Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1)

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Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1) Page 12

by Sheridan Anne

  My eyes widen as my jaw drops. “What kind of sick people do shit like that?” I question as my heart begins racing.

  “Quarterbacks and cheerleaders,” he grunts.

  I sit back in the chair and look out the window feeling sick. I mean, was that seriously their plan? To get me naked and humiliate me in front of the whole school, branding me a slut? “I don’t get it,” I say. “All of this just because I didn’t want to screw him? And I mean, Elle was the one who threw her drink all over me in the first place.”

  “I know,” he says. “But you challenged her. You went against her when she’s trying to assert her dominance as cheer captain. Josh probably would have left you alone. He doesn’t have the brains to come up with it, but now the idea is in his head and he wants it. This screams Elle. She would have put Josh up to it.”

  I silently nod my head, wondering how the hell I’m supposed to deal with this.

  Nate pulls into an old abandoned parking lot and I turn towards him. “What are we doing here?” I question. This lot belonged to an old mall that was closed down a few months ago and is due to be demolished and rebuilt into a high-rise apartment building. There’s literally no reason that could bring us here.

  Nate keeps his mouth shut and continues driving. He pulls around a corner which is when I see it. “Is that my car?” I question as we get closer.

  “Yep,” he grunts. “I’m sick of watching you destroy it.” He pulls up beside it and slides his hand into his pocket before handing me my car keys. “I’m teaching you how to drive.”

  Chapter 13

  I stare at Nate in shock before my eyes flick down to the keys in my hand. How the hell did he get my car keys? I don’t have to think about it long before I remember the way Jesse had dived into my locker with such ease that anyone would think it was his.

  The second I get back to school, I’m changing the code. I may as well work out how to change the code on my front gate at home too. That might help me to avoid getting kidnapped by Nate in the near future, though, I’m sure he’ll find a way.

  Nate opens his car door, ignoring my shock and looks back at me. “Are you coming?” he grunts with impatience before getting out and walking over to my car.

  I narrow my eyes on his back before letting out a huff. I don’t think I have a choice in the matter. I get myself out of his car and walk around to mine while hitting the unlock button on the keys.

  Nate gets in my passenger’s side while I get myself comfortable in the driver’s seat. The second I close the door behind me, the nerves settle in. I don’t like this one bit. It’s one thing for me to drive alone and allow myself to work it out, and it’s another to have to do it in front of Nate Ryder.

  “You good?” he asks as he looks across at me.

  I nod my head as everything I’ve taught myself about driving this thing has completely turned to mush with Nate sitting beside me.

  “Start the car,” he tells me. “Put your foot on the break and the other on the clutch.” I let out a breath as I do what I’m told and start the engine. “Release the hand brake.”

  I do that and swallow back the fear of embarrassing myself. “Alright,” he says, using a tone that, for once, isn’t making me want to smack him. “The car’s already in first gear, so after you come off the break, you have to give it a little gas while also coming off the clutch.”

  He uses his hands to demonstrate how I should slowly press the gas while coming off the clutch. I turn back to face what I’m doing and try my best to tune him out. I find my hands clenching down around the steering wheel and decide to go for it. I mean, it’s either now or never.

  I come off the break and scramble around while trying to remember what the hell he just told me. The car lurches forward and promptly dies in the ass. “Shit,” I groan while an amused smirk comes over Nates face.

  “That was too fast,” he tells me. “You need to find the sweet spot.”

  “The sweet spot?” I grunt.

  “I’ll show you,” he says. “Start it up again.”

  With a groan, I start up the engine, making sure to put my feet on the clutch and brake. “Come off the break,” he tells me. I look at him with wide eyes. “Relax,” he says. “We’re on a flat. The car isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Ok,” I say slowly before doing as he asks.

  “Alright, now come off the clutch just a bit,” he says.

  I do as I’m told and release the clutch just a little when I feel the car respond. It almost feels as though it’s talking to me, telling me it’s ready to go. I come up a little higher and the car screams at me to lower the clutch again. I do just that and I instantly get it. “That’s the sweet spot.”

  “Mmhmm,” Nate says. “Once you find that, then you can go.”

  An hour later, I drive up and down the length of the parking lot like a pro. Before I got in this thing, I was terrified of it, but now, I feel giddy with excitement. I change gears and push my little R8 faster. “Shit,” I laugh. “I bet I could whip your ass at the races.”

  Nate scoffs and I see him shaking his head out the corner of my eye. “No chance in hell,” he says. I hear a smile in his voice that pulls deep within me and has butterflies circling my tummy. I find I really like it, though. I mean, it definitely beats him scolding me and being a prick.

  I pull up beside his Camaro and look over at him. “Thanks,” I say with a smile.

  “Trust me,” he says with his signature attitude. “I didn’t do it for you. I couldn’t stand seeing you treat this thing like shit.”

  “Uh huh,” I grunt as I watch him climb out of my R8. He stops and turns back around. “Are you coming back to my place tonight?”

  “I think I might,” I tell him. “Besides, I need to kick Jesse’s ass for breaking into my locker.”

  At that, Nate nods and pulls himself the rest of the way out. A moment before he closes the door, he bends down to look at me. His eyes sparkle as he smirks at me with mischief written all over his face, a look I’m finding looks really good on him. “Who do you think gave him the combination?” he says, closing the door and dropping into his Camaro.

  I should have known. I can’t help but grin to myself as I take off like a bat out of hell. I peel out of the old parking lot and I find myself looking up into my rearview mirror and watching as Nate follows right behind me.

  He usually drives a whole lot faster but he doesn’t move out from behind me, not until I pull up at a red light. He brings his car to a stop right beside me and I grin across at him before revving my engine, a taunt that says I’m more than prepared to whoop his ass.

  A smile cuts across his face before he laughs to himself while making my heart do flips inside my chest.

  A second later, the light turns green and Nate takes off, calling my bluff. His wheels squeal against the road and I watch in shock as he takes off like he’s in one of the ‘Fast and Furious’ movies, and I have to say, I’m mighty impressed and maybe just a little turned on.

  Holy crap. I need to learn how to do that.

  I take off at the green light like a regular human and find myself approaching the school. There’s still another hour until school lets out for the day. I’ve never ditched class before and I hate the thought of getting in trouble, yet, for some reason, I just keep driving, wanting nothing more than to go back to Nate’s place as right now, I’m reminded of the old Nate, not the asshole he later became.

  Besides, I can either chill out at Nate’s place or try to avoid having Josh and Elle put their atrocious plan into place.

  I keep myself driving and pull into their long ass driveway, pleased that Nate left the gate open. I find Nate’s car pulled up by the front door and I bring my Audi to a stop beside it.

  I reach across for my handbag when I realize I left it in Nate’s car earlier. I get out of my car and look through the window of the Camaro, only to find it’s not there. My eyebrows furrow. I couldn’t have left it at school.

  With a shrug, I walk up the
stairs and into their home to find my handbag sitting on the hallway table. My heart skips realizing that he brought it in for me and I feel… giddy.

  I grab it and walk deeper into the house. I don’t see him anywhere but I expect that he’s in his room. so, I head for the den.

  I flick on a movie and pull my phone out of my bag. I hit the screen to find a few texts from Brooke.

  Brooke – WTF! Where did you go?

  Brooke – HELLO????? Tora! Are you alive? Did Jesse take you away to steal your virtue and make lots of sexy Ryder babies?

  Brooke – Holy crap, Batman! You just got in Nate’s car. You’re ditching! I never thought I’d see the day. I’m so proud of you, though I’m kind of jealous. You better spill the beans, I want all the details. Where is Mr. Broody taking you?

  Brooke – I hate you! You suck at this!

  I laugh as I read through her texts and decide I should probably let her know I’m still alive and that the broody asshole didn’t try to humiliate me in some twisted way like he usually does.

  Tora – Still alive!

  Brooke – Ummm….. I think you owe me a better explanation than that.

  I grin down at my phone before hashing out a reply.

  Tora – The devil wanted to teach me how to drive.

  Brooke – Bullshit. Are you lying right now?

  Tora – No, seriously. He took me to the old mall and taught me how to drive a stick.

  Brooke – Ok, now I know you’re lying. I’ll call after class.

  Tora – Ok. Love you xx

  I throw my phone down on the couch beside me and put my feet up as I allow myself to get lost in the movie. This feels good. If this is what ditching is always like, then sign me up for some more. I could get used to this.

  Twenty minutes later, my eyes are wide as I focus every ounce of my being on the screen as the girl in the movie walks towards the closet door which has something waiting for her on the other side. My heart races, terrified of what’s going to happen. “no, no, no,” I chant, shaing my head. “Don’t open the door.” Please, please, please don’t open the door.

  The screen darkens and my breath catches. The girl reaches for handle and yanks it open.

  “RAAAA,” Nate roars from right behind me, grabbing my shoulders and making me jump right out of my skin.

  “What the hell?” I screech as I fly to my feet on top of the couch and spin around to face Nate who’s doubled over in uncontrollable laughter. “That wasn’t funny.”

  “Yeah,” he laughs. “It really was.”

  I prop my hands on my hips and glare at him as I try to calm my racing heart. “I’m going to get you back for that,” I declare.

  “Oh, yeah?” he taunts as he turns to face me straight on as a smirk crosses his smug face. “And how the hell do you plan on doing that?”

  I don’t even think about it. I just move.

  I launch myself over the top of the couch and come flying into his hard body. His eyes widen with shock before he thankfully catches me. My legs wrap around him and try to tackle him to the ground as he attempts to push me off.

  Laughter comes ripping out of both of us and for a minute, I forget that this is Nate Ryder, leader of the dickheads and douchebags. “You’re going to regret this,” he teases as he grabs my waist and pushes me away, but I latch onto his shoulders, refusing to let go.

  My legs tighten and I pull myself back in before climbing up his body and inconveniencing him as much as I possibly can. “No, you’re going to regret this.”

  Nate’s hand comes down over the top on my ribs before the smug asshole laughs a little too hard. “Tell me, babe,” he says. “Are you still ticklish here?”

  “Shit,” I grunt before trying to scramble off him. Only now, he’s the one not letting go. How the hell does he remember that I’m ticklish on my ribs?

  I get my arms free of him and with the couch right behind me, all I have to do is push back off him which I try to do a second later. My top half goes back over the couch but with my legs still tightly wrapped around him, he tumbles forward with me. “Fuck,” he grunts as we both fall to the massive couch.

  I gasp as he comes down on top of me, terrified I’m about to be squished, but he reaches down beside my face and breaks his fall before he does any damage.

  My heart races as a breath of relief escapes us both. Within a blink of an eye, the laughter is gone and I realize that I currently have Nate laying on top of me with my legs wrapped around his waist.


  He freezes, just as I do. Both of us unsure of what’s happening right now. He should be pulling away and trying to get as far away from me as possible, or at least, I should be doing that, yet neither one of us is moving.

  He looks down at me with those eyes that I loved as a child and suddenly, his hand is at my face, pushing my hair off my face. He looks confused but still, he doesn’t move.

  My hand comes up and I place it against his chest. I feel his heart beat beneath my fingers and there’s no mistaking it, it’s racing just as fast as mine is.

  It hits me with a startling realization. I’m crushing on Nate Ryder, and right here, with him laying on top of me, close enough to kiss, I like the idea of it.

  His hand on my face curls around the back of my neck as he lowers his face to mine. I close my eyes and then he’s there. His lips press against mine softly and it feels incredible. As my body reacts to his kiss, he begins to deepen it and move a little faster.

  My hand slides up his chest and around the back of his neck before I pull him down even closer. I can’t believe how good this is. None of the guys I’ve kissed have ever made me feel quite so… alive.

  Every hair on my skin stands at attention and every nerve in my body is on fire. It’s incredible. For him to stop would be criminal.

  His hand travels down my body and I can’t get enough. I’ve never felt like this before. I mean, sure, I’ve had guys feel me up, but I’ve never wanted more the way I do right now.

  His lips leave mine and I want to cry out until they come down on my neck and I realize I’m a goner. Nate Ryder could ask just about anything from me right now and I’m as sure as hell that I’ll do it.

  This is… wow. It’s pure intoxication.

  My hand squeezes into the muscle of his back as his lips glide over the sensitive skin of my neck. Holy… Wowza.

  His hand comes back up and he cups my boob as he presses his hips into me, showing me that he’s just as turned on as I am.

  The sound of the front door slamming has us jumping apart. “Yo,” Jesse calls from the front door. “Where are you fuckers?”

  “Shit,” Nate grunts as he reluctantly pulls himself off me. I release my legs from around him and let him go. His eyes never leave mine once, not until he pushes himself back into the couch and calls out to Jess. “We’re in the den.”

  I scramble up into a sitting position at the other end of the couch and prop my feet up on the coffee table with my heart still racing inside my chest.

  Jesse comes tearing into the den with Tyson and Parker and make themselves comfortable. Jesse falls down beside Nate and puts his feet up on my lap. I consider pushing them right off but realize just how comfortable I am. I feel as though I’ve been accepted right into this strange little group and I find, I really like it. I almost feel protected by these guys. A week ago, sitting here with this group of boys would have terrified me, but right now, I feel like I belong.

  My body is still coming down from the high that Nate put me in and I find myself looking across at him. His eyes meet mine over the top of Jesse’s head before he winks, making my cheeks flush. He grins at my reaction and I hate myself for being so obvious.

  I look away quicker than humanly possible and try to focus on the movie, but let’s face it, there’s no focusing going on here.

  My phone chimes and I have to search around for it but eventually, find it on the floor. I find a text from Brooke and am thankful for the distraction.

Brooke – I’m going home with Max. I’ll call you later, k.

  Tora – Alright. Be safe xx

  I tuck my phone away when Jesse nudges me with his foot. I look over to find him smirking at me. “So,” he says. “You know how to drive now, princess.”

  I roll my eyes but can’t help smirking right back at him. “A lot better than you can, douchebag.”

  He laughs and shakes his head at me before turning his attention towards the screen. “Oh, shit,” he says with wide eyes as he takes in the horror film. “Everyone knows you don’t look under the bed.”

  Chapter 14

  Tyson and Parker eventually leave and when they go, a strange tension starts to build, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. Maybe Jesse is pissed, or maybe it’s Nate. Hell, maybe it’s coming from me.

  All I know is that I can’t stop thinking about what happens next. When we finally get off this couch and the movie ends. Do I pretend like nothing happened? Do I pretend that I didn’t just get kissed by the Broken Hill bad boy? Or is he going to pounce on me the second Jesse leaves?

  I’m nervous as hell and I hate it.

  I mean, what the hell is going on here? Nate has been an ass to me for nearly five years and now all of a sudden, I have some ridiculous crush on the guy and am making out with him on his couch? Get a grip, Tora.

  “What’s your problem?” Jesse asks.

  I look across and realize his question is aimed at me. My eyebrows pull down in confusion as I pull my legs up under me. “Huh?” I grunt. “What are you talking about?”

  “You look like you’re thinking really hard,” he tells me.

  My eyes flick up to Nate’s before looking back at Jesse. “It’s nothing,” I say getting up from the couch. “I’ve got some school work to do.”

  I walk out of the den and pass Trish in the kitchen who stops me with a smile. “Oh, hey, Tora,” she says. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

  “Yeah, sorry,” I say. “I’ve been holed up with the boys all afternoon.”


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