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Rebirth Page 18

by Devin Auspland

  Zach chuckled. “Droknal’s got an entire speech about it. Don’t get him started.”

  Droknal frowned, which caused Thao to join in Zach’s laughter.

  “Let’s get going.” Thao nudged the group along and the trip continued.

  The day was sunny and the temperature warm. It created the perfect atmosphere for the three of them to converse and genuinely enjoy each other's company. They continued talking and laughing until they reached a mountain. At the base of the mountain was a long staircase leading to a tall outpost near the mountain's peak. By the time the party reached the top of the stairs it was getting dark outside, but they had reached their destination.

  “Here we are.” Thao gestured toward the front door of the tall circular building.

  The building resembled a lighthouse, complete with a glass viewing area at the top. Above the front door was an engraved sign displaying the adventuring guild’s emblem. The door itself had a sign that read ‘Outpost 10G2F’. Thao knocked on the door several times until a man’s voice called out from inside.

  “What is it!? What do you want!? Whatever it is, I’m not interested. Go away!” The man screamed from somewhere inside.

  “He's a real charmer,” muttered Zach.

  “He grows on you,” Thao sheepishly defended. “Dustin, it's me, Thao. Can we come in?”

  “Thao?” The man flung open the door, revealing a thin, sickly- looking individual.

  He had shaggy dark brown hair with a pair of rectangle glasses sitting low on his nose. Both his hair and beard were unkempt and wild. His baggy clothes were wrinkled and in desperate need of a good wash. When the fading sun’s light filled the space, the man covered his eyes and took a step back.

  “Oh, Thao. You look well. Come in, come in.” Dustin waved the group inside.

  The round room was in a state of disrepair. There were papers, books and loose parchments covering virtually every surface. A crescent-shaped beige couch in the center of the room was the only thing not completely covered. That and a narrow walkway leading to the couch and the stairs. Large chalkboards with complicated formulas and calculations were scattered throughout the room. It looked like the home of a madman.

  “Hello Dustin. I brought some of your favorites.” Thao reached into her pack and pulled out a package wrapped in cloth before handing it to the man.

  Dustin unwrapped the package and squealed in such a high pitch, it actually hurt Zach’s ears.

  “Rice cakes stuffed with pork. You spoil me, Thao.” He smiled, grabbed a rice cake and stuffed his face. “What can I do for you?” he muttered with a full mouth.

  “This is Zach and Droknal. Zach is a member of the adventurer’s guild and has some business to discuss with you.”

  “Guild business?” Dustin groaned. “Just what I need, something to interrupt my research.”

  Thao did her best impression of a sad puppy. “Please Dustin. I’ll bring you more of my homemade rice cakes.”

  “Fine. Fine. Come with me and touch nothing.” Dustin stepped over several stacks of papers to reach the staircase.

  Zach followed him, doing his best to avoid knocking anything over. They ascended several stories, passing several doors that led to more rooms. They didn’t stop until the staircase ended in a trapdoor. Dustin patted himself down, searching each pocket until he found what he was looking for.

  He pulled out a piece of silver in the shape of a rectangle. It had a rectangular hole punched in its center with the familiar dual dragon and sword guild insignia on it. He pushed his silver ranked guild crest against a black orb set in the center of the trapdoor. The orb illuminated green for a moment before he stretched a hand toward Zach. Zach just shrugged.

  “Your guild emblem please.”

  Zach pulled out his necklace and handed it to Dustin. He repeated the same steps of pressing the emblem against the door’s orb. It illuminated green again before he handed Zach his necklace back and pushed the door open.

  After a few more steps, they were inside a smaller room with walls of glass looking out. In the center of the room was a circular table with several colored gems embedded in it. The whole space was covered in cobwebs and a layer of dust. Dustin took a seat at one end of the table which caused a cloud of dust to puff up.

  After a brief coughing fit, Dustin spoke up. “Sorry. I don’t use the map room often.”

  “I see.”

  “Well. What do you need? I was right on the edge of another breakthrough before you lot interrupted me.”

  Zach pulled out his quest paper and handed it to Dustin, who placed his silver emblem against it. When he did, several additional details revealed themselves. After reading the letter, he looked up at Zach.

  “And what do you want from me?”

  “Well. Thao said you're a map mage?” Zach questioned. Dustin nodded, and Zach continued. “I was hoping you could reach out to the Solaris Adventurer’s Guild and get me in contact with Alcot. I would really prefer not traveling back to Solaris to hand the quest in.”

  Dustin sighed. “Do you know how much essence that would take? It would drain me for days, maybe even weeks if I opened a communication line with Solaris. I don’t have the same resources that a full guild location has. I’m sorry but it's just not worth it for me.”

  “What if I make it worthwhile? The quest pays well and I could give you some of the reward,” Zach offered.

  “Pssh. What need do I have for money? I live on top of a mountain. Besides, I have plenty of coin. I don’t spend a fraction of my monthly stipend as it is.”

  Zach thought. What could I offer him… He seems to be a researcher. Droknal said… “What if I could show you something worth researching nearby?”

  “What could you possibly have that I haven’t already researched?”

  “What about a dungeon?”

  Dustin’s expression got serious. “There are plenty of well-charted dungeons the guild has access to. Why should I care about yours?”

  “Well… Mine is only a couple days walk from your outpost and it's a new dungeon, still developing.”

  Dustin scratched his chin. “A developing baby dungeon… I could study its growth patterns and test my theories on environmental effects…” Standing, he placed a hand on a white gem in the center of the table.

  Light swirled inside the gem before spilling outward to form a map of the local area. Arcane symbols swirled around Dustin’s hands as he manipulated the map. He zoomed outward until Solaris came into view. Zach would have been amazed by the display of power, but a ruby set on the northern side of the table was blinking brightly and frequently.

  “Is that red light ok?” Zach asked.

  “It’s fine. It just means I have some urgent messages from the guild,” Dustin answered casually.

  “Shouldn’t you listen to them?”

  Dustin grunted. “You need to get the stick out of your rear, kid.” He waved a hand at the ruby, and a familiar voice spoke in a crackling tone.

  >>Dustin! It’s Isaak again and this is the tenth message I’ve left you. Answer my summons immediately or I’m reporting you to Alcot directly. I’m warning you. He’ll pull your funding. We need you for official guild business in your sector. Answer me now or else! Please don’t make us send someone from Solaris, we need answers now! Call me.<<

  “There, happy? I checked my messages.” Dustin waived a hand as the next message began, and the ruby stopped glowing.

  “Aren’t you scared you’ll get into trouble?”

  Dustin chuckled. “Those fools need me. My research is groundbreaking and has led to some of the guild’s most advanced magic. They can’t afford to lose me.” With another flick of his wrist, the icon for Solaris on the map blinked. Sweat also started beading down his brow. “Let’s just hope they answer.”

  >>Hello? Dustin?<< Isaak’s disembodied voice rang out.

  “Yeah it’s me. How are you, Isaak?”

  >>It's been weeks since I left you all those messages and you're just
now getting back to me? Because of you we had to send a bronze ranked adventurer out your way. We’ll be lucky if we ever hear from him again. He’s probably dead and now Alcot’s thinking about sending out another adventuring party if we don’t hear from him soon. Do you know how much time that's going to cost us?<<

  Dustin grinned and placed a finger against his lips for Zach to remain silent. “Oh? Why do you think he’s dead? Your message sounded important. Didn’t you send an a-list team?”

  >>No. Alcot wanted to open the quest to everyone and some lowly bronze ranker got it. Some young guy in the beginner ranks. No way that lowly weakling made it anywhere. I tried talking him out of it, but you know how Alcot is. Once he makes up his mind, there's no changing it.<<

  “Oh? Was his name Zach?”

  >>How the hell did you know th…<<

  “Hello Isaak. Nice speaking with you again.” Zach spoke up and both he and Dustin held back chuckles. “I have an update for you. Do you mind getting Alcot?”

  >>Let me go get him, please wait one moment. And Zach… Sorry for what I said earlier.<<

  When the line went silent, Dustin and Zach laughed openly. Dustin took a seat, looking completely drained.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah… Long distance communication takes a lot out of map mages. You better have a great dungeon to show me.”

  Zach nodded. “I do. But first, I need to turn this quest in.”

  The map illuminated suddenly, and another voice echoed in the room.

  >>This is Alcot. Zach, tell me everything. What did you find?<<



  >>That changes things,<< Alcot muttered across their connection.

  Zach had spent the last several minutes explaining his journey to Alcot. He described his run in with the kobolds, meeting a new ally, his run in with Noelle, and ultimately the discovery of the new dungeon, purposely leaving out the fact that his new ally was an Anthronoid.

  “Sir?” Zach questioned after the room was silent for a little too long.

  >>You’ve given me a lot to consider, Zach. First and foremost, Noelle and her status in the Adventurer’s guild. I can tolerate some friendly competition among our ranks, but, based on your description, she tried murdering you.<< Alcot sighed. >>Unfortunately, I can’t just take your word on the matter. These are serious accusations, and they need to be investigated. I will place Noelle on probationary status until she comes forth with her side of the story. Now, for the next matter, Dustin, are you still there?<<

  “I’m here, sir.” Dustin sat up in his chair, but he looked terrible. Pale, sweating, and on the cusp of falling asleep.

  >>I’m going to assign Zach to your region to act as the guild’s ambassador until someone from the capital can arrive. You are to give him whatever he needs, starting with the quest reward of four gold. Zach, the adventurer’s guild is claiming ownership of the dungeon. I need you to set up camp near it and guard it until your replacement arrives.<< The line went silent for a few moments. >>There. I have just sent orders to dispatch a battalion to your location.<<

  Zach raised his hand. Dustin looked at him funny for a moment before whispering, “he can’t see you.”

  I’m an idiot, Zach thought as he put his hand down. “What exactly do you want me to do, sir?”

  >>Stay around the dungeon and make sure that none of the other guilds or the local government try to take claim over it. Last thing we need is for the mage’s guild or, gods forbid, the rune tracer’s guild to discover the dungeon and start throwing their weight around. Make sure anyone who arrives knows the dungeon is owned by the adventurer’s guild. Dustin can ex… mor…<<

  Alcot’s voice was cutting in and out with a good amount of static bleeding through.

  “Whats happening?” Zach turned and saw Dustin collapsed in his chair.

  Blood was running from his nose and the glow surrounding his hands was blinking out of existence. Only a moment later, the entire map faded out and all traces of their connection to Solaris was gone. Not sure what to do, Zach gently shook Dustin.

  The map mage waved a weak hand in the air. “Aye, aye. I’m fine.” He did his best to sit up.

  “Are you sure? You collapsed in your chair.” Searching around, he grabbed a cloth from the corner of a table, dusted it off and handed it to Dustin. “For your nose.”

  Dustin wiped his face and nodded his appreciation. Zach looked at him with concern, but Dustin waved his hand again.

  “I said I’m fine.”

  Zach raised his hands defensively. “Ok, I get it.” Shuffling his feet nervously, Zach spoke up. “Alcot mentioned you would know what to do next and could pay me my quest reward.”

  Dustin grinned. “I have your money.” Reaching into his pocket, he placed five gold onto the table in front of him.

  “What’s the extra one for?”

  “Supplies. You’ll want to get a tent, some sleeping bags, a few signs, possibly a gate or door commissioned and definitely a stall. I assume you’ll want to delve into the dungeon?” Zach nodded slowly. “Then you’ll need salary money for the clerk. Unfortunately, other than me there aren’t any guild staff in the area because you could have hired one for free. Give me your guild insignia.”

  Zach fumbled around his chest, removed his necklace and handed it to Dustin. Taking the insignia, he stood on shaky feet. When Zach went to help him, he was waved off, yet again. Dustin walked to a table that had several cables running through it. Pulling open a drawer, he pulled out a duplicate of his own silver insignia and handed it to Zach before depositing his copper one into the desk.

  “What’s this?” Zach questioned.

  “Your new guild insignia.” Dustin passed some essence into the silver rectangular shaped coin. It instantly glowed a faint purple as Zach grabbed it. “Now pass some essence into it so it registers to you.”

  Zach did as he was instructed and his new insignia stopped glowing after he passed essence into it. I’ll never understand how these things work. “You mentioned a stall? And a door?”

  “Yes. You're a babysitter for the dungeon now. At least until someone relieves you. Since there isn’t a formal claim to the dungeon yet, your job is going to be disputing anyone else’s claim. If he’s really sending a battalion, it could take some time for a group that large to arrive.”

  Zach raised an eyebrow. “How do I do that? I mean, do we really have any claim to the dungeon in the first place?”

  Dustin chuckled. “Nope, but that won’t stop us from taking it. These sorts of things are first come first served. The more we show ownership, the stronger our claim becomes. Setting up camp near it won’t be enough. I mentioned a stall because we need infrastructure. Buy a wooden stall, set it up outside the dungeon, hire someone to man it and start creating records of everyone and everything going in and out of the place. Then, the adventurer’s guild can prove we’ve been here a while and have taken on the burden of running things.”

  “Seriously? That’s all it takes to claim a dungeon?” The lack of any structure or rules amazed Zach.

  “Not exactly. I won’t bore you with the finer details, but essentially all the guilds and kingdoms in the land have an agreement when it comes to these types of things. Since no-one’s figured out a way to predict random magical anomalies before they appear, like the forming of a new dungeon, the first faction to arrive, take ownership, and start investing in the discovery, gets first claim. Other guilds can dispute it, of course, and often they do but rarely does the decision get overturned.”

  Of all the things Dustin said, this confused Zach the most and his face didn’t hide his emotions.

  Dustin laughed again before continuing his explanation. “Think about it. Let’s say another guild challenges our right to claim the dungeon. All the kingdoms and guilds would convene in order to discuss the topic and they would ultimately take a vote. Almost no-one votes against the current owner.” When Zach’s facial expression didn’t chan
ge, Dustin shook his head. “Man, you are dense. The vote needs the majority to win, right? So what happens if the vote fails? The current owner would still control the land and can then decide who can use it and under what terms. Everyone who voted against the landowner would have no ground to stand on. Want to use our newly discovered dungeon?” Dustin said in a sarcastic voice. “Suuuuure. It will cost you a hundred gold per person to go inside. Thinking about disputing ownership again? The price just went to two hundred gold.”

  Zach slowly nodded his head. “I guess that makes sense.”

  “That’s why you don’t see a lot of factions racing to vote against the current owner. The system is flawed and there are many more nuances to it, but it stops us all from warring over territory.”

  Zach shrugged. “I guess I’m a babysitter now.”

  Dustin smiled. “I’m going to need some time to rest after using so much of my essence. Why don’t I meet you at the dungeon tomorrow morning and we can chat some more?” Zach nodded and headed for the trapdoor, but Dustin called out to him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Zach thought for a moment but nothing was coming to mind. “I need to know where the dungeon actually is.”

  “I guess that would be helpful, huh? It’s in the swamplands, a few miles outside the village. Look for an enormous stone opening. Following your advice, you should see my tent there as well.” He turned to leave again, but hesitated. “Since I’m a silver ranked adventurer now, does that mean I can recruit new members to the guild?”

  Raising an eyebrow, Dustin spoke. “It depends. Are you referring to the Anthronoid downstairs?”

  “How does everyone instantly know what Droknal is? His entire body is covered.”

  “It’s easy to spot an Anthronoid when you’ve fought against them countless times.”

  Zach frowned. “Does that mean he can’t enter the guild?”

  “Neither you nor I can grant permanent membership to someone. That can only come from a guild officer.” Dustin grabbed a small square black guild insignia from his desk and tossed it to him. “Have him pass some essence into it and it should bind to him.”


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