaxing in the sunshine watching not only my mark, but also all of those who are taking advantage of this day in the park.

  My person of interest got up from his bench and started to walk slowly away from me. I know that he is testing me if I am going to continue to follow him.

  Just as I got up my phone rung and it was Charlie. I was pleasant with him even though he gave me this assignment.

  “Hello sir, do you need an update on how many pigeons that I feed today?” Then I knew that was not right and then said, “Sorry sir a bit bored.”

  Charlie then responded with, “well Terri you did a great job today with the assignment I gave you, because of you making sure that you are watched by others, that you were following this man, the real assignment came over to our side just now. You were a decoy so that the real person would not be thought of the one who is defecting to our country. But now you have to finish the assignment by walking up to the man that you have been watching today and talk to him.”

  I was confused at what he just said and responded with, “you want me to go to this person and talk to him about what?”

  Charlie answered me with, “since no one knows who you are and so that we keep your identity secret, you will act as if you remember him from gymnastics twenty years ago. He resembles the Russian coach that took many to gold in the Olympics. You will be a star struck American girl who did gymnastics years ago and wanted to meet him but was shy to do it. Got it? Then get back to me, we have another assignment for you, it is not far from your present location, so after you finish with the man, call and I will tell you what it is.”

  I hung up and slowly walked over to the man that I have followed today and as I approached him, he turned and said, “so my dear what government agency do you work for?”

  Now I understood why Charlie came up with that story. I stumbled with my words trying to seem that I was shy then said, “I am sorry sir, but I just wanted to say hello to you. I have followed your career instructing the Russian gymnastic team years ago. I was a gymnast and admired your way of training.”

  Just then the man laughed and gave me gentle look before he said anything to me.

  Madam, I am very appreciative that you think that I am the great gymnastic coach that you think I am. I have been told that I look a bit like him, but sorry, I am not him. But I will tell him of having a young American gymnastic admirer, when I return home to Russia.”

  I lowered my head as if I was embarrassed and apologized to him and thanked him for entertaining a girl who now sees that she has made a great big mistake. “But if you would tell him that he still is admired in the gymnastic world I would appreciate it.”

  We shook hands and parted. I am safe again. Charlie was right if I didn’t do this now, I would be added to a list of those to watch in the future, a secret agent. I now walked away but waited to call Charlie until I was out of site of the Russian Diplomat.
  Chapter 10

  A text message showed up on my phone and it was Charlie. It said, “Lincoln memorial, text me when there and I will give instructions of new assignment”.

  Even for me a bit cloak and dagger type of stuff. But what can I do, until Charlie gives me a real job that is not only intriguing but fun, and possibly a little dangerous.

  I gave him a text that I was close, and then my phone rang, and it was Charlie. “Terri, go to that food cart and get a lemonade with two straws. Go and sit on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and put the drink on your right side. After you get there give a text. A man will stop by you and act as if he is taking pictures of the statue. Do not talk or make any eye contact with him. He will then come up to you and ask if you would take a picture of him in front of the memorial. As you get up, he will help you and at the same time put an envelope into your pocket. After that come straight into the office and then the job is done. Got it?”

  I answered back with a yes, then we both hung up.

  I stopped by the food cart to get my lemonade and as I waited for the man to get it for me, I smelled the hot dogs and they did smell great. But Charlie said only the drink, so I will have to wait to have lunch later.

  I walked up to the memorial and even to this day I get a thrill from standing in front of not only the huge statue but also the great man that is sitting on a chair. I cannot believe how small I am in comparison to this man who did so much for our country, and its’ people. He cared about all and what did he get in return, a person or group who only cared for power, that which they were losing because of what he has doing to bring this country together.

  I sat down and gave Charlie a text. I waited for about fifteen minutes and then an Oriental looking man came in front of me and started to take pictures of the monument.

  I just sat still and waited for him to ask me to take his picture. As I waited, he started to make his way to me. He was two steps away and just to my right when I saw it. A gun, a man was at the bottom of the steps and pulled out what looked like a 9mm with a silencer on it. He was pointing it the man that I was to meet and without waiting I yelled at him to duck down. I also let him know that a man was pointing a gun at him. Just then a snap of the gun was barely heard by me, and I know not by any others.

  The man turned towards the shooter and when he did, the shots went right into him. I could see by the blood spots that he hit him with three direct shots. The man then stumbled and as he did, came fell into my lap. When he did at the same time, he put an envelope inside of my blouse. I didn’t flinch at that but at what just happened.

  I know that what he gave me was what I was to obtain from him in a much calmer way, not in a shootout. Why does that happen to me, a normal drop turns into a murder scene and a gun battle. I do mean a battle because right after the man fell on me and put the envelope into my blouse, I spun away from him behind a pillar. As I waited a second to see what this person was going to do next, I found out and it was not in my best interest to just sit still. I tried to gaze around the pillar but as I did a shot ricocheted off the pillar a foot above my head.

  I then took my small hand bag and had it show about two feet above me, just a little showing as if by accident. As I did that, he took a shot. And after he did, I was as low as I could go and still reach up and looked around the pillar and took my shot. Mine was better than his. I didn’t want to kill him but injure him enough to be able to interrogate him later back at the office.

  A direct hit in the knee. With that he dropped his gun and that is when I got up to check the man that was shot. He was dead, but I did get what I came for. I looked around and people started to come around and take pictures. I stood behind the pillar out of site and then the Police showed up and I just tried to sneak away. But not soon enough, because an officer stopped me and told me not to move and to drop my gun, the one that I still had out after shooting the original shooter.

  I turned it in my hand and then lowered it to the cement. After I came back up the officer came around my back in order to hand cuff me. I stopped him and told him to call a number. He looked at me with bewilderment but did just that. As he dialed the number, I told him that I needed to stay away from any cameras or news media. This time he nodded, because I feel he now got the jest of who I am.

  When he said hello to who answered the phone, all he said was, yes sir, I understand sir, and then he hung up. He looked at me and said come with me I will see to it that no photos or media interviews happen. I gave him a smile and he said to me, “how does such a little, beautiful women become a bad ass killer like yourself?”

  I responded with, “first I am not that little, but I thank you for the beautiful comment. I am just following my family trees way of life.”

  I gave him a wink and said, “thanks” then we left together around the monument to stay away from the crowd that just formed.

  As we went around back, a Medical Vehicle pulled up and first took the dead man and put him inside then the one that I shot. It was fast and with a truck that had no real signage on it only medical unit. So, I guess Charlie worked quick so that the real paramedics would not get these two first.

  The officer looked at me and said, “miss, you have blood on your blouse, I suggest that you zip up that hoody, so no one sees it.”

  I thanked him and zipped it up then made my way to my vehicle all the time being followed by the officer. I turned and let him know that I will be ok and that he could go back to his duties that he was doing before my little skirmish during my so-called easy mission.

  He said, “sorry, but my orders are making sure that you get to your car then inside before I start to leave, and to watch you drive off before I return back to my duties.”

  I shook my head at what he just said and know where his orders came from, my brother Charlie. Oh well at least I am not behind a desk still.

  I entered the building where headquarters was at and made my way up the elevator to Charlies floor and got out. As I looked around, I noticed that the place was a bit chaotic. Not that it isn’t at times but now I guess because I am around more, I see more. Charlie came out of his office and waved me in. I entered his office, well that is what it is called, but it really looks like a giant computer room. Monitors, computers, maps and such all over and one small desk in the corner. That was his desk.

  I smiled and opened my hoody, then reached in my bloody blouse and took out the envelope that man stuffed inside. As I did, I noticed Charlie sit up a bit then said, “are you alright, I mean the blood.”

  I told him that it wasn’t mine but the man that gave me the envelope.

  He sat back and reached for the item that caused one man to be dead, another seriously injured with a gun shot to his knee. And me a little shook up but not anything serious except ruining a new blouse.

  I asked Charlie what was so important that a man is dead and another wounded. I could have killed him, but I decided that he may be of use in who hired him to shoot that man.”

  Charlie opened the envelope and took out some papers and read them quickly. Then said, “these papers hold all the locations of North Koreas Nucellar sites and missile launch pads. You did a good job Terri.”

  Chapter 11

  After the last assignment, I decided to take an easy one by going to Vermont up by the Canadian border to pick up an old friend of mine. He was with me in training and we became good friends. Really good ones, we were not because of feelings, because that just may get you killed someday. Charlie was the one who is sending me because he said that I did a great job on the last one, then take a for real, this time easy one. Going up to Vermont and driving Ken back from his mission in Canada was like a vacation more than a mission. Well it just may turn into a drinking and getting caught up mission.

  He crossed the border where I am picking him up because he was to be a vagabond who was traveling through the Canadian Rockies and that he was not driving or flying. His mission is a secret, but I am sure I may get a bit of what it was
after a few drinks in him.

  I am packed, car gassed up and now ready to start my new assignment. Oh, what fun this one will be, I do hope.

  This trip should be around 10 hours to just north of Swanton Vt. From Arlington Va. Where I reside. I should fly up to Burlington and rent a car to go the rest of the way, but I like my car. Comfortable and a real nice ride with loads of equipment, like bullet proof vest, shot gun, AR-15 semi auto, extra magazines for that and my two extra 9mm that I also have for that special moment, a M-203 grenade launcher, and few assorted knives and what my uncle Bob loved, Flash Bang Grenades. He loved them when they went bang and a flash, that gave that old man an instant longer to get his prey. When my Uncle Rick and him, were under siege in Ohio and St Louis, he wanted those over regular ones.

  So packed and armed, now I go. I know that I will probably stop half way to rest and continue after that. I am doing the drive all at once except for a few breaks along the way.

  Driving for about ¾’s the way there, I decided to take another stop just inside of Vermont, on a two-lane country road. I pulled just off to the side which gave both lanes more than enough to pass me. But I was not resting very long when a State Trooper pulled up behind me and I could see that he was checking out my plate. I know that what it says is that it is registered to a dummy corporation and that I have documents to prove that I am an employee of that company. So, I will wait and see what other questions that this trooper may want answered.


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