Summer Love at the Beach: Sweet & Steamy Instalove Romance #4 (Summer Instalove)

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Summer Love at the Beach: Sweet & Steamy Instalove Romance #4 (Summer Instalove) Page 5

by Haley Travis

Although I didn’t want to leave her lips even for a second, I stood up to strip off my pants

  and shorts, cuddling back against her immediately.

  Her eyes widened as she took me in, staring at my muscular thighs as her fingers trailed

  along the grooves of my hips. Her breath caught as she stared at my nearly completely

  erect cock.

  Strangely, I was proud of her for taking hold of it right away. Her delicate hand skimmed

  across the surface several times, then she looked up at me. “This is…bigger than I

  expected,” she blushed.

  “Your hand feels amazing, sweetie.”

  She bit that perfect lip, staring down again to move her hand the entire length of my shaft.

  Her gentle touch was making me crazy, and I could feel my balls begin to shift already. Her

  hand slid up as her thumb caressed the head, deliberately spreading the pre-come that was

  starting to drip.

  “Am I doing that?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I curled my bottom arm under her, holding her against my lips as my hand gravitated

  to her hot little pussy. Teasing around her entrance for a moment, I slipped my finger inside, pumping gently back and forth at the same rhythm she was pumping my length with both


  My hips tightened as I tried to calm my body down, but her sharp squeal as my thumb

  nudged against her clit drove me right to the edge.

  Having this gorgeous girl in my bed, so naked and ready, a tiny dark murmur in the back of

  my mind told me that if I asked politely, I might be permitted to take her completely right


  But she was already allowing me so much more than I could have ever expected for our

  first time together. Not only should I not push my luck, I needed to help her gain some

  experience and confidence, so that she would feel stronger whenever it did happen.

  She was a natural, gripping me more firmly at the base, and lighter toward the sensitive

  head. As her pace slowly increased, so did mine. I was careful not to enter her too deeply,

  not wanting to hurt her. It was more than enough to make her twist against me.

  Becca looked so hot, so needy and wild as her head fell back on a long, low moan.

  “Please,” she gasped, and the way she begged for me hit every slightly dominant button I’d

  ever had.

  “Please what, baby?” I murmured, slowing the speed of my thumb against her button while her hands sped up. She began squeezing me harder, practically milking me, and I knew that

  I was going to explode any second no matter how hard I tried to hold it back.

  “Please make me come,” she squealed. I immediately began moving my hand against her

  hard and fast, kissing her deeply as we both completely lost ourselves in each other.

  The second I felt her tight pussy clench around my finger, a growl rolled through me. The

  happiness of pleasing my darling new girlfriend was quickly eclipsed by the searing release

  as she milked my cock while it shot across her stomach over and over.

  Just when I thought I was completely spent, she giggled against my lips, causing a few

  more ropes to stream across her belly. Pulling my finger from her glorious heat, I slipped it into my mouth, sucking her sweet juices.

  Her giggles took over completely. “You’re nuts.”

  “Those are empty right now, thanks to you,” I chuckled. Reaching over to the bedside table,

  I grabbed some tissues to clean her up a bit.

  “I’ve got it, thanks,” she said, disappearing into the washroom for a moment.

  When she returned, Becca crawled right into bed with me, as I pulled the covers over us

  and wrapped my arms around her. “Will you stay and sleep with me tonight?” I murmured

  against her ear.


  “Mmm, good.”

  As her breathing became slow and steady, there was no doubt that I was already in love

  with this enchanting girl. “Becca, I hope you don’t think this is a brief summer romance. I’m keeping you, if you’ll have me.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, tipping her head up to kiss me. “That’s what I want too.”

  The waves lapping at the shore outside the open window lulled us to sleep before my mind

  could race ahead, thinking about all of the wonderful things I wanted to experience with her.


  * Becca *

  Brendan and Julie didn’t even seem to realize I’d been gone, thank goodness . I wasn’t

  quite ready to explain where I’d been, and hoped to avoid it just a bit longer. As I snuck into the house shortly after nine in the morning, I could hear them just beginning to get up.

  Racing to my room, I quickly changed my dress, then put the coffee on. I was out in the

  garden with a coffee, my phone, and a notebook before I heard them stumbling around the


  They had probably been at one of their friends’ extravagant parties, the ones that always

  seemed to start as a wine tasting, but ended up as a late night dance fest.

  Spending some quality time by attempting to vent my brand new feelings to my notebook, I

  couldn’t help wondering what would happen if I stayed over at Mitch’s again. Last night had

  been positively incredible, and I thought that I was ready to take the next step.

  I wasn’t sure how long I should wait to do that. If I felt comfortable, and really wanted him, and trusted him completely, I couldn’t think of any reason not to. He seemed to want to

  share everything with me, and I really did trust him to be gentle and sweet.

  The feelings I had for Mitch were a swirling mess that ranged from comfort to a strangely

  powerful sensual urge. My fingers trembled against my necklace just thinking about the way

  he had touched me.

  My hazy, indistinct thoughts were cleared as my phone beeped. I saw that there was a text

  message sent just to me, not the group.

  Laura: Hey, I’m right here if you need to talk.

  Instead of texting, I thought it would save time to just phone her.

  “Hey,” Laura laughed brightly. “That was quick.”

  “I’m sitting out on the beach with a notebook, trying to make sense of things,” I said. “How

  are you?”

  “I am amazing,” Laura said. “I can’t wait for you to meet Paul.”

  “You guys are really together, then? Official boyfriend and girlfriend status?” I giggled.

  “He’s already giving me jewelry, for goodness’ sake,” Laura laughed. “He actually had a

  necklace made from one of my sketches.”

  “Wow,” I gasped. “That’s incredible. Major points there.”

  “I know, right?”

  “You sound happy,” I said.

  “I really am happy,” Laura said. “It just happened so naturally. At first, I didn’t quite trust it, and then there were a few stressful moments as we figured some things out, but I think we

  are totally right for each other.”

  “I cannot believe that you and Joanna have boyfriends so quickly,” I said.

  “It’s not my story to tell, but we also have things to discuss with Kim when we all get

  together again.”

  “Maybe that round table at Julian’s is some sort of magic,” I laughed.

  “The photo you sent of you and that hottie was certainly intriguing,” Laura said tentatively.

  “Anything else you’d like to share?”

  “Yeah.” I paused, not sure how the heck a person is supposed to spit this out. “So, don’t

  freak out, but I slept over at his house last night.”

  “You know I have to say it…” Laura
giggled. “You go, girl!”

  It honestly sounded like she was proud of me, which was oddly satisfying. “We slept

  together, and did…some fabulous things. But not, you know…sex. Completely.”

  “Gotcha,” she said quickly. “That’s cool. If you’re not feeling it yet, that’s fine. Take your time.”

  “But I think I want to,” I said. “I’m pretty sure that we’re both hoping this turns out to be a real relationship, but even if it doesn’t, I think I’d feel good about my first time being with Mitch.”

  “That’s perfect, then,” Laura said. “Nobody can predict the future, but it’s good to think

  ahead. If you think it would be a great time, go for it.”

  “We’ve really only had two dates, just dinner at his place. Aren’t people supposed to wait a

  certain amount of time, or something like that?”

  “Nope. Just listen to your inner voice. Do what’s right for you.”

  “At the moment,” I said, feeling myself blushing even though I was in the bright sunlight, “I think I want to stay over at his place again tonight.”

  “Decision made,” Laura said decisively, and I could hear her fingers snap. “Just run with it.

  And if you realize in the moment you’re not quite ready for that, just do everything else. You said you’re seeing him again tonight?”

  “Probably. We’re going into town this afternoon for ice cream, and I just assume that we’ll

  go somewhere for dinner, or back to his place again.”

  “I can hear in your voice that you really like him,” Laura said. “You don’t sound nervous at all.”

  “I really was at first, but he didn’t seem to mind. He even figured out ways to make the

  conversation easier for me.”

  “That’s really sweet,” she said. “He sounds like a keeper.”

  “I think he is,” I said.

  “Have a fabulous time with your ice cream date, and…whatever else happens,” Laura said.

  “Thanks. And thanks for listening.”


  I went to shower and get dressed, trying to figure out what on earth a girl is supposed to

  wear if she’s going on an ice cream date in the afternoon, and hoping to lose her virginity

  later that night.

  How does a woman look sexy, but not as if she’s trying to be? For a moment, I considered

  calling Kim, but knew that she would probably tell me to forgo a bra, and wear five inch

  stilettos for walking on the beach.

  Finally selecting a blue sundress with tiny flowers along the hem, I wondered if it was really true that men preferred women in blue more than any other color. My phone beeped, and I

  raced to check it.

  Mitch: Shall we leave at two?

  Me: Sure. I’ll meet you at your place.

  Mitch: No, actually, I need to come knock on your front door.

  Me: Why?

  Mitch: It’s a guy thing. I’m warning you in advance so that you don’t get nervous about it. I just have to let your brother know that I’m taking you out on a date.

  Me: Oh. That can’t wait a while?

  Mitch: Unless it really makes you uncomfortable, I’d rather do it immediately.

  Me: OK. See you soon.

  Mitch: xoxo

  I’d never had a date come pick me up before. I’d never had to tell my brother I was dating

  anyone. And now an older man that my brother knew was coming over to pick me up.

  It was a lot to process, but there would be ice cream after this awkward situation, so I tried to concentrate on that.


  * Mitch *

  I could tell that officially taking Becca out on a date made her nervous. I wasn’t quite sure how close she was with her brother, or her sister-in-law Julie. But if Becca was staying with Brendan, and worked at his company, he was obviously an important part of her life. And

  since he was her only family, I had to make sure that I was in his good graces.

  It felt silly to drive just a few houses over, but it was necessary to pick her up properly.

  Parking in Brendan’s driveway, I went up and knocked on the door. Their house looked

  almost identical to the ones on either side, with perfect gardens, and artful arrangements of pink and white flowers.

  Brendan answered the door almost immediately, looking confused. “Hey, Mitch. What can I

  do for you?”

  I reached out to shake his hand firmly. “Hi, Brendan. I’m actually here to pick up Becca.”

  From the completely baffled look on his face, he clearly had no idea that we even knew

  each other. “Becca, Mitch is here to see you,” he called over his shoulder. Then he turned

  to me. “Are you two dating?”

  “Yes,” I said, instantly grinning as Becca came into view. She was distractingly pretty, her

  little blue sundress making her look so sweet and innocent that I wanted to drag her to my

  bed, not into a public place. But this was important.

  “We’re going to run into town to grab ice cream at Vaughan’s Dairy,” I said, as Becca came

  to stand in the door frame. “Then I was thinking maybe we could go for pizza at Jim’s, or I

  could make us dinner again. What do you think?” I asked, reaching out for Becca’s hand.

  She took it, biting her lip as she walked past her brother. “Let’s see how hungry we are

  after the ice cream,” she said. Turning to Brendan, she softly murmured, “I might be out

  really late. Don’t wait up.”

  I watched Brendan carefully until he gave me a solemn nod. “All right. Have fun, you two.”

  As he shifted to close the door behind us, I saw Julie peeking around the corner looking

  completely shocked.

  As I opened the car door for her, Becca asked, “I don’t understand. Why was that a big


  Hurrying around to my side, I jumped in and backed out, driving slowly down the little side

  road. “Even though your brother is probably a bit younger than I am, he’s your family,” I

  said. “By coming to get you right in front of him, he had the option of saying no. But by

  telling us to have a nice time, he was giving me permission to date you.”

  I glanced over to see Becca looking at me with her mouth hanging open. “What kind of weird man code is that?” she asked, incredulous.

  I shrugged. “It’s a guy thing, I dunno. But these things are important.”

  Reaching over the divider, I took her hand, looking into her eyes as I was paused at a stop

  sign. “Becca, I want this to be real. When we get back to the city, I’m going to be taking

  you out and introducing you as my girlfriend. I’m going to want to meet all of your friends,

  and spend as much time with you as possible. I hope that you’ll come back here with me for

  long weekends sometimes, too.”

  Her sexy lips pressed together for a moment as she nodded. “Okay.”

  Giving her hand a squeeze, I released it as I turned onto a busier street. “This isn’t the time to be quiet, sweetie. Do you want to date me and see where this leads?”


  “And you want a real relationship?”


  “That’s good enough for now then,” I chuckled, turning onto the main street.

  By the time we got to Vaughan’s parking lot, Becca looked a lot more relaxed. “I’m sorry I’m

  nervous,” she said as we were getting out of the car. “I’ve never had a boyfriend before, so

  I guess I just hope I don’t mess anything up.”

  Coming around to her side, I pulled her into my arms, planting a seductive kiss on those

  pretty rose lips. I could feel a few pairs of eyes on us as people walked by, but didn�
�t care.

  “You’re mine now, sweetie,” I said softly. “There’s no way you could mess anything up. All I

  ask is that you be your own sweet self around me. And in return, I’ll do everything I can to

  make you happy. Okay?”

  She nodded. “They say it’s good to do some things that make you nervous, right? It helps

  us grow?”


  Those magical blue eyes looked up at me with the sassiest expression I’d ever seen.

  Stretching up on her toes, she brought her lips to my ear, breathing, “I think I’d like to try something tonight that might make me very nervous. But I really want to.”

  Grabbing her around the waist, I tilted her back so that I could kiss along the side of her

  neck. “I don’t even care if you’re teasing me,” I growled. “I’ll wait as long as you like,

  Becca, but any time you think you’re ready for absolutely anything, just let me know.”

  Setting her straight up again, she nodded, her grin turning my insides to mush. Taking her hand, I led her into the ice cream parlor, loving the charm of this small town.

  There was only one other couple at the teal and pink enamel tables, so we took our time

  picking the perfect blends. Becca decided on a bowl of dark chocolate fudge and

  peppermint chocolate chip, while I went for banana and peach.

  Sitting in the window, we traded bites, and summertime stories. She told me about the time

  she tipped a canoe when she was young, and I told her about a stunt where I had to run

  barefoot across a beach in summer, practically searing the soles of my feet.

  Becca’s twinkling laugh filled the shop, and I realized again that I was the luckiest guy in the world. This beautiful, shy girl had relaxed around me. Although I knew there was a chance

  she might change her mind in the moment, knowing that she trusted me enough to consider

  sleeping with me was a massive step forward.

  My lust for her felt like it was growing every second, but I would be happy to wait as long

  as she needed. Having that sexy thought rolling around the back of my mind somehow

  made every laugh and tender touch even sweeter. She didn’t even seem to mind that I

  snuck a few kisses as the shop filled up with the pre-dinner rush.

  Becca stole a spoonful of my banana ice cream to drizzle across her dark chocolate, so I

  snuck some of her peppermint. Staring out the window at the park across the street, I


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