Prevailed Upon to Marry

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Prevailed Upon to Marry Page 13

by Isabelle Mayfair

Georgiana gave a little laugh as she glanced at her brother. I noticed that though she was very affectionate with him, there was something about her that made her seem in awe of him. I did not think the relationship was as easy as the one I was accustomed to with my sisters. But then, Darcy was more than ten years her senior. It would be strange if they had a typical brother and sister relationship with Darcy acting as her parent for the past five years. No doubt she saw him more as a father than a brother. Well, if I were to be a member of this family, I would do my best to correct that. I would do all my power to make matters easier between them.

  Darcy straightened the papers and cleared his throat to turn to me.

  “I am not ashamed or embarrassed by my feelings,” he said. The gaze he directed to me was piercing. So piercing, I dropped my own. What on earth did that look mean? Did he expect me to understand his true feelings still even while playacting? Well, I was not about to forget it. As if I ever could.

  “I was telling Georgiana about how she can help me choose a new gown for the ball,” I said.

  “I am sure Georgiana is agreeable.”

  Georgiana smiled and nodded enthusiastically, and Darcy returned her smile. “Well then, shall we leave? The carriage is at the door.”

  Georgiana and I chatted on our journey into the centre of London. Or at least I talked, Georgiana was quiet and contributed to the conversation sometimes. Darcy stared out the window for the first part of the journey, but he still observed the atmosphere between us, and he smiled as he watched us. No matter how he felt about me, he was glad to see his sister and I become friends. As we emerged from the carriage, he took my hand and gently pulled me to one side. Georgiana noticed, and with a smile, she moved away to give us some privacy.

  “I must thank you for the effort you are making with my sister,” he said. “She is a shy girl, as she finds it difficult to make friends. I think your lively influence will be a great help to her.”

  “She is a dear girl,” I said. “I am delighted with her and also relieved…”

  Darcy paused for a moment and looked at me closely.

  “Why should you be relieved?”

  I laughed a little to hide my carelessness. “Oh, just the usual nerves one has with meeting a new sister. It is only natural that I feared we should not like with another. I am delighted that it is not the case.”

  Darcy smiled. “I had no fear of that happening between you. You are both delightful, pleasant people, honest and with the qualities I admire most of all. Although you are lively and Georgiana is quiet, I knew you could not fail to like one another.”

  I smiled. “Well, I am touched by your faith in us. Yes, I am happy to say it, but I am very pleased with Georgiana as a sister.”

  Darcy glanced towards Georgiana, then to my surprise, he leaned down. For a moment, I thought he was about to kiss me, and my heart pounded just waiting to feel his lips on mine. He paused near me and whispered in my ear, making my skin burn at the feel of his breath on my cheek.

  “Georgiana is looking at us,” he said. “Remember, we must perform.”

  I hesitated and then laughed to hide my confusion. I did not know if I was relieved or disappointed he was not about to kiss me. I did not know what the pang in my chest meant.

  “Well, of course, she would be happy to see her brother and his new wife together. I’m sure she will look to us to form her notions of marriage should be like.”

  “Yes, she will.” Darcy gazed down at me, and I could not tell what he was thinking. I tried to speak, but my words were trapped in my throat.

  “Well, I suppose it is only natural that she should look to us to set the example for her.”

  “Indeed.” He was so close that if I moved slightly, his lips would have brushed mine. “We shall have to do all we can to set an example for her.”

  But was he still playacting? I could not tell. It was a strange but nice feeling to have him so close to me. For a moment, I could pretend we were a normal couple who loved one another.

  “I am sure there are no better people for the task,” I said, still feeling breathless.

  Darcy smiled at me and reached to take my hand. He closed his fingers around mine and led me to where Georgiana waited. She had been watching us eagerly with a smile on her face, but she looked away when we approached.

  “Are you ready to visit the shops?” she said, with a casual air, as if she had not just witnessed the intimacy between us.

  “I should allow you to take over from here, Georgiana,” said Darcy. “You must show Elizabeth where are the best shops are, and which have the best fabrics and… accessories…” He made a face and waved his hand vaguely as if he were not sure what he spoke of.

  Georgiana and I laughed at his befuddled expression.

  “Where do you go to while we are shopping?” I asked. I felt a curious disappointment that he would not be joining us. But of course, he could not. My father never went near a shop, and my mother had tried for years in vain to get him to take an interest in what she wore. Darcy did not seem to be as stubborn as my father, but he did not strike me as a man who had any desire to understand muslins.

  “I have some business to attend to, but I shall find you afterwards. Would you like to go to Gunthers for tea afterwards?”

  I smiled at him. The little shop nearby was a favourite when I stayed in London, but as it was far from my Aunt and Uncle Gardiner’s house, I rarely had the opportunity to visit.

  “Yes, I should like that very much, would you not Georgiana?”

  “Oh, Elizabeth, we must try the ice cream. It is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted.”

  “Well, I shall receive your recommendations for more than just clothing today. All right, lead on. Where are we going?”

  Georgiana led me towards Bond Street. I glanced behind at Darcy. He was walking in the opposite direction, but as I looked back at him, he looked behind at me as if he felt my eyes upon him. He saw me looking with a small smile on his face, and he waved his hand in acknowledgement. I blushed to be caught staring at him and waved back in response.

  I turn back to see Georgiana staring at me. She sighed.

  “I love how happy you are,” she said. You cannot look away from one another. It is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. Do you know, I always worried about my brother.” I took her arm as we walk down the street. At that time of day to most fashionable people of London were out and about, and Georgiana smiled and nodded her head at several. We did not stop to talk to anyone, to my relief, though many turned straight in our direction to gaze at me with curiosity.

  “Why should you worry about your brother?” I asked. I tried to keep the question casual to hide my burning curiosity.

  “Oh, because William has always been so lonely. He stays in London every year. I always hoped he would return having found love and a sister for me. Yet, each year he returned still single and disappointed. I believe he thought he would never marry.”

  I turned to stare at a shop window as I considered this. Darcy never struck me as a man desperate for a wife. He had always avoided Miss Bingley and even seemed contemptuous of her clear attempt to catch him for a husband.

  “That is most unusual to hear. Your brother never struck me as a man who wished to marry.”

  Georgiana laughed. “Well, you know that is not true better than anyone.”

  “Of course.”

  We strolled on, and Georgiana nodded her head at some passers-by.

  “Did he ever come close to marriage before?”

  “Oh no. Never. I always thought he was very particular, and it would not be easy for any woman to win his heart. I wondered what sort of woman he would marry. I hoped it would not be our cousin. I know it is disloyal for me to say so, but I do not believe they would have made one another happy. No, you and my brother a much better match. He would never have looked at Anne the way he looks at you or spoken to her the way he speaks with you. He could never have loved her the way he loves you. I love to se
e it. Although,” Georgiana looked around as if afraid of being overheard. “I am afraid my aunt will not be happy when she hears news of your marriage.”

  I laughed. “Well, it is no concern of hers. Your brother is entitled to marry the woman of his choosing. His aunt has no place to disagree with that.”

  “Oh, I quite agree,” said Georgiana quickly. “It is just that my aunt will not see it that way. She has always believed that she should have whatever she wants at all times. I think she will make her feelings known. I only say this to prepare you.”

  I smiled at the worry on her face. I slipped my arm through hers and gave it an affectionate squeeze.

  “Well, we shall not concern ourselves with your aunt. I am sure your brother can manage her.”

  Georgiana smiled back at me and arm in arm we went into a shop to select the fabric I would wear to my first ball as Mrs Darcy.


  We came home that evening, in high spirits. I could not believe I had such a happy day with the Darcys. Darcy had been attentive and caring, and in the presence of his sister, his spirits were much brighter. We even joked and laughed together, prompting many a smile from Georgiana. I almost felt like we were a normal couple.

  I was in the library searching for a book to take to bed with me when I heard Darcy coming behind me.

  “Do not allow me to disturb you,” he said. “I came to find something to read.”

  “We think alike,” I said. “I am just searching for something, but I cannot decide what.”

  Darcy came to stand beside me as he scanned the shelves.

  “Would you be open to a recommendation?” he said.

  As I could see nothing I wished to read, I shrugged and nodded for him to continue.

  He smiled and reached above me much higher than I could reach and drew a book down. He placed it into my hands. I looked at the cover in surprise and exchanged a look with him.

  “A novel? That is most unexpected. I did not think these were a favourite of yours.”

  “Well, you have discovered my secret shame. My mother loved these books, and when I was a boy, I slipped in here so I could read them myself and see what enjoyment she got from them. I gained many hours from them, and they bring back many happy memories. Please tell me you will not share that I read them?”

  I smiled as I leafed through the volume. “Oh, I cannot promise to keep from laughing at this unexpected surprise. But I promise I will keep my lips sealed on this subject. For now. I hope there will be a time when I want something from you and I can offer my silence in exchange for it.”

  Darcy stared down at me “You are a criminal, Mrs Darcy. If only I had known beforehand.”

  “It is far too late for that now, sir,” I said. “If you like you can have me sent to Tyburn. Can you guarantee they will kill me before I announce your secret shame to everyone? Think about it. I should be up in the gallows with everyone listening to every word I say. They will be enraptured when I tell them that Mr Darcy of Pemberley loves,” I gazed out of the book cover. “The Mysteries of Heidel Abbey. And has a wide range of gothic novels.” I could not keep the smile from my face as I look at him. For the first time, I noticed he had dimples when he smiled, and they became him far more than his usual grim demeanour.

  “Then it seems I have no choice. I have to be your slave, and grant you whatever you ask of me for the rest of my life.”

  “Oh, you only realise that now? That became the case as soon as we said our vows.”

  Darcy smiled at me. I felt a warm glow as we exchanged looks.

  “Are you in a hurry to go to bed?”

  “No.” The question surprised me. “I had thought to read here for a while before I retire.”

  “Then, would you object if I stayed here to read with you?”

  “It is your house, sir.”

  “It is our house,” he corrected me.

  I smiled, feeling appreciative that he was at least trying.

  “Well, as it is our house, I suppose I can have no objection.”

  Darcy took a chair by the fire. I opened the book he recommended, and to my surprise, I was so lost in the pages, I only looked up when Darcy suggested tea.

  A servant brought us a tray of tea, and we drank it as we read in companionable silence with the fire roaring. I have removed my slippers and tucked my feet up under me. Darcy had removed his jacket and loosened his cravat. Every so often, I glanced up at him to watch his serious face bent over the pages. His eyes were solemn, and he was lost in his work. I glanced at his long, strong fingers turning the pages and when he looked up at me, I blushed and dropped my eyes to my book hoping he did not notice how long I have been staring at him.

  “I am pleased that you are a great reader,” he said.

  I laughed. “I am not a great reader I do not think. At least not compared to many others.”

  Darcy nodded at the book I held. “And yet you have read many pages through the book already. Which part are you on?”

  Despite trying to seem distant, I could not resist a chance to discuss a book. “It is just the part she goes to the chamber. Everyone else in the house is asleep. She has wanted to do it for many a night now, and this time, she will do it.”

  Darcy had put his book down as his face lit up. “I am envious that you have never read it before. There is so much ahead of you. Wait until you get to the part where the…” He picked his book back up again, a small smile playing about his lips. “Well, I should not say.”

  “You are teasing me. Now I must know what happens.”

  “I am not teasing you. But before you go on, I must ask you who do you think Maria’s mother is? There have been several clues so far, and I am curious to see if you put the pieces together.”

  That surprised me. “Her mother is dead, is she not?”

  “She still exists, dead or alive. So you must have some idea as to her identity. Come, have you been paying no attention?”

  “I have. But I am much more interested in the room and the relationship developing between Lorena and Giovanni.”

  “Ah yes. And what do you think of Giovanni?”

  “I am uncertain. He seems like a rogue. He is insensitive and uncaring. On other occasions, he can be a gentleman. I’m still waiting to see what sort of man he is.”

  “It shall be revealed soon. Are you enjoying the book?”

  My face lit up with a smile. “Very much. It is not at all the sort of book I thought you would recommend to me.”

  “Ah, well, you see. I am a man of many surprises. Do not believe you know all about me just yet.”

  I smiled and turned my attention back to the pages. I tried to lose myself in the book again, and it took some effort to stop paying attention to Darcy and what he was doing. But as I was drawn further into the story, I almost forgot I was not alone. At an exciting point, I responded with a gasp. Darcy looked up at once, his eyes bright with eagerness.

  “Well? What has happened?”

  “I think you can guess. I have just come to the part where she breaks into the chamber and finds the coffin.”

  Darcy’s face lit up, and he looked more boyish than I had ever seen him before.

  “I still remember the first time I read that. My hair was standing on end. I wanted to run to my mother’s room, but I told myself I was far too old to do such a thing. What do you think? Are you shocked?”

  “Shocked as anything. I cannot believe it. Now, be silent to let me read on.”

  I smiled as I returned to the pages. The evening passed this way with us stopping to exchange comments until the clock on the mantel chimed.

  I looked up at it in surprise. “Is it midnight already? The evening has flown by.”

  Darcy threw the clock a curious look. “It has gone very fast, has it not? Dare I hope you have enjoyed the evening as much as I have?”

  “I have enjoyed it. This is just the sort of thing I like.” I did not add that it was my idea of married life. If we could have evenings like this, our m
arriage would not be so dreadful. Evidently, Darcy thought the same thing. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

  I rose to retire and looked at him uncertainly. I hesitated, wondering how to part with him after the day we had. I reached out my hand towards him, and he took us. He gave me a questioning look, and I smiled and nodded, even as my heart raced. He bent over my hand and pressed his lips there. I bit back a gasp. Darcy was still bent over my hand as he looked up at me, his eyes dark.

  “Goodnight, Elizabeth.”

  “Goodnight, Darcy.”

  I turned to leave the room. At the door, I looked back over my shoulder to see Darcy still standing at the mantelpiece his hands behind his back. He looked at me, and though we did not smile, there was a softness in his features I have never seen before. I left the room, my heart soaring.


  The next few days passed in much the same manner. A curious sense of warmth and intimacy wrapped around Darcy and I. I told myself it was because we were keeping up an appearance for his sister’s sake, but even when she was not present, the same atmosphere prevailed. I teased him more and more, and he delighted me with flashes of humour I had never suspected before. To my delight, he often joined in my teasing, and I was surprised he could make me laugh so easily.

  Finally, the day of the ball arrived. Kate came to my room to dress me. When she finished, I turned to look at myself in the mirror. Georgiana had insisted I select a gown of oyster silk with lace trimmings. I have never worn such a colour before. It always seemed too grown up and elegant for me. But I was a married woman now, at least legally. There was no reason I should not look grown-up. I was astonished at how the silk flowed over my curves. Where was the old Elizabeth, the Elizabeth Bennet who ran about the woods? But she emerged as I moved with my hair piled up over my head tendrils flowing around my ears, I looked more mature, yes, but the old, mischievous Elizabeth Bennet was still there.

  “Oh, Mrs Darcy.” Kate clasped her hands together. “You will be the belle of the ball. Mr Darcy will not take his eyes from you, and he already can look at no one else.”


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