Hero Bear

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Hero Bear Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

  "I don't need anyone's help to avenge my love!"

  "Yes, I'd like to speak with the chief of police," Sunshine started when the officer answered the phone. "We have a suspect in the arson of the Fate Rock Chapel.”

  “Has the suspect been detained?”

  “Yes, we have her here. She was about to set fire to the cabin. We need assistance as soon as possible."

  “How are you holding the suspect?”

  "We made a citizen’s arrest. My mate is in bear form, literally holding her down."

  "Officers are in route now."

  Sunshine hung up the phone and smiled at Harrison. He didn't exert too much force on Amy’s chest, but he did keep her pinned to prevent her from running away or trying to attack Sunshine.

  "The cops are coming, and they're going to take you away,” Sunshine said.

  Melody and Kirk came around the cabin in their parkas and snow boots, having heard the ruckus from inside.

  "It was you all along," Kirk said, shaking his head.

  "Kirk, you can't let them do this. Our love was real. It’s eternal and forever. Why did you leave me?" she wailed.

  Kirk just stood there silently, holding Melody. A few minutes later the police arrived. Harrison let the girlfriend up as she was carted away, her arms handcuffed behind her back.

  Kirk handed Harrison a bathrobe, so he could shift back into his human form. His clothes had been shredded in his shift, during his haste to prevent Amy from lighting the match. The fire department came and washed away the gasoline, making sure that there was no flammable liquid left on the side of the cabin. Kirk, Melody, Harrison, and Sunshine all sat in the cabin until it was done.

  "I'm going to have to try to make things right with my mother," Kirk said. "To try to make her understand."

  "Amy said your mom didn't have anything to do with the fire,” Sunshine said.

  "But I know they've been talking. Maybe if she finds out about what Amy did, it will change her mind.”

  Chapter 16

  A few weeks later, after Amy had been sent to jail, Sunshine and Harrison settled into their home. Sunshine’s mom and dad were packing up her things in Fate Mountain and having them shipped to Fate Valley.

  Harrison had been preparing for weeks for what he wanted to say. He'd gone shopping and had rehearsed the speech in his head a million times. But when the day came to say the words, he felt muddled and befuddled.

  He’d taken her for a ride out on a boat into the lake. They were bundled up in warm jackets and drinking hot chocolate on the deck of a slow-moving yacht. Music played in the cabin for the guests, and the smell of frying fish wafted through the air. The whole region was getting ready for the holidays, and he couldn't wait any longer to tell her how he felt and what he wanted.

  They stood under the big blue sky in a private corner of the deck as she gazed out over the water and at the snow-covered trees that dotted the shore. He took her hands and looked into her eyes, her cheeks rosy from the cold.

  "You look so lovely today," he said.

  She reached up and wiped a stray snowflake from his cheek as she cupped his face with her gloved hands. He took her hand and slowly slid the glove from her fingers, dropping to his knees in the process. He pulled the little blue box from his pocket and Sunshine gasped and covered her mouth with her other hand. He kissed her fingers and then popped open the box, revealing the giant princess cut diamond ring inside. She squeezed her eyes closed and squealed, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks.

  "Sunshine Blackthorn," he said, his voice choking up. "Will you marry me?"

  "Yes,” she gasped as she pulled him to his feet and threw her hands around his neck.

  "I had a whole speech planned, but I couldn't remember it.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. I feel it all in my heart.”

  She kissed him hard on the mouth, and he slipped the ring onto her finger. Gazing down at it open-mouthed and crying, the light of excitement and love in her eyes, she looked so beautiful it made his heart weep with joy.

  "Of course I'll marry you," she said. "I have a surprise for you, too.”

  "Really?" he asked.

  All she could do was look at her ring and cover her mouth and shake her head, unable to speak. He held her close and cupped the back of her head, patting her back as they moved slowly along the deep waters of the Lake of the Fates.

  "What is it, babe?" he asked, kissing her forehead as she looked up at him.

  "I'm pregnant," she said.

  The words filled his ears and everything else in the world dropped away. Her voice seemed to echo inside him, bouncing off the hillsides in the distance and all around.

  "Really? Are you sure?" he said in a choked-up voice.

  "I took the test this morning." she said.

  "Oh, babe," he said, unable to find the words to express his joy.

  "This is a perfect day," she said, her tears rolling down her cheeks.

  "Let's go inside and get you warm," he said, taking her hand and pulling her toward the cabin of the cruise ship.

  They went inside, and the sound of holiday music filled the air. The other guests on the ship looked at them and smiled. The warmth and the love of his mate filled his heart to overflowing. It was like a damn broke inside him that he didn't even know was there, and suddenly he was flooded with happiness beyond imagination.

  "You make me the happiest man who ever lived," he said, pouring her another cup of hot cocoa.

  "That's good, because you make me the happiest woman," she said taking the cup and holding it in her hands, her ring sparkling on her finger.

  Harrison knew that from that day forward, his life would never be the same. He would never be alone again. And he would finally be able to see himself as a hero through Sunshine's eyes.

  Chapter 17

  Sunshine and Harrison walked into the community center together. Sunshine took a seat on a folding chair that was lined up, facing a row of folding tables at the front of the room where Harrison took his seat. Liam took a seat beside Harrison as Kirk and Melody found their seats beside Sunshine.

  "That's Liam Nash, Holiday Bear,” Melody told her.

  "He's the one who owns Fate Valley Apartments, right?" Sunshine asked.

  "That's right. He also owns Fate Valley Events Center where the Holiday Market is held. It starts tomorrow."

  Sunshine had come with Harrison to the Shifter Community Association meeting to introduce her to the community now that she would be moving to Fate Valley.

  "We're here to introduce Kirk to the group, now that he is a shifter."

  "That's why I’m here too," Sunshine said.

  "How has everything been since the honeymoon?" Sunshine asked Melody before the meeting started.

  "It's been great," Melody said. “What the heck is that?" She picked up Sunshine's hand and stared at the diamond ring on her finger.

  "Harrison and I are engaged. We’re going to get married at the Fate Rock Chapel after Christmas.”

  “Oh my gosh, that is so exciting," Melody gushed.

  "I want you to be my maid of honor," Sunshine said.

  "Oh, I would love to be your maid of honor.”

  "I want Stephanie, Cici and Meredith in the wedding too."

  “I’m sure they will be overjoyed. We’ll help you get it all planned.”

  "Speaking of Meredith, how have things been with the family, Kirk?"

  "It's been better," he said. "Ever since my mom found out about what happened with Amy, she's been really apologetic. She's accepted that I'm a shifter now and she’s accepted my marriage. I think when she realized how destructive prejudice and hatred could be, she didn't want to be like that anymore. We’re all getting together with Meredith’s family for Christmas. It should be good.”

  "I'm so happy for you guys," Sunshine said.

  Liam Nash hit the gavel on the table and brought the meeting to order.

  "We'll read the minutes from the la
st meeting," Liam said.

  The secretary went over the minutes of the previous meeting and Sunshine listened nervously, waiting for her turn to introduce yourself to the group. After the minutes were read, Liam asked if there was any new business, which included inducting new members into the Association.

  "I have new business," said a handsome young man who was sitting at the front of the room.

  "Please state your name for the secretary, and tell us your business," Liam said.

  "My name is Thorian Reed. I’m new in town. My grandfather just passed away and left me his house. I'm an electrician looking for work, licensed and certified, and I'm also a licensed pyrotechnician. Since we're coming close to New Year's Eve, I thought I would throw it out there. Nothing I love more than a holiday celebration."

  "Very good Thorian," Liam said. "I'm sure we can help you find a position. And now that you mention it, the company that usually handles our fireworks was booked solid this year. If you could take over the whole event, that would be fantastic."

  "Consider it done," Thorian said.

  "Are there any other new members?" Liam asked.

  Melody raised her hand. “I just changed my mate Kirk Handy into a shifter.”

  "I am a mountain lion shifter like my mate, Melody, and I am pleased to be a member of the Association. Thank you for including me,” Kirk said.

  The Association members clapped and congratulated them on their marriage and welcomed Kirk into the shifter community.

  Finally, Harrison introduced Sunshine. She stood and smiled at her new community, thinking of the family and clan back on Fate Mountain. She took a deep breath and introduced herself.

  "I'm Sunshine Blackthorn, a natural born grizzly shifter from Fate Mountain, Oregon. I've moved to Fate Valley to be with my mate Harrison Cole. I’m a web designer if anyone needs help with their websites. Thank you all for including me in the Association, and I hope that we have many happy years together in the future."

  The Association members welcomed her and congratulated her and Harrison on finding each other. Liam nodded and winked at Harrison and continued on with the meeting. As they went through the other new business and then dealt with any small complaints and issues among the members, Sunshine couldn't help but look at the new shifter in town, Thorian Reed. He was awfully handsome and she suspected that he would make some lucky girl very happy. After the meeting was adjourned, and they were filing into the next room where the refreshments were served, she bumped into Thorian and introduced herself.

  "It's nice to know there's another new shifter in town like me," she said.

  "I've been traveling since the war, but when my grandfather left me the house, I came straight here. I would've come sooner if I'd known he was sick. I guess he didn’t want anyone to know.”

  "I'm sorry for your loss Thorian.”

  "He lived a full and happy life. We just finished his wake yesterday. Death can also be a celebration too, depending on how you look at it," he said with a distant look in his eyes.

  "That's a wonderful way of looking at it."

  "Have you joined Mate.com?" Harrison asked as he joined her on the line of brownies, cookies and cakes baked by Baker Bear.

  "Oh no," Thorian said. “I'm not ready for that yet.”

  "Well, if you ever want to find your mate, you should join Mate.com. I'm sure that you will find a lovely woman to fill your life with happiness,” Harrison said, enfolding Sunshine’s waist. “Just like me.”

  Chapter 18

  Sunshine stood with her mother in the dressing room of the Fate Rock Chapel with Cici, Stephanie, Meredith, and Melody, her maid of honor all gathered around her. Melody's friends had become Sunshine’s friends, and she had a whole new community in Fate Valley that she loved and cherished.

  "All the Rescue Bears are here," her mother Juliet said as she helped pin the veil into her daughter’s cascading umber-brown hair.

  Sunshine looked at herself in the mirror as her friends stood by her side. The princess cut wedding dress with the beaded bodice and full skirt that flowed out in layers and layers of tulle around her, made her truly feel like a princess.

  She was marrying her hero today with all her friends and family and clan around. She knew that she and Harrison could solve any problem together and that their love was a testament and an inspiration to everyone they met.

  Melody handed Sunshine her bouquet of white fragrant lilies as her bridesmaids gathered around in their ice blue dresses. Everyone looked beautiful and happy. It was truly the most precious moment of her life.

  Her father Levi peeked in the room and asked if they were ready. Juliet nodded and gave Sunshine one last hug before hurrying out and taking her place at the front of the chapel. The bridesmaids filed out of the room and walked with Harrison's groomsmen. Sunshine let out a deep breath and took her father's arm as they waited.

  "Are you ready?" Levi asked her softly.

  Sunshine looked up at her father, the man she had always idealized and seen as her hero. Now she had two heroes in her life.

  "I am," she said confidently.

  Levi kissed her forehead and cupped her cheek.

  "That's my girl." he said with a smile.

  The doors opened, and they walked into the newly restored chapel. The windows rose up two stories with the view looking out at the lake. Garlands of lilies swept along the pews as the guests turned and looked at the bride and her father. The wedding march was played by a string quartet as Sunshine and Levi slowly walked down the aisle toward the groom and the minister.

  Harrison stood at the end of the aisle in his tailored tuxedo. He looked so handsome she could barely breathe. Her bridesmaids smiled as the groomsmen looked on in awe of her beauty. Levi handed her off to Harrison and she took her mate's arm.

  In so many ways, they were already wed, mated, and fated with a cub growing in her womb. But today they would get to share their love with all their friends and family and clan. She beamed at the wedding party, seeing Kirk standing opposite Melody. It felt like everything was complete and coming together just as it should. She took Harrison's hands and gazed into his eyes as Melody took her bouquet and stood by her side.

  The minister started the ceremony, but Sunshine barely heard a word. All she could hear was the beating of her heart. All she could see was the look in Harrison's beautiful blue eyes. When it finally came time for her to say, “I do,” she said it with such confidence and vigor that the words echoed through the chapel. Harrison’s words were sure and strong, resonating in her heart and confirming that he would always be there for her.

  "I now pronounce you husband and wife," the minister said. "You may kiss the bride."

  Harrison swept her up in his arms and kissed her full on the mouth as everyone cheered for the new couple. Music played, and they turned, smiling down the aisle as the guests tossed rosebuds over their heads. Petals fluttered in the air like snowflakes and landed on Harrison's shoulders and hair and on her dress and veil.

  They made it out to the wine cellar where the reception was held, and everyone gathered around as Harrison swept Sunshine up into their first dance. She felt like she was walking on air. When she had first come to Fate Valley, she was like a lost cub, still looking for her home. But now that she’d found Harrison and her friends and her new clan, she had truly become who she was meant to be. After the first dance, they took their seats at the head of the banquette and her father stood to toast the new couple.

  "My dear daughter, Sunshine," Levi started. “You have always been the light of our lives. That's why we called you Sunshine. Nothing makes me more contented than seeing you happy with your mate and your new home. If I had planned this out myself, I don't think I could've done a better job. We will miss you now that you have left home, but we will come and visit you and you will come and visit us. We won't lose each other over the miles, but become stronger and closer because of the distance."

  Sunshine nearly burst into tears at her father's words. It was
so perfect and exactly what she needed to hear. Harrison's friend Grayson Beckett, who everyone called Baker Bear, stood and congratulated them, making a funny apology for his former employee. Everyone laughed, and nobody blamed him for the fire. Harrison’s friend Liam Nash, who everyone called Holiday Bear, toasted Harrison’s bravery in overcoming the arsonist and solving the crime.

  The Rescue Bears each gave a speech, recalling slightly embarrassing yet endearing events from her youth. Like the time she lost her bikini top in Fate Lake at thirteen and spent an hour submerged in the water, waiting for everyone to leave the beach, instead of asking for help. The time she got a fishing hook stuck in her ear when she was fifteen, and then called it a piercing. The time she baked a cake for the bake sale when she was eleven and used salt instead of sugar.

  Everyone, including Sunshine, laughed hysterically at the funny stories about a young girl’s coming of age, told by the big, gruff grizzlies. It was so good to have her clan from Fate Mountain there for her on her special day. She knew that no matter the distance, she could always depend on them.

  The guests congratulated Sunshine and Harrison as they cut Baker Bear’s five-layer wedding cake. As she sat beside her mate, eating cake at the bridal table, Stephanie came trotting up to Sunshine and whispered in her ear.

  “CiCi found her mate on Mate.com.”

  “She did? Who is he?” Sunshine asked. She hadn’t thought the day could get any better, but this news just compounded the joy by a thousand-fold.

  “His profile name is Celebration Bear,” Stephanie said. “He’s super cute, and I guess he likes fireworks.”

  Could it be Thorian? Sunshine thought, taking another bite of cake.

  The wedding day drew to a close, and Harrison and Sunshine went off to their honeymoon in Fate Rock Cabin just like Kirk and Melody. They snuggled together beside a warm fire as Harrison drank a glass of wine and Sunshine drank a glass of sparkling cider. They toasted their love and looked into each other's eyes in the sparkling firelight.


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