Road Wood 63, 63–4
Roberts, Chris XVII, 21, 161
Roberts, Garry 134
Roberts, Private Frank 89, 134, 135, 238–9, 242
Robertson, Brigadier General James 31, 86, 87, 164, 174, 191, 194, 200, 202–3, 205, 220, 222, 245
Romanian Medaille Barbatie Si Credinta 116
Rosenthal, Major General Charles 27, 30–1, 60, 73, 81, 141, 163, 164, 171, 172, 178, 194, 200–1, 202–4, 207, 210, 213, 216, 235, 245, 248–9
Rouy-le-Grand 7
Royal Air Force (RAF) 181
Royal Military College Sandhurst 30
Rupprecht Trench 118, 123
Sadler, Peter 58
St Christ 128, 129, 130
St Clair, Major William 171
St Denis 17, 84, 92, 96, 98–9, 102, 129, 173, 174, 175, 204, 208–9, 216
sugar factory 13, 17, 90, 92, 98–9, 102, 112, 112–16, 170, 208
St Denis Wood 73, 106, 114, 201, 202, 213
St Radegonde 12, 96, 101, 102, 170, 172, 201, 208
St Radegonde Wood 173
Sale, Captain Frederick 33
Saunders, Captain James 111
Saunders, Dick 147
Save Trench 19, 70, 77
Scanlan, Lieutenant Colonel Jack 211, 213, 242
Scarpe River 8
Somme, to 231
Schwerdtfeger, Captain 45
Scutari Trench 95, 126
Second Battle of the Marne 4
Senior Officers’ School Aldershot 30, 111
Serbian Order of the White Eagle 194
Serle, Geoffrey 109
Serle, Sergeant Walter 109, 238–9
Shearwood, Arthur 155
Shearwood, Lieutenant Ernest 155
Shearwood, Harry 155
Shearwood, Robert 155
Shearwood, Sarah 155
Sheffield, Gary 4, 5
Sheldon, Jack 47
shell shock 132–3
Short Magazine Lee Enfield rifle 35, 38
signallers 193–7
2nd Divisional Signal Company 193
5th Divisional Signal Company 196, 197
Silesie Trench 125, 129, 179
Simpson, Charlie 143
Skinner, Private Charlie 70
Slaughter, Lieutenant Thomas 34, 104
Sloss, Bruce 154
Sloss, James 154
Sloss, John 154
Sloss, Roy 154
Smith, Lieutenant William 97
Smythe, Second Lieutenant Percy 82, 85, 86–7, 92, 220
Somme Canal 55, 125, 184, 187, 190, 191
Somme River IX, XVIII, 5, 22, 24, 39, 52, 129, 184–5
Bray bend 6, 7, 55, 219
crossings 185–8, 188, 189–90, 200–1, 206
marshes 22, 55, 68–9, 81, 96, 105, 185, 187
Midelton’s Track 186, 186–7
Monash plan 54, 55, 198
sound ranging 160
Sowden, Matthew Claremont 149
Sowden, Private Claude Australia ‘Aussie’ 145, 147, 149
Staehler, Lieutenant 60
Stanley, Peter xv, 40, 136, 141, 215, 230
Men of Mont St Quentin: between Victory and Death XVIII
Stevens, Paul 163
Stewart, Brigadier General James 31, 39, 99, 100, 102, 116, 173, 175, 176, 195, 206, 207–11, 213, 214
Strang, Alex 147
Strang, David 149
Strang, Donald 147
Strang, Mary 148
Strang, Robert 148
Sutton, Richard 149
Suzanne Château 215
tanks 162
Tennant, Gilbert 156
Terraine, John 247
Third Ypres see Passchendaele Offensive
Tortille River 19, 21, 69
Tortille Trench 90, 123
Towner, Lieutenant Edgar 92
Travers, Tim 43
trench systems 19
Trench wireless set 193
Tugwell, Padre Frederic 137
Tyquin, Michael XIV
Uber Alles Trench 19, 73, 74, 77, 87, 117, 172, 202
Urquhart, George 156
Varna Trench 87
Verdun 4
Vickers machine-guns 33, 36, 37, 160
Victoria Cross (VC) 8, 43, 63, 90, 92, 98, 99, 102, 126, 137, 146
eight Mont St Quentin-Peronne VCs 93, 141–2
Villers-Bretonneux XVI, 2, 4, 5, 80, 132
Australian National Memorial 156
von der Marwitz, General 49
von Friedeburg, General 43
von Richthofen, Manfred 181
Watson, Major Stanley 193–4
Watson, Minnie 147–8
Weathers, Lance Corporal Lawrence 126
Web Gilbert, Charles 249
Western Front
end of Great War 246
Hundred Days 5, 36, 132, 247
1918 map 3
Wilkins, Hubert 177
Wilson, Henry 234
Wilson, James 149
Wilson, President Woodrow 236
Wilson, Trevor 39, 160, 234
Wilson wireless set 193, 195
Winter, Denis 232
Winton, Alfred 144
Winton, Davie 144
Wisdom, Brigadier General Evan 31, 117, 119, 123, 124, 177–8, 189, 199, 206
Woodward, Captain Oliver 133–4
Beaten Down By Blood Page 37