Into the West

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Into the West Page 6

by J. P. Bowie

  “Ah, the ones who didna’ take the horses.”

  Tanaka nodded. “They have been watching.”

  “How can you know this? I havena’ seen anyone of them skulking about since we were captured.”

  “I don’t have to see them to know they are there.”

  Jamie sighed. He knew better than to argue the point. Tanaka had an uncanny way of sensing things he could not. He could only hope his friend was right and there was a plan afoot to get them out of the French camp.

  He must have dozed off for he was startled to feel his hands being untied. He turned to look and even in the darkness caught the gleam of teeth as the man behind him smiled.

  “We have a few moments before someone discovers the guards lying behind the tent,” Tanaka told him.

  Jamie shook his head in wonder. He hadn’t heard a thing and yet the Choctaw had managed to either kill or render the guards unconscious, enter the tent and already untie Tanaka. Just as well they’re on our side…

  Together, they crept silently away from the camp into the surrounding woods. “Is there not some more devilment we can inflict upon the French afore we go?” Jamie whispered in Tanaka’s ear.

  “Let the colonel’s anger be enough when he discovers we are gone. We should put distance between us as quickly as we can.”

  The Choctaw scouts nodded in agreement and so Jamie put aside any nefarious plans he might have had to annoy the French colonel even more. There might come an opportunity once Captain Garland’s troops had engaged the French soldiers at the fort.

  * * * *

  Matthew heard the cry, “Riders approaching the gates,” and hurried to see who these riders could be. His heart sank when he saw Nashoba, being supported by Tahman astride the lead horse. A bloody cloth was wound around his neck and as Matthew helped Tahman lower him from the horse’s back, it was obvious to him that his lover had lost a quantity of blood. He was pale and unconscious and at that moment Matthew feared for his life.

  “What happened?” he asked in Tahman’s language.

  “Shot by a French soldier as we took the horses that pulled the cannons.”

  Matthew carried Nashoba into the makeshift hospital he had ordered be readied for the wounded when the French attacked. Two of the women settlers acting as nurses helped him place Nashoba on the operating table. Doctor Tomlinson removed the cloth and peered at the wound.

  “Bad one, I’m afraid,” he said, glancing up at Matthew. “I’ll have to try and get this shot out. Tricky…”

  “Do your best, Doctor,” Matthew instructed him. “He’s a good man as well as an excellent scout.” He would like to have stayed but didn’t want to attract undue attention to his relationship with Nashoba, so went outside to hear the rest from Tahman.

  “We had to leave MacDonald, Tanaka and three others behind,” Tahman told him, sadly. “The French were everywhere when they heard the shot. I fear they have all been captured and executed.”

  Matthew somehow couldn’t believe that of Jamie MacDonald. After talking with the Scot about what he had endured since leaving Scotland, he reckoned Jamie was the kind of man who had been blessed with at least as many lives as a cat, if not more, but perhaps the odds had been against him this time.

  “Will Nashoba live?” Tahman asked.

  “I pray so. The doctor is with him now. Removing the shot will be difficult, but it must be done. Time will tell. How long before the French get here, d’you think?”

  “Two days, more if they bring cannons.” Tahman grinned. “They will have to push them, and the land is their enemy in places.”

  “Good.” He clapped Tahman’s shoulder. “Take the horses to the stables then you and the others get some food in you and find a tent for the night. You have done well, Tahman. My thanks.”

  He would have been happier if Nashoba had not been wounded and MacDonald and his companion had returned unscathed. Perhaps they will even yet arrive ready to fight the French… I can but hope.

  He walked back into the hospital and watched while the doctor and nurses attended Nashoba. Please live…seeing you lying there so helpless, so vulnerable, makes me realize just how much I love you, my dearest.

  In the beginning, when they’d first met, despite the attraction he’d almost immediately felt, he’d tried to push it aside. For what could come of a love like theirs? Two men—but not just that. An English captain in service to the King of England and a man who in Matthew’s eyes was beautiful and noble, but in the eyes of the world around them, a savage, and possibly one who could not be trusted.

  An impossible liaison, he’d thought, even while his heart had quickened and his body had grown hot with lust. If only Nashoba had not returned his look of longing with one as heated as his own. Perhaps then he could have turned away, berated himself for his inappropriate behavior and put it from his mind. But in that moment in time when their eyes had met, Matthew had known that no matter what, their destinies were sealed. All that had remained to do was to declare himself, and the consequences be damned. And it had been perfect. When Nashoba had lifted his face to Matthew’s, his gaze as full of longing as Matthew’s knew his own to be, when their lips had met, gently questing, when Nashoba’s whimper of desire had seared itself through Matthew’s soul, Matthew had been lost. When he admitted it, he still was, and if Nashoba died, a part of him would, too.

  The doctor’s sigh of satisfaction alerted Matthew to what was going on in front of him.


  “I have it, and without a deal of damage, I’m happy to report. He’ll have to rest for a few days, and we’ll have to be vigilant of any infection that might arise. But, God willing, he should make a full recovery in time. Just a few ligatures and I’ll be done.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Matthew wanted to take Nashoba’s hand and kiss him, but perhaps that would startle the good doctor and the ladies working by his side. He would have to wait until they had transferred him to a bed and left him for the night. Perhaps a good night kiss might help to soothe both their minds and help them look forward to a time when this war was over, and they could talk of their future together.

  Chapter Six

  Three days went by before Tahman reported to Matthew that the French had been seen struggling through the forest.

  “They have only one cannon,” he said with pleasure lighting his face. “They must have abandoned the others.”

  “Any sign of MacDonald and the others?”

  Tahman shook his head. “I fear for them. They should have been here ahead of the French had they survived their capture.”

  Damn… He had been overjoyed earlier in the day when the doctor had told him that Nashoba was well on the way to a full recovery, but Tahman’s pessimism about MacDonald’s survival drew a black cloud across his mind. He would have welcomed the canny Scot’s involvement in the fight against the French, but in addition he thought he might just miss Jamie’s daring and cheerful optimism in the face of adversity.

  He could have been a good friend, I think.

  “Matthew…” He turned at the sound of Nashoba’s voice. He was standing in the doorway to the hospital and Matthew ran to his side.

  “Should you be up and about so soon?”

  “Doctor Tomlinson says I am to walk as much as I can to keep my muscles strong.”

  Matthew took his arm and drew him back inside. “Nevertheless, you should be accompanied when you walk in case—”

  “That’s why I called to you. You can give me your support without anyone thinking it strange.”

  Matthew chuckled and, after a quick look around, pressed a kiss to Nashoba’s cheek.

  “When I am healed, you will have to do better than that, taloka.” Nashoba ran his tongue over his lower lip and Matthew’s eyes flared at the sensuous invitation.

  “Believe me, my love, I live for that day. It’s been too long since we found a time and place for ourselves.” He laid a gentle kiss on his lover’s lips. Matthew’s cock immediately hardened
when Nashoba opened to him. Without hesitation, Matthew pushed his tongue between Nashoba’s parted lips, reveling in the rush of desire as their tongues glided together and he captured Nashoba’s moan in his mouth. He trailed his hands down Nashoba’s spine to his arse and pulled him in tight, thrilling to the sensation of Nashoba’s hard cock pressed to his own.

  “Nashoba,” he whispered into his lover’s mouth, wondering where on earth they could go to take this further, and was Nashoba in any state for lovemaking? Just then their moments together were rudely shattered by a shout from outside. They pulled apart hastily and Matthew strode to the door. “Yes, Barrows?”

  “MacDonald and the scouts have returned, sir,” the lieutenant informed him.

  Matthew cast a rueful look at Nashoba who nodded and made his way unseen back to his bed. “Are they injured?”

  “Don’t think so, but from the looks of them, MacDonald has something to say, I wager.”

  Matthew strode across the parade ground to where Jamie, Tanaka and the Choctaws stood surrounded by settlers, scouts and soldiers. An air of excitement permeated the fort as questions and answers were thrown about until Jamie spotted Matthew and held up a hand to quieten the throng.

  “Captain Garland, we bring news of the French,” Jamie said.

  “I’m glad you made it back safely,” Matthew told him, holding out his hand in greeting. “Word was you’d been captured, and maybe even executed, but I had a feeling you’d escape that fate.”

  Jamie laughed as he shook the captain’s hand. “You know me that well already? But it was thanks to our Choctaw friends that we made it out of the French encampment. The French have close to four hundred men, but now only one useable cannon. It’ll be a braw fight when they get here, but we can wear them down with sorties outside the fort.”

  “You must tell me more, but first rest and eat. You all look exhausted.”

  “Aye, it’s a trek I’d rather not do again if I have my say in it.”

  “How is Nashoba?” Tanaka asked.

  “Recovering well, for which I am glad. He tells me he will be able to fight the French when they eventually get here.” He chuckled and clapped Jamie’s arm. “Now go and rest. We will talk later.”

  * * * *

  The next few days were filled with troop training and shoring up the defenses that Matthew considered still vulnerable. Jamie, Tanaka and the Choctaw scouts kept vigilant eyes on the surrounding land and forests and had stopped two enemy scouting parties from getting anywhere near the fort in order to report back to Colonel Marchand. Nashoba had improved considerably, much to Matthew’s delight, although, sadly, their attempts to find some time for intimacy had yet to be realized.

  Colonel Fowler remained unresponsive to Matthew’s efforts to talk some sense into the man. Now that his secret supply of liquor had been cut off, he had sunk into a kind of brooding bad temper. Matthew told Jamie that he feared for the man’s sanity, for at times he would rail at Matthew or anyone around him, threatening them all with dire punishment when he was set free and vindicated of all wrongdoing.

  On the fourth day Jamie brought Matthew the news that the French army was but a half day’s march from Fort Bligh.

  “I canna’ believe that they had some of those poor buggers pushing that damned cannon,” he said with disgust. “It’ll be my mission to take the damn thing out at the first possible chance. They had to take a detour around that place of desolation we told you about. Hence the extra time they’ve taken to get here. I can also tell you that morale among the soldiers is low and there’s a definite nervousness due to the scouting parties not returning. Yon colonel is a bully, pushing his men too hard. He reminds me of a certain Captain Davenport we had a run-in with some months ago. Not an ounce of leadership in him.”

  “Davenport,” Matthew mused. “I recall that name.”

  “A murderer and a deserter,” Jamie said, not bothering to hide his contempt. “And the most miserable coward ever born. He cost more than half his men their lives under his last command.”

  “A deserter, that’s right. They hanged him, I believe.”

  “That they did, and not a soul mourned his passing. Anyway…” He gazed around at the added fortifications. “The men have been working hard, by the looks of things.”

  Matthew nodded. “And I’m hoping that, with only one cannon, the French won’t wreak too much damage.”

  “How’s the colonel faring in his solitary confinement?”

  “Not well. The man is his own worst enemy. Like all drunkards, he is ailing from the lack of liquor.”

  “Did you find out who was supplying him on the side?”

  “Yes, one of the settler women who apparently had something of a secret liaison with him. The night sentry caught her trying to pass a bottle through the window bars.” Matthew shrugged. “I left it to her husband to take care of the matter rather than deal with it officially. I did warn the husband I wouldn’t stand for him beating her, and so far there hasn’t been any further problems on that account.”

  “Will you release him when the French attack?”

  “I think not.” Matthew chuckled. “I don’t entirely trust him enough to arm him. He might be tempted to put a bullet in my back.”

  Jamie nodded. “Aye, there is that.”

  “After we’ve sent the French packing, I’ll have him escorted to Fort Sumner.”

  “I like your certainty that we will prevail.”

  “We must prevail, MacDonald. If Fort Bligh falls, this land for miles around will be set alight. The settlers are depending on us…the Indians too. One way or another, we must avert a French victory.”

  Later, Jamie sought out Tanaka who was deep in conversation with Nashoba. “You look much better than the last time I saw you,” he remarked when Nashoba looked up at his approach.

  “Feel better.” Despite his words, Nashoba cast Jamie a speculative look. “Tanaka tells me that you and he are twin spirits. It is so with Matthew and I although for the sake of his reputation we cannot show our love for each other.”

  Jamie nodded as he sat next to Tanaka. “Aye, I can see that would be a problem with the higher-ups, and mayhap, some of the men he commands. Such things are frowned upon unfortunately and could ruin his career in the military…if that is what he wants to pursue, of course. Has he said what his ambitions are?”

  Nashoba smiled. “He has told me of his dream that one day he and I might travel north together to the land called Canada. There he says we can make a living trapping and selling furs and skins to the big trading company.”

  “So, he’ll perhaps not continue with the army.” Jamie rubbed a hand over his stubbled chin. “Tanaka and I want to find the mighty ocean far to the west. You could travel with us if you like.”

  “I will tell him of it, but now…” Nashoba hesitated and Jamie was intrigued when a slow flush reddened his normal light brown complexion.

  Tanaka poked Jamie’s arm. “He wants to find a quiet place for the captain and himself to make love.”

  “Oh.” Jamie stared at Tanaka then back at Nashoba and, unusual for him, felt lost for words. “Oh,” he said again, glaring at Tanaka as he started to laugh. “It’s no laughing matter. It’s just that I didna’ expect to be…you know.”

  Tanaka laughed some more and, hesitantly, Nashoba joined in.

  “Well, what do you suggest?” Jamie asked, his tone sharp from the discomfort this conversation was causing him.

  “I suggest that we give them our tent for the night of their choosing,” Tanaka said, grinning. “We can stand guard for as long as it takes them to fulfill each other’s needs.”

  Jamie gaped at his lover. Fulfill each other’s needs? “Well”—he avoided Tanaka’s grin—“it had best be the night. The Frenchies are only half a day away. Goodness knows where we’re all be in the next few days. So if it’s to…y’know…happen, Nashoba, ye’d better have a talk wi’ the captain.”

  Nashoba nodded. “Thank you. I am sorry that I have mad
e your face go red.”

  “Aye, well…just not used to it, you know.”

  Tanaka laughed again. “Then what is it you think we have been doing to each other all this time?”

  “Tanaka! Good lord…now my face is really red.” He jumped to his feet. “I’m away, and dinna’ come lookin’ for any favors the night!”

  He strode off, the sound of Tanaka’s laughter following him. He’d never been comfortable talking about his and Tanaka’s relationship in front of other people. Leave him and Tanaka alone and that was a different matter. The love he felt for Tanaka went beyond the merely physical, although he enjoyed that aspect of it too. More than enjoyed—at times he craved it.

  But others knowing what they shared? Perhaps it was the lingering memory of his Scottish Presbyterian upbringing that made him cringe at Tanaka’s words… Fulfill each other’s needs. The vision those words had conjured up—the young captain and Nashoba naked and writhing together—God almighty! Was he that much of a puritan?

  “MacDonald, is something amiss?”

  Oh, just who I don’t need to see at this moment… He grimaced as the captain in question strode toward him. “Uh, no, not at all, Captain. Uh, but I think Nashoba wants a word with you.” And, with that, he fled to the other side of the stockade.

  * * * *

  A finger under his lover’s chin, Matthew lifted Nashoba’s face to his own. “How did you manage this?”

  “Tanaka and I talked and I told him of our need to be alone, if only for an hour or two.”

  “Sly schemers.” Matthew smiled and stroked Nashoba’s face and kissed his lips. A sudden thought occurred to him. “Tell me, was MacDonald privy to your conversation with Tanaka?”

  Nashoba nodded and laughed softly. “Yes, and he was uncomfortable with it. His face turned red.”

  “Aha, that accounts for his attitude when I saw him earlier in the day. The Scot must have been embarrassed at the thought of the two of us together, like this.”

  “But why? He and Tanaka are twin spirits, as are we.”


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