Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 37

by Sarah Bale

  Our first date? It hits me – Lucy invited me and Bash on a double date with her and Andrew. Chase tagged along too. Did he follow us after? That’s the only explanation. Is that when this obsession started?

  “Sir, please lower your voice,” the manager says. “Other guests are trying to enjoy their meals.”

  Chase jumps to his feet. “You know what. Let’s go, Olivia, so you can prove what a whore you are.”

  Behind Chase, I see King stand. He nods once, so I stand, too.

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  His hands dig into my skin, but I know this pain is short-lived. Because King is about to murder Chase, if the look on his face is any indication.



  Chase manages to get me outside before King stops him.

  “You should let go of her. Now.”

  Chase’s eyes open wide. “What are you doing here? What? Are you here to save your slut?”

  “Don’t make me tell you twice.”

  The Rolls-Royce pulls up and Chase thinks he has won.

  “As pleasant as this has been, my date and I are going. Come on, Olivia.”

  Saint gets out of the car, and raw energy crackles off him. If King is angry then Saint is a volcano about to erupt. And Chase has no idea.

  “Get in the car.”

  Chase sputters. “How dare you talk to me like that. I-”

  Saint grabs him by the collar of the jacket and shoves him into the backseat. When the door closes, the locks click.

  Saint holds up the key fob. “He stuck in there with Razor, so we should get out of here before Razor snaps.”

  King says to me, “Come on, Liv. My bike’s this way.”

  But Saint cups my face with his hands. “You good?”



  He brushes his lips over mine and then gets into the car.

  I follow King to the parking lot.

  “Where’s Bash.”

  “He left right before I came over.”

  “Okay.” I let out a nervous laugh. “What happens now?”

  “Now we do what we do best. We get answers.”

  He hands me a helmet and gets on the bike. I look at my dress and then at the bike.

  “I, uh, didn’t think this outfit through.”

  King grins. “Nothing like feeling the night air hitting your sweet spot.”

  This makes me snort. “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

  He shrugs out of his suit jacket and hands it to me. “Wrap this around your waist. I promise, no one will get a look at what’s mine.”

  I do as he says and climb on behind him. When we take off, I gasp. Sweet spot indeed!

  We race down the streets, going back to the clubhouse. King stops in front of the building.

  “Go and change.”

  “Where are you going?”

  He gives me a look, but I shake my head.

  “I should be there, too.”

  “Liv, you don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “I do know, King. I want to be there while you question him.”

  He pulls his phone from his pocket, pushing a button. “She wants to see.” He looks me over and says, “I’ll make sure.”

  “What did he say?”

  I know without asking that he just called Saint.

  “He said to make sure you were in all black, and to keep your hair pulled back.”


  He gives me a long look. “So the splattering blood won’t be seen on your clothes or get in your hair.”

  I swallow. Oh. Shit.

  “Still want to come?”


  “Then let’s get you changed.”

  He takes me to his room, and I’m surprised to see more of my clothes are here.

  “When did you do this?”

  “Sent a Prospect over to get more clothes for you.”

  Going to my bag, I pull out black jeans and a black shirt. King changes while I do, putting on a similar outfit. His arms bulge in the skintight shirt, and he catches me looking at him.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Too much.”

  He smiles, but then says, “Liv, I mean it. I think you should stay in here. Let us handle him.”

  “I want to be there, King. It’s my life he’s been messing with. I want to know why.”

  He sighs. “Come on. I’m sure they’ve already started.”

  He takes me outside, behind the clubhouse. The night air has gotten cooler, and there are hints of fall on the wind. Shivering, I move closer to King.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the shed.”

  It sounds simple enough, but when we get to it, I know it’s not just a shed. Someone, presumably Chase, screams from the inside and then moans.

  “Last chance, Liv. No one will hold it against you.”

  Pushing past King, I open the door. Chase is hanging by his arms from the ceiling. His clothes have been pulled off, leaving him in only his boxers, which are wet in the front from pissing all over himself. He’s bleeding, but I can’t tell from where.

  Saint sits in a chair in front of him, as if this is an everyday occurrence. Razor is the one holding the chains that bind Chase, and my sweet, sweet Bash is the one making Chase scream.

  King whispers into my ear, “This Bash isn’t the same one you know. Stay out of his way.”

  Nodding, I move to the side, trying not to vomit. King stands next to me, holding my hand.

  Saint says, “Boy, I’m only going to ask one more time. After that, you’re going to start losing body parts.”

  Chase moans. “No. Please.”

  “Why did you take the photos of Olivia?”

  “It wasn’t me.”

  Saint gives Bash a look and Bash picks up a pipe. He swings it at Chase’s arm. The CRUNCH sound is so sickening that I bury my face into King’s shoulder. Chase screams for what feels like forever.

  Finally, Saint sighs. “Last shot. Why did you take the photos of Olivia?”

  “It wasn’t me. I swear! I was just the one who leaving them on the porch.”

  “Who took them, then?”

  “My roommate. Mitch.” Chase heaves as he vomits everywhere. “He said he knew her.”

  Saint looks at me and I nod my head.

  I whisper to King, “Mitch hired me on the website about a year ago. He shouldn’t know where I live, though. To my knowledge he doesn’t even know who I am.”

  King asks, “How did he know where she lived?”

  “I told him. When he saw a picture of her on Lucy’s phone, he told me all about who she really was. Please. That’s it, I swear.”

  “And you thought scaring a woman was a good fucking idea?”

  “Yes. No! I don’t know. Please!”

  Bash punches him and he cries out.

  Saint says, “Let’s move on. Why in the fuck is your roommate so obsessed with Olivia?”

  “He said she used him. And he’s not the only one.”

  This is the second time he’s implied there’s more than one person involved.

  I whisper to King, “Ask him who the other person is.”

  King calls out, “Who else is obsessed with Olivia?”

  Chase moans, “I don’t know who he is. I met him through Mitch.”

  Bash strikes again. “Do better.”

  “I don’t know his name! All I know is he’s the one who got Mitch hooked on that drug.”

  Saint asks, “What kind of drug?”

  “It’s like meth, but better. We only did it a few times, but Mitch is hooked.” He whimpers, holding his broken arm. “He said if I didn’t get close to Olivia that he would tell the Dean that I’ve been doing drugs. I’ll lose my scholarship if that happens. And I won’t be able to graduate.”

  Bash punches him in the stomach, “So you though stalking her was a good idea?”

  “It wasn’t like that. He wanted to see what she was
doing. Who she was with. We only took those three photos, I swear.”

  Saint nods his head and Bash unloads on Chase, beating him up until Chase is unconscious.

  I ask, “Do you think he’s telling the truth?”

  Saint answers, “When I met Milo at the Purring Pussy he was talking about a new drug moving into the area. Described it in the same way that punk did. Crystals that look like meth, but more potent.”

  “So how do we figure out who’s asking him to watch me?”

  “That’s a good goddamn question.” He turns to Bash. “Think he’ll talk?”

  “They always talk.”

  “Tie him up. See how chatty he gets after you work him over all night.”

  Bile creeps up my throat. “Are you going to kill him?”

  Saint and Bash exchange a look, and neither answer me.

  “If he’s telling the truth, he doesn’t deserve to die.”

  Saint says, “Let’s get you out of here.”

  “Saint, I mean it.”

  “I know you do.”

  I hit his chest. “Saint.”

  “Olivia, we still don’t know who is stalking you. Until we do, I make no promises. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Even if it means killing?”

  “Even if it means killing.” He says to Bash and King. “Get him in the chair. And make sure there’s no evidence left behind.”

  He then picks me up and carries me out of the shed.

  I think I must be going into shock, because I don’t try to stop him. He doesn’t take me to the clubhouse. Instead, he takes me to his bike, handing me a helmet.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my house. You don’t need to be here while they get answers.”

  When I don’t move, he puts the helmet on my head, making sure it’s secure. He climbs on, and I follow suit. I wrap my arms around him as we take off and let myself get lost in the ride. The air is cold against my skin, but I barely notice because his body give off so much heat.

  We pull up to a large gate and Saint punches in a code. The iron gate swings open and we ride for at least another mile before a large house comes into view. No, house doesn’t describe this place. It’s a mansion. Saint stops in front of the house, killing the bike.

  I get off, looking up. “What is this place?”

  The white plantation-style manor is beautiful. It’s so well preserved that it could be a museum.

  Saint takes me by the hand, going up the front steps.

  “It’s my home. It’s been in my family for over two hundred years.”

  He unlocks the door, letting me go in first. The entryway is bare, but there is so much potential here. Saint leads me to the living room, which is under construction. The room is massive – like seriously, my entire townhouse could fit in this space. There’s a fireplace on one wall that is so picturesque that I can imagine sitting in front of it, reading a book.

  “Saint. This is amazing.”

  He leans against a white pillar. “I let it sit empty for too long. Been working on it for a few months – since I met you.”

  My cheeks feel warm. “Oh?”

  “Never saw the point in having a place to stay outside of the clubhouse. Now I do. Come on. I want to show you something.”

  Taking me by the hand, he leads me down a wide hallway. There are spots in the floor that are exposed, and we sidestep them.

  He stops in front of a door. “Go on.”

  Opening it, I put my hand to my chest. It’s a library -- or will be when it’s finished. The two-story room is filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves. I spin around slowly, looking. On the second floor I spot a window seat. And there’s a fireplace in here, too. It’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted since watching Beauty and the Beast as a kid.


  He smiles. “Do you like it?”

  “I do.”

  “It’s yours then.”

  I wrap my arms around him. “Thank you.”

  “Come on. I want to show you another room.”

  He leads me to a massive marble stairway, right out of Gone with the Wind, and picks me up. My heart flutters as I can guess his destination. When we reach the second floor, he goes past several rooms to the last door. He opens the door and I gasp. Inside, there’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “Holy crap. How many people can fit in that thing?”

  He grins, setting me on my feet. “A lot. But this bed is for you and me.”

  I go over to it, sitting on the mattress.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He sits next to me. “Always.”

  “You said this place has been empty for a while. Did you not live here with your wife?”

  I’m afraid he’s not going to answer, but he does.

  “Mary never liked this place. Said our family was going to have its own history.” He smiles. “She would have liked you, you know? You’re a lot alike.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “She died and there wasn’t a goddamn thing I could do to save her.” He sighs. “That’s why I pushed you away. Mary was born into my world. She understood the rules and risks of loving a biker and she still died. When I met you, I knew it was selfish to keep you. And then you got hurt.”

  “I got hurt because I was lying to you and working with the FBI. I got hurt because Mama Bear shot me. That had nothing to do with you.”

  “I should have protected you.”

  “But who protects you, Saint?” His gaze meets mine. “I love you. That’s why I didn’t just run out of that RV. I wanted to make sure Mama Bear couldn’t hurt you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  And then his mouth crashes over mine, sealing his unspoken vow. We tear at each’s others clothing until we’re both naked and I take a step back, putting my hand over my heart.

  “What is it, Olivia?”

  Saint Massacre is gloriously nude in front of me for the first time. Whatever I imagined him to look like pales in comparison to the man before me. Did I know he was smoking hot? Sure. I didn’t know he was a fucking work of art, though. His brawny body is covered in tattoos, each telling a story I want to discover. And his cock – oh god – it looks even bigger without the restraints of clothing.

  “You take my breath away,” I breathe out.

  “Like what you see?”

  He moves toward me and I feel dizzy with excitement.

  “Get on the bed.”

  I do as he says, spreading my legs. He looks me over, heat in his eyes.

  “Can I tell you something naughty?”

  His nostrils flair. “Yes.”

  “Remember that day you tripped over the box on my floor, and my pussy box spilled.”

  “I remember.”

  “And then I told you my fantasy.”

  He moves onto the bed, kissing a trail up my stomach. “Yeah.”

  “After you left, I was so mad.”

  “I was pretty mad at me, too.”

  That makes me grin.

  “Here’s the naughty part. I masturbated with my vibe, picturing you the whole time.”

  He makes a sound in the back of his throat. “I know. I heard you.”

  “Did it make you hot?”

  “So fucking hot.”

  Running my hand down my chest, I cup my breast. Saint stills as I pinch my nipple. I give him a saucy look as I trail my hand lower. When I touch myself, a low moan escapes my lips. Saint lifts my hand and sucks on my fingers before putting them back in place. This time when I touch myself, my fingers are slick with his saliva.

  “Spread your legs. Let me watch you finger-fuck yourself.”

  Heat pools between my legs, and I do what he says. My folds are slick with my arousal. When I dip a finger inside my pussy, he makes a sound. Opening my eyes, I see him fisting his cock. His strokes are slow and calculated, like he wants this to last.

  Pulling my hand back, I lick
my fingers, tasting myself. And then I slide two fingers back inside, thrusting them slowly in and out. It’s not what I need, but it’s getting me closer to my orgasm.

  “Need some help?”


  Saint moves over me. He lifts my hand, licking my finger clean as he enters me in a slow thrust. I moan. This! This is what I need!

  “Look at me.”

  I do, and the love I see in his depths takes my breath away.

  “I love you,” I whisper. “So much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We murmur sweet nothings to each other as we make love. When I come, it feels different. More euphoric. It hits me – it’s because this is was love feels like. True, non-fucked up love. I’ll never be the same again now that he, King, Bash, and Razor have my heart and I’m okay with that.



  I watch Olivia while she’s sleeping. I lied when I said I didn’t want her at the clubhouse tonight, but not for the obvious reasons. Someone out there wants to hurt her and I’m not going to let that fucking happen. Not when I finally have her in my life.

  Reaching over to the nightstand, I look at my phone.

  King: He’s talking now. Says he can tell us where he met the other guy.

  Me: Find the other roommate, too.

  King: Already on it. Razor just brought him in. He didn’t react well to seeing his friend in his current condition.

  Me: Good.

  King: How is she?

  Me: Sleeping. For now.

  King: Bash is worried that she won’t look at him the same.

  Me: She’s a strong woman.

  King: This is a lot though.

  Me: Let me know when you have more news.

  I doze off at some point. When I wake up, it’s to Olivia’s hot mouth on my cock.

  “Mmm, Daddy,” she breathes out. “Did I wake you?”

  This Daddy kink is fucking filthy, and I love it. God knows I am old enough to be her father, but this is something else. Our relationship has always felt forbidden. This amplifies it.

  “Baby girl. What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to make you feel good.”

  She takes me into her mouth, as much as she can, and bobs her head back and forth. Where her mouth can’t reach, she uses her hands. Leaning back, I let her suck me off.


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