Keeping Her Secrets

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Keeping Her Secrets Page 11

by Maddie Wade

  “Gross,” Mustique stated, and both men laughed.

  “I have an update for you on Ben Rensburg. It seems he got released early from Durban Correctional. He showed up six weeks later in Morocco, and then three months ago in Germany, before his trail goes cold. I can find him, but I need a few more hours. How time sensitive is this, and do you need back-up?”

  Mustique felt a warmth invade her at his question. She knew he had access to Fortis and to Eidolon, a secret Black Ops group that didn’t exist on paper, and he was offering her any assistance he could give her. “Thank you, Will, but I have all the help I need.” She looked at Ash, and he winked, causing her tummy to flutter. “But it is time sensitive, so anything you can give me in the next twenty-four hours would help. Especially if you have signs of him in the US.”

  “Who is this guy, Mustique? Does Roz know you’re over there?”

  “He’s someone from my past that’s come up in a current investigation. Roz knows a little of the backstory, but this is personal, so please don’t tell her anything.”

  She heard a sigh come over the line. “You know, if you’d asked, any one of us would have helped you. Roz is going to have my balls when she finds out I helped you and didn’t tell her you had shit going on.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re scared of Roz?”

  “Fuck, yeah, I’m scared of Roz. Did you see what she did to the last person who upset her?”

  Mustique laughed. “Well, her ex-husband was a fucking asshole.”

  “Agreed but even so.”

  “Fine, if she asks, you can tell her, but, otherwise, keep your gob shut.”

  “Fine. Let me see what else I can dig up on this guy. FYI, do we want this fucker to go down?”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Cushty, If I find the fucker, I’ll make sure he’s on every list known to man, so he can’t get away.”

  “Thanks. Oh, and, Will? Can you see if Rensburg, Ramin Hashemi, and Robert Hanley were ever in Morocco at the same time?”

  “Of course, sweetheart.” He paused a beat before speaking again. “Ash, be sure to keep your balls covered around this one.”

  Ash chuckled. “I got this, Will.”

  Mustique was pulling into the street where their safe house was when Jake called. Ash spoke with him briefly before ending the call. “They’ll be here in twenty minutes.”

  When the other two men arrived, Mustique filled them in on her talk with Hanley and what she’d gotten him to agree to.

  “That sounds like a good plan. If he goes for it, we can keep him on a short leash for whatever time he has left. My guess is he’ll announce his retirement any day now, due to his poor health.”

  “Moody is holding his own but still isn’t conscious,” Nick added.

  “It’s good news that he made it through surgery, at least,” Ash reflected. “What about you, what do you have for us?”

  Jake leaned back in the chair and assessed Ash and Mustique as if he wanted to say something. Ash lifted his hand and rolled it in a get on with it gesture.

  “It seems Leonie Craven is adopted, and I don’t mean legally. Jim Craven illegally obtained the child through a man named Lyle Peterson. Initially, we didn’t think it was linked, but Peterson is a known associate of Hashemi. Lyle did three years at Durban Correctional for assault, but that’s all we have.” Nick showed her and Ash a picture of Lyle Peterson.

  “That must be the man Senator Hanley described from the library, but I don’t remember seeing him there.”

  Jake shrugged. “He seems to be somewhat of a middleman, but we can’t figure out who he’s working for. I can’t help thinking we’re missing something.”

  Mustique knew it was now or never. Did she tell these virtual strangers her secret and risk the pain of what they would think, or risk their lives by sending them into a situation they weren’t prepared for without all the facts? These men, all of them, were risking their lives to help keep her child safe, at the very least, she owed them honesty.

  Mustique looked at Ash who held her gaze with his steady one. Not pushing her either way, he was ready to support her, and that made her decision all the easier.

  “I think the connection is a man named Ben Rensburg. He’s Leonie’s birth father. I’m her birth mother.”


  “Are you happy with the plan?” Mari asked Ash once more, as she paced the small space of the kitchen at their safe house.

  He got close to her, stopping her movements with his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me, Mari.”

  Her gaze found his, and, once again, he found himself falling for her, remembering her bravery as she’d admitted her deepest secret to Jake and Nick. She hadn’t gone into details as she’d done with him but told them enough to give them a better comprehension of the situation they were in. Both men had seemed furious on her behalf, and understanding and compassion had come over their faces.

  “I’m perfectly happy with the plan, but are you? This is a lot to ask of you.”

  They’d decided they would go to the event and question Hashemi and see if Ben showed his face. But late last night she’d received a call from Kate Craven saying she had a bad feeling and wanted Mustique to guard Leonie while the senator went to the event. Mari had balked, but Craven had said the only way she’d go was if she knew Leonie’s biological mother was guarding the teen with her life in the senator’s absence.

  Craven not attending would spook Hashemi, and chances were he would know something was up. The plan had been changed so that Jake and Nick would attend, and Ash and Mari would guard the girl.

  It wasn’t coming without cost, though. The woman in front of him was nervous—not because she was worried something would happen, but the thought of being around her daughter terrified her.

  “I don’t know. I want to be, but what if it all goes wrong, and I can’t protect her? What if I let her down again?”

  Ash felt his jaw clench so hard he almost cracked a tooth. “You have never let her down. All you’ve ever done is protect her and give her everything you could, and at your own expense.”

  He pulled Mari into an embrace, loving how easily she wrapped her arms around him and held on. In less than a week, so much had changed between them. He pulled back and looked into her upturned face. Ash knew she was nervous. In the past few days, he’d come to know so much about this woman. He could read her posture and her body language as if he had been with her for years. Perhaps that was how it was when you met the person you were destined for, who you knew in your soul was yours.

  “Why the change of heart about us? You were hell-bent on fighting our attraction. What made you change your mind?”

  Mari bit her bottom lip. “I’m not sure. I guess I’m tired of running. I want what everyone else does—to be loved and to love someone—and every time I’ve thought about that in the last six months, I’ve thought of you.”

  “I want us to make a go of this, Mari. I know it won’t be easy with our jobs, but I’m falling for you hard, and I think we’re good together.” He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he waited for her to shoot him down.

  “I want that too, but I’m scared. What if I can’t do it? What if we hurt each other?”

  God, could he love her more? “There are no guarantees in this world, but I can promise that I will never intentionally hurt you. Can you promise the same?”

  “Of course. I would never hurt someone I care about on purpose, but that doesn’t mean I won’t. What if I get hurt or die?”

  Ash had to physically stop the stagger that hit his body at her words. The thought of her hurt or dead was too painful to even contemplate. “I could say the same thing, but is that a reason to go through life alone? We both have dangerous jobs and we take huge risks, but it’s who we are. I would never ask you to change that, as much as I want to.” He smiled to soften his words. “The fact is anything can happen to anyone. Look at Daniel. When he lost Claire, we all thought he would curl up and die, but he found the
strength to carry on and then he met Meg. He was brave enough to try again and look at what he has now.”

  “I know you’re right. All I can say is I want to try because I do.”

  Ash kissed her then, gently and with feeling. He wanted to make love to her to eradicate every doubt she had, but there was no time. “That’s all I ask. Now, are you ready to go?”

  Mari stepped away and patted her body, checking her weapons were in place before she moved to the bag that held a few more. He had his .45 on him as well as a spare at his ankle plus Ka-Bar knife.

  “Do you think you have enough weapons there?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “I never go into something underprepared.”

  He cupped the back of her head, pulling her close and kissing her brow. “It’ll be all right, sweetheart. You’ll keep her safe.”

  He was absolutely sure of that. Seeing her with Hanley yesterday had brought it home to him. He had never seen her in action, but he’d heard the stories about Zenobi and knew she was as deadly as any Navy SEAL.

  What scared him was that she would protect her child even if the cost was her life, and he wouldn’t allow that to happen. She was his now and that meant he would protect her, no matter the cost.

  Once in the car, he looked at his watch and noted Jake and Nick would be arriving at the event soon. There would be regular check-ins throughout the night as they waited to see how everything played out. With no word on Ben Rensburg’s whereabouts and no confirmation he was the one behind the kidnapping plot, Ash had to keep a clear head. Usually he would be surrounded by his team, and he missed not having their support, but was happy he had Trident and Marisol.

  Trident had supplied night vision goggles and weapons, and he pleased with the security at the senator’s house. The men there had all checked out. Two would be traveling with Senator Craven to the venue, and three would stay behind leaving five people in total guarding Leonie. But Ash didn’t like working with people he didn’t know, so, as far as he was concerned, the only ones he trusted were himself and Mari.

  When they arrived at the gate to the Craven property, they showed the guard their identifications. The man inspected the IDs carefully and then radioed the house about the new arrivals before opening the gate. Ash kept a watchful eye as they approached while Mari did the same.

  “Everything seems quiet.”

  She angled to him. “I know. I don’t like it.”

  He remained silent, but he felt it too. That itch all operators got when something bad was about to go down. They entered the house when another guard opened the door. The man was tall and muscular and, if Ash was not mistaken, ex-forces. He nodded at Ash with respect, no hint of anger that they’d come into his territory and taken over.

  Senator Craven stepped out of her office, beautifully dressed in a pale-blue gown. “Thank you, Brad.” Craven smiled at the guard, dismissing him, and he nodded and disappeared into the back of the house.

  “Asher, Mustique, I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have you here tonight. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why, but I have the damndest feeling, and I’m happier knowing you’re here to watch Leonie. If I could get out of this, I would.”

  Mustique stepped forward, and all the doubt she’d let him see earlier was gone as she went into mission mode. “Senator, please don’t worry. We’ll make sure Leonie is safe. Do the staff know that we’re in command?”

  “Yes, my team knows that, as far as tonight goes, you’re in control.”

  “Where is Leonie?” It was because of what they’d shared that he was able to detect the faintest hint of nerves in Mustique’s voice.

  “In her room, playing music.”

  Mustique turned at the sound of a vehicle outside.

  “That must be my car.” Craven grabbed her shawl and clutch, and Mustique opened the door for her.

  “We’ll stay in touch with our team, but make sure you stay with your security at all times. We don’t know exactly where this threat is coming from yet.”

  “I will.” Senator Craven stared behind them, and Ash followed her gaze. Leonie was on the stairs, and he noted Mustique’s back stiffen slightly before she relaxed. “Night, sweetie. Make sure your homework is done and you’re in bed no later the eleven. And mind the security staff.”

  “Yeah, mom,” the teen murmured, blushing as she peered at the near-strangers in her house. With that, she spun around and went back upstairs..

  “Do you want to speak to the guards while I do a perimeter walk?” Mustique asked Ash, after Senator Craven had left.

  “If you want or you can speak to them.”

  “No, I need some air anyway.”

  His face softened. “Fine. I have you on comms if you need me or I need you.”

  Mustique nodded before exiting through the back door leading to the patio and gardens. It was still light out, and he didn’t expect any trouble yet. If it came, it would be much later.

  Three hours later, the house was quiet, and he and Mustique were in the lounge with their charge. The television was on and Leonie was watching The Bachelor. Ash noticed the glances she was sneaking at him and Mustique. He wondered if she could see the similarities between herself and her biological mother. The girl was far from stupid, and if she didn’t know what it was exactly, he was sure she suspected something odd.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he slid it out, standing at the sight of Jake’s name on the screen. Striding from the room, toward the hallway leading to the patio door, he answered the call. The backyard was empty and gave him privacy to talk. “Jake.”

  “We got Hashemi to talk. Ben Rensburg is the man behind the plot.”

  Ash felt his entire body go on alert at those words. “Where is he?”

  “We don’t know, but we lost Hanley.”


  “Be on guard. From what we heard, Rensburg is a fucking psycho, and that’s coming from Hashemi, who’s a big enough psycho on his own.”

  “Okay, keep me posted. Is Hashemi a potential threat?”

  “No, we have him locked down.”


  “Is safe, and I have eyes on her.”

  “Copy that.”

  Ash hung up and turned to move back toward the patio doors when a bullet tore into him, sending him crashing to the ground.


  Mustique had spent the better part of the last two hours trying to ignore the girl who owned her heart. A child she’d never stopped loving in all the years since they had been parted. That Leonie had grown into such a beautiful, strong, and vibrant young woman made Mustique proud, but with that came an almost crushing sadness that she’d had no part in it.

  She glanced up from where she sat at the bar as Ash stood to take a call. His eyes flashed to hers, and she knew it was Jake with an update. The evening had been quiet so far. Hanley had arrived at the event with his wife, as had Hashemi, and Senator Craven was also in attendance. The gala honored children from around the globe who’d survived horrific acts of war and violence and endeavored to do more than survive.

  “Is he your boyfriend?”

  Mustique had been deep in thought, but Leonie’s words had her refocusing her attention. She tilted her head, unsure how to answer the direct question and unable to tear her gaze away from her child whose eyes matched hers and whose cheekbones belonged to Mustique’s own dead mother. “It’s complicated, but I guess he is, yes.”

  The teen smiled wistfully. “You’re lucky. He stares at you as if you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I bet men fall over themselves for you.”

  Mustique fought the surreal feeling in her mind that they were having such a conversation. “I hadn’t noticed.” But that was a lie. She had noticed how Ash looked at her, and she loved it.

  Men had always found her attractive, and she’d learned to play it down, a long time ago, and ignore the lustful stares that meant nothing. She’d had lust and it’d cost her everything. But Asher was different; he lo
oked at her with love as well as lust.

  “Well, he does. I wish boys looked at me that way.” Leonie sighed.

  Mustique’s hackles rose at the thought of some boy taking advantage of Leonie like Ben had taken advantage of her. “You don’t want a boy who looks at you like that. You want a boy who will show you with his behavior and his actions how special you are. Looks, like teenage boys, can be fickle. Make sure the boy you like wants you for who you are inside, not what you look like on the outside.”

  “That’s what my mom says.”

  Mustique felt her heart constrict. “She’s very wise.”

  As the words left her mouth, a shot rang out from beyond the door to the lounge.

  Mustique was on her feet in a second. “Get down,” she hissed as she rushed for the door, pulling her weapon as she did.

  Leonie was clearly terrified but immediately dropped and hid behind the sofa, her frightened gaze focusing on the older woman. Standing to the left of the open door, Mustique threw her phone at the teen. “Call 911 and get police and paramedics here. Tell them it’s a home invasion, and the perpetrators are armed.”

  Leonie nodded, and Mustique heard her orders being followed as she peered around the doorjamb and down the hallway to the open patio door. Her heart lodged in her throat at the sight of Ash’s beloved and familiar form on the ground, his body still.

  * * *

  Mustique scanned the interior of the lounge, even though she’d memorized the setup, and assessed the situation in a second. There were two entrances into the room, and their best chance of getting out of there was the one leading to the kitchen. Her instincts were screaming at her to run to Ash to see if he was breathing and to get him help, and her heart broke as she closed the door and left him. Her job was to keep Leonie safe, not just as her guard but as her mother.

  She approached the girl on silent feet and crouched to face her. The house was quiet, and she knew that whoever had breached security was already inside. God knew were the other guards were—Mustique had to assume they were out of commission or compromised. She’d faced life or death situations like this dozens of times and never trembled, and, with the most important thing in her life on the line, she wouldn’t start now. “Leonie, we’re going to head toward the kitchen. Stay behind me and do exactly what I say. Do you understand?”


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