Wishing on a Dream

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Wishing on a Dream Page 12

by Michele Notaro

  “Are you sure?” I whispered as he melted me even more with his kisses.

  He laughed lightly. “Yes, Alaric. I’m sure.”

  “You really want to be linked with me for the next eight hundred years?”

  He leaned back, cupping my chin. “Yes.”

  Grady’s eyes were so sure, so positive, not even an ounce of hesitancy in his gaze. The fact that this wonderful man wanted me, really truly wanted me, it was something I’d never had before, and my eyes filled with emotion. I couldn’t speak, no words would come out around my clogged throat, so I simply nodded and pressed my lips and my body against him so forcefully, he staggered back a few steps. But he never let me go.

  Holding me close, he kept his mouth on mine as he moved us toward the stairs. When we reached them, he muttered, “I would really love to throw you over my shoulder and carry you upstairs, but I’m afraid I’ll drop you.”

  I chuckled, grateful for him lightening the mood. “Maybe I’ll carry you instead.”

  He leaned back and lifted a brow at me. “Yeah right, shrimp.”

  “Not a shrimp.”

  “Mhm. You really think you could?” His disbelieving look made me laugh.

  With a grin, I called on my magic, pulling it up inside myself and pressing my will and wants into it before releasing it. I watched in amusement as my icy mist surrounded Grady’s legs before he was lifted into the air. He yelped in surprise.

  “That’s cheating!” he exclaimed with a laugh.

  Laughing with him, I pressed myself against him again, pushing our lips together, then I waved my hand and propelled my magic up the stairs, holding us in its grip. When we reached the top, I released it and the mist dissipated around us.

  Grady was smiling so wide as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a smiling kiss to my lips, muttering, “You’re such a cheater.”

  “Didn’t realize there were rules.”


  I grinned. “You better get used to it. You’ll be dealing with it for a very long time.”

  He chuckled, then abruptly bent at the waist with his arms around me, and this time I was the one that yelped as he threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the hall and into his bedroom. “Now that I have you, you’re never getting away, so you better get used to it, too,” he said a moment before he dropped me on the bed and crawled over the top of me. His weight was a welcome feeling, so I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer as our mouths met in the most scorching kiss I felt down to my toes. He broke away and whispered, “Is this okay?”

  I nodded and pressed my lips up to his again.

  “We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  It wasn’t usual for me to feel ready or to even want sex. It was never something that appealed to me. Only one other person had ever made my body react, but even he didn’t compare to how my body responded to Grady. I’d never felt anything like this in my life, and I wanted him so badly it hurt. “I want anything you’re willing to give me, Grady.”

  He smiled against my lips, then slowly slid his hand under my shirt, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. My body was trembling with the need to feel him, but I didn’t know what to do. Slowly, I followed his lead and pressed my hand against his lower back under his shirt. He hummed in satisfaction, then trailed his hand higher up my chest. The first flick of his thumb on my nipple made me jerk up against him and whimper loudly. I would’ve been embarrassed by the sound, but he moaned and thrust his hips against me in response, clearly enjoying my reaction.

  He rutted as his hands explored my body, and it was amazing, mind-blowing, but I wished I could feel his skin against mine.

  Suddenly leaning back, I thought for a moment that I’d done something wrong, but he pulled his shirt over his head, and I moaned in appreciation, my hands moving of their own accord to brush against his stomach. As he reached for the hem of my shirt, he looked me in the eyes. “Is this okay, baby?” No one had ever called me that or any other endearment, and even though I hadn’t known if I’d like it, coming from Grady, I did.

  I nodded and sat up to pull my shirt off.

  He rubbed his hands over my much-paler skin, a look of awe on his face. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I felt a blush heat my cheeks.

  Grady smiled at me, then pressed his lips to mine again. He rutted over me, my hands ran over his soft skin, and I felt like I was going to explode. He reached for my pants and asked, “Can I get you naked, baby?”

  My cheeks heated again, but I said, “Yes… please.”

  He grinned before standing up to unbutton my jeans and pull them and my underwear off. I felt exposed and vulnerable, but his sweet smile helped ease the worry in my mind. Grady removed his pants and underwear as well, then began climbing over me again. As he settled between my legs, his kisses started off soft and sweet instead of demanding like they’d been a moment ago. It was as if he knew exactly what I needed. He gently kissed my chest and my neck, nuzzling against me so soft and caring, I felt every little touch and pulse of energy between us even more substantially than usual.

  His hips began a slow sway, our erections rubbing and sliding against one another in a way that had me rutting under him and wanting more. I wanted. I needed.

  He kept up his slow ministrations; the sweet kisses all over my chest, shoulder, neck, cheeks, chin, lips, as his hips moved in the same soft pattern. He was driving me crazy, and I loved every second of it.

  His hips started thrusting harder, his lips covered mine, his tongue invading my mouth in the best possible way. Our sweat and precum mixed, making the slide of our lengths and the way our skin rubbed shoot sparks through my body.

  I could feel the buildup in my groin, and I knew I was going to lose control at any second. “Grady,” I breathed into his mouth a moment before pleasure exploded between us. My body lit up like it was on fire, and I spilled between us.

  “Alaric,” Grady screamed out on a loud moan as his seed joined mine.

  My orgasm lasted for what seemed like forever, my body a temple of bliss.

  Grady grunted as he came down, then he tucked his head into the side of my neck, his body sagging down on top of me. I felt boneless and spent, and even though he was making it harder to breath, I never wanted him to move.

  We lay like that for several minutes before Grady whispered, “Are you good, baby?”

  The term of endearment brought a smile to my lips. “More than.”

  I felt his smile against my skin. He pressed a kiss to my neck. “Would you like to shower or would you like me to get a washcloth to clean us up?”

  “I don’t think I can move anytime soon.”

  He chuckled and kissed my neck again before pressing himself up. I gripped him, not letting him go, and he brushed his nose against mine to get me to lock my eyes on his as he said, “I’ll be right back, and I promise you that I want to lie naked with you after I clean us up.”

  I swallowed, then nodded and let go of him.

  He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before hopping up and walking out of the room. I felt self-conscious as I lay there with our mixed seed on my belly and chest. I’d never been in such a position… I had no idea what I should do. I hadn’t planned on doing anything so physical with Grady before we had a chance to… date and make plans.

  He returned a few minutes later with a wet, warm washcloth, and proceeded to wipe me down. With a smile aimed my way, he threw the washcloth in his hamper, then climbed onto the bed beside me. He was on his stomach, leaning on his elbows. He scooted up until he could nudge my nose with his again, smile at me, and kiss me. It was another of his soft, sweet kisses that made my heart sing.

  “Would you like to get under the covers?” he whispered.

  I nodded, and moved around to pull the blankets back. He tugged the covers over us, rolled on his side and scooted against me, then nudged me until I laid my head on his biceps. With a kiss to my cheek, he encased me in his arms and leg

  Sighing in relief and content, I let myself melt into his arms.

  He pressed a kiss to my hair and asked, “Baby, are you still good?”

  I nodded against him.

  “You aren’t talking, so… I’m a little worried that I’ve scared you off.”

  “Not at all.” I nuzzled into his chest.

  “You’re okay with what we did?”

  I nodded.

  “Because I don’t want you to do anything just because you think I want to… I know… I remember what you told me about your body not reacting, and you’re being quiet… do you regret it?”

  I tilted my face up to stare into his eyes. “I promise I don’t. I loved every second of that.”

  He breathed out and sagged. “Good. You’d tell me, right? If you weren’t up for sex or whatever? Because I’m—”

  “I would tell you.”

  He sighed, nodded, and tightened his hold on me, so I settled back on his chest as contentment filled me. His fingers dragging up and down my back were putting me in a daze, and before I knew it, my eyes were closed and I was drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 17


  Waking up with a naked man in my arms was… amazing. The fact that it was Alaric made it even more so. He’d been so incredibly adorable last night, and the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. He had no idea what he did to me. He had no idea how attractive he was. And that made him even more desirable to me.

  He moved a tiny bit, and I knew he was awake. We hadn’t moved away from each other in our sleep, so he was still in my arms with his face buried in my chest. This might be my new favorite thing ever.

  I could sense his nerves kicking in, so I squeezed him gently and whispered, “Good morning, baby.”

  The sag of relief was impossible to miss. “Good morning, Grady.”

  I smiled and kissed his hair. “I have to go into work today. Would you like to go with me?”

  He leaned back to gaze into my eyes. “Is that still okay?”

  “Of course. I wish we could stay like this for the rest of the day, but we can’t. I need a shower.” I thought about inviting him into the shower with me, but I was afraid that would be too much for him, so I pressed a kiss to his lips and instead said, “How about I hop in now, and you can sleep for a few extra minutes if you want, and when I get out, I’ll make breakfast while you shower?”

  He nodded and smiled a tad. “That sounds good. Than—”

  I cut him off with a kiss, then grinned at him. “Don’t you say it.”

  He laughed lightly. I gave him one more kiss before climbing out of his arms and out of the bed, then heading across the room. Tiberius was on his perch in the corner, so I walked over and gave him a few scratches before going into the bathroom. I heard the owl flap across the room, so I imagined he was in the bed with Alaric now.

  After my shower, I got dressed while Alaric petted and snuggled with Tiberius on the bed, then I walked over and kissed the top of Tiberius’s head before kissing Alaric’s temple. His answering smile was so sweet I wished I could make him smile like that all the time.

  I heard the water running when I was making breakfast, and it didn’t surprise me in the least that he finished getting ready before I did. He showered very quickly, and I knew it was because he didn’t want to waste water. He let Tiberius fly out the back door, then joined me at the counter.

  “Can I help you with anything?” he asked.

  “Nope. It’s almost done.” A minute later, I finally asked a question that had been burning on my tongue for days. “Who is Emily?”

  Alaric gasped across the room. “Wh-what?”

  I stopped what I was doing to face him. “Sometimes when you’re sleeping, you call out her name. Is she… do you have someone or did you have someone before you…?”

  He shook his head and closed his eyes before taking a shuddered breath and refocusing on me. “Emily is my biggest regret. She owned my snow globe for a few years… a long time ago.”


  He nodded. “Her grandmother gave my prison as a gift for her fifth birthday, and Emily loved it. She kept me in her bedroom on her little shelf.” He smiled, a tiny bit before a frown pulled down on his lips. “Her father was a cruel man, and for years, I was forced to watch him beat her bloody. No matter what I did, I couldn’t escape, I couldn’t use my magic outside of the globe. Nothing I did worked. I tried… I tried to break free of the spell, I tried to save up my magic over time, but…” He stared off into space for a moment before he whispered, “I couldn’t save her.”

  My gut clenched. “Alaric…”

  I didn’t think he heard me because he kept speaking. “When she was sixteen, her father beat her so badly, she bled to death on her bedroom floor.” His eyes filled with tears. “He knocked her head against the corner of her dresser and left her there. She struggled to move, to get to her bed, I think. She tried to call for help, but she-she couldn’t, and I tried—I swear I tried to get to her, I tried to help, but I couldn’t… I couldn’t and, and…. And the light faded from her eyes, and all Tib and I could do was watch… the spell held us in place until she… until she was gone.”

  Tears filled my own eyes as I watched the pain spread over his grief-ridden face, and I rushed across the room, pulled him into my arms, and whispered, “I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have asked…”

  He tucked his face into my throat, and his voice came out hoarse and cracking. “No… I want you to know about… everything.”

  “There was nothing you could’ve done, Alaric. Her death isn’t on your conscience, not even a little bit. You know that, right?”

  He nodded and cried a little harder as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and I held him as tight as I dared. This poor man had been through so much grief in his life. He deserved nothing but happiness, and I was going to try my best to make that happen.

  I held him for a long time, and once he calmed, I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his, hoping he could feel how much I cared about him. The man I was falling for deserved more than I could give him, and I didn’t know how to make any of this alright, but I was determined to try.

  After breakfast, I drove us to Hero’s Hideout: Comics and Games with a smile on my face, and when I parked the car, I leaned over, cupped Alaric’s handsome face and planted a long kiss on his sweet lips. The little sound that came out of his mouth made me wish we were back at home, and when he melted into me, I could do nothing but pull him into my arms. It was sorta awkward inside the car and with Tiberius on Ric’s lap, but I didn’t care—I only wanted him close.

  When he came up for air, he whispered, “What was that for?”

  With a smile, I shrugged. “No reason.”

  His returning smile was adorable, so I kissed his lips again and exited the car. Alaric followed my lead with Tiberius on his shoulder. Grabbing the perch I’d bought for Tib out of the back seat, I led the way and unlocked the building, then gave Alaric and Tib a tour of the small shop. Since he seemed nervous, I decided to have him restock the shelves, figuring it would help him know where everything was and he wouldn’t have to worry about the cash register today.

  When customers started to come in, Alaric focused on the job I gave him while I ran the counter and answered a million questions about the snowy owl behind me. People seemed to love Tiberius, and every time someone complimented him, the silly bird preened. I’d expected him to get bored, but he liked all the attention.

  After handing a customer their bag, I walked over to Tib to give him a few scratches and muttered, “You’re being so good.” I cooed at him, and he nibbled my lips like he was giving me kisses, which made me smile. “Such a sweet boy. Do you want to fly around while we get lunch? I don’t think they’ll let you inside the deli.” He chirped at me, so I took that as a yes and continued cooing at him and letting him nuzzle my cheek. He was just as adorable as his warlock.

  A loud crash suddenly interrupted us, making me j
ump and turn around to see Alaric standing with his hands in his hair. My eyes followed his line of sight and they widened. “Holy shit.”

  Alaric turned to me with wide, pleading eyes. “I’m so sorry, Grady. I-I don’t know what happened… I didn’t mean to… I’m so sorry.”

  His eyes were getting glossy, so I rushed over, saying, “It’s alright, baby.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s not. I knocked over an entire shelf and ruined all those figures.”

  Once I reached him, I grabbed his shoulder. “It’s fine.” He kept shaking his head, so I grabbed his face in my hands so he’d be forced to look at me instead of the gigantic mess he’d made. “It can be cleaned up, Alaric. It’s not a big deal.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Please stop. You’re fine. We’ll clean it up, and… throw away the broken stuff. It’ll be okay.”

  He swallowed thickly and nodded. “Are you mad at me?”

  “What? No… but can you tell me what happened?”

  He took a deep breath, wrung out his hands, and licked his lips. “I thought… I thought I felt another’s magic outside the store, and my magic reacted to it. It took me by surprise, so I jumped to my feet and accidentally bumped into the shelf, but since my magic was already preparing for attack, the bump had a little more force than usual.”

  When I glanced down at the huge metal shelving unit he knocked over, I said, “I think it was more than a little.” I put my finger over his mouth to stop his apology. “Stop. It’s fine. Relax. We can fix this.”

  He nodded. “My magic isn’t used to being free yet… it wants out, and I suppose being around others after so long has made me jumpy. My apologies, Grady.” Well, that made sense all things considered.

  “Would it be helpful if we drove to a park or something so you could let it out?”


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