Fire Master Rising

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Fire Master Rising Page 18

by Jami Brumfield

  He stood up, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. “Someday, it will all calm down, but we have to get through the challenges first.”

  “I keep thinking if we continue marking challenges off our list that someday we’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this new issue just added more headaches to our plate, and we haven’t even delivered Brick and Ophelia to Becky yet.”

  He kissed her neck, and then rested his chin there as he whispered, “I truly believe that together we’ll get through anything.”

  She leaned back into his embrace just as Catherine stopped chanting, and turned her attention to them. “Will she be okay?”

  Catherine rubbed a weathered hand against her forehead. “She will. I cast a protection on her so there won’t be any more possessions, but I know this Xander, and he isn’t a trustworthy guy. He’s also older than you. How he is your brother is a confusing predicament. It means Elizabeth and Maverick’s genetic makeup was used long before they were given you.”

  Rebecca rubbed her head. “We’ll have to ask Elizabeth and Maverick for more details, but they should at least be told what we know.”

  Persephone opened the office door, and Lucky carried a limp Georgie in his arms over the threshold while Persephone entered and closed the door behind her. “We have a problem.” He placed Georgie down in a chair.

  “What happened?” Rebecca moved to help her newest wolf.

  “Her neck was broken. It looks like a witch is the culprit. Thankfully, her head wasn’t severed from her body so she’ll recover,” Persephone answered.

  Rebecca roared. “What the hell is going on here? How is it we’re being attacked in our own sanctuary?”



  THE ROAR SHOOK THE GROUND under Hunter’s feet, and the birds flew from the trees to escape. He knew that sound. It was Rebecca. He’d seen enough of her alpha calls to know when something was up. He grabbed Freya’s hand, pulled her into his arms, and ran toward the house. He just hoped he wasn’t too late.

  The few minutes it took him to reach Rebecca’s office felt like an eternity. The room was full of other wolves and pack mates. He worked his way through the crowd and found his sister in the middle of the gathering. Georgie and Mystery were recovering from whatever happened.

  “That is it! I am tired of this pack living under constant attack!” Rebecca snapped. “It is time to take our destiny into our own hands. Gabe, I want you to take a team to the alternate universe, and deliver Brick and Ophelia to Becky.”

  Gabriel nodded. “Kia, Jaden, and I will leave right away.”

  “I’d like to come along,” Sundae offered.

  “Sounds great.” Gabriel nodded his thanks.

  “Hunter, I need you to perform a protection spell on the compound so those that plan to do us harm will not be able to cross the threshold. Can you do that?” Rebecca asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m sure there is something I can find in the grimoire.” He committed to working on it.

  “I’ll help you,” Elizabeth offered.

  “As will I,” Catherine agreed.

  “I thought you needed to remain neutral.” Rebecca glanced at Catherine with confusion.

  “I’m done standing on the sidelines supporting a corrupt council when my family needs me,” Catherine told them. “It is time to choose a side, and I choose my family.”

  Catherine’s words choked Rebecca up. “Thank you.”

  Georgie groaned as she started waking up from the attack. All eyes turned to her.

  “Georgie, do you know who your attacker was?” Rebecca asked.

  Georgie croaked out one word. “Miracle.”

  “Find her!” Rebecca commanded, and the pack charged out of the office.

  In that moment, Hunter couldn’t be prouder of Rebecca. She’d grown into an amazing warrior, awesome leader, and respectable adult. Becoming a werewolf was a good thing for her. “Okay, mom, grandma, shall we get started?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  VIKTOR MET SAVANNAH AT THE Vacuum Repair Shop entrance which was the Authority cover. He walked with purposeful strides, and pulled her against his body, surprising her with a kiss. When the shock wore off she allowed herself to melt into his arms, and enjoy the wicked feelings he instilled in her. His fingers slipped into the hair at the nape of her neck, and he tugged slightly just as he nibbled on her lower lip. Her knees went weak, and the world crumbled around them.

  When he released her lips, he gave her a knowing smirk and said, “I’m sorry about the PDA, but I saw you standing here, and was overcome with the need to show the world you’re mine.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes. “You are full of the lines aren’t you?” She swatted his muscled chest.

  “Only compliments, dear.” He projected his voice into her mind. ‘I have good news.’

  ‘Oh?’ She responded easily using their telepathic connection.

  ‘Yes, tonight is going to be quite a show. Shall we go and get good seats?’

  ‘Yes. Let’s.’ They entered the shop, and made their way down the lighted passageway to the underground meeting room, which looked more like a stadium than a council hall. ‘Are you going to tease me, and not tell me what the surprise is?’

  ‘I wasn’t, but I am kind of enjoying the suspenseful buildup.’

  Savvy was curious, but she knew she’d find out soon enough. Besides, she had important news to tell him as well. ‘Okay, then why don’t I tell you about the drama we had at my sister’s compound today.’

  While the trial began again, Savannah used their mind meld connection to tell him about Miracle’s betrayal, and how they discovered Xander was their brother.

  ‘Full brother?’ He asked curiously.

  ‘We don’t know the particulars. Apparently, he possessed Mystery to introduce himself to Rebecca, who discovered the prophecy is just a scare tactic to keep the COS and the Authority in line.’

  ‘It’s obviously not working since Abigail, Josephine, and Francesco felt safe enough to massacre an entire pack.’

  ‘Good point.’

  ‘Xander being your brother worries me, my sweet. He is not a good witch.’

  ‘Apparently, neither is Miracle. Now, I worry Mystery isn’t what she seems either.’

  “I’d like to call Maple Briarwood to the stand.” Josephine called her next witness.

  ‘Here we go.’ Viktor took Savannah’s hand in his and kissed her knuckles excitedly.

  ‘Is she a faerie?’


  ‘What does she have to do with all of this?’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  Savannah couldn’t help the giggle that she hid under a cough. It was interesting seeing a hundred-something year-old vampire getting giddy about suspense.



  THE ELDERLY MAPLE BRIARWOOD MADE her way slowly to the front of the room. Rebecca couldn’t imagine what the woman had to share, and she was finding it hard to concentrate on the proceedings. Finding out her sister, Mira, was a traitor, and was still on the loose was only the tip of the iceberg of problems on her mind. Gabriel hadn’t returned from Becky’s world, and Xander’s announcement that he was her brother—both of those were even larger concerns on her mind. It was also unsettling that they hadn’t found a way to save Violet from certain death. Knowing she was innocent, and watching her pay for the heinous crime of attempted genocide of her pack left her feeling helpless.

  “Maple, can you tell us how you know the accused?”

  “I’ve had dealings with her in the past.”

  “Did you have any dealings with her regarding this case?” Josephine asked.

  “You can say that is a high probability.”

  “How is that?”

  “Days before the massacre, she purchased a paralytic drug from me.”

  Random members of the audience gasped. Rebecca turned to Savannah who shrugged.

  “The same drug found in the victim’s systems.”

  “That is not entirely true, is it, Maple?” A hooded man stepped forward out of the shadows. He pulled his maroon hood down to reveal the bald headed, scarred sorcerer known as Xander.

  “You’re not the telepath we hired for this trial,” Josephine stuttered for the first time since Rebecca had known the proud woman.

  “No, he’s been replaced,” Xander stated coldly. “You see, this trial is to dispatch justice to my sister’s pack, and yet, up to this point, it has been a farce. I don’t know why your telepath didn’t out the guilty party days ago, but I am not as quiet as he was.”

  “This is none of your business, Xander.” Francesco slammed the gavel down.

  “No, usually I steer clear of these things, but this being a family matter and all, I figured I better lend a hand.”

  Miracle entered the room from the back, and half of Rebecca’s wolves stood ready to capture the young girl.

  “Please allow Mira to come to the front. We can discuss punishment for her impetuous actions earlier at a later point tonight, after the guilty are brought to justice.”

  Rebecca signaled her pack to stand down. “This better be good,” she warned.

  “Oh, it will be. Did you bring it?” He asked Miracle.


  “Good. Most of you know who I am, the power I possess, and if you haven’t had dealings with me, you know of me. You also know I am one of the most powerful telepaths, but to ensure I am being honest, may I see the dragon shifter Freya?” He turned his dual colored gaze on Hunter.

  Freya shrank back and shook her head.

  “I’ll go with you, sweets,” he reassured her.

  “Okay.” They both made their way to the stage.

  “The reason why this trial is a farce is because the guilty parties are running the show. Their power stretches into people’s pockets, and if the person cannot be paid off they can be coerced into doing as those guilty parties’ request.”

  “And why are you getting involved?” Silvio asked the question on everyone’s mind. “No offense, but we all know you aren’t one to get involved in anyone’s affairs but your own.”

  “True, but today, my sister proved her worth. She deserves the truth, and justice needs to be served.” Xander looked at Rebecca. “I assume that is what you want?”


  “There you have it. The dragon shifter child is also a telepath, and she is from an alternate Earth. She doesn’t like werewolves, and she has no stake in what will happen here today.” He looked at Mira. “And just in case you don’t believe in my abilities, or the girl’s, Mira has physical proof of the crime.”

  “That’s impossible,” Josephine snapped.

  “And how would you know that?”

  Josephine looked around the room. “Because it is my job to review the proof, and all we have is circumstantial.”

  “That isn’t true, is it mother?” Lucky spoke up from the back of the room.

  Josephine turned. Her black hair swished with the rotation, and her eyes darkened as they narrowed in on her son. “What are you doing, Lucien?”

  He stepped forward. “What you taught me. Truth, honor, justice, and all that jazz. My lie detector power comes in handy in these instances, doesn’t it, mother?”

  “Be careful, son,” she warned.

  “No, Mother. I’ve been careful, and now I’m going to do what is right. What you should’ve done in the first place.” He stood next to Xander. “So why don’t you try answering Xander’s question again.”

  Josephine stepped back. “You don’t understand that sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the good of the people. You never understood that.”

  Rebecca stepped into the aisle, afraid that if she didn’t, the guilty parties would bolt. Her pack fell in line behind her, and the vampires took up stakes on both sides of the stage. In this, they were united.

  “Why don’t we start with an easy question? Tell me, Josephine, is Violet innocent of the massacre?” Xander asked.

  Josephine turned her eyes to Violet, and then back. The silence that stretched through the room became painful before she answered. “It is my job to--”

  “Just answer the question, Josephine,” Xander interrupted.

  “Yes.” Her voice barely above a whisper.

  “I’m sorry, there are many who heard that, but there are also many who don’t have enhanced hearing. Can you repeat that?”

  Josephine stood taller, and raised her chin. “Yes, I believe she is innocent.”

  “You make me sick.” Lucky couldn’t keep the disgust from his face.

  “And now for a tougher question. Why do you believe she is innocent?”

  Josephine sighed. “Because I know who hired the assassins.”

  “That is enough! You’re making a mockery of this trial.” Francesco stood up, repeatedly pounding the gavel on the table.

  “You are guilty.” Freya pointed her tiny finger at the angry man trying to punch a hole in the table with the wooden gavel.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “He is guilty.” Josephine answered the shocked crowd. “It’s over, Francesco.” She sat down, and relief ran through her body, showing up in her face and body language. “The council gave permission to make Rebecca Winters a werewolf. This scared Francesco and Abigail. It made the Convent of Souls nervous, and so they asked me to get involved on this end. It was suggested that Tomas be killed. It was then suggested that assassinating Tomas wouldn’t resolve the problem. Francesco decided that the pack needed to be eliminated. He called in the assassins.”

  “Lies!” Abigail and Francesco insisted in unison.

  “I’m afraid not.” Miracle walked up to the stage, and pulled out photos of Francesco paying the assassin for the job. “You see, your accomplice, Abigail, doesn’t trust you, Francesco. She never has. I discovered this during reconnaissance, and when I realized how she felt about you, I figured she’d have a ton of dirt on you. Boy, did she!”

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Miracle Winters. I work for the United States government as an agent for a covert agency.”

  “You’re no more than a child!”

  “I am a powerful witch, age doesn’t matter in these situations.” She turned blue eyes on Francesco. “That being said, how does it feel to know a child took you down?”

  Francesco and Abigail bolted. The Protectors got to them before they tried to knock down the wolves to escape. Lucky handcuffed his mother.

  “I am proud of you, my son. I hope you’ll go back to work for the Protectors, and keep finding justice. You’ve proven you’re better than I ever was.”

  “Shut the hell up.” He pulled her to a standing position, and handed her off to another Protector. Persephone ran to his side, and engulfed him in a hug.

  Rebecca stepped up to confront Miracle. “You tried to kill a member of my pack.”

  “I did, I’m--”

  Rebecca punched her in the face, effectively stopping Mira from continuing her apology. “Are you truly my sister?”

  “Yes.” She wiped the blood from her lip.

  “I should kill you. If you had killed Georgie, I would have to kill you. Pack justice would demand it. But you’re family. So I will give you a tiny reprieve, but I don’t ever want to see you again. If you show your face around my wolves, I can’t protect you from them.”

  “Rebecca, I made--”

  “Don’t. You’re dead to me.” She turned her back on Miracle.

  “There are more of us.” Miracle grasped desperately at invisible straws.

  “We’ll find them. Maverick is working on it.” Rebecca focused her attention on Xander.

  “I can help with that as well. I’ve personally found forty other siblings, but you, Rebecca, you, Savannah, and Hunter have shown the best potential.” Xander approached her.

  “Potential for what?” Hunter asked as he and
Freya joined Rebecca and Xander.

  “The first prophecy as you figured out was fake, but there is a prophecy that we all need to be concerned with, one that could mean the end of life as we know it on this planet.”

  “And you care about this why?” Savannah asked as she and Viktor joined the group. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you do, but being a powerful witch or sorcerer, and a leader of the Convent of Souls, I’m assuming you have the ability to go to another dimension if you need to survive some kind of apocalypse.”

  “You would be right, Savannah, but I like it here. I like the power I’ve accumulated here, and I like my wife and daughter, so I’d like to save this planet if possible.”

  “What’s the threat?” Lucky asked.

  “Aliens. A planet that circles the solar system is re-entering our space. The prophecy states that when the ninth planet returns to our space, so will the creators be known. It has been widely believed for a long time that the inhabitants of the planet are the mythological gods, and the supernatural beings of this Earth are offspring of the gods and humans.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Hunter replied, “I think from Natalia.”

  “There is a war coming,” Xander told them, “and I would like you all to be on my team when it strikes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  GABRIEL ENTERED REBECCA’S OFFICE AS quietly as possible, but even though she was staring out of the window, and her back was to him, she could feel his presence. “Do you feel better now that the guilty are being punished for the massacre?” he asked.

  “I wish. Vengeance isn’t sweet. Those wolves are still dead. My sister is still a vampire, and so many family secrets have popped up making even more messes.” She turned around, and saw Gabriel kneeling in front of her. “What are you doing?”

  He shook his head. “I know it’s not the perfect time for this. Heck, it’s never a perfect time, and I thought long and hard about this. I considered making a big deal out of asking you, but I realized you wouldn’t appreciate it… not because you’d say no, but because you’re different… and not in a bad way! You’re different in a wonderful way. And I love you. Oh, God, I love you… I love you so much it hurts, and I don’t want to hide that you belong to me. I want the world to know you are mine, and I am yours. So… Rebecca Winters…”


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