If Pigs Could Fly

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If Pigs Could Fly Page 18

by Gen Griffin

  “It's odd,” David acknowledged. “Want me to call April Lynne and ask her? Or maybe you should call her? I think she's equally fond of both of us.”

  “Does she like Addison?”

  “No.” Addy flicked ash off the cigarette. “She does not like me. I've been refusing to sleep with her since sixth grade.”

  “Nice to know you have some standards,” David joked.

  Katie narrowed her eyes at Addy. “Some standards. Not many.”

  Addison exhaled smoke. “You're mad at me. Again.”

  Katie decided to tell the truth. “If you're going to get offended when I get mad then maybe you shouldn't sleep with sluts.”

  David choked on a laugh.

  “I'm not sleeping with anyone.” Addison bit down on the filter of his cigarette. “I haven't slept with anyone since before Gracie's wedding.”

  “Good.” Katie knew she didn't really have the right to bitch at him for things he'd done months ago. Still, Makinsley's non-stop phone calls had gotten under her skin tonight.

  “Oh boy. Are we going to have a fight right here in the landing parking lot while we wait for our hapless killers to come back so that we can arrest them?” David appeared entertained by the possibility. “And to think I forgot my popcorn.”

  “Shut up, Breedlove.” Katie shot him a death glare.

  “You won't have to worry about Ian shooting you. I will shoot you myself if you don't zip your lips,” Addison grumbled under his breath. “I will string your scrawny ass up by your toes from a swamp oak and feed you to the gators.”

  Katie almost had to giggle. “Don't make me laugh. My life is easier when I'm mad at you.”

  Addison titled his head at her quizzically. “Your life is easier when you're mad at me?”

  “Yes.” Katie crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him. “My life is much easier when I'm mad at you. If I'm mad then I don't have to worry about who you're sleeping with or who wants to sleep with you or whether or not I'm being an idiot by letting myself hope that you and I will actually work out.”

  “Ah, all this honesty is so refreshing. Just like the thirty degree, sixty mile an hour wind we're all standing around in.” David boosted himself up into the bed of the truck. “Maybe I should go for a swim and see if I can find that corpse?”

  “Maybe I should throw you in the bayou and see if you even remember how to swim?” Addison suggested. “Because I'm sorely tempted to launch your ass.”

  “Just sayin',” David said.

  “No one asked you,” Katie informed him.

  Addison turned back to her. “Ignore him. He's going to be an ass because he wants to be an ass. You know how he gets when he's in one of his moods.”

  “David's smart mouth is the least of my problems,” Katie purposely eyed Addison. “You, on the other hand...”

  “I wish you would just have a little bit of faith in me,” Addison said. “What do you need me to do to prove I'm going to be there for you?”

  “I need you to be there for me,” Katie told him. “It's not something you can snap your fingers and magically make happen. It's going to take time. Proving you're going to be here for the long run requires you actually sticking around and being here for me.”

  “I will be,” Addison said. “Just give me a chance.”

  “I am giving you a chance,” Katie said. She wiped unshed tears from her eyes. “Why do you think we're here right now?”

  “Because Ian's killed someone else,” David quipped. “Or did you not mean standing around in a boat landing parking lot in the middle of the night without a boat?”

  “I'm going to throw him in the bayou. Want to help?” Addison held one hand out to Katie.

  Katie took his hand and laced her fingers through his. “I'd rather go home and go to bed.”

  “With me?” He qualified.

  Katie made a face at him. “I'll sleep in the bed with you. I've already told you where I stand on sex.”

  “I just meant my bed,” Addy clarified. “Unless you're going home with Breedlove?”

  David yawned as if he didn't have a care in the world. “Speaking of going home with me, you're not planning on living with Addison in that apartment.” It was a statement rather than a question.

  “No. There's no way it would work. Not to mention the gossip my living with Addy would start.” Katie eyed David for a minute. “I was thinking about taking you up on your offer. Y'all do have a couple of spare bedrooms, don't you?”

  “Three of them plus an office that no one has used in twenty plus years. The office could easily be converted into a fifth bedroom,” he looked thoughtful. “It's also walking distance from the sheriff's department. You may find that handy.”

  “The close proximity of your house to my work has crossed my mind. Though, I can go ahead and take the truck back, right?” She gestured at the S-10. “My name is on the title and it's just sitting here.”

  “That truck is evidence in at least a dozen crimes. If I were you I wouldn't touch the damn thing with a ten-foot pole.” David eyed the S-10 warily. “Especially since I keep hearing rumors that Kerry might be coming back to work for the Sheriff's Department soon. Do you want to give him a reason to claim that it really is your truck and not just Ian's?”

  Katie sighed. “Crap. I understand your thinking, but that means I'm still not going to have a car.”

  “I told you that we'd work on the car thing,” David reminded her. “I meant that. I just haven't gotten to it yet. I spent all day stalking Ian and his criminal buddies. Also getting shot. I did get shot today, remember?”

  Katie rolled her eyes at him. “You seem to be doing just fine.”

  “I'm tired, cranky and I want to go home,” David grumbled. “Can we go home or are y'all wanting to sit here all night and wait for Ian to come back?”

  “I want to go home,” Katie decided after a moment's consideration. “I'm exhausted. Confronting Ian tonight isn't going to do us any good. It's not like he's going to confess to murdering anyone.”

  “Let's go home,” Addison agreed. “We have all the time in the world to figure out who Ian's murdered. After all, they're already dead. The emergency part of the situation has passed. Unfortunately.”

  “I doubt it will take real long,” David said as he hopped down out of the truck bed. “Wait around the sheriff's department long enough and someone will come in to fill out a missing person's report.”

  “You're such an optimist,” Addison told him.

  “That's me. Mr. Hopeful.” David grinned at him as he rolled the dirt bike over to the tailgate of the truck. “Help me pick this thing up. I don't feel like riding home without a heater.”

  Chapter 48

  “Just dump her here. I'm freezing my ass off.” Joe shivered as another cold wind cut through the night air.

  “We ain't far enough out. Some fisherman will find her in the morning if we throw her overboard where we're at right now. Folks use this part of the bayou.”

  “Won't the gators eat her?” Joe's arms were folded over his chest. He wasn't wearing a jacket and goosebumps were visible on his mud-streaked skin.

  “Not before morning,” Ian said. He kept his hand on the boat's throttle. “We've got to keep going.”

  “We're gonna freeze.”

  “Would you rather freeze or get arrested?” Ian asked. “Those are our choices. Freeze our asses off tonight or get arrested in the morning. Take your pick.”

  Joe shuddered. “Stupid bitch had to go and shoot herself. She screwed us.”

  “Don't talk about her like that.” Ian choked on the words. He was close to tears again. “She didn't mean to die.”

  “Dude, she knew there was something wrong with that gun. She said so right before it went off.”

  “It was an accident.”

  “She was too dumb to live,” Joe sneered at Ian. “She probably did you a favor when she blew her own brains out. Now you ain't got to deal with her forever.”

  Ian let o
ff the throttle and the boat slowed to a stop. “Shut up.”

  “Why are you stopping?” Joe demanded. “You just said we weren't out far enough.”

  “You stop talking shit about April Lynne. She was the best girl I ever knew.” Ian was crying now.

  “Shut up and get over yourself. The bitch is dead.” Joe turned his back to Ian and stared out across the bayou.

  He never saw Ian pick up the shotgun.

  “You say you're sorry.” Ian's hands shook as he clutched the gun.

  Joe laughed. “I ain't fucking sorry. Dumb bitch killed herself. Why would I be sorry?”

  “Say you're sorry,” Ian repeated. He was choking on his own tears.

  “As far as I'm concerned it's more money for us. Now we only have to split that 36K three ways. I'm glad she's dead.” Joe still didn't turn around, but he didn't need to. Ian could hear him smiling.

  “Say you're sorry.”

  “Fuck you, man. She deserved it.”

  Ian pulled the trigger.


  Joe screamed, slumped forward and fell into the bayou with a splash. He didn't resurface.

  Chapter 49

  “I'm so ready for bed.” Katie pushed the key to Addison's front door into the lock and eased the door open. Addison had gone over to David's house for what he promised would only be a few minutes. Something about a handgun David had found hidden inside the house and some ammo. Katie hadn't really been paying attention to their conversation on the way home. She'd curled up in the backseat of the truck and spent the entire drive home alternating between dozing off and feeling nauseous from Addison's driving.

  The apartment was dark. She had to feel down the side of the wall until she found the light switch. She was just about to turn on the lights when she heard a noise coming from the direction of Addison's bedroom.

  “Hi, sexy.” A throaty female voice echoed out from the darkness. “I've been waiting for you.”

  Katie flicked the lights on. “For me?”

  “I've missed you so much-,” Makinsely appeared in the doorway that separated Addison's bedroom from the rest of the house. She was wearing a slinky blue negligee that left nothing to the imgination. Katie could very clearly see the outlines of Mak's dark nipples through the fabric. She'd shaved her pubic hair into the shape of a heart.

  Classy, Katie thought sarcastically. Real classy.

  “Katie.” Makinsley's thick lips pursed into a frown of stark disapproval. She put her hands on her very curvy hips. “Still chasing after the man you can't have?”

  “How did you get in here?” Katie was too tired to deal with Mak right now, but it didn't look like she was going to get a choice in the matter. “Don't tell me Addy invited you. I know he didn't. He's been ignoring your calls all night.”

  “I have a key,” Makinsley replied cattily. She strolled across the living room and sat her nearly naked butt on the arm of the couch. “He's going to come back to me. It'll only be a matter of time until he misses me. We have the most amazing sex.”

  “How nice for you.” Katie gritted her teeth together.

  Makinsley's eyes were fixated on the ceiling as she stroked her own nipples through the thin fabric of her nightie. “I miss having his cock inside of me.”

  Katie stayed silent and let Makinsley ramble.

  “Addison is a-fucking-mazing in bed, Katie. The best I've ever had. I don't blame you for chasing after him. He's never going to go for you, but I don't blame you for wanting him.”

  “You should go.” Katie was tempted to strangle Mak.

  “Where is Addison?”

  “He went over to David's.” Katie had no idea why she'd answered Mak's question.

  Makinsley eyed Katie up and down for a long moment. “It must be awful to be in love with a man who will never, ever want you. Aren't you embarrassed to be trailing him around like a sad, lonely little puppy?”

  Katie didn't answer her. She couldn't think of anything to say.

  “You're married and you still want Addison a million times more than you want Ian. Not that I blame you. I wouldn't want Ian either. He isn't half as sexy as Addy.” Mak continued to stroke her own breasts. “Are you ever going to give up and admit he doesn't want you?” Makinsley looked directly at Katie. “Because Addison would never go for you. Even if you were single. You're not his type.”

  “Thanks.” Katie tucked her hands into her pockets. “I needed to hear that.”

  “Why would a guy want you when he could have me?” Makinsley asked the ceiling.

  “I don't know.” Katie abruptly realized that Mak was very, very drunk. She could smell the alcohol on her breath from a full three feet away.

  “I'm hotter than you could ever hope to be.”

  “Uh huh,” Katie wasn't arguing. No point in it. Arguing with drunks was always a waste of time. She'd learned that with Ian.

  “He still wants me,” Makinsley announced. “I know he misses me. How could he not?”

  “Because you're obnoxious and not half as hot as you think you are?” Katie muttered under her breath.

  “What was that?” Mak asked.

  “I don't think Addison wants you.” Katie couldn't bite her tongue any longer.

  “He doesn't want you,” Mak said with unmistakable grumpiness.

  A thought crossed Katie's mind. “Has Addison ever told you he loves you?” She knew she probably shouldn't ask the question but she couldn't stop herself. She needed to know.

  Makinsley was silent for a moment. “No,” she admitted. “Addison doesn't tell anyone he loves them. Ever. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love me. He's just not going to express it in words.”

  Katie almost smiled. “Has he ever offered to let you move in with him?”

  “If Addison had offered to let me move in with him, I'd be living with him.” Makinsley narrowed her eyes and glared at Katie. “Why are you asking me these things?”

  “Just curious,” Katie said. It was almost the truth.

  “He loves me,” Makinsley said flatly. “You wait and watch. He's playing like he doesn't care right now, but he loves me. He'll never be completely over me. He'll get to missing me and come back. The sex is to die for. Addison won't walk away from great sex. The boy doesn't know how to do that.”

  “Exactly what I'm afraid of,” Katie whispered to herself. Makinsley had moved on from playing with her breasts to petting her own lady bits. Katie was fairly disgusted as she turned away from Makinsley and headed back out the front door.

  She was halfway down the steps when Addison and David came out of David's back door. They appeared to be engrossed in conversation. Addison was holding something small and silver in his right hand.

  “Hey, Katie! I want to know what you think-.” Addison stopped talking mid-sentence as he got a look at the angry expression on her face as she jogged down the last couple of stairs. “What's wrong?”

  Katie purposefully ignored him, instead choosing to focus her attention on David. “Do you mind if I stay with y'all tonight?”

  David's eyes widened ever so slightly. “You're always welcome to stay with us. Do I even want to know why you're pissed off?”

  “Addison already has a house guest,” Katie shot him a glare. “She's mostly naked. I don't think there's room for all three of us up there.”

  “Do what?” Addison's jaw fell open and he gaped at her.

  “Makinsley is upstairs in your apartment waiting for you,” Katie informed him. She forced herself to stare up into his beautiful eyes. “She's not wearing anything I consider to be clothes.”

  “You've got to be fucking kidding me.” His eyes narrowed. His lips were set in a tight frown.

  “I'm done.” Katie was doing her best not to cry. “I was stupid for ever letting myself think, even for a hot minute, that you and I could have any kind of future together.”

  “Katie, don't. Please don't.” He reached out for her hand but she stepped away from him.

  “Good night, Addison. It never would
have worked out between us.” Katie was determined not to let him see her break down into tears. She walked past both of them. She was nearly through the gate when someone caught her by the waist.

  “Seriously, Addison. I'm done-.” She stopped talking as David spun her around to face him. “What?”

  “You're fucking up,” David told her. “If you walk away from him now when you know damn well that he doesn't want her here any more than you want her here, you're going to fuck up the best thing that either one of y'all will ever have.”

  Katie scowled at him. “Don't defend him.”

  “I'm not defending him. God knows, I'd rather not get involved.” He released her waist and then stuck his own hands into the front pocket of the hoodie he was wearing. “I hate relationship bullshit.”

  “Katie, can we-.” Addison appeared at David's side.

  “Go get rid of Mak,” David cut Addison off before he could say anything else. “Get her out of your house. Get her out of your life. Don't forget to take away her damned house key.”

  Addison leaned against the side of his truck. He raked one hand through his curly blonde hair, slicking it back in a decidedly unattractive manner. “I didn't give her a key. I let her borrow my keys once and she went and made a copy for herself. I'd honestly forgotten she even had it.”

  “Well, go take it away.” David made a shooing gesture at him.

  Addison looked from David to Katie with visible uncertainty.

  “Go.” David looked purposefully at Katie. “Katie's not going anywhere. Are you?”

  “I don't even have a car,” Katie grumbled at him. She didn't know where he was going with this, or why he was even getting involved, but she didn't appreciate the gesture.

  Addison hesitated once more and then nodded. Katie watched as he jogged up the stairs to his apartment and then went through the front door. Two seconds later the yelling began.

  Katie pursed her lips at David. “I can't deal with being cheated on. I told him that.”

  “He's not cheating on you,” David countered. “Look, regardless of what other stupid shit Addison has said and done, he loves you. I'm pretty sure that you are the only girl he's ever really loved. You do know that, don't you?”


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