Four Moons: The Complete Collection: (Books 1 - 4)

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Four Moons: The Complete Collection: (Books 1 - 4) Page 14

by Amos, Richard

  “I’ve dated some warlocks with serious issues,” I said. “And when I say date, I mean…yeah.”

  “They don’t have the best reputation.”

  “Nope. Anyway, so, has a witch or warlock ever tried ending the world?”

  “Yes. But it’s not possible. Well, it is, but the circumstances of birth would have to have been a player.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Have you ever heard of the town of Redwick?”

  “No. Never.”

  “It used to be on the east coast of England when the world was different. Okay, let me ask you this.” She pulled onto a carriageway.

  “Ask me what?”

  “Did you know that a woman can be a warlock, and a man be a witch?”

  “No. I thought it was that men are warlocks, women witches.”

  “Commonly, yes, but not always. It’s rare and doesn’t happen much nowadays. I guess it’s been bred out of bloodlines. Who knows? Anyway, the few times it happened resulted in nothing that interesting. Just the novelty of things being the other way around.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s a but coming?”

  She grinned. “Because there is. There was once a boy born as a witch in the town of Redwick. A lot of his history has been lost, even his true name. The nickname he was given remains, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The Muddy Prince.”

  “Doesn’t sound fun.”

  “He wasn’t a prince, just a regular guy who was born with extreme power. That power brought down the entire town. There’re all sorts of rumors, but the one that sticks is that his power and jealousy corrupted him and destroyed the town.”

  “What was he jealous of?”

  “I’d love to find out. But he’s been wiped to the point of hearsay. It’s sad because there’s probably more to it than that.”

  “Stinks of shame.”

  “There was a lot of shame attached to a man born a witch, or a woman born a warlock.”

  “That’s sad,” I said. “Do you think it was really bred out or had a helping hand.”

  “Helping hand,” Phi said.

  “That’s fucked up.”

  “It is. But there’s nothing anyone can do now. The last case was a hundred years ago from what I can find.”

  “Nature will find a way to come back,” I offered.

  “Break through the barriers of cruelty? I hope so.”

  “Where’re the consequences of that shit?”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Sirens. A blue SCU truck came roaring past on the other side of the carriageway.

  “There they go,” I said.

  “Glad we’re going the other way,” Phi added.

  * * *

  After telling me about the consequence-free elven magic, which seemed a bit unfair, we rolled up outside my flat as the sun was going down.

  Turns out, the complex had been down in Croydon—a long way south, not in a slum.

  I was glad to be home.

  “You want to come up?”

  “Let me run that by Zach,” Phi said.

  She signed at him. He signed back and turned to face me, all serious-faced.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Okay, he really wants to go inside.”

  “Erm, okay. Cool. Help me get G in?”

  Phi signed again, and Zach nodded, giving me the thumbs up.

  Right. My life was defo getting weirder by the hour.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Me and Zach laid G on my bed, leaving the covers off and the window open. I clicked the desk fan on and pointed it at him. He was still sweaty, his temperature high. Silver sickness did that, and it was best to keep the environment as cool as possible for the patient. Rest was the best medicine. The damage was external, so he wouldn’t need an op or any drugs.

  Zach tapped my shoulder and pointed to the corridor. I nodded, and he headed off to my kitchen where the kettle was boiling, and Phi was waiting.

  My hand, like my dick, seemed to have a mind of its own. It went to G’s forehead, the back of it resting there. Temperature check. But then it slid down his face, turning over, so the palm was resting on his cheek, the thumb tracing his jawline as he slept. He was well over in the land of nod.

  “The fuck?” I whispered, coming to my senses and snatching my hand away.

  I watched him, my skin tingling. He looked so vulnerable, so…weak. Man, it hurt to see but also was bringing out a nurturing nature in me.

  Yeah, time to leave.

  I left the bedroom door open and made a sharp beeline for the kettle.

  “How is he?” Phi asked.

  “Asleep. He’ll be fine.”

  The kettle finished boiling. “Perfect timing.”

  “Yes,” Phi said a bit too seriously.

  Sorting the drinks, and not looking back at the couple at my kitchen table, I said, “Anyone for a cupcake?”

  “Cupcake?” Phi sounded a bit startled.

  “Yeah. I bake. A lot.”

  “That’s great. In that case, I’d love one.”

  “Awesome. You trust my skills without really knowing me.”

  “And you trust us in your kitchen. But then you totally should because, well, erm, we’re so trustworthy.”

  “Good to know.”

  “I think I’ll shut up now.”

  “What about Zach?” I spooned some coffee into a cup.

  “Yep. Trustworthy in the extreme.”

  “In the extreme, eh?”

  “Erm, totally.”

  “I was talking about the cupcakes, though. You think he’ll want one?”

  “Totally!” she squeaked, and then cleared her throat. “Yes. He’d like one too.”

  “Cool.” I smiled at her awkwardness. Been there, done that squeaky thing when rambling on like a wanker. Not that she was a wanker, just—

  And scene.

  I brought over the cakes and the coffee. Zach was the first to take a bite of the red velvety goodness. He signed enthusiastically.

  “Five stars,” Phi said. “Best cake he’s ever had.”

  “Ah, stop.”

  She then took a bite herself and basically responded the same.

  I chuckled. “Is my head getting any bigger?”

  “You can be as arrogant as you want with these flavors,” Phi replied. “Wow.”

  I shrugged, sipping on my drink.

  Zach was watching me. I watched him back. Shit. Were we gonna go for a staring competition or something?

  He moved his hands.

  “There’s some stuff he needs to say,” Phi vocalized.

  “Yeah. Sure is.”

  I watched Zach sign, never taking his mismatched eyes off me as he did. When he was done, Phi sat back in her chair.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing. Well, that’s not true. But I was just taking a moment.”


  “Right,” she said. “So, Zach has this theory that the two of you are related. Which makes no sense because, as he says, his mum and dad are his mum and dad. An elven man and a werewolf woman. They got together under a dark cloud of forbidden love and ran away together to New Zealand to have Zach.”


  Phi continued. “Zach’s mum is from Japan originally, his dad from Elvenrie. They met in a pub and hit it off straight away, meeting in secret until they were found out and forced to run. The whole story is super-romantic and scary because a hit was put out on his mum for a few years but dropped after a while—when she was six-months pregnant.”

  “The world is a fucked-up place.”

  “It is. So, there you go. There’s no way you two can be related. It’s not possible.”

  “Yeah, my dad is my dad,” I replied. “I’ve no idea who my mum is, but—”

  Phi ’s eyes went wide. “You don’t think?”

  Zach’s head was moving back and forth between us. He signed, and I took it to
mean ‘what?’ or something like that.

  Phi signed back to him.

  “What’re you getting at?” I pushed.

  “If you’re both half-wolf, then maybe—”

  “We share the same mum?” I asked.


  “That would mean my dad and Zach’s mum…no.”


  “I’d be full werewolf.”


  “Remember when Zach said about the side of me that he couldn’t work out? Well, that’s been a mystery all my life. Two wolves would make a full wolf. I know not necessarily, but the chances are mega high.”

  She nodded. “Right. Fated mates?” When she signed that to Zach, he smiled.

  I wasn’t smiling. “Yeah, I had that idea too.”

  “Could be.” I didn’t like the sheepish grin on her face.

  “Better not be. Would be just my luck to be fated to a straight guy. He is straight, right?”

  “In the bedroom, he is.”

  Zach laughed silently at that.

  “I mean, good for you,” I said.

  “Very good for me.”

  “Okay, we’ll leave that there.”

  She giggled and drank some of her coffee.

  Zach was signing at her.

  “Something is connecting our blood,” she said for her boyfriend. “We could be cousins. I felt them, Akira, those two wolves who called me to you.”

  I almost spat the mouthful of coffee everywhere. “You did?”

  “Didn’t see, only felt, but I knew they were part of you, and they wanted me, told me where you were. It was strange but clear, you know? Impressive. So, we know you have tricks that not all werewolves have.”

  He knew about my babies. Sort of.

  “Thank the tenshi,” I replied, forgetting they wouldn’t feel the same about those beings.

  Zach shrugged.

  “You’re here now and alive,” Phi said for herself. “That’s all that matters.”

  “Yeah.” I sipped some more coffee. “Could be cousins,” I said. “Unless…” I shook my head, not wanting to say it. But I had to. No point standing on fucking ceremony now. “What if we don’t have the full story?”

  Zach frowned, Phi with him. They were both waiting for me to elaborate.

  I needed a quick sip of the brown stuff before letting this cracker off. “What if everything we know is a lie? The story of your mum and dad. It could all be a sham, and there’s some big clanger waiting to be revealed. Bit like me and my mum.”

  Zach’s expression of horror mirrored Phi ’s as she repeated it to him. He signed, the shocked look giving way to a dark frown.

  “No way,” Phi said for him, “there’s no way they’d lie to me. Why would they? Plus, it all makes sense. I’m part of both of them.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m not trying to be a wanker. Just covering all bases.”

  He nodded when he got my answer.

  “My dad wouldn’t sleep with an elf,” I added. “Plus, I don’t think there’s elf inside of me.”

  Zach folded his arms.

  “There must be an explanation, though,” Phi said.

  “Who wants another cake?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” Phi replied.

  Zach put his hand up, clearly having read my lips.

  I got up, even more confused than ever. “Why can’t shit just be straight forward?” I rested palms on the worktop. “This is doing my head in. I should know who both my parents are, and we should know why there’s this connection between us.” I sighed. “I’m still on the side of the related theory, but I’m not convinced about this brothers lark.”

  Thing was, going to grill my dad about it was off the table. I wasn’t going back to The Spire anytime soon unless summoned. Not the most fun way to spend my time.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Phi said.

  I turned around. Zach’s expression had softened.

  “Stalemate,” I said. “Nothing we can do until we can figure out what to do. That sounded weird, right? It did to me.”

  “Made perfect sense,” Phi responded.

  “Ah, ain’t you sweet?”

  “I try.” She flipped her hair and related what we’d said back to her boyfriend.

  Zach signed something. He had stars in his eyes for this woman, and it was all sorts of cute. You could tell they really loved each other.

  “Yes, I suppose we should go. After all that, I need to chill with some TV.”

  Zach signed again.

  “He said thank you for the cakes, and for letting us come in. And he promises he’ll figure it all out.”

  “Make that two,” I answered.

  “Three,” Phi added. “I love cracking a mystery.”

  “Whoever gets there first gets a three-tier cake just for them.”

  “What if you win?” Phi said for Zach.

  “Then, lucky me.”

  He laughed, she laughed, and I wrapped up some more cakes for them.

  “Do you still fancy coming to the Thistle and Bone on Tuesday?” Phi asked.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “I know we’ve covered stuff now, but maybe we’ll have more information by then. You never know what can happen in two days. Also, it’s nice hanging out with you.”

  “Bonded through danger,” I added. “Think we might end up besties, and for life.”

  “Or related by him.” She gestured at Zach.

  Yeah, that was still weird to swallow. “I’m doing no speeches at your wedding.”

  She blushed, then so did Zach as she signed it back.


  “Or not,” I mumbled. “Anyway, here’s your cakes.” I handed her the bundle.

  “Thanks.” She was scarlet. “I hope your friend feels better.”

  “Cheers. And thanks for being nice to him. I know it’s—”

  “Please,” she cut me off, her skin starting to return to its natural color. “We both hate all that rubbish. We wish folk could just move on and get over the past. Why can’t everyone just learn from the bloodshed and…” She stopped. “I know, I know. Idealistic elf right over here. History is complicated. It’s also frustrating.”

  “True,” I said. “Maybe one day it won’t be.” Which was complete donkey balls. Had to have a bit of hope for peace, though, right?

  Dream on, stupid dreamer!

  “Yes. Okay, well, we’d better go. See you Tuesday.”

  Zach gave me the thumbs up and shook my hand.

  I walked them downstairs to their car. The weather was muggy. Sticky night tonight unless a breeze decided to come along and give us a kiss.

  What was that thing about hoping for the good shit?

  * * *

  Gabriel surfaced when the sun went down. It was getting on for nine o’clock, and I was chilling in my armchair with the electric fan on me, noshing some chocolate raisins, wearing boxers only ‘cos of the heat, watching cartoons—anything to not watch the news.

  I had my fingers crossed my picture hadn’t been taken by that prick back in Green Park. Or, at least, that it was blurred to hell.

  Before G had woke up, Beth had called me to update me. Gabriel’s car was written off, the pack having dealt with it. I reassured her that we were alright, but my dad had insisted she watch out for us for the night. She was outside in her car with a guy I didn’t know well, both of them eating cupcakes I’d brought down to them. Two wolf rule now after the revelation of the silver chains.

  Violet, if alive, was gonna be facing some serious furry wrath.

  “Alright?” I asked G as he sat down in the armchair next to me.

  He was sweaty, bleary-eyed, looking like I did after my adventures with Paul.

  I shuddered at the memory.

  “Better,” he said. “Bit sore and stinky.”

  “Can smell it.”

  His responding smile was as weak as a kitten. Bless.

  Suddenly, I was very aware of my almost-naked state. “So
, yeah. Erm, yeah. Glad you’re feeling better.” I plonked the bag of raisins over my groin. I wasn’t hard, just bashful in my boxers.

  “How are you? That thing with Violet was something, right?”

  “It was, G. It was. I’m good. Got some stuff to tell ya, but maybe hit the shower first?”

  “I need to get home.”

  “Not in that state.”

  “I’ll get Beth to arrange me a ride.”

  I shrugged. “She’s outside with some guy called Carl. Nice bloke. He new?”

  “He is. She’s outside?”

  “Yep. Feel free to go if you want, but my bed is yours if you want it. Seriously. You can stay as long as you want.”

  He was staring at me. “You’re really going full out with this turning over a new leaf in our friendship, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, bruv. I love going all out.”

  “I don’t have any clothes.”

  “Wear your undies. It’s a fucking oven in here.” The bashful shit had gone. What was I gonna do? Put on some trackies and a vest and melt all over the living room? Fuck it. Not like I had my cock out. G had seen my nipples and hairy legs before.

  “Got nothing that’ll fit you,” I added, my face suddenly a little hotter. “So, yeah.”

  Why the hot flushing? Idiot?

  “Thanks, Aki. I think I will hit the shower.”

  “You’re staying?”

  “Yes. You sure that’s okay?”

  “I said it was. Now, go freshen up. I’ll make you some coffee. Actually, scratch that. I’ll get you some ice water.”

  “Call it a beer?”

  “Beer, it is. Now go on.”

  He nodded and took a slow walk to the bathroom.

  My phone pinged with a text.

  You busy? Xx

  It was Mama Rita.

  I sent off a response.

  Gabriel’s here. Had some drama. Will call you in the morning Xx

  I waited for the reply, which came super-fast.

  OMG! But you have to call me now. I’m sorry, but I need to talk.

  Shit. My bestie duty kicked in, and I called.

  “Hi, sweetie.”

  “What’s wrong? You okay?”


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