Danger Dan Creates the Ultimate Utama Uproar

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Danger Dan Creates the Ultimate Utama Uproar Page 4

by Lesley-Anne

  The rows of flashing blue numbers merged into one blue streak and disappeared. The watch screen was shattered. A wisp of blue smoke escaped from the wrecked watch and was carried away by the night breeze. Specks of sapphire glitter floated in the air before fading away.

  At last, the time machine was truly and utterly destroyed.

  “NOOOO! What have you done?” wailed Sinister Spyder. “That was one of a kind! All those years of research wasted! I’ll never be able to make another one in this lifetime! Oh, you dreadful children! What have you done?”

  The Sinister Spyder was completely distraught. He wept. He ranted and railed. He struggled to break free of the grappling hook wire but couldn’t. He called Danny and Melody all kinds of nasty names. Danny covered his ears. His mother wouldn’t approve of him listening to such language. Ignoring the Sinister Spyder, Melody sat on the ground unruffled and gently released the spider in her hand. It scuttled to safety.

  Finally, the Sinister Spyder calmed down. He just sat and sulked. Melody decided it was time to confront him. “Are you done? You know, for all your big talk and cunning, there’s something you didn’t account for.”

  “That’s not possible!” snapped the Sinister Spyder, glaring at Melody angrily. “I’m the greatest mastermind of the century! I thought of everything!”

  “Oh yeah?” retorted Melody. “You messed with history because you wanted everyone to know how brilliant you were. But thanks to you, all future generations of Singaporeans are doomed! That means even YOU wouldn’t be born! Who’s going to know of you then?”

  The Sinister Spyder sat in stunned silence for a while. Then he whispered, “I wouldn’t even be born?”

  “That’s right, genius!” said Melody. “Didn’t think of that, did you?”

  “No, no! That can’t be right! You’re trying to trick me! I checked all my calculations three times. There was nothing about me not being born!”

  Danny waved his light stick in the air with glee. “Haha!” he laughed. “I bet you only counted on Singapore being Pulau Orangutan, not Pulau Pontianak! Melody foiled your plans! She made things worse!”

  Melody cringed. She would rather Danny not bring up the embarrassing pontianak incident. She tried to redirect the Sinister Spyder’s attention. “With Singapore known as Pulau Pontianak, it will never become a bustling city. You got your wish! You wiped the Little Red Dot off the map! But you never thought that without Singapore, you wouldn’t even exist.”

  Melody stared right into the Sinister Spyder’s eyes. She continued, her voice cold with fury. “Well, you’ve paid for it now! You’re stuck in the same boat as us. And without your watch, there’s nowhere you can go.”

  The Sinister Spyder’s shoulders slumped. He looked like a small boy being scolded by his teacher. “I only wanted to make Singapore look ridiculous. I never meant for it to go this far.” He looked so crestfallen that Danny and Melody almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

  They sat around in silence. Everyone was too disheartened to say a word. All of a sudden, Danny straightened up and rummaged through his bag. “Well, if I’m going out, I’m going out with a crunch!” he declared.

  “Don’t you mean ‘going out with a bang’?” corrected Melody.

  “No, I mean ‘crunch’! I’m hungry!”

  Danny had pulled out his packet of chips and started snacking. Melody frowned. “I can’t believe you can eat at a time like this.” She turned to the Sinister Spyder. “There’s something I really want to know. How is it I can time travel? One minute I was minding my own business, the next minute, I could zip through time!”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you that too!” replied the Sinister Spyder, surprised. “I thought you had special powers or something. As far as I know, no one can time-travel except me. When I saw you with Zubir Said, I couldn’t believe my eyes! When did you discover you could time-travel?”

  “On 2 January 2135. I was just about to celebrate my birthday with my friends!” said Melody. “What a birthday present!”

  The Sinister Spyder stared at Melody, his eyes widening. “It was your birthday? That was the day I used my watch for the first time, on MY birthday, 2 January 2135. I had just turned 21! The watch was my birthday gift to myself.”

  Danny mumbled to himself. “Other people get toys or books for their birthday. You had to give yourself a weapon to wipe out a whole country!”

  “Your birthday is on 2 January too?” asked Melody startled. “But...that’s really creepy!”

  “Hmm...2 January, the second day of the first month, 2...1,” said the Sinister Spyder slowly. “What were you doing when you time-travelled?”

  “I had just stepped out of a train,” said Melody. “I was at Newton MRT station. When I stepped out, I was surrounded by wavy blue streaks and suddenly, I was hurtling through time!”

  The Sinister Spyder inhaled sharply. “I was at Newton MRT station too! Just as I pressed the watch, a girl bumped into me as she came out the train. Was that you?”

  Melody was spooked. “It could’ve been. I brushed past someone on the platform just before it happened.”

  “You must have somehow been affected by the aevus sapphirus in my watch. But that can’t be the only reason as other people brushed past me at the station too.” The Sinister Spyder thought for a while. “Does the number 21 mean anything to you? It’s a very special number for me. I chose Newton MRT station for my first time travel because the station number is NS21. I had used 21 vials of aevus sapphirus and I deliberately designed 21 buttons on the watch.”

  Melody looked unnerved. “The number 21? Hmm…that’s really weird…”

  “Oh, 21, 51, whatever!” butted in Danny crossly, finishing up his pack of chips. “Enough of this number mumbo jumbo! I have a more important question to ask you!”

  “What?” asked the Sinister Spyder.

  “What exactly is your real name?” grilled Danny. “Is it John? Johnny? Jong? Jonah? The suspense is killing me!”

  “Oh, that!” replied the Sinister Spyder. He shrugged. “None of them, actually. It’s Michelangelo.”

  Danny stared at the Sinister Spyder in disbelief. “Your parents named you after a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?”

  “I know, right?” said the Sinister Spyder indignantly. “Such an insulting name for a genius like me! That’s why I changed it!”

  Melody smacked her forehead. “You two seriously need some history lessons!” she said, exasperated. “Michelangelo was a famous artist!”

  The Sinister Spyder looked thoughtful. “Oh, really?” he mused. “Well, that explains a lot.”

  “I think Sinister Spyder sounds cooler,” said Danny.

  “A sinister spider?” The Sinister Spyder looked around in alarm. “Where? Where?”

  Melody looked amused and turned to Danny. “You know, Danny, I wouldn’t be surprised if you two were somehow related. He has the same hearing problem as you do.”

  “My hearing is perfectly fine!” said Danny indignantly. “My ears are bigger than yours!”

  “Can you two release me now?” begged the Sinister Spyder. “I promise I won’t run away. Like you said, I have no place to go anyway.”

  Was this another trick? Danny was suspicious for a minute but he suddenly realised how tired he was. He didn’t care whether the Sinister Spyder escaped any more. Soon none of them would exist anyway, so it didn’t matter.

  Danny got up to untie the Sinister Spyder. Melody didn’t stop him. She was probably thinking the same thing. Danny took the watch from the branch and unclasped the grappling hook. He pressed the watch’s purple button to retract the wire and handed the watch back to Melody.

  The Sinister Spyder straightened up, free from his leafy prison. “Thank you,” he said. Melody asked him, “There’s one thing I can’t figure out though. I know how you messed up history each time except for the very first one. How did you wipe the Merlion from Alec Fraser-Brunner’s mind? When we suggested it to him, it was like he’d never heard of it be

  “That was because of the time warp,” replied the Sinister Spyder. “The first time I used the watch, it accidentally caused a time warp. Now I realise it must be because you absorbed some of the watch’s time-travel powers and refracted the space-time continuum. The part about Alec Fraser-Brunner designing the Merlion was somehow erased. That’s what gave me the idea to mess up Singapore’s history.”

  The Sinister Spyder paused and then continued. “Now there’s something I want to ask you! How did you learn to use your timetravelling powers?”

  “I’m not sure, it just came to me,” admitted Melody. “When I finally stopped rushing through time, I found myself in 1964. Then I realised that if I focused hard enough, I could somehow transport myself to a specific time period.”

  The Sinister Spyder looked impressed. “Not only can you travel through time, you can even bring this boy from one time period to another!”

  “As I was flashing through time, I saw Danny,” explained Melody. “Everything was a blur except him. That’s how I realised he was someone special and I could use his help. Quite magically, I could see when he would be at an MRT station and I just knew I could draw a time portal using my fingers. Don’t ask me how!”

  “What? You never told me that!” exclaimed Danny. “So I really am the Chosen One! And you are a superhero after all, Melody!”

  “I guess so,” said Melody, slightly surprised. “I never thought about it that way. Not that it matters now. What’s the use of being a superhero if you’re doomed anyway?”

  The Sinister Spyder said thoughtfully, “Actually, something just occurred to me. It may not be too late to save Singapore.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Danny.

  “Sang Nila Utama is still on the island,” said the Sinister Spyder. “Maybe I can try to convince him to call this place Singapura.”

  Melody shook her head. “No way! Not after what he saw! He’s convinced this place is haunted.”

  Danny had an idea. “Maybe we can turn that to our advantage. Sang Nila Utama just hasn’t seen the right ghost yet.” He dug in his bag and whipped out the lion mask. “I still have this! I can sneak into his tent and try to change his mind. He may not listen to the Chief Minister but I’m sure he won’t dare disobey the Lion Spirit of Temasek!”

  The Sinister Spyder looked at Danny admiringly. “You know, that’s not a bad idea. Maybe we are related after all. We’re both rather brilliant!”

  Melody rolled her eyes. Then she cocked her head thoughtfully. “You know, the blue streaks seem to have faded a little. It must have happened when the watch was destroyed.”

  “Maybe that means we have a little more time to correct the mistake,” said Danny hopefully.

  “I have something here that will help you,” said the Sinister Spyder, reaching into his pocket. He took out a dark green strap that had a small black knob in the middle. “This is a voice activator. You can choose who you want to sound like.” He adjusted the strap around Danny’s neck and turned the dial. “Let’s see...Spongebob Squarepants, no... Donald Duck, definitely no...hmm...ah, Darth Vader!” The Sinister Spyder pressed a switch. “Say something!”

  “I am the Lion Spiri...HEY!” Danny’s voice was now deep, low and fierce. He really did sound like the famous villain from the Star Wars movies. “This is super cool!”

  Danger Dan’s disguise is now complete! Though it does seem terribly unfair that everyone has fantastic gadgets except him. He really should have been born in the future.

  “Okay, I’ll bring both of you to Sang Nila Utama’s tent,” said the Sinister Spyder. “I’ll keep watch outside in case any of his men come along.” The Sinister Spyder seemed to have regained his previous confidence. It felt a little strange to Danny that the villain they had been chasing for so long was now on their side.

  “I’ll lie low and shine the torch on your face,” Melody told Danny. “That should have quite an effect!”

  The Sinister Spyder has joined forces with Danger Dan and Gadget Girl. They have teamed up on this final mission to save Singapore! The Sinister Spyder swiftly leads them back to the beach. Soon, they reach the Prince of Singapura’s camping ground.

  Danger Dan has one last chance to get it right. The weight of an entire nation rests on his shoulders! Taking a deep breath, he enters the Prince of Singapura’s tent. Gadget Girl follows him in and gets down on the ground.


  The tent wasn’t very large. Sang Nila Utama was sleeping on a low makeshift bed that was draped with blankets.

  Sang Nila Utama was dead to the world. He didn’t hear Danny and Melody creep into his tent. Danny stood at the foot of the bed while Melody crouched on the ground next to him. She was completely hidden from sight, shrouded by the darkness.

  Danny cleared his throat. Sang Nila Utama muttered, “No, no...Pontianak! No...” in his sleep but didn’t budge.

  “AHEM!” said Danny loudly.

  “Wh-what?” Sang Nila Utama sat up in bed with a jolt and clutched his blanket. “Who’s there?”

  Melody switched on the torch.

  She threw a Rainbow Riot onto the ground. Red smoke erupted from the tiny pellet and filled the tent. The red smoke swirled to form the image of a great roaring lion. It had a bold mane, ferocious eyes and sharp fangs. With its head thrown back and its jaw wide open, the lion looked like it was roaring to the heavens.

  Sang Nila Utama stared at the magnificent spectacle. Nothing could have prepared him for this. After the image of the lion had faded away, Melody turned the torch towards Danny’s face.

  Danny stood there in his lion mask, still surrounded by the lingering swirls of smoke. Red and orange light shone on the mask, highlighting the painted details of the lion’s face. The smoke itself seemed to shimmer and glow. It looked like a mysterious ghost had descended upon the tent and was showing off its glorious powers. It was a grand entrance.

  “I am the Lion Spirit of Temasek!” roared Danny dramatically. “I am the Guardian of the Forest! I hunt and rule over this sacred land. For many centuries, I have guarded this green island. I have protected it from harm. I have watched over the birds and spiders and cockroaches…”

  Danny was enjoying himself. “The time has come for this island to flourish and prosper. I have a vision that this place will become a great city. Other countries will hear of it! Many people will build their homes here. They will also bring lots of food! All kinds of food! Chinese, Malay, Indian and many other types! The best is char kuay teow!” He added hastily, “Not that lions eat noodles! But still!”

  Melody smacked her forehead and gestured for Danny to get on with it. He continued, “Yet, I hear you are about to call this island a most awful name. I am terribly insulted! I am most displeased! I am…”

  Outside the tent, the Sinister Spyder was trying to distract a guard who had come by to check on Sang Nila Utama. “Is everything alright, Chief Minister?” asked the guard. “I thought I heard voices. And why is there light coming from the tent?”

  “Everything is fine!” reassured the Sinister Spyder, putting his arm around the guard and leading him away from the tent. “I just checked on His Majesty. He is er...talking in his sleep again. He’s worried about the pontianak, so I kept a light on to keep it away.”

  Thankfully, the guard seemed to trust the Sinister Spyder and decided to go back to his own tent. Phew! That was close.

  Back in the tent, Danny had completely warmed up to his role as the Lion Spirit of Temasek. “I will share with you my great vision! You will see for yourself the city that this place will become.” Playing along, Melody removed her hair clip and pressed it, projecting a red hologram above Sang Nila Utama.

  The hologram showed images of modern day Singapore. High-rise buildings and the Singapore Flyer, outlined against the blue sky. The bustling port with ships in the harbour and cranes lifting giant shipping containers. The Merlion standing proudly at the mouth of the Singapore River. Danny’s chest puffed up with pride. />
  Sang Nila Utama was awed. A picture of Changi Airport flashed on the hologram. It showed the tall control tower and an aeroplane taking off from a long runway. Sang Nila Utama pointed at the aeroplane and asked, “Oh! What sort of bird is that?”

  “That’s an aeroplane!”

  Sang Nila Utama looked perplexed.

  “It’s a...a...giant metal bird! It’s very fast and carries people in its belly!”

  Sang Nila Utama gasped in horror.

  “No, no!” clarified Danny. “I don’t mean it eats them! People go in and come out again! Wait a minute, I don’t mean they get pooped out! As in, they come out alive! I mean…”

  Melody saw that Danny was getting carried away and signalled to him to hurry up. “See what a magnificent city this place will be?” said Danny, changing the subject. “That’s why you cannot call this place Pulau Pontianak. You will tell everyone that you saw a noble lion here. And you must give this island a name worthy of its future glory!”

  “Yes, Lion Spirit!” said Sang Nila Utama obediently. “I will name this place in honour of you. I will name this island Pulau Singa!”

  Melody groaned inwardly. Danny stamped his foot in frustration. “No, no, no!” he growled, causing Sang Nila Utama to shrink back in fear. “Enough with the ‘Pulau’! What is it with you and ‘Pulau’? I said this will be a city! You will call it...SINGAPURA! Got it?”

  “Yes! Yes!” replied Sang Nila Utama, appalled at having angered the Lion Spirit of Temasek. “Whatever you say! I will call it Singapura!”

  At that moment, Danny had a brainwave. “Oh, and by the way, I’m taking your Chief Minister with me,” he said casually. “If you don’t obey my instructions, I’ll come for you next!”

  Melody gave Danny the thumbs up. Sang Nila Utama quavered. “Don’t...don’t hurt me, Lion Spirit! I’ll do as you say!”


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