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Rebirth Page 10

by Devin Auspland

  “Yes, everything is fine but… It wasn’t the potion that made you pass out >>click<<. You passed out from the pain of me realigning your shoulder. Healing potions are painless with little to no side effects. You just couldn’t handle the pain >>click<<.”

  Looking away, Zach blushed. There goes any hope of me looking cool in front of Droknal ever again. “Thank you, Droknal. I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but you really are a true friend. I would probably be dead now if it wasn’t for you showing up.”

  Droknal blushed. “It was nothing >>click<<.”

  Zach met Droknal’s gaze. “It was more than nothing and I plan on finding a way to pay you back.” He shrugged. “I just don’t know how yet.” Then Droknal surprised Zach by blushing. I didn’t know an Anthronoid could blush. It was strange seeing an ant’s carapace change colors, but it somehow made him appear more human than creature.

  “What was the attack all about, anyway?” Droknal questioned.

  Zach explained the situation with Noelle and more about his quest. He explained how coveted an audience with Alcot was and, trusting his friend, informed him of the high quest reward. Droknal gasped at the four gold payout, but Zach told him he would split it with him and then quelled the beginning of Droknal’s protesting.

  “It sounds like she’s going to keep coming after you. Will you report her to the guild? I think you should >>click<<.”

  Zach nodded slowly. “I agree, but the nearest guild headquarters is back in Solaris. We're too close to our goal to turn around now. We need to reach our destination and then return to the guild.”

  “That is risky >>click<<.”

  “I think it's a risk we have to take.” Zach looked out the window. The sun was still rising, meaning it was still early morning. “Well, we should get on our way then. If we hurry, we may lose her.” Droknal nodded, and the pair prepared to depart.


  On the Road Again

  Zach was gathering the last of his belongings from the Inn and packing them into his ever-growing pack. He was dreading the prospects of having to lug the heavy weight around but knew it was necessary. We don’t know when or if we’ll stop at a town again before reaching our destination. Best to be over than under prepared. he thought as he continued to pack more and more. The stress on the backpack’s stitching was visible as threads stretched to their max. “Where is it!?” he muttered. Their room wasn’t enormous and was fairly clean, but Zach still couldn’t find his sword.

  “Where is what >>click<<?” Droknal looked around the room for something out of place. Other than the furniture and their packs, the room was empty.

  “My sword. I haven’t been able to find it since we arrived. I thought it got misplaced during the fight last night, but I still can’t find it.” Zach lifted the bedding, but nothing was underneath.

  “Ahh. I believe I can help >>click<< ease your concerns.” Droknal opened his own pack and pulled out a long and thin object that was wrapped in what appeared to be a white cloth. “I have had little interaction with Humans other than fighting>>click<<, so I will try to say this as politely as possible. Your weapon was… bad. It had many imperfections >>click<<, and the sheath was falling apart. Consider this a gift to commemorate our friendship.” He placed the package down on the table and gestured toward it.

  Zach looked hesitantly at it as he sat down to unwrap his gift. He pulled back the cloth and revealed a brand new sheath. It was smooth to the touch as Zach ran his hand up and down the tanned leather. There were no markings or symbols present, it was a solid one piece, a major improvement over the makeshift one he had for the past few years. Rectangular shaped metal was poking out of the open end. Someone wrapped thick brown leather around the metal, enough for both of his hands to grip.

  He pulled the blade out with a satisfying metal-on-leather noise. Upon first glance, the blade was perfect. Not in the sense that it couldn’t be improved upon or the craftsmanship was that of a master. No. The blade was perfect in the sense that it was of solid construction and without a mark on it. The sunlight reflected against its surface as he turned it in his hand, examining the metal work. It wasn’t only the nicest thing he’d ever owned in his life. It was, by far, the nicest thing someone had ever given him.

  The silence went on for some time as Zach appreciated and inspected his new sword. It went on so long that Droknal worried he had done something wrong. “I’m sorry if it isn’t to your liking >>click<<. I traded your old sword in for credit toward the purchase but I believe we could get the blacksmith to exchange them back if it displeases you >>click<<.”

  Zach swung the sword a few times, testing its weight. The blade was lightweight and moved easily through the air. One feature that stood out was the lack of a guard of any kind. A small metal outcrop on one side where the cross-guard would eventually be installed was the only break in the otherwise perfectly straight blade. He sheathed the sword before walking to Droknal and embracing him. The Anthronoid was taken aback, not used to the intimate Human contact. He awkwardly returned the gesture but quickly broke up the contact.

  “I presume this means you like your new sword?” Zach gave him a gentle punch on the shoulder. Droknal cocked his head in confusion. “Do you not like it >>click<<?”

  Zach started laughing. “I love it. Thank you, Droknal. This is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me.” With his emotions high, he sucked in a breath to stop himself from crying. Coughing, he added, “shall we go then?” Droknal nodded, and the pair made their way out of the inn and quickly left the village.

  They traveled for the rest of the day and decided to not camp for the night. They wanted to put as much distance between themselves and any potential pursuers as they could. Zach wasn’t feeling overly tired either, having slept for several hours after Droknal administered the healing potion. He knew he would regret the decision in the morning, but he pressed on. It wasn’t until the afternoon of the next day that Zach was really beginning to feel sluggish.

  “Droknal, wait up,” Zach called out. He was hunched over, panting. “Can we break for food? I need to take this pack off for a bit.” He removed the shoulder straps, and the bag dropped to the ground with a loud thud. He fell into the soft grass and rolled onto his back, gazing up at the clouds. Heh. That one looks like a dragon. A large ant head blocked his ability to cloud gaze, so he frowned back up at his friend.

  “I will make us some food >>click<<. But you should really try to absorb some essence. It should lessen the pain in your joints. Besides, we skipped yesterday and we don’t want to fall out of regular sessions >>click<<.”

  “Ok, Dad.” Droknal cocked his head again at Zach but the Human waved him away. “It’s nothing. A Human expression is all.”

  “But I am not your father. I do not understand >>click<<.”

  Zach sighed. “I said it's nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Droknal appeared as if he wanted to press the issue, but shrugged and returned to his task instead. Zach sat up and got into the lotus position to aid in his essence absorption. Doing his best to isolate the water and air essence surrounding him, he took in all he could. As the essence entered him, he mixed the different types together to create more ice essence within himself. A chill ran through his entire body.

  Droknal watched with admiration as he cooked. The grass around Zach developed an eerie white layer of ice as its blades frosted over. The effect didn’t travel far from Zach, but it was still impressive to see by someone who only recently learned how to harness his inner essence. After a half hour, Droknal called out that food was ready and disturbed Zach’s meditative state.

  Zach slowly opened his eyes and took deep breaths. The surrounding air had dropped several degrees, causing him to see his own breath. Then, before he could admire his skill, the area warmed. The grass’s layer of frost became nothing more than dripping dew, his breath vanished, and his inner chill left him.

  Walking over, Droknal handed Zach a bowl full of steaming stew. �
�You seem to be on the cusp of a breakthrough. The attack you used on… what was her name >>click<<? Noelle?” Zach nodded. “The attack you used on Noelle, was only the beginning to what a seasoned adventurer is capable of. In time >>click<<, and with proper training, your imagination becomes your only limitation.” He paused for a moment. “Or so I’ve been told. I am only in the intermediate ranks myself.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about the ranks. I understand the basics of them, but I know each new ranking requires a breakthrough. What exactly do I need to do to rank up, and what are the actual benefits? I know my essence reserves will get bigger, but is that really it?” Zach questioned in between bites.

  “Did they not teach you this in Human school?”

  Zach shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I never attended school. I’ve kinda been homeless my whole life.”

  “Were you not born with preset instructions like the Anthronoid >>click<<?” Zach shook his head. “Then how did you learn what your purpose was?”

  “That's the big question. What’s the meaning of life and all. I guess I want to find my way home or find a girl and make a new home. But for that, I need to grow stronger and earn a living from adventuring.” Zach chuckled. “As you know, I’m broke, and no one wants to be with somebody who doesn’t have money.”

  Droknal scratched his chin. “That is very interesting >>click<<. Anthronoid are born with a task. A purpose. Mine was to fight. I was born with instructions on how to absorb essence, use a blade and kill.”

  Zach’s eyes went wide. “You were born with the ability to use a sword and taught to kill?”

  “It was… different times then. Before the great war, our queens were giving birth to scores of soldiers >>click<<. I was just another soldier in my queen’s army.” Droknal’s face saddened at the mention of his queen. “The allied races killed the Anthronoid queens at the end of the war. If you didn’t know, my species doesn’t reproduce like many others >>click<<. Our queens are the only ones with the ability to birth new Anthronoid. Their deaths ended our race. I… I have been searching for a new purpose >>click<< since the war ended. Meeting you has been a nice distraction to my quest for purpose.”

  “Droknal…” Zach put a hand on the Anthronoid’s shoulder. “I knew about the war but I didn’t know they killed your queens.”

  “It was to prevent future uprisings. If I was in their position >>click<<, I probably would have done the same. It is best to cut the head from the snake when you have the advantage.”

  “Wait. If that's true, that means you were around during the great war.” Droknal nodded his head at Zach’s question. “But the great war was over fifty or sixty years ago. That would make you…” He tried to estimate Droknal’s age in his head but had no idea where to even start.

  “I am eighty-four years old >>click<<. I was born before the war and was raised to fight. My kind lives to be several hundred years old. On top of that >>click<<, and to answer your earlier question, ranking up comes with many benefits. One of them being longer life. The higher your rank up, the more essence rich your body becomes and the longer it will last >>click<<. I have heard of Humans who live as long as Elves because of their rank. Alcot, the head of your adventurer’s guild, may look middle-aged to you but he looked the same way when he fought during the war >>click<<.”

  “Alcot fought in the war?” Zach refilled his bowl before returning his full attention to Droknal.

  “Yes. It was his accolades during the great war that led to him getting his current position. He and I crossed paths several times on the battlefield >>click<<. This was when we were of similar ranks. He has progressed far in a short period of time. Because of my race >>click<<, my advancement opportunities have been limited.”

  Zach scratched his chin, a million questions jumbling around in his head, all of them were being drowned out by a singular thought. Droknal must be one of the last Anthronoids if his people can’t give birth. I thought his life was hard to begin with, but walking the earth for what must have been fifty years alone… A few tears fell from his face. He quickly wiped them away before rinsing his bowl with his water skin. “We should head out.” Pushing essence into his ring brought up a familiar-looking arrow. It spun a few times before pointing in a direction. “Looks like we need to keep heading this way for a bit.”

  Droknal helped Zach pack up their temporary camp. He struck up a conversation to help kill the awkward silence that had settled after their last one. “What do you think is at your destination >>click<<?”

  “I’m not sure. It was a large burst of magical energy that faded almost instantly. It’s likely we won’t find anything.” Zach stuffed the cooking supplies into a large compartment in his bag. “I just hope we find something I can show the guild in order to complete the quest. I don’t think they will mark it complete or pay me if I come back empty-handed.”

  “I’m sure we will find something. Hopefully nothing too dangerous.” The pair chuckled.

  A long brown blur whooshed by Zach’s torso, barely missing him and impacting the ground behind him. He spun to see a spear sticking out of the grass. “Watch out!” Droknal tackled Zach as two more spears landed in the space he previously occupied.

  “Who's attacking us? Is it adventurers?” Zach whispered to Droknal.

  The Anthronoid examined the spears. They were made of wood with iron tips tied to one end. There were several cracks in their shafts, and the iron was full of imperfections. They were only three feet in length and poorly crafted. Droknal looked around for signs of their origin. “No. Too small for that… It must be >>click<< goblins or something of the sort.” He searched the rolling hills until his eyes landed on a group of heads poking up and down to the south. “There.” He pointed in their direction.

  Zach looked over and saw several scaly, reptilian shaped heads gazing over a hill. “What are they?”

  “Kobolds >>click<<. They are small like goblins but have the characteristics of a lizard or a tiny wingless dragon.”

  Zach drew his new weapon, his hand shaking from the adrenaline. “I guess it's time to break in my new sword.” He got to his feet and ran toward the hill, screaming a battle cry the whole way.

  “Tssk. That is a foolish plan >>click<<. I will have to teach him strategy if he survives this encounter.” Droknal grabbed his wooden staff and chased after his friend into the fray.



  Zach rolled to his side, narrowly avoiding a spear meant for his chest. He gripped his blade tightly as he advanced on the pack of kobolds. As he got closer, the miniature lizards vanished behind the hill.

  “Zach, wait! That’s clearly a trap >>click<
  When he crested the hill, he saw the five kobolds running toward the nearby mountainside. Not today! Throwing caution to the wind, he took off at a full sprint down the slope, faster and faster. He was rapidly gaining speed, aided by the steep decline. A hundred feet, fifty feet, he was almost upon them. At least until he tripped. His foot caught on a rock, hidden by the unkempt grass. The rock sent him rolling at high speed. His only goal was to not cut himself on his blade as he fell.

  He landed at the bottom of the hill with a painful crunch. He stumbled to his feet, fiery pain burning in his shoulder. He rotated it to see if it was dislocated or broken. Luckily for him, it was just severely bruised. When he looked up, he saw the kobolds staring at him with bows at the ready. They pulled back in unison and released together. The speed of the arrows shocked Zach. To be fair, he’d never been shot at by a bow before so he didn’t have a good comparison, but he would have thought the small creatures and weapons would have fired more slowly. With no time to dodge them, he closed his eyes, tensed his muscles and waited for impact.

  A burst of heat suddenly surrounded him. Sweat beaded down his brow and into his eyes as he flung them open. Wiping away the liquid cleared his vision, revea
ling fire everywhere. The entire surrounding area was engulfed in three-foot high flames. He searched around for the arrows and noticed their shafts burning harmlessly on the ground.

  Zach had no idea what was going on, but he feared for his life. He frantically searched for a way out of the fire, a way to safety. That’s when he noticed it. The fire had surrounded him on all sides, but left a circle of unscorched earth around him. It was as if the fire couldn’t harm him. Has my ice essence ranked up so much that I can’t be burned? Am I… fireproof? He puffed out his chest in pride. Locating the only two remaining kobolds, three had perished to the flames, he shouted. “That's right! Fire can’t hurt me. I am the invincible fireproof adventurer! You better run before I come for you!”

  The remaining kobolds looked between each other and then returned their gaze to Zach. They were saying something, but between the roar of the fire and their softened volume, he couldn’t make it out. What he could make out was their look of utter fear when they returned their focus to him. Wait… that's not right. They’re looking a little to my right… Zach turned and looked behind himself. Droknal was standing with his staff outstretched in front of him. A torrent of fire shot from its tip. He turned and rotated his weapon, which caused the flames to dance around and spread. By the time Zach turned back, the kobolds had fled.

  Zach sighed. I thought I was fireproof. “That was amazing! How did you do that? You must be some kind of essence manipulating master!” The Anthronoid dropped his weapon and walked to the ring of fire’s edge. He was staring at Zach with a disappointed expression on his face. Zach sighed before he spoke. “I’m sorry for running off. I’ll pay better attention to you in the future.” The fire still raged around him. He sighed again and wiped sweat off his face with his forearm. “Can you let up on the fire? It's really warm and becoming uncomfortable.”

  Droknal smiled. “I thought >

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