Beautiful Dangerous Love- Teen Sampler

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Beautiful Dangerous Love- Teen Sampler Page 8

by Alicia Kat Dillman


  We came out of the dress shop, our dresses for the Winter Ball in hand. With a slightly self-satisfied smile, I imagined the look on Patrick’s face when he saw me in the dress. It was going to be priceless.

  Nikki stopped and looked in her purse. “Frak! I left my phone in the store; I’ll be right back, ‘kay?”

  As she dashed off back toward the dress shop, I looked around. We had stopped in front of a jewelry kiosk so I looked through their displays to kill some time.

  While I was examining one of the necklaces, the kiosk girl asked, “Can I help you with anything miss?”

  I looked up at her to answer but stopped. Michael was standing about a hundred feet behind her looking around.

  Great, just great.

  “No I’m good.” I replied as I dropped down and pretended to tie my boot. The girl looked at me suspiciously but said nothing. I looked around for a place to hide; a bookstore stood a short distance away.


  I chanced a quick glace in Michael’s direction. He was looking the other way. I took a deep breath and walked as quickly to the bookstore as I could without attracting to much unwanted attention. I really did not want to have to deal with Michael, especially outside of school where he was less likely to get in trouble for harassing me. The boy just didn’t seem to understand the word over.

  I reached the store and quickly stepped behind a front display shelf. I would be fine as long as he didn’t come in here. I took another deep breath and peered over the top of the shelf into the mall common area.

  “Is he bothering you again?” Someone asked quietly from behind me.

  I jerked up with a start. I whipped my head around and was met with kind brown eyes. I knew those eyes. Patrick? “What, are you following me or something?” It sounded just a tad bit rude, but honestly it had just popped out of my mouth.

  “No, actually I come here nearly every day.” He smirked at me in a friendly way, “You sure you’re not following me?” As he spoke, I caught sight of Michael looking in our direction. I grabbed Patrick’s sweater and crouched down behind the short shelf of books. He looked at me raising one eyebrow. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Yes he’s bothering me.” I answered, peeking around the corner of the bookcase.

  After a minute or so of silence Patrick asked “What’s in the bag?”

  I turned my head quickly back toward him meeting his eyes. I wished I hadn’t. His eyes were the type of brown that’s nearly black; deep pools that looked like they would swallow me if I kept looking too long.

  I realized I was holding my breath and let it out in an audible puff. “Huh?”

  “The bag,” Patrick said as he pointed at the dress bag next to me.

  I looked down at it then back up at him. “A dress.”

  “Is it the one you’re going to wear to the dance?” He asked as he peered a little closer at the bag.

  “Yeah,” I answered cautiously.

  “Can I see it?”

  “No, I want it to be a surprise.” I answered, scooting away from him to get a better look outside the window. Michael was still standing just outside the store and seemed to be having a heated conversation with someone on the other end of the phone.

  Come on Michael go check out the food court or the theater, anything that gets me out of here without running into you.

  “What does he want anyways?” Patrick asked, leaning over me to peer around the bookcase.

  “Me,” I replied without pulling my eyes from the window.

  “Well I can see why,” Patrick said matter-of-factly.

  That got my attention; I turned quickly around to face him. “Excuse me?”

  Patrick’s expression looked queasy; pained even, like he hadn’t meant for the words to actually be spoken out loud. “Oh wow that sounded way stalkerish didn’t it?”

  “Yeah, just a bit. But it’s okay; no one really says nice things like that to me.”

  “Really? I would think guys would be falling all over themselves to tell you you’re pretty.”

  “You might think that, but you’d be wrong.” I chanced a peek around the shelf again; Michael was still talking on the phone but had moved a few feet farther away. “I think I make them nervous,” I said in a small voice.

  “Oh I can definitely understand that,” Patrick said with a slight smile in his voice.

  I turned back to face him “Do I make you nervous?” He stared at me open mouthed like he was unsure of what he should say. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Okay you do—a little—okay a lot. It’s just that—” Patrick stammered, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

  “Can I help you two with something?” Someone asked behind us.

  I looked up to see a very bored, college aged guy, staring down at us over a stack of books in his hands. “Um…” I looked out the window again in time to see Michael going down the escalator. “Nope we’re good.” I stood up, grabbed Patrick’s hand and walked quickly to the exit.

  Patrick let me drag him for a several feet before he asked, “So by our quick escape I’m guessing Michael’s gone somewhere else.”

  “You would be correct.”

  I whipped out my phone and quickly texted Nikki as I walked. I looked up every few seconds to make sure I didn’t run into anyone.

  Please have found your phone by now Nikki.

  NUALLA: Michael’s here want to get out of town?

  I wove around a pack of stroller moms but didn’t lessen my pace. I hoped Patrick wouldn’t think I was a complete lunatic, but after what he had seen happen between Michael and me this week, I kinda doubted he would. But still somehow what he thought of me mattered, maybe a little more than it should.

  My phone buzzed and I looked down at it again.

  NIKKI: Sure I’ll call Shawn & tell him to pick us up out front k.

  It was then that I realized I was still dragging Patrick through the mall. I stopped and turned a little too suddenly; he ran straight into me, and we crashed to the floor. Sometimes I forgot how much slower human reactions were to ours.

  Patrick looked at me in horror for a brief second before he quickly got back up. I just had to smile at him because he looked so embarrassed even though it was completely my fault.

  “Wanna get out of here?” I asked, broadening my smile.

  He offered me his hand and smiled back. “Sure, why not.”

  Once back on my feet, we all but sprinted to the exit.


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