Cowboy's Vow to Protect

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Cowboy's Vow to Protect Page 10

by Carla Cassidy

  Flint hesitated before answering her question and immediately a ball of tension knotted in her chest. “Flint?”

  “Yeah, I talked to Dillon right before coming here.”


  “And he’d already interviewed Brad,” Flint replied.

  “What did Brad tell him?” The ball of tension tightened inside her.

  “That it didn’t happen, that he would never do something like that to any woman. He said you only charged him with this because you were interested in him and he rejected you.”

  She stared at Flint for several long moments. She wanted to cry, but before she could fully embrace that emotion, a rich anger swept through her instead.

  She jumped up off the sofa. “Damn him,” she blurted. “Damn him to hell for what he did to me and now making up a story about me wanting any kind of a romantic relationship with him. God, that makes me want to puke.”

  “Madison, don’t get yourself all worked up. It’s not good for the baby.” He took her by the hand and urged her to sit back down. “Dillon has only just started the investigation. You shouldn’t be surprised that Brad denied the allegation.”

  Flint’s words calmed her, not so much for herself, but for the baby she carried. He released her hand as she sat back down next to him. “Of course I didn’t expect him to confess, but I can’t believe he told Dillon that I made all this up for some sort of sick revenge because I had some sort of crush on him.”

  “I hope you don’t regret coming forward.” Flint picked up her hand once again. Calloused by work, his grip engulfed hers and made her feel safe.

  And all of a sudden she was thinking of the kiss they had shared and wanting him to take her lips with his again. She not only wanted him to kiss her, she also wanted him to take her into his bedroom and make sweet love to her.

  She had never felt as close to a man as she felt in this moment with Flint. She wanted him to fill her head with a memory of sweet lovemaking to replace the violent, pain-filled memory of Brad’s rape. This would be on her terms. She would give to Flint what was hers to give and in the process claim yet another piece of herself back.

  She leaned into him. “I don’t regret taking this to Dillon. Somebody has to stop Brad from ever hurting another woman and as long as I know you’re by my side, I’ll be just fine.”

  “And I’ll stay by your side until this is all over.” His green eyes were warm, like the grass on a beautiful sunny day and she wanted to lie in them, lie in him.

  She raised her face and parted her lips, hoping he would see her open invitation and take her mouth with his once again. Apparently, he didn’t get what she wanted or was afraid to overstep his boundaries. He smiled at her and then glanced away.

  “Flint.” He looked at her once again.

  “Flint, kiss me,” she said softly.

  His eyes flamed as if suddenly shot through with bright neon lights. “Madison, I told you earlier this afternoon that we shouldn’t do any more of that.”

  His slightly husky voice let her know his words meant nothing, that despite what he said he wouldn’t mind kissing her once again. “But why shouldn’t we?” She moved a little closer to him, close enough that their thighs touched.

  He smelled so good. It was the scent of sunshine and the fragrance of his cologne that had become as familiar to her as her own heartbeat. She wanted to wrap herself up in it and wear it against her naked skin. “Don’t you want to kiss me again?”

  He drew in an audible breath. “Oh, woman, you’re killing me here.” His eyes flamed once again and he quickly looked away from her. “Of course I’d like to kiss you again, but you’re vulnerable right now, Madison. All of this has you shaken up and you might not really know what you want.”

  “Well, that’s a load of baloney,” she scoffed. “Look at me, Flint.” She waited until his gaze was once again on her. “I know exactly what I want. I want you to kiss me long and hard.”

  She knew by the glaze of his eyes and his sudden intake of breath that he was going to do it, and it was going to be amazing.

  His mouth took hers in a kiss that seared her to her soul. His hands tangled first in her long hair and then slid down her back to her waist. He tugged her closer to him as she opened her mouth to invite him in.

  Their tongues danced together in a fiery swirl that half stole her breath away. Her hands rose to his broad shoulders and she gripped them tightly as a deep want rushed through her.

  She didn’t want just any man...she wanted this man. Her desire for him had nothing to do with her gratefulness. It had nothing to do with his protecting her.

  Sure, it was a fire that had been born in his kindness, but it had been stoked by the way he sometimes looked at her and by how gentle he was whenever they touched. Her desire for him had risen with each conversation they’d shared and with the tears she’d shed with him and as he had comforted her.

  These were only fleeting thoughts as their kiss continued. He finally tore his mouth from hers and trailed his lips down her cheek and across her jawline. She moved her hands to his hair and her lips toward his left ear.

  “Make love to me, Flint. Take me into your bedroom and make sweet love to me,” she whispered.

  He jerked back from her, his quickened breaths sounding loudly in the otherwise silent room. Or was it her own breaths she heard? His eyes were even more glazed than they had been before. “Madison, we can’t.” The huskiness in his voice told her that he wanted her as much as she did him.

  “Yes, we can. I want you, and I know you want me, so why shouldn’t we?” She stood and held out her hand to him. “Please, Flint. I want you so badly.”

  He got to his feet and once again she was in his arms and his mouth covered hers in a fiery kiss that spoke of his desire for her. When the kiss ended, without a word they went into his bedroom.

  “Are you sure, Madison?” he asked. “I need to know you’re very sure about this.”

  “I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. I want you, Flint.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her once again. They kissed on for what felt like forever, but it was as if he was afraid to touch her anyplace else. And she wanted more...oh so much more from him.

  “Flint, unzip my dress,” she whispered as she pulled her lips from his.

  His hands went to the back zipper of the long, floral summer dress she wore. She felt the hesitation in him, but she leaned into him to encourage him. The zipper whispered down and he pushed the dress off her shoulders. It pooled into a bed of flowers at her feet and left her clad only in her bra and panties.

  “Oh, God, Madison, you are absolutely gorgeous.” His gaze swept the length of her, as hot as a physical touch.

  She placed her hands over the growing bump of her tummy. He reached out and pulled her hands away. “Don’t hide that. It’s new life and it’s beautiful.”

  She nearly melted. If she hadn’t wanted him before this moment, his words would have had her running for his naked arms. She moved in front of him and grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt and yanked it up. He aided her by taking it off the rest of the way and tossing it to the chair in the corner of the room.

  He then walked to the bed and pulled down the black-and-gray bedspread, exposing white sheets. She immediately got into the bed and watched as he took off his boots and his socks. He then unbuttoned his fly, unzipped his jeans and took them off.

  He was beautiful with his broad shoulders and his six-pack of muscles. His stomach was flat, his hips were slim and he was already aroused.

  He got into bed and pulled her into an embrace that had them touching from chest to toes. Her skin loved the feel of his, all his warm flesh overlaying firm muscle. Their lips locked again in a sizzling kiss and she was lost in him.

  He changed positions, freeing one of his arms so he could caress her. His hand moved slowly from he
r neck, across her collarbones and to one of her breasts.

  She could feel the heat of his palm through the wispy bra material. But she wanted to be completely naked in his arms. She raised up and reached behind her to unfasten the bra hooks. He plucked the garment away from her and threw it to the floor next to the bed.

  She wiggled out of her panties and he took off his boxers. He embraced her again, and this time there were no clothing barriers between them.

  He moved to touch her breasts again. The sensation of his work-roughened hand evoked a moan from her. Then his fingers found her taut nipple and sizzling electric currents rushed through her. When his mouth followed his fingers and he licked, sweet, hot desire overtook her and she moaned again.

  He raised his head and looked at her. Desire lit his eyes, but there was something else there...a softness in the green glow of his gaze that almost shattered her. After what had happened to her, she needed his softness, his gentleness.

  “If I move too fast or make you uncomfortable in any way, tell me,” he said.

  “I will, but you’re doing just fine.” To prove that to him she reached down and wrapped her hand around the length of his hardness.

  He moaned and his hand moved down to the very center of her. She was already moist and ready for him. His fingers played against her, and her pleasure spiraled upward.

  “Yes, yes,” she said, her breaths becoming pants. In return she pumped her hand up and down him. She arched her hips upward to meet his fingers and then she was there, falling over a precipice as she cried out his name.

  “Flint, I need you now,” she said with a gasp. She released her hold on him and instead urged him to move between her parted thighs.

  He hovered over her with hesitation. She gripped him by the buttocks and urged him forward. He entered her slowly and she closed her eyes as tears of joy rose up inside her.

  He wasn’t taking from her, she was willingly giving herself to him. And no matter what happened in the future, she would have Flint’s sweet lovemaking to remember instead of memories of this being taken from her against her will.

  She arched up to meet his strokes and once again she climbed upward with a wild desire she had never felt before. She clung to him, her hands gripping his broad shoulders.

  And then she was there again, riding a wave of exquisite pleasure. At the same time Flint stiffened against her, reaching his own orgasm.

  They remained locked together for several long minutes and then he kissed her, a tender kiss that spoke of a caring she’d never felt from any man.

  After the kiss he rolled away from her and smiled. “I’ll let you use the bathroom first.”

  “Thank you.” She got out of the bed and padded to the bathroom naked. She felt no need to cover herself, but she did feel the heat of his gaze on her as she walked.

  Once there, she stared at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed with color and in this moment she was happier than she’d ever been in her entire life. The only thing that could make it better was if she got to fall asleep in his arms.

  She left the bathroom and he passed her to go in. She knew when he came back into the room he’d probably get dressed to head back to the ranch.

  She found her panties next to the bed, pulled them back on and then slid back beneath the sheets. She was hoping to change his mind about leaving. He opened the bathroom door and hesitated in the threshold when he saw her in the bed.

  “Can you stay here with me tonight, Flint?” she asked. “Just this one night can I sleep here in your arms?”

  He didn’t say a word. He walked over and grabbed his black boxers from the floor. He pulled them on and then slid into the bed next to her. They faced each other and in his gaze she saw a bit of regret.

  “Madison...” he began.

  She raised a finger to his lips. “Please, don’t talk...just cuddle.” She turned to the other side and then moved her backside into him, spoon style.

  He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer against him. She didn’t want him to say anything to ruin what had happened between them. She didn’t want to hear any regrets he might have.

  She definitely had no regrets. She cared deeply about Flint, and making love with him had been a gift she’d given to herself...and it had been a wonderful, magical gift.

  He might not realize it but he had given her an amazing gift, as well. He’d made her remember gentleness and respect while making love. He’d made her remember that there were good and kind men who didn’t take what a woman didn’t offer.

  With the warmth of his body next to hers and with his arm wrapped across her tummy, she fell into sweet dreams.

  * * *

  Flint’s first vestiges of awakeness came with the sweet, floral scent of Madison eddying in his head. That was followed by the feel of her warmth and the curves of her body in his arms.

  Even though he was awake, he remained for several long minutes with his eyes closed and relished the simple joy of being so close to her. He loved the scent of her and how neatly she fit against him.

  He finally opened his eyes. The room was still dark, but he knew within the next thirty minutes or so the first peek of the sun would appear in the eastern skies.

  It was time for him to get out of bed. He needed to get up before he became aroused from her nearness. He also needed to head back to the ranch, but there was no question he was reluctant to leave his bed. Madison slept peacefully and even though he would rather stay here with her than leave, he knew he needed to get up and go.

  He couldn’t think with her nestled in his arms and he definitely needed to think after what had happened between them. In fact, as wonderful as it had been, he now wished it had never happened. The last thing she needed to believe was that he was going to be somebody special in her life, that he was going to be the cowboy of her dreams.

  As if he needed a reminder of this, his joints screamed out when he untangled himself from her and slid out of the bed. Thankfully, she didn’t wake up as he dressed and then left the cabin.

  During the drive he thought about what they had done. There was no question he’d loved making love to her. She’d been warm and giving and exciting, everything he’d want in a lover.

  But he didn’t want her to entertain any false illusions about the two of them. She had no future with him. Eventually, she would meet the cowboy who would be right for her, one who could give her the dream life she wanted. But that cowboy wasn’t him and could never be him.

  She needed his protection right now, and he needed to support her in her quest for justice where Brad was concerned. But once that issue was addressed she would be able to go back to life in her trailer where she would be ready to meet the cowboy of her dreams.

  When he reached the ranch, he parked and then went directly to his room. He took a long, hot shower, not only to wash away the scent of Madison that might cling to him, but also to ease some of the aches and pains in his body.

  When he was dressed for the day, he headed to the dining room for breakfast. It was early enough that Cookie hadn’t yet put out the food, but the large silver coffeepot was ready to serve, and Mac and Jerod were already at one of the tables with cups of the hot brew in hand.

  Flint greeted them and then got himself a cup of coffee and joined them at the table. “What’s up, gentlemen?” he asked.

  “Nothing much with us, but Maddy is definitely the talk of the town,” Mac said.

  Flint winced. “So word is out about her allegations against Brad?”

  “Oh yeah, definitely. I went into town for some supplies at the feed store yesterday and Mr. Tanner asked me if I knew anything about it,” Jerod said.

  “What did you tell him?” Flint asked.

  “That if he wanted to know anything about it, then he should ask Chief Bowie.”

  “And I was at the diner last night where it seem
ed like everyone in the place was talking about it,” Mac said.

  “What were they saying?” Flint asked, although he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.

  “It was just a lot of speculation about whether the allegations were true or not. But I’ve got to tell you, it sounded like most people were coming down firmly on Brad’s side, especially the men.”

  Flint frowned. “That’s what I was afraid of.”

  “You’ve got to remember that Brad has spent years building up his reputation as an intelligent, generous and all-round stellar person,” Mac said.

  “It makes me sick to think of what he did to Madison,” Flint replied. “Did either of you see the man of the hour around?”

  “No, but I think he might have followed me home from the diner,” Mac replied.

  “Really?” Flint straightened on the bench and took a sip of his coffee. There was only one reason Brad might have been following Mac home...and that was because Brad was attempting to find out which one of them was harboring Madison.

  “Even if he eventually finds out where Madison is staying, he’d be a damn fool to do something to try to hurt her. He’d be the first suspect if anything happened to her,” Mac said.

  “He might be a complete monster in the dark, but he isn’t a stupid man,” Jerod added. “Right now it’s just a case of he said-she said. But if he threatens Maddy in any way or if he does anything to her, then it definitely tips the scales in Maddy’s favor.”

  Everything they said continued to whirl around in Flint’s head while he ate breakfast and then got to work for the day. Was Brad really stupid enough to try to hurt Madison? Would he be desperate enough to try to shut her up forever?

  He’d understood Madison’s desire to keep her location a secret. He also knew why she didn’t want to go back to her trailer where she might be vulnerable to him attacking her again. But he hadn’t really thought about her being in any real physical danger, not with Dillon knowing the facts of the case.

  By the time everyone knocked off at noon for lunch, instead of going to the rec room to eat, Flint headed to the big house to talk with Cassie.


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