Into the West

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Into the West Page 10

by J. P. Bowie

  He groaned and Nashoba pulled at his uniform jacket, aided by Matthew who tore at its buttons then flung it off followed by his shirt. He slipped his hands under the beaded belt that held Nashoba’s breechcloth together and palmed the smooth contours of his arse. Nashoba opened the fall of Matthew’s britches and gripped the hard, hot flesh he found there, pumping it with long, steady strokes, bucking his own hips forward in invitation. Matthew slanted his mouth over Nashoba’s and crushed their lips together in an all-consuming kiss. Passion overtook him as he ran his hands over Nashoba’s face and into the lush length of his black as midnight hair.

  He broke away only long enough to murmur, “I love you, taloka,” before Nashoba closed the tiny distance between their mouths with a long, feverish kiss that had them both moaning their ecstasy.

  Matthew fell to his knees and licked Nashoba’s cock from base to tip. He circled his tongue over the glistening head, savoring the salty essence that spilled from the slit. Reveling in his lover’s throaty moans, he slid his lips all the way down the pulsing length until his nose nestled in the springy curls at the hilt and he could inhale the musky scent of Nashoba’s maleness. Gripping Nashoba’s cock at the base, he turned his attention to his lover’s balls, licking the sac, holding each small sensitive ball in his mouth, sucking gently while he ran his hand up and down Nashoba’s pulsing shaft.

  “Matthew…” He looked up as Nashoba tugged at his shoulders. “I will spend too fast if you keep doing that so well.”

  Matthew stood up and threw his arms around Nashoba. “That is my intention, but we can lie here and take it more slowly if you wish.”

  “Not too slowly,” Nashoba said with a sly smile as he fell back on his bed and pulled Matthew down on top of him. Between them they rid Matthew of his boots, britches and small clothes, and once naked he stretched out, covering Nashoba’s body with his own, his mouth claiming Nashoba’s again with kiss after kiss. The way Nashoba responded was so very different from their first kiss, weeks ago. Nashoba’s eyes had widened with surprise and something akin to shock. Now as their tongues meshed, his eyes were still open but filled with a dreaminess and the gleam of expectation that drove Matthew slightly mad with lust.

  “Do you still have some of that cream we used last time?” he murmured, his lips never leaving Nashoba’s.

  “Yes.” Nashoba wriggled his way out from under Matthew and reached for the small pot. Matthew rolled onto his back and Nashoba straddled his thighs. He ran his slicked fingers up and down Matthew’s erection then reached behind him and, using more of the potion, readied himself for Matthew. He raised his hips and Matthew positioned his hard member between Nashoba’s arse cheeks. He breathed out a long sigh of pleasure when Nashoba sank down onto the length of Matthew’s cock, all the way to the hilt. They reached for each other’s hands, their fingers intertwined and Nashoba leaned down to gently kiss Matthew’s lips.

  “Fuck me,” he murmured, and Matthew responded, pushing upward, slowly at first, but as Nashoba deepened their kiss and the sound of his moans urged Matthew on, he rammed harder and faster into Nashoba’s tight heat. Sweat beaded their foreheads and slicked their bodies as Nashoba rode him. He reared up, supporting himself with a hand on either side of Matthew’s thighs, and Matthew gazed in awe at the sight of the beautiful, lithe body arched in ecstasy over him. He gripped Nashoba’s rigid cock and pumped it with near desperation as his own release spiraled through his balls. Nashoba growled and his spend fountained from him, splattering over Matthew’s chest and chin.

  Matthew sat up, wrapped his arms around Nashoba and toppled them over onto their sides without breaking their union. Now he rammed into his lover with even more powerful thrusts while Nashoba covered his face and lips with hot urgent kisses. “Nashoba,” he ground out from between clenched teeth when it became impossible to hold back one second longer. One final thrust and he exploded inside Nashoba with dizzying force. They lay, panting, their bodies covered in sweat, completely drained, and Matthew thought perhaps he had never been this happy and fulfilled.

  * * * *

  “I spoke with Jamie MacDonald this morning about what he and Tanaka will do now,” Matthew said, some time later. He caressed Nashoba’s naked chest. “He says they still plan on continuing west. I wish we could join them, but I feel I must stay until the threat from the French is over.”

  Nashoba brushed his lips over Matthew’s cheek. “You are right, and I will assist you in every way I can while defending my people.”

  “Tanaka said that would be your answer.” Matthew kissed him. “I love you, even though I know that in doing so I put our lives, yours and mine, in danger. Yet, I cannot stop this longing for you to be a part of my life forever. Am I mad?”

  “Not mad.” Nashoba smiled sadly. “What lies ahead might try us to the limits of our endurance, but together we will survive.”

  “You see this?”

  “I know this, taloka. The Great Spirit holds our destinies in his hands. He has given us each other to love and protect for as long as we are on this earth.”

  Matthew tightened his arms around Nashoba’s warm body. “Then there is nothing to fear. I must go, but before I leave, perhaps just once more…?”

  “Once is never enough.”

  * * * *

  Jamie listened with dismay to the tirade coming from the officers’ quarters. Colonel Fowler sounded drunk. From where had he managed to procure the liquor? True enough there was no shortage of it within the fort, but Matthew had ordered it all removed from where Fowler could get his hands on it. He would have had to go to the soldiers’ quarters or the doctor to find some. And surely the doctor would never allow him to have a ration, regardless of his position as superior officer. The men, then. He might have threatened them in order that they turn over their rations to him.

  He looked to the gates as they opened and Matthew rode in. He hurried to meet him at the stable as he dismounted.

  “Matthew, trouble ahead, I’m afraid. It seems that the colonel has found himself some liquor and, from the sounds of it, has had more than what is good for him.”

  “Damn.” Matthew shook his head in disgust. “What fool would have given him it? I gave strict orders that no one should let him have a drink, no matter how much he raged and begged for it. Well…” He straightened his spine and rolled his shoulders to shake off the effects of the long ride from the Choctaw village. “I better deal with it immediately before he drinks himself senseless.”

  “Need me wi’ ye?”

  “Thanks, but it’s best I deal with this officially. Having a civilian present might just tip him over the edge.”

  Jamie chuckled. “Good luck, then. I feel you’ll need it.”

  Matthew nodded grimly and strode off toward the officers’ quarters. Jamie tagged along a discreet distance behind…just in case. The few soldiers who were loitering around dispersed quickly as Matthew approached, but some settlers lingered, shaking their heads at the sound of Fowler’s tirade.

  “You best lock him up again, Captain,” one of the settlers muttered as Matthew past him.

  Jamie had a feeling that would be the outcome, and it would not end well for either Matthew or the colonel. It was obvious to Jamie that Fowler was a vindictive man, and would no doubt try to vilify Matthew’s attempt to control him. At least Matthew had many witnesses to the colonel’s drunken outbursts, should it ever come to Fowler making a formal complaint against Matthew…or even try to have him arrested. Jamie grimaced at the thought. That might just end up in a bloody melee.

  As Matthew pushed open the door and strode inside, slamming the door shut behind him, Jamie wished Matthew had accepted his offer of help

  “Colonel Fowler!” Matthew’s shout cut through the colonel’s slurred ramblings. His face was red and his jaw slack as he turned to stare at Matthew. Lieutenants Andrews and Barrows stood at a distance from him, looking both embarrassed and angry.

  “What the devil d’you want?” Fowler rasped, leaning agai
nst his desk to steady himself. “And where have you been? You’re not to leave the fort without my permission. I should have you arrested for desertion.”

  “Be quiet, Colonel. You’re making a fool of yourself. Where did you get the drink?”

  “What? How dare you, sir. I am the commander here and—”

  “I said be quiet, Colonel. You are in no fit condition to command even a children’s picnic. I am having you returned to your cell until I receive orders from Fort Sumner as to how to deal with you. Now put down that bottle and come with me.” He signaled for Andrews and Barrows to position themselves, one on either side of Fowler.

  “Bastards!” Fowler swung the brandy bottle at Barrows’ head, narrowly missing the man’s skull. Screaming with rage, Fowler flung the bottle at Matthew. It smashed against the wall behind him.

  “Colonel, control yourself, sir,” Matthew yelled as Andrews tried to grab the raging man and hold him still.

  Struggling like a maniac, Fowler wrenched Andrews’ pistol from the lieutenant’s sword belt. Before Andrews could stop him, he had leveled it at Matthew’s chest and fired.

  Jamie, on hearing the shot, pushed the door open and barged in. He gasped as he took in the sight of Matthew on his knees, his hands trying to stanch the blood that flowed through his fingers from the wound in his chest. Jamie turned to the men behind him.

  “Fetch the doctor, now!” He knelt by Matthew’s side and gently lowered him to the floor. “Dinna’ move until the doctor gets here.” Matthew’s face was ghostly white, his lips bleached of color. Jamie glanced up to where Andrews and Barrows held the colonel by his arms. “Ye’ve killed a good man, Colonel. It’ll be the firing squad for you, and no mistake.”

  “He tried to attack me,” Fowler squealed. “I had to defend myself.”

  Jamie raised a questioning eye at the shocked lieutenants who both shook their heads. “He tried to brain me with a bottle,” Barrows said, his voice shaking with disbelief. “He went quite mad, but even then we never thought he’d shoot the captain.”

  Doctor Tomlinson arrived at that moment and after an incredulous look around knelt by Matthew’s side and examined him quickly. “Dear God,” he muttered, opening Matthew’s coat and shirt. “The only chance he has is if I can stop the bleeding. Don’t want to move him, though.” He looked up at the settlers who had crowded into the room. “Find the two ladies who helped me with the wounded,” he snapped. “Tell them to bring blankets and the bandages we made earlier, oh, and a bowl of water.”

  “The Choctaw have herbal remedies that might help,” Jamie said.

  The doctor nodded. “I know, and I’m not daft enough to ignore their benefits.”

  “I’ll fetch Tanaka.” Jamie stood. “Best get that old fool back in his cell, out of the way.” As he left, Barrows and Andrews dragged a protesting colonel back to the cell he’d occupied previously.

  Jamie found Tanaka and explained what had happened. Tanaka reached into the pouch he always carried on his belt. He brought out a few dark-colored leaves. “These will help. I always have them near in case your reckless ways result in injury.”

  Jamie rolled his eyes. “Fine. Just take them to the doctor. Matthew’s in a bad way.”

  The women had surrounded Matthew with blankets and put a pillow under his head. Now that some of the blood had been washed away, Jamie could see the wound just above his right nipple. It was ugly and jagged and Jamie glanced at Tomlinson’s grim expression.

  “Can y’get the shot out?” he murmured.

  “With some difficulty. It’s gone in at a strange angle, but I want to attempt it while he’s still unconscious, otherwise the pain will be unbearable. If I’m successful we can move him to his bed, but he will have to be watched night and day for some time.” He looked around at the crowded room. “Perhaps you could get them to leave us?”

  “Aye…everybody out now so the good doctor can get on with saving the captain’s life. The ladies can stay, of course. Tanaka has the herbs if you need them.”

  Tomlinson nodded. “Getting the shot out is just part of the problem. I have to pray it has not done internal damage I cannot reach.”

  “He’s young and strong,” Jamie said.

  “Yes, that is an advantage, but some wounds are wicked and become infected for no reason we can discern. Anyway, I shall do my best.” He produced a shiny instrument from his bag. “Forceps,” he muttered.

  Jamie watched the doctor probing gently at the wound then give a satisfied sound. “Here it is, but as I said the angle is awkward.” Jamie couldn’t quite stop the wince he felt as blood gushed out around the forceps. One of the women dabbed at it with a cloth so that the doctor could see better. A low moan escaped Matthew’s lips and Jamie wondered if that even though in an unconscious state he was aware of the pain. Beads of sweat covered the doctor’s brow and now the other woman pressed a cloth to it to stop the sweat running into his eyes.

  “Ah yes…” Tomlinson breathed a long sigh of relief and he began to withdraw the forceps. Attached to it was the round shot. More blood spurted from the wound. “He’s losing too much. Let me have the herbs, please.”

  Tanaka passed him a small bowl of herbs and the water he’d been soaking them in. Tomlinson placed the moist leaves over the wound and Jamie wondered at the power in those tiny leaves as they absorbed the blood and stopped the debilitating flow.

  “With any luck, their healing capabilities will penetrate any damaged tissue I dare not tamper with,” Tomlinson said almost to himself. “Infection will be his biggest hurdle to overcome. Two or three days’ time will tell us if he can survive this. We’re being advised to keep the wound open in case of internal hemorrhaging. If all goes well, I will use a ligature to close the wound in a day or two. Now, with your help, perhaps we can carry him to his bed…”

  * * * *

  The sound of a shot startled Nashoba. He looked around for whoever had fired, but no one else apparently had heard it. The village remained peaceful, children playing ball, women tending their fires, a few old men lounging outside their lodges. He closed his eyes for a moment and saw what he had always dreaded. Matthew staggering then falling to his knees from the force of the shot fired at almost point-blank range.

  “Matthew…” Intuitively, he knew his lover was close to death, that he would die if Nashoba did not go to him and sing to him the song of life. Without a second thought, he sprang upon his horse and galloped from the village. Matthew must live!

  Chapter Ten

  Jamie and Tanaka walked together through the woods close to the fort. “It makes me sad that a man like the captain should die so young while evil men like the colonel live.”

  “I see Fowler as a drunken sot rather than evil,” Jamie remarked, putting an arm around Tanaka’s shoulders. “He’s his own worst enemy, though, for he will surely be executed if Matthew dies.”

  “Nashoba will come.”

  “You sent one of the scouts to tell him?”

  “No, he knows.”

  “Och, you and your mystic ways, always so mysterious.”

  “There is no mystery about it. Nashoba and Matthew are twin spirits, just as you and I are. We know each other’s needs and we know when the other is in danger.”

  “That’s true enough. Will he able to save Matthew? The doctor wasna’ very hopeful this morning.”

  Tanaka nodded. “The doctor is a good man, but his medicine is limited. Nashoba’s is not.”

  “Wait, I didna’ know Nashoba was a healer.”

  “Nashoba is many things, some even I, nor his people, cannot know. He is a visionary, that I do know.”

  “Ah, so that’s how he knows about Matthew. He had a vision?”

  “Yes. At least that is what I believe.”

  “Oh, so you’re just guessing at all this?”

  Tanaka quirked his lips. “Not all.”

  “Sometimes I think you are just jesting with me, making me believe a’ kinds o’ things I canna’ even imagine.”
br />   Tanaka chuckled and leaned in to kiss Jamie’s neck. Jamie slipped his arms around Tanaka’s narrow waist and held him crushed against his body. “You’re hard,” he whispered in Tanaka’s ear.

  “You sound surprised. Don’t you know your touch always instantly arouses me?”

  Jamie glanced about them. “I think we’re far enough away from prying eyes and ears.”

  “Mmm.” Tanaka pressed his lips to Jamie’s then sank to the leaf-covered ground, pulling Jamie with him. He wrapped his legs over Jamie’s hips, thrusting his arse forward in invitation. At the sound of a galloping horse, he sighed. “Nashoba.”

  “How could you know that? You couldna’ see who it was.”

  “I know it’s him. We should go. He’ll want to see Matthew and the officers may prevent it.”

  Jamie echoed his sigh. “Fine, but you’ll have to make this up to me later.” He stood and held out his hand to pull Tanaka to his feet. They kissed briefly before setting off to the fort.

  Tanaka’s prediction proved true. As they entered the gates, they saw Nashoba arguing with Lieutenant Barrows, who was barring entry into the officer’s quarters.

  “You should let him in, Lieutenant,” Jamie said quietly. “The captain would thank you for it.”

  “The doctor says no visitors,” Barrows told him with a stubborn set to his lips. “Only the nurses and himself. I know the captain regards Nashoba as a friend, but I have to follow the doctor’s orders.”

  “Perhaps if you asked the doctor, he would allow it,” Tanaka suggested.

  “Maybe tomorrow,” Barrows said.

  “No, I must see him today.” Nashoba glared at Barrows. “Tomorrow will be too late.”


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