The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1) Page 14

by Robert Segulin

  Then with her home-made knife in her hand behind her back she swung her arm around and trusted it into his throat. And as she did, she just kept the smile on her face and said, “now this is so much better than sex, isn’t it?”

  As she did that, I came up quickly and put my hand over his mouth so that he could not yell out for others. When I did that, I noticed that he had a knife in his belt just under his shirt.

  I took it out and with anger in my heart, I stabbed him in the side of his chest, just under his rib cage towards his lungs. Between the one in his throat and now the one that I put in his chest he started to fall to the floor. When he was falling, both of us grabbed one arm so that he would drop to the floor slowly and that way there would be no sound of him hitting the floor.

  I looked at Laurie and she just said, “sorry, Terri, I could not take another word from him. I know we were going to wait until most of the people leave tomorrow, but again, I am sorry.”

  I gave her a consoling look and said, “don’t worry, if you didn’t, I was about to do what you did. I know the timing may be wrong but now we cannot worry of what will come, we have to make it happen ourselves and hope for the best out come today.”

  She gave me a smile and a nod then said, “well, no time like the present, let’s get going so we can get out of here. And if we meet others on the way, so be it. Either they die today, or we do.”

  Chapter 41

  While Laurie and I was about to start our adventure together, out side six teams were in the process of surrounding this area. They were not sure of the exact building that we might be in, and if we are even still in this area at all.

  Charlie and Jenny were organizing the different units to different locations around the building that they hoped we were in.

  Charlie put one sharp shooter out front in a location that had the best view of the front door and one of the side doors. In back up high in a high rise he had a military sniper, one that could make a shot at a mile and not miss. The one in back being up high had an advantage of being able to take a shot at three sides of the building. The one in front, if anyone would try to retreat inside and go out any other door, the sniper would take his shot.

  So, with the building in question completely covered by these men and women. It was only a matter of time before they struck.

  The General felt that they should wait for an hour and if nothing happens, or no one seems to be leaving or coming, they then will slowly make the approach to enter the building.

  But what they weren’t anticipating was that inside the building that they now have completely covered, Laurie and I were in the process of making our escape.

  Once we get out, that is if we get out, both the units and Laurie and I will be surprised at what just happened. That we escaped or that they found us and was about to save us.

  Soon we all will know.

  Chapter 42

  I cautiously looked out the door to see if he had anyone watching the door when he went in. And with luck I didn’t see anyone else.

  We slowly stepped out into another room and as we did, I saw that our friend had left his weapons outside the door. Must have done that so we wouldn’t have any chance of trying to get at least one gun from him and use that same one on him. Smart for a fool that he was.

  I picked up his 9mm and Laurie took the AK-47 rifle. She smiled and said, “good choice Terri, you always were the better shot at the academy, so I will use the one that I can’t miss anyone with.”

  We both gave a silent chuckle and made our way to the door across the room. We went there first because we heard voices and we needed to see not only who was in that room, how many, but what were they saying. Could they have heard us or just talking of what their plans are for the next day, either way, that room first.

  When we were right outside of the door I stopped and gave Laurie a sick look. What I heard coming from that room made me sick, I heard that accent before, not the voice itself but the Russian accent.

  Laurie heard what I did and motioned for me to not rush in, just yet. She then quietly said, “Terri I heard it also. Don’t do anything stupid. Let’s listen for a moment and try to hear what they are up to.”

  I nodded in agreement, so we listened to the men in the room talk. One I knew by the voice was Carlos, the Russian I wasn’t sure yet. I heard Middle Eastern and Oriental, plus other accents.

  What I thought was that this place that we were held in was the main meeting place for the new crime organization.

  As we were listening to the conversation in the room, Rosa came crawling up to us and said, “I knew you two were going to escape here, I want to go too. Please!”

  I held up my finger to my lips, so she would lower her voice. The one thing that we don’t need now is them surprising us instead of us them. They have the fire power and many men, but with our combined talent and the element of surprise, we stand a slightly than better chance on getting out.

  I then said to Rosa, “go into that closet over there. When we get out either one of us will come back for you or we will send someone. And remember that only come out if it is us or someone we send, they will say that Terri or Laurie sent them. Those words will be what you need to hear so that you can then come out, OK?”

  Rosa nodded with a yes and rapidly started to crawl over to the door of the closet. When just about to go in, she said, “please don’t forget me!”

  We both then nodded, and I gave a thumb up. And turned back to listening to those that were in that room.

  When Rosa was closing the door to her hiding place, the door must have stuck and when she pulled harder to close it, it gave out a loud clunk. Inside the room became silent and Carlos said, “who is out there?”

  Then a few of his men could be seen coming to the door. I couldn’t make out who they were or even how many, because of the frosted glass on the door and windows.

  I knew that it was only going to be a few seconds before these people open the door and see us, so I whispered to Laurie, “on three I will break the glass on the door, that should give me a second to stand and take out as many as I can before they shoot back. You then break the window and show them what an angry woman can do with an AK-47.”

  We both smiled and took a deep breath then I smashed the door glass with the 9mm and as it broke, I stood up and took out three that were in front of me. Laurie then stood and broke the window and unloaded a 30-round magazine into the room. She didn’t care if she hit anyone just that there would be noise and gun fire and that would take any shots that would be directed at me towards herself and give me a second chance to take out more of those who not only held us captive but want to control America along with the rest of the world.

  One, two, three, then all hell broke loose.

  As I was shooting at the men in the room, I saw that Carlos was leaving through a door on the other side of the room. Then I saw the Russian man, he was tall and looked so familiar to me. I then realized who he was, it was Mikhail’s father himself.

  He was the one who had us taken, it must have been for leverage of his son so that he would do what his father wanted or maybe that the father wanted to rule more than just Russia and did this whole thing with Laurie and I, so he could.

  I was just about to take a shot at him when I decided that if I can, I will try to capture him, so he could be questioned. That is if I can by myself. Even with Laurie helping, it will be nearly impossible trying capture a former KGB Agent, that is as good if not better trained than us.

  After the shooting stopped, the room was empty of any living people. Laurie and I slowly went in and tried to see who may still be alive to question on how many more we are going to face on our way out.

  But no luck with that idea because between my direct hits and Laurie spraying the room with bullets, none were alive. A total of eight were lying dead on the floor of that room.

  Now we must move fast because the entire building is now ready for two women with guns doing their best to escape.

/>   When we reach the door on the other side of the room, the one that Carlos and Alexander Petrov went through, we stopped and tried to listen if we could hear anyone on the other side of the door or any noise of any type, like men running away, or towards us.

  Chapter 43

  While we were contemplating our next move, outside the building was becoming a war zone. After Charlie heard shots being fired, he knew the only ones that would be doing it, were either the criminals shooting their captives and traitors, or Laurie and I were escaping. Charlie hoped and that it was Laurie and me escaping.

  Charlie after hearing the shots ordered the units to converge on the building. As they did, they found that coming out of the building was about a hundred or more men all with guns and all firing in an uncontrolled motion, as they attempted to get away.

  Out front the sharp shooter did his job and neutralized at least six leaving the building. As they were making their exit, they started to fire upon the one unit directly in front of the building. That was the shooters clue to go.

  Nothing from the rear as no one made an exit out the back, just yet.

  The General ordered a helicopter with twelve Navy Seals to descend on the roof and work their way down.

  Now only on the outside with both sides and the front a bloody battle ensued. The new syndicates army was being depleted with every step they made out from their hide out.

  Jenny was in an armored van flying mini drones over the building. She would than give instructions to those on the ground of what direction they were coming, and how many of the enemy there were.

  Little did they know that the whole time that they were pushing the criminals back inside the building the harder that it was becoming for us to get out.

  While the battle dragged on at the bottom and now on the roof, we started our own war to get out.

  Chapter 44

  With Rosa safe in her hiding place, Laurie and I made our way down a hallway that seemed to lead to the exit. How did we know that it did, because the sign on the ceiling said exit!

  We moved slow as to not make any mistakes and miss an enemy that wants to kill us just as bad as we want to kill them.

  I went first because I had the pistol and it was easier to maneuver around the corners. Laurie had my back and I had hers. Once we were at the end of one hall, I stopped a second and turned to tell Laurie that after I make the bend for her to then go.

  But when I turned, I saw a terrorist one raising his rifle to shoot Laurie. I screamed for her to turn to see, but he already shot her in the shoulder. I returned fire and I didn’t miss, right in the forehead.

  Laurie with a smirk said, “nice shot partner, now help me get up. I feel that the bullet went right through my shoulder so make me a sling for my arm with the shirt of the guy who shot me.”

  Then when I was going to her, behind me was another. Laurie yelled to me, “behind you!”

  I turned to confront him because Laurie was in a bad spot to try and shot him. I then raised my arm with my pistol and as I did, he knocked the gun out of my hand. Now I knew this guy wasn’t your typical paid employee.

  I then pulled out the knife that I took from the first guy and we stood straight in front of each other. Then he pulled his knife. Now we fought.

  He was very good at knife fighting but what he didn’t have was the determination to live that I have. So, not being able to circle each other as you would think that we would, so we could study each other’s moves to make a defense or offense of our body language.

  I took a few swipes at him to see what he would do, and I found out quickly. As I made a swipe that I had to lean in for he took advantage of my off balance and sliced my left arm with his knife. I was using it for a defensive move, but that didn’t happen as planned. He made a large cut and very deep.

  Laurie then had her shot on him and took it. Then this fight was over but we both knew that there was many more ahead, before we get out.

  Now carefully we made the first turn and continued down the next hallway. Laurie kept looking at her back and I in front. I did notice that she was stumbling every so often as she walked. Her arm must hurt more than she is letting on.

  I told her rest here for a minute, I am going to go ahead for just a bit to see if we have a clear run to a stair case to get us down.

  I knew an elevator was out of the question, which I wished it wasn’t because of Laurie’s wound and what I can tell her loosing a lot of blood, which will make her weaker.

  I walked around a corner and made my way down a hall to see if the way was clear from any bad guys. I knew that the condition that Laurie is in she will be moving slow, so with me going ahead and having her come up to me after I make sure it is ok to come, is the smart thing to do. If by chance trouble is up ahead, I can maneuver well enough to hopefully get myself out of any trouble that might come my way.

  But Laurie needs to sit to shoot because her right shoulder was hit, and she is right handed. When she took a shot before, she used her right arm to hold up the rifle and that is when her wound became even worse.

  I was approximately mid-way down the hall when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I didn’t yell to Laurie of someone coming because they were to close to me already and any sound would take away my advantage of surprise.

  I was next to a door to some type of office, which luckily it was unlocked. I opened the door and went inside, when in I closed the door but not closed shut. I left it opened just a sliver, enough to be able to see out.

  The door window was frosted like most on this floor, so I crouched down so not to have my figure show in the glass.

  I let them pass me, and when I felt that they were just far enough away from me that they wouldn’t see or hear me, if I am quiet and quick.

  I opened the door and exited the room, and turned to them and as I did, I shouted a warning to Laurie.

  I knew that now they heard me and one of the two turned towards me and the other was just making the turn towards Laurie. I pulled the trigger twice and with both shots I hit the one turning towards me. The other immediately turned the corner in hopes of not getting shot by me, but he ended up in the line of sight of Laurie’s AK-47 and she then took her shot and that one was down.

  I yelled all clear and she came around the corner. She was now bleeding even more and was very weak. She did her best to walk but she needed help.

  My left arm was hurting more now, from the large gash that was in it from my knife fight before. So, with her right arm out of commission and my left getting worse, the idea of me helping her lean on my right shoulder meant that I needed a good arm on my left to shoot.

  But even being a bit awkward we did it. As she leaned on my right shoulder for support, I kept the pistol in my right hand. I just had her put her arm around my neck with my right shoulder under hers for support, and I held my right arm up with the gun ready.

  We walked for a little and then Laurie said, “I need to rest a moment, if that is ok?”

  I responded with, “no need to feel bad about your condition, if you need to stop then we stop. Let’s walk to that corner and you sit at it, so you have a view of both halls. I will go up a bit more to make sure it is safe. The door to the stairs is just up another fifty feet or so, so when I get to the door you can come, and we will go down the stairs.”

  Laurie then asked me a question. “Terri, what floor are we on by the way, because going down the stairs will be difficult but not impossible. I can use the hand rail instead of leaning on you, that way your shooting hand will be completely free.”

  I gave out a chuckle at what she just said and said, “with everything that we have been through since we started our escape from here, I didn’t even look to see what floor we are on.”

  I then looked around to find a sign stating what floor we were on, then I saw it. I then said, “well Laurie we are on the sixth floor. So, we will go down as far as the second and look outside for what may be going on. I have heard shots being fired so I assume that
the police have arrived after our shooting spree before. So, if they are here a good possibility that our teams will be not far behind. When a group of all nationalities are running from a building and shooting, I know that Charlie knows that it must be where we are. I hope. Because it just may think that different groups are fighting with each other, for control”

  I went towards the door to the stairs and as I did and not paying any attention to what may be in front of me, I stopped a second and checked my magazine to be sure that I had ammo in it just in case when I open the door that I need it.

  I ejected my magazine and Laurie checked her rifle and together we were reloading our weapons. But as we were doing that a not so friendly guy came down the hall towards us. Again, not paying attention to our surroundings, not so good for our well-being. I tried to quickly load my pistol, but this man already saw that we were without any ammo.

  He smiled and said, “so, this must be my lucky day. I have two pretty American women and I am about to send you both to hell.”

  Just when he seemed to start to pull the trigger, I immediately reached behind my back and took out the knife that I took from the first man that Laurie and I took care of.

  With the pistol in my left hand I threw the knife right into the chest of the man standing in our way to freedom.

  Laurie said with excitement in her voice, “nice throw girl, you still have it!” I pulled the knife from the man’s chest and wiped it off on him and we continued.

  With both reloaded, we made our way through the door and stopped a minute to try to listen for any footsteps that may be coming down or coming up the stairs.

  I then said to Laurie, “use the hand rail to your left and I will put my arm around your right side to help steady you as you go down the steps. I will have my 9mm up and ready in my right hand, just in case.”


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