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Lifescale Page 18

by Brian Solis

  - Lauryn Hill

  Though we've reached the end of the book, this is not the end of your lifescaling journey, or mine. This is not the finish line. I hope you will now apply this new way of continuous learning and new way of knowing and loving yourself and what truly matters to you to an ongoing lifescaling adventure. I hope these insights and tools will help you continue to evolve, grow and expand your capabilities and horizons.

  With each step of this process you're charting a path that will keep sparking your imagination and inspiring brighter futures and meaningful outcomes. You can see and feel so much more now. You're becoming increasingly aware. You're becoming more and more creative. A creative life is a life of endless possibilities and as you flex your imagination and skills, you unlock new achievements, capabilities and esteem.

  Creativity becomes the stuff of your life. It's how you think. It's what you see in front of you, what you imagine and in your mind's eye. It's how you express yourself. It's how you make decisions. It's not just about what you create. What also matters is why you create. Your purpose, shaped by your values, balanced by self-reflection and consciousness, serve as an evolving center of reference to guide you through the smallest and biggest moments of your life at every lifescale event. More than that, they unlock experiences and opportunities you might not have otherwise had.

  It's not just about what you create. What also matters is why you create.

  The Book that Got Written

  I couldn't have written this book without the help of lifescaling. Everything I learned, everything it helped me unlearn, everything that helped me focus, open my eyes, reset my center of reference and practice creativity, poured out of me in ways I hadn't experienced in years, if ever, at this magnitude. Truthfully, at the beginning, learning something new, trying to change my life and writing about it, was both debilitating and enlivening. With each chapter however, I found myself progressively visualizing, thinking and expressing at deeper levels. I started writing with such passion that I wrote many more words than I had planned to.

  I found myself longing for additional ways to create.

  I cut over 50,000 words from the first draft of the manuscript, just about the length of the final book, and I've kept them for a series of companion projects. My creative productivity was supercharged. My mind, body and spirit were electrified, inspired to the point that when I wasn't writing, I found myself longing for additional ways to create. I didn't want to lose the momentum. I didn't want to stop growing. I had fallen back in love with learning and with expressing myself.

  I deeply hope the book will help you enjoy the exhilaration of lifescaling too.

  Lifescaling is Your Journey

  Lifescaling is a personal exploration into the realms that cloud our being. Lifescaling is also an endeavor toward discovery and vitality. Furthermore, it's an individual covenant, a personal contract to see, learn and practice the things that truly allow you to live your best life. Lifescaling is a way of managing life as life evolves with a commitment and intent to unlock newfound or repressed creativity, foster joy and stoke happiness. It is a voyage of self-discovery, understanding and awakening. And it never needs to end.

  The more you know, the more you grow. The more you create, the more you want to create. The more you see, the more you can't unsee. The more you feel, the more you want to feel . . . what you want to feel. The more you love what's inside of you, the more we'll love what you express outside of you. And, the more you know who you are, the more you can become the ideal you.

  As you set your mind and soul to what's next, as you create, you gain experience, expertise and perspective. You gain pride, confidence and wisdom. Each iteration of you, sees and feels things the previous version could not.

  As such, this really is just the beginning for you, and for me. And, this is exactly what lifescaling is all about. Lifescaling is about growth and development and new awakenings as we journey through our days and nights. It's about finding happiness in our evolution. It's about gaining skills and mental models that help us productively navigate life and work through overwhelming distractions and obstacles. More so, lifescaling helps us create and live creatively.

  It's clarity and vision. It's openness and mindfulness. It's intent, focus and the work you do that leads to the little accomplishments every day that add up to big achievements and outcomes throughout your journey.

  The more you know who you are, the more you can become the ideal you.

  It's a way of life. It's with you every day. Lifescaling evolves as you evolve. And the truth is that I'm still working on it. And, if you're here, you're working on it too.

  Take a moment to breathe, to appreciate the moment, and to remind yourself as you lifescale, “this is what I am working for . . . this moment, right now.” For as long as you're learning, growing and creating, wherever you are, is where you're supposed to be.

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